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Apr 11, 2024
They are also happy with the baskets. She was telling us that her mother made these baskets in these first three rows here. That's crazy, isn't that pretty? like the carved mountain, aha, five dollars can't beat the fact that you're creating a monster by buying Decor now, although no, when you find cool pieces of wood like this, you don't fall asleep on them, look at that, they're interesting, oh my goodness. Great, Cabbage Patch kids, who is this? Look at that, oh, what are all the organs inside? Creepy, no, that's awesome. education for days, yeah, made by Lake Shore, so it's probably not that old Lake Shore, okay, it's like they sell a lot of learning stuff, it's probably like 50 cents, this one is too who she is, someone I should know, who looks pretty good, looks. familiar to me, okay, we could make a Google image about it, I'm going to do it, I think we have to do it, well, the basket is already coming in handy, yeah, it's the pches Patch cabbage suit, right there, oh, That's great, so I wonder sometimes the suits are worth it. more than the dolls, but it's $25 for her, yeah, this guy's outfits are cool, that's what the heck, man, oh, that one's $7, okay, that makes that guy on the organ one, okay man, this is good, this is a decent basket, not bad at all.
we almost left without paying twice
I mean, if we put it up for sale it would be like selling things, although a little big to put up for sale, you think maybe just selling things, let's see how much this $5 is worth to that bad boy, how much is this one? He is a little trainer. Great, I think they said she said they're five dollars each, five dollars, uh, here I am playing what 15 on that Michael's course might be good. No way the red field printed everywhere. I think it's like 50 dollars. I'm trying to see. it's better, yeah we need better lighting on that thing, that's cool, yeah we are, yeah we'll catch it too to see how much it costs or yeah. 15, this is a cool fossil, but not a little bit, it's not worth $15, okay, oh, that's cool. vintage and red with a cross body STP is this also a fossil a lucky brand that is great five dollars that is probably also worth something this lucky also a small lucky saddlebag just not the best not okay, it is expensive retail, That's nice, come on look, it's a little bent, I think it's just a little bit Yeah, that's okay, but it could be fixed, but I wonder how much this one costs if it doesn't have a sticker, oh, that's five, five dollars, okay, It's probably 40 bucks sometimes. more like it has the pink stripe, it could be one worth more yes, but I would say for sure at least 40.
we almost left without paying twice

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we almost left without paying twice...

That's good, what is this little vintage? Oh look, this little Vint, so the last one we picked up was under the Impression that it was worth a little less, but I still think it's probably 40 bucks, because ours was really trashed. Remember the brown one we found last time, this one is super pretty, it's pretty, so let's take it. put it in the basket, oh yeah we have a basket, remind me my phone is there in a couple of minutes when I say where my phone is, maybe just try not to buy your phone at an affordable price, yeah let's not do that.
we almost left without paying twice
Can you imagine


yours? things, I'm sure it's happened to a lot of people, okay, this is nothing, nothing, okay, what's the reveal on this one? Look at it, we have one from Liz Clay, okay, nothing only if it's really good. Style. I want to see what it is. the bridge the bridge is okay pictures of the oh so this is the real painting I told you it looks real oh it's okay oh this is okay, we basket full bags if it's in good condition, let's get this too this is not so nice beautiful sty is the ytk ​​lucky oh oh this is five yeah that's good that's good thank you that's good I feel so much better now that we're buying it oh yeah I didn't even give it all the way I'm kidding hey but I have made a lot of mistakes on the purses so don't buy it just because you don't, we should get that style and five dollars is worth it, it's not 15, they all started, man, we're just finding things that


