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Jun 28, 2024
Yes, what better place to stop on my way back home to the Shores than the historic market town of Berry, yes, famous of course for black pudding. I think that's it, we won't be eating blood sausage today, although in the morning, it goes up here to the right. look at


car it's funny yes M there's a big F between us in the past yes yes of course amazing right yes that's amazing no I love the videos thanks for enjoying thanks here we go good day I'm here for you uh your big I don't even know really what it is, but it is a great gastronomic


this mexican platter challenge has never been conquered beardmeatfood
Do you want to take a seat here around the corner? This table may be a little much for one person, but it will make the video look good. right,


is what's within walking distance today a huge plate of Mexican food we have there Burgers nachos and burritos some tacos all kinds of things says quote, I think you can beat it 40 pounds says no, we'll see about that so 45 5 minutes you have to eat everything on the plate all the sauces uh if you need to drink it then drink it and ooh the sauce is included if you need to drink it then drink it drink it I like it yeah don't share obviously um yeah That's it, do your best, sweet, ooh, that's a substantial amount of food.
this mexican platter challenge has never been conquered beardmeatfood

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this mexican platter challenge has never been conquered beardmeatfood...

People in Barry don't have jobs? What is 12:00 like? You're all in the pub. Okay, today we are at the northern craft house, which is in Berry, is it Berry or bur Berry? You should probably know that I'm from the north. Does this have a special name or dare to share it, so can you share it between a couple of people or three people or do it on your own? how are you doing it and if you do it you only get 45 minutes 45 minutes and if you do it it's on the house yes, otherwise it's 40 pounds 40 pounds yes, that's right, yes, I don't want to I'm looking at you, I don't even You work here, no one has yet, right, what's here?
this mexican platter challenge has never been conquered beardmeatfood
You have chicken burrito, pork, pork tacos, mini burgers, TT tapas, bacon fries, chili, cheese, nachos, LOM fries, hot wings, hot wings, hot wings, God no. and then four sauces, cat cheese, pepper, S chipot cream and you have to finish the sauce well, do it if you need to drink it, then drink it if you need to drink it, you have to drink it well. I like the sound. Of those three, two, one, who gets it. I feel like Randy now. I don't usually get a round of applause. I start with the chicken wings, wait, let them be hot, maybe I won't start with the chicken wings, these little mini burgers, yeah, that seems like a good place to start.
this mexican platter challenge has never been conquered beardmeatfood
Welcome back to another episode. First, let me apologize if the video looks a little out of focus. Let's be honest. The camera decided that Emilene Panker's face was more important than mine, which, of course. It's historically true, but I'll still try to refine it a little bit as best I can, it's these po pork tacos, yeah, it smells delicious, you can turn the music back on if you want. No, I really don't want people to do it. Just sit and listen to me eat and no stone roses. I'm just kidding. I don't want an army of Shaggy Head Stone Island angry people dressed up burning my effects anyway, today is another undefeated one.
Zach, stay in school, don't do drugs. so you don't end up doing something like this for a living, yeah, okay. These tacos are delicious, yes, it's true, but there is much more to assault the senses with in this one, a lot of variety costs 40 niika, but if you can finish. You guessed it, it's free, some stray balls around here are a little spicy, yes, spicy. Really, you could probably beat me in a spicy


