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Fortnite Season 3 HIDE AND SEEK!

Jun 20, 2024
Today I'm hosting a game of




in Fortnite Season 3 and it looks like Nick a30 is in this game. Nick, I'm not going to take it easy on you. Are you ready? No, hey, I'm not here, bro, wait. No, we have to restart today. I'm going to organize a three-on-one game. We will start on the Red Line platform. Everyone will


. You have 30 seconds before it starts to explode. Oh my gosh, okay, I'll be honest. I have not come. I'm very scared here. I don't know where to go, but I'll find a good place.
fortnite season 3 hide and seek
A great point of interest is huge. Of all the new points of interest, it is the largest. What if I told you I just found one? Spot ya, really, yeah, this is a little crazy, I'm not going to lie, remember guys, the rules are you can't build and you can't wear Shields Cypher, you're not going to find me. I have three lives right, yeah, yeah. yeah of course you have three lives and that's it guys I'm walking in right now and it looks like one of you is taking your time it looks like you're gone AFK the smoke is blocking that's him guys oh god .
fortnite season 3 hide and seek

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fortnite season 3 hide and seek...

God, I have a thermal AR, but I'm not going to use it now. That's a little cheesy. Say I see you entering the PDI. Good job. Good job. You missed a couple of people. You see me entering the PDI. It's crazy. Wait, is someone hiding? in the trash, no one hides the trash, that's crazy, there are a lot of memes this


