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"Send Me the WORST Clip of Season 3"

Jun 24, 2024
I asked you to


me your



s from Fortnite Season 3 and I know by the way some of you are crying about this


, a lot of you have some really bad


s so let's jump right into it, no need to be explained to them. don't even have a shockwave like you don't even have one what's wrong with you? How badly did my teammate sell? Well, it's a two on two, you guys have The High Ground, I mean, you kind of fell because If you didn't reload your AR, you might have a shock with these guys in a storm, but let's see what if your teammate sold out and They knocked you out.
send me the worst clip of season 3
Your teammate is beating a dead man. Why is your teammate trying to hit the knocked out player instead of the player? with a gun, your teammate is so bad, Destroyer, one of our valuable premium members trying to run this person over, but no, he's going to get knocked over, but look, he's smart, he's immediately running away from the car, he's using his fist to rotate, all here. come on, he saw the enemy of him, he has a mythic, don't do that, so if you hit the car on the road and go flying like that, you will take fall damage, so try to hit again to reset your fall.
send me the worst clip of season 3

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send me the worst clip of season 3...

That's unfortunate Fox Rush PK 43 health and he's trying to stop the boss' car. What are you doing? Are you serious? You deserve what you were going to die for anyway. You have 43 health and you're jumping on the boss's car like this, come on. man I think he might be the first person to drown this


