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Apr 29, 2024


100. I really hope they have a new special boss for


100. Maybe there is a secret badge that we are going to unlock that would be awesome. Now we just need this toxic


to die here. wave 99 is coming full wave 100 What will be the boss? Will it be new or will it be the same? I have a bad feeling it's going to be the same, but I really hope he's new. Check out this sous vide popcorn, mutant pumpkin


. I've seen this guy before but never on Wave 100, okay Sunny let's get over this wave so we can say we got over 100 waves and then Autos jumps him, yeah I like it and I almost have the money.
wave 100 endless mode in toilet tower defense
I need an extra $1,000 and then I'll do it. have all my utc at maximum level we just have to get rid of these assassins oh they are falling and I don't really want them to die I still want this pumpkin guy to get in the middle of everyone that's true so we can focus our damage that's right and here is my latest upgrade level eight. This is the ultimate squad. It is not possible to get a stronger squad in Bath Tower Defense and combining them the way we have done is very powerful because they can stun units.
wave 100 endless mode in toilet tower defense

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wave 100 endless mode in toilet tower defense...

Always like you're seeing here, except this guy. It really would have been nice if it was a little higher. You'll see in 5 minutes. Sunny, yeah, half of our army isn't even attacking. 5 minutes later, brother, he had his last 10 million health left. let's smash it smash it melon come here bro, I'm proud of you, we really did it, we're going to beat 100 waves, we set a world record, we made it sunny, we won, we're going to die, now I'm turning. in Cars skip the same here wave 101 let's see what they have for us sunny I think we're going to die from delay very possible yes, that's one of the worst ways to do it.
wave 100 endless mode in toilet tower defense
I heard that yes, it will probably be fine, let's leave it. in Cars, jump, see what happens, okay, he jumped a wave, bro, this is going to be stupid. Sunny, look up. I'm going to check the back in case this toilet leaks. Then we'll know when we are. dead, there are so many scientists coming in right now, bro, two giant waves of them, it's crazy, how much health do they have? 27 million and some of them I think will be a little bit lower because they are from a different wave, okay, that's not the case. too strong 26 26 million and 27 million and then these guys have 2 7,250,000 yeah it's just sending the same thing over and over again in each of these waves we'll get to wave 110 with Cars skip sorry bro imagine if we keep going winning. although somehow with an AOE we just melt them, that would be crazy, I don't think it's possible, although now that I'm seeing what's happening, these glitchy toilets are zooming in, bro, okay, okay, at least we're on wave 105. that's pretty epic, uh sunny, these failing toilets i think they're about to kill us, oh my god, they're getting hot, they're getting hot and we're dead, come on, defeated waves 106 I wonder if that's what the leader board will do. show it off sunny let's go to the lobby please please please give us the world record come on come on come on it's up here come on come on are you kidding these nerds how did it get there? up to 130, what is this?
wave 100 endless mode in toilet tower defense
I think we could have kept playing slowly melon and eventually we would have gotten there, yeah, but I didn't really feel like doing that sunny thing and then someone would probably have already broken this record, whatever it is, bro. it reached salute 100 and the previous record on the board was 85 so we did pretty well yeah I would say we set the world record at some point and you guys can set a world record on our channel by hitting the subscribe button do it now to be completely deceived.

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