, no doubt, they definitely enjoyed it. We have a couple of live people. the broadcast, yes, it could be for personal consumption, just who knows better not to insist that we are now in the paprika sprinkled with TOS, uh, actually, there are more tato balls than tato caps, still a nice change from to the fries, oh, thanks, don't worry.
Not bad so far, it was spicy to say the least, densely packed, do you know what this is? Pepp Orce, one of the two, okay, it's peppercorn, probably not a traditional sauce for a burrito companion, but he tastes good, guys, just play, uh. songs from Manchester bands, I get it, yes, they seem to have a bit of an exclusionary music policy here in Northern craft house, Stone Roses, James Oasis, the SP. Not that there's anything wrong with any of those bands, of course, a little tribal though at first. I thought maybe it was a northern thing, but I didn't hear any pulp or The Cribs or anything like that.
Anyway, I digress, we're onto the focal point of the food here, the chicken burrito, which was, uh, Hench, tasty to say the least. although I don't know if you want to say it, this to tell you the truth, thank you all, we are halfway there, I think how you feel, I feel good, yes, it's funny to me, I can see like a hand behind that corner. Like filming everything, your hand should be tired now for 10 minutes. I think we're probably halfway there with the food here. There's a good half hour left. Not bad. I think these are halumi fries.
I'd better use some of this Chipotle mayonnaise. because I don't think I could drink it, it's a bit thick to drink, yes, yes, you could probably say the same about the peppercorn, which I found to be a bit of a strange addition, a bit out of place and which is very much a The offering of a nice mix of texts tasted good, although it was hard to see that the tacos were actually good. I'm happy to eat something that's not like a full English breakfast, which is like 90% of the food challenges in England, yeah, well, we'll see, I think that I might be the one making the dessert menu.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves, although there are still many foods to consume. Fortunately, the chili was not particularly spicy. I have a feeling the spicy wings could be so dramatic plus a big pile of dirty fries and some hauma hauma halumi Dipper things to deal with before the wings look like they've started using a fork, although I wonder if that's due to the larger than expected gathering of people watching, you know, it's


a long time 17 minutes 17 minutes I've done that thing where I didn't really use any sauce when I should have used it, so it's all left over now.
I'm a little scared about chicken wings. Are they hot? How hot are they? They're hot. God, they can't be that bad. You're probably going to inspect the bones. Why did I leave all the sauce for last? I thought that halumi is best served with a sweet chili or something, not pepper, yes, I think. Halumi is a fairly salty type of cheese, so it generally tends to pair best with some kind of preserve, like a fancy jam or something. 20 minutes almost halfway through. I really hope they aren't too spicy. I decided to leave them for last because I thought that was probably the most sensible thing to do, yes, tactically, very nice, I have to say, if they had


brutally hot, it wouldn't have been a good idea to start with them, luckily they weren't that bad.
I'm cleaning the bones, look there, they had a little Zing, but none of that would derail even a wash like me enough to make me grimace a little, but that's it, they're not hot, I feel like we're getting spicier, yes, constant, the last two seem to have had a little more sauce on them, but that's all, just another excuse for me to have some wing, you know me, just Chu sauce to go now, I hope you enjoyed it and I. I'll see you next, there's a woman there who must have the GRE Endurance arm on planet Earth because she's been filming me this whole time, just the sauce to go now, I think that's what I'm supposed to do, in It's actually quite nice. as a drink, I'm not sure peppercorn is the same.
You may need a spoon. Do you have a spoon? Yeah, I've been running for 20 27 minutes almost. I think thank you very much. Okay, let's polish this up. Okay, these are some of the hot sauce what I was going to say was okay, this is mixed food B and that's what it was called Dare Sher or Dare beat is that okay, those wings are clean enough that you have to give them a quick look. I'm sensible, yes, have you heard the dessert menu? Are you serious, yes, you have to finish something sweet, yes, for me a little longer than it should, but thank you very much, good work made work hard, didn't it? well hurry up, that's the excuse I'm going to use this week, this is big, here you go, maybe I shouldn't have had two after all, thank you, thank you.
I know there are a lot of people out there who don't. Like raw videos, don't worry, that's not a permanent change, but it does mean that the white balance in videos is usually much more accurate. Today I look a little strangely yellow and I am not yellow. I promise good value for money. because I still have six pounds left, it may take me a while, you know, churros are not bad, they are churros, the cookie dough is really excellent, although call it solid food Che, it tasted very good, thanks man, I appreciate it, thanks , see you, thanks, it was good. one you know is a little more complicated than it seems on the surface, but variety always helps it's a lot more fun to eat a lot of different things instead of a lot of the same things, huh, I forgot, I forgot my name, don't worry , I have to do like me, yes, that's me, nice to meet you, how are you doing?, yes, of course, again.

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