right here, yeah, we are.
we almost left without paying twice
I'm excited. Okay, so we're looking at the clothes a little bit, you have a little skirt there, yes, it felt very good, it's very, there's also a blue one, yes, good side action that gets very stiff, yes, it feels older, yes , although I have to look. skirts aren't skirts aren't your thing, yeah, but all these pretty clothes and belts. I have two things on my hands right now. I'm about to show them to you, okay, wait, I'm sorry, what does that say? Phoenix outerwear from Phoenix, it's definitely older, okay, sorry, let me send me, oh, you don't have to regret it at all, take just a couple of things here, so we have I don't know that basic Nike hoodie type , okay, what do you think of that termite? we have someone who can fit that, I don't know him well and then we have this religious thing here from 1989 that is passed down in 1989 on the label of the t-shirts, that's cool, so the wise men look for it, I think that's it. would sell I've been into other things a bit and they call them Jesus teas, but anything religious is called Jesus or whatever people like, they bite pretty high, surprisingly, that's a little pink ytk right there, okay , can we definitely get this one?
I think you should get that one, what did you decide on this one? I don't know if it's like a dollar, it's probably worth buying about $2 a piece, like a nice Nike thing, yeah, what do you think was in the basket? I grabbed this so there was Another little thing or wallets in there and they just had this random Michael Kors bracelet in there with no wallet so if they want to sell it I'll take that too because we could probably sell it on St for like 15 bucks no way. that's amazing, you know, someone who's missing one wants, yeah, you never know when you're going to need another little bracelet, look at this basket, you might have to unload it, that's a gorgeous linen skirt, oh gosh, that one It's C, it's not that pretty.
I wish it was my size beautiful, it's fun so you could wear it. I don't have those skills, I can sew a hole, that's it, that's the people, nice Ugg pants, yes, they look very comfortable. I feel like for $2 it's probably like 20 bucks you think I don't know I really don't know they look cozy and very white they definitely look cozy good size too it looks like yeah for two bucks we'll just take a chance I think it's okay, take a little risk . a yoga chair that's a yoga chair, it's like one of those ones where you can stick your head in and do a standand and stuff, oh damn, for only 10 bucks, oh my god, Kinsley would like that .
Kinsley will like that we are so get this right, cool, she, guys, she has a gymnastics bar in the house, yeah, she's always on it, oh my gosh, that's cool, we're getting this. I bet that thing cost a lot of money. I bet you do too. Yes, I grab my full basket. of booties, I got them good, I think we're ready to go, yeah ma'am, oh my turkey, I forgot about the turkey, the coolest turkey, oh my gosh, I thought do I really want to save that, but I've never seen one like that ? it's so I have to do it it's too cute to pass it's too cute it's okay, it's okay, I always love that turkey, I put it so you, I love it, it's nice, it's okay, excuse me, you help me, so she said that the belts cost a dollar.
I don't know how many we have there, I'm not sure one, two, three, four, four bails, okay, now clothes cost $2 each and we have three pieces, four, six, eight, 10 perfect and we got the two boots, I don't know as. how much did you put in there $5 five yeah okay 10 20 okay okay 20 and then we have 15 on this one so 35 we need 35 yeah and five 40 this one didn't have a sticker three no no It's free. Actually, that came from something h okay, this one had a sticker somewhere, this is another five, okay 42 47, okay, that one is worth 10 57, so we have this little doll that costs $2 59, then I have my $5 basket, ok 59 so 64 and then this was a little strap that didn't have a bag to go with it well it's free say it was that color but it's actually a different brand so yeah size so what was it our total 67 67?
Well, did you get it? the turkey too oh yeah, no we didn't so 77 77 okay, okay, perfect, put this stuff back there for you and gra, yeah, I'll put it out there, you lose it and you don't know where you put it. yes, it happened before I


it on sale. I left it on the shelf at Goodwill 20 40 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Oops and 67 you might want to check that again oh 77 I forgot about the turkey again, yeah, Damn, we all made that tury, there's 10 more, here we go , amazing, yes, it was like that, yes, okay, it was amazing, thank you all so much, good deal, oh, did we get this chair too?, although oh no, we didn't pay for the chair.
That's another $10, another 10, yeah, good job, Matt, over here. The day you leave here with too many free things, it's bad that as we add things up at garage sales, I forget when we're done. how much is it again? It's always the hardest part. We did it? Yes, exactly, good. Actually, we have paid for everything. Now we are checking ourselves again. Yeah, okay, let's load it up. Okay, let's do it. No, 77 dollars, that's it. It's not so bad, huh, I'm very excited, I know myself too, where is my phone so I can put up our next sale?
Okay, yeah, I don't know what I'm most excited about, but Kley is going to really suck. Have fun with that, it's going to be hours of fun right here, so it's probably going to be our best deal of the day, look, you've been needing to stretch, look at that, I can see you doing that right there, just bending over. you do it again h yeah I can definitely use that 77 was a bargain though oh and 20 of those are or 25 of them are things we keep yeah sure yeah that turkey ain't going anywhere yeah they all go Let's see that turkey. outside our house one day one day we're not sure which house yet, but I don't even know if we're going to have enough time to include this next sale in this video or will it be a separate sale.
I don't know we're 3 minutes away if you listen to the music this video is over if we don't go to another garage so let's go bye bye let's see although this is for Easter which is Happy Easter okay I wonder how much the belts are the fossil of this one, that It's good, she said $2 for those are great, should I grab the other one? I think so, she is someone, myac, no way, the edge of course, everything is this a fossil too, a lucky mark, that's cool. five possible, the last one we picked up, I was just I don't know that basic Miky hoodie guy, okay then, uh, find a wise man, I think that would be a little thing there and they just have this random Michaels .

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