, you managed to drown, oh my gosh, gosh, you could be the first, that's crazy. 313 Sam, uh-oh, we're one chance away, by the way, you can heal yourself in that water. If you didn't know, look, your health is improving, what was that brother that just hit you?
send me the worst clip of season 3
I didn't hear it at all. Is there any audio visual or anything that was crazy? Okay, Jack Jack is running to save his life, jump in the car or not, I mean you could have gotten in the car, you could still get in the car jack, how did that guy get in like that? I don't even know what happened, bro, you jumped on two boxes of kids, what do you mean? What happened brother? You're panicking, but they're panicking harder somehow. This is crazy. XLT BR earned the respect of the Black Knight. Cerberus, true, I like curus much more than frenzy, but you know, there is no man you can like, why are you greedy with your skulls?
send me the worst clip of season 3
You could have launched in case you were going to land on green water anyway, I think the reason you died because you had Nitro, so technically you can't fall into water with Nitro, so you can only run on water, for what water solidifies. That's really a little crazy, now that you think about it, I was wondering why you died. Toxify brother using a bike in the new season brother is a warrior man who sees all these operation cars and says: let me ride my bike, okay, little twist, okay, that's cool, cool little twist, that's what What do you get for riding the bike, brother, he tried. to save him with a shockwave, although I needed to launch that shockwave three seconds earlier, respect for trying, although that will be it for our premium presentations and if you guys didn't know that if you pay $3 a month, it's only $3. you can be a premium member on my Discord and one of the benefits is that you get priority in submitting your clip, but there's also a ton of giveaways and Q&As that we do and behind the scenes stuff, so if you want to check it out, join me Discord and go to the premium section to find out how to become a premium member, but let's jump in and see what others are posting here.
We have a rendering error. What is a rendering error? Oh, the whole island isn't there, brother. I don't think it's a rendering glitch bro I see all these guys with their pickaxes I think they farmed the entire spawn island we have some psychopaths in the skin bro what happened to the map bro? Bros is in negative season Z what is this? What happens if you jump oh my god this is like a pirated version of Fortnite DL oh no this is the most sensible reaction I've seen so far wait wait oh this person was dancing on you and then they got run over yeah , you try to add it to trash talk too, basically. because I did a Wasteland challenge that meant I took damage from picking things up.
Hello, we know how well Wasteland challenges work. Clearly, you didn't know how they work, so you don't have to, you don't have to. to explain it to us, so you automatically picked up his stuff because you ran him over, Michael, okay, Michael, show us, show us, man, show us something for all the strangers, you have one more chance with your shotgun, the 4X. This close combat is probably not worth it. I just reload your shotgun and go down and kill him please you know that's an AI right that's bro I mean the AI ​​is doing the I'm a savage dance on you right after I kill you. 83 soup is dancing on you, the AI ​​is cutting you down, we're hopeless, okay bro, playing Ultimate 1v1, the best 1v1 map out there, if you didn't know, just search Ultimate Space 1v1 and within a week of Playing this map every day for 30 minutes you will become the next Booga, it's not guaranteed but you might never not play well on the map, so bro is playing box fights against someone's 8 year old cousin, Guys, wait, why are you dying for him?
God Assan PK, okay, we're not going to attack the boss with the fist, that's right, but it's also a little ridiculous, yeah, use the car, use the turret, perfect, just shoot the boss, brother, shoot the boss, We have to work on that objective, aiming is a bit. out of the car brother in the air by the with the arch of the ring Master scar oh my god, what is she doing brother oh oh you killed her because she had the challenge and you gave it to her? She needed it, man, she should have done this to the guys if I ever play Courage or Legion and they have the spicy weapon challenge.
I'm giving them ammunition. I saw it coming, man, Lux, damn, who's shooting at them, their health is dropping like crazy and now they're just shooting at the guy. in front of you just because you're like I'm going to take you out with me dude HPP with the guy and you guys are getting fucked bro whoever is in that car you need to avoid them at all costs omg Louise bro oh god mine, oh Oh my god, your own car, like you're thirsty, you fight with a pig, bro, you fight with Oscar, we're not going to lose to Oscar, right, but you know someone's behind you shooting at you like you have a conscience, man, come out from there, brother, oh my Oscar, just wait, wait, wait, wait?
Why are you fighting Oscar in a top two situation when you have 25 eliminations? You were not happy with your burden. You needed to fight Oscar. Just finish the game. Mfn. Long range crossbow shots. You're going to hit him in the air with that one more time oh you're nasty oh you're nasty those are some crazy shots Jeff the dog is fine just Landon in a car within the first 3 seconds he's running over Nick a30 that's crazy where are you going You forgot something? generation island, wait, what the hell is this brother? Get off right now. What do you deserve?
I need to look for this guy. Is it still prohibited? This guy had better be banned. He is not a cheater. Brother is still playing. He played a game. L. He is playing ranked right now. I know they better have banned it gez eeky method no way, it's a crazy trick. I was wondering what was going to happen there. I thought maybe he died in an accident. Okay, the war bus is about to explode. Stay away from the war bus. Get away. from the bus get away from the bus please okay Enzo oh this is the one bro this is crazy bro jump into the crack he's trying to get away from the car but you can't escape the car and Just look, brother, just look up. that's literally like from a cartoon right there that's crazy phoenix boy cinematic trailer clip H brother lowy like any other game there's like a cinematic moment from the trailer first of all we can talk about who's in the turret it's the one you work on in the turret brother your damn aim you have a big target to shoot at what are you doing? shoot that thing bro you're shooting at the road holy man smoke this is actually a little crazy this is probably the least cinematic clip of this season so far it's not every day you get hijacked by another car, bro, on top of the car because there's only two seats that want to get involved, another car pulls up and now you're in this car and they're shooting at you with their turret, oh my god, that's crazy, that's crazy. you almost almost killed the driver Landing SX fancy quartz we're sheltering just a little bit of cold looting early oh player stopped just gotta work on our goal a little bit you got it bro you got it that's it you what the hell was that Sam? driving around the driver can't hit there we go the driver can hit oh I like how the clip cuts away it's like he's looking for it like oh oh okay let's go to Rift on the island that's what we're going to do okay ?, as?
They are going out? Can you go out? What the hell is this? What did they end up dating? I'm pretty sure they died from the storm. Conor has the hype fist combined with the flying fist is overpowered you guys heard it here first oh they. they jumped you they were waiting for you to open I hate this game I actually actually say it say it actually you're what I want to know minion cultist no way there's no way you're using the water geyser with oh my god that's clever that's smart, okay, we have Nitro, so Nitro is supposed to prevent damage from falls, but sometimes it doesn't.
That's all I know. I don't know why OG Huff takes the team reset card. restart restart the entire computer. a work day baby, hell yeah they were waiting for you man that was a trap bro. Mahmud, the brother, is waiting for the windshield, what windshield, he waits, he thought you were still in the car, he jumped thinking this idiot is going to rob you, you jumped. Thinking this and he didn't turn around, oh my God, he thought you were in the storm. The W map feels fluid for the