, Nick, wait, you guys are fighting for a mantle up here, what's going on? Oh my god, did you hear that zip line? I heard someone fall from a zip line. Yes, or it went up, it was that you don't, no, no, no, no, no, let's say, uh, I'm already in the safest place in the game.
fortnite season 3 hide and seek
It is hot here. Actually, it's hot. Well, this whole place is. pretty hot I mean, hey, there's actually so many places to hide here like it's a big point of interest, it's a big point of interest, did you just make a noise or something, but what is it? I don't make noises, you know me, Cypher, I'm I'm not very good at lying because of all the Undercover videos we've done. I know that I have never not told the truth. No, well, this guy really wanted to win. Wait, what am I listening to? Spider-Man, wait, the deagle is actually something like that. nasty, I feel so sure you won't find me.
fortnite season 3 hide and seek
I'm going to shoot in the air three times one three times two three fre where are you brother, did you hear that wait, you're shooting, I'm yes wait, I must be very far away because I didn't hear the shots, no shots, oh my God, I almost almost didn't see this guy, I already have nine eliminations, that's 10 11 wa, I'm like, I'm cooking, right? Now I'm like cooking on this point of interest, if he comes back up to the roof, guys, I'm going to Nitro Splash him. Okay, I should, no, no, I'm going to save the thermal for later, I'm not.
No, I'm a better man than that. I will say that you were in a place that was oh wait, oh my God, wait, I got, wait, relax, let's see who just threw that, wait, what happened, what, who, what just happened is that. he wait, okay, I have to be careful crossing this, oh, there's another person there, I could look up now, but if I can hide behind this cloud of smoke, guys, because it has high graphics, oh my God, I'm done to create that guy. I just created three people. They fall and die because I built a floor near that, I didn't even see that's crazy, it's dangerous, how a floor just broke that whole platform, oh man, that's a good place it's there, like I don't care see doesn't know Nitro, oh yeah, the top is a ha Nitro like it's the uh, the vapor, I think because there's uh, you know, the smoke coming out of it, are you trolling me?
No, no, no, it's legit, if you go up there you can actually get Nitro. so splash look how when you make a big explosion I feel like you're distracting me right oh my god there are three people here wait I'm going crazy there's no way that worked I have almost 20 eliminations you know what I do? I'm going to shoot three more times, did you hear that? I hear something on the roof brother. I'm going up, what have I done? It is this? What have I done? No, no, what was up there, you were up there, friend, I was, look where.
Did you just go? I was with you I was watching the whole time Okay guys, we're moving now court Mount Olympus there's still 60 left and Nick still has his three lives intact oh yeah, okay guys, okay, I'll give it to you. guys, 15 seconds to start hiding I'm in front of Mount Olympus right now uh-oh oh my god, I have the best place 10 9 I just need a gun no 7 6 5 4 3 two one Sorry, I really noticed the Improve the deagle right there like I just took into account a little bit of bullet drop and I missed even though I was aiming right over his head, the deagle shoots very very straight now it's like it's a laser.
M oh man this is bad so cyer are we doing it so you gotta hit me so it counts as a life lost yeah yeah okay okay wa oh I hear some swimming I hear some people in the water I'm in the best place I listen to you I have to cook, oh, oh my God, guys, guys, I need some Nitro fists, because I can't hurt this guy in the car, there's like five people in the car, that's crazy, guys, where's the tost?, I need tost, I need tost, no, brother, you better stop. that right now, hey mods, they find him, they tickle him, they forbid him to blow up his house, I mean, uh, what am I, 24 eliminations, I'm just going, oh my God, no, no, no, I can't cancel, we're very late. the game I don't want you to run away from me no, I got weak, did you hear that I'm using Nitro so I can run at super speed oh my God, I see you, oh my God, is that me, damn brother?
Okay, you have two lives, you have two lives, I'll let you hide, okay, I'm going to look at another part of the man that I used to leave here so much that I don't know where to go, although wait for this person, I didn't. I even see you until you started swinging your pickaxe, sometimes you guys panic a little, guys I'm scared I'm just going to high ground or what is there someone in this tree. I'm scared, guys, please. I'm having a tough time here. I only killed seven people oh my god I don't know where to go wait wait I'm going to hire this lady I'm going to H I'm hiring her she's going to scan for me no you guys are just doing it. what a great job I need, I need, I need help, oh my god that scan goes so far, are we all scanned right now?
Oh wait, why does the scan go so far? That's crazy guys, some of you are hiding very generously, like on the edge of Mount Olympus Guys, the storm is closing in, everyone go to the floating island, okay, but listen, I'm going to be shooting now same all the time. I'm going to be conditioning the flocks. I'm going to close my eyes for 10. seconds uh-oh 1 2 I don't want that to be a storm 3 4 5 6 7 8 let's go to the island 9 10 floating island floating island oh shit, it's time, it's time brother, it's time oh , is returning to Mount Olympus Okay, okay guys, the circle is getting small.
I need you to hide anywhere in the area. Anywhere in the area will do. I have 30 oims. 40 left. We are not in the area. Here guys, we have to go. I was going to think about it. the side of the island like building right there would have been a good place, but we are not there at the moment, we have to go find somewhere in the area and I need to detect the trick is that you have to detect where Cypher is so you can just follow him to in the end I have two more lives so this should be good, is there a box?
Oh there we go, grenade launcher, my NPC is still scanning people, okay, it's about to be a bloodbath guys, there's no way down here. works fine, it's about to be bad, I mean, we could tear this down, so it's a bit of a distraction, well, there it is, oh, this is bad, oh, this guy had a crown, I'm hiding in a place where I saw you do it. a meme before i think bro trying to steal my car guys if he comes here im boogie bombing him ok no more scans of the npc i had. I've had enough help, bro, this is a crazy guy, he still is. 40 live you guys are getting so good at hiding oh shit where are you Nick?
I'm hiding somewhere in the area of ​​that Circle. I will tell you and if you come to the current Circle or the next one in the current Circle and if you come. anywhere near me Cypher, I have some cheats on my permit because remember you need to shoot me so I lose one life and I have two left, okay that's fair, and if I kill you everyone will get free v-bucks, everyone who I like the video get 1,000 free V-bucks each we can't confirm or deny that statement guys I don't have that many V-bucks they're gone oh this guy wants a hug but I only have a face pump I can give you, I can't give you a hug uhoh someone has to be in this tree this big tree come on nobody oh one person who fell and died there are 40 players left this is going to be crazy I need I need a car with a Turret I need a car with a Turret, wait, What if I make arrows, guys, and I like to aim somewhere else, so it's a distraction?
Someone is in this tree like this. Someone is in this tree. Wait like this. No, no, no, you don't know, I want him to do it. Find this guy, okay, there's got to be like five people in the bunker right now God, he's coming, don't move from my spot, move from my spot, I can't jump, I can't jump, no, no, it's that you yes, yes, yes, Nick, what are you doing friend? I can not jump. I have a problem. He won't let me jump. Okay, you have one life left. Get out of here. Get out of here now.
I can jump. I can jump. I sprayed again. It works well. He was right. There were at least five people here I only have one more life left I have to get this car out of here I should oh my god I shouldn't I was going to stay there guys but it's not right it's not right oh my god these guys I know what's going on, I want to be able to see it, then I'm going to adapt down there, guys, wow, there are a lot of people here where the shooting is happening. The car broke down and disappeared.
They robbed me, oh my God. Boogie Bomb. It's time to adapt or adapt, guys, you gotta be careful because I'm about to go crazy, don't tell me you got that car in the turret, bro, don't tell me you got that car in the turret. I'm going crazy guys I have the grenade launcher on deck oh no I'm just shooting at random places and killing. It's not even, oh no, it's Max Pull. I don't even know, oh my God, there's someone down here. best shot be careful this is crazy 28 people this man is crazy that's not family friendly of you cypher i was never family friendly oh no mods tickle them what oh , wait this is crazy there is no way you are still in that car this guy stole my car oh im not doing it right top 20 woo someone is driving me someone is driving me he is betraying his fellow man i feel like this he is betraying yeah it's a Max pull guys we're dead top 12 where you you on Nick nowhere nowhere cyer I'm nowhere brother I'm not at the bottom I'm not at the bottom oh no oh what's going on what's going on hey what are you going to do with that car brother wait I need I need to pop a nape tail I'm about to die, wait, wait, wait, who just danced with me?
Hey, the mods ban that guy, you guys turn on me, how dare you be in the top three? What's going on here? Go up the hill. Oh my God. I'm in a storm oh my god top two dude I'm at the end right now I gotta reload everything it's two of you against one of me yeah I beat you I just beat fa Square yeah that's cheating yeah that's cheating . Give that guy free v-bucks, don't worry, I promise that guy will apparently get 2,000 free vbucks. Thank you all so much for watching 5,000 now. I'll see you next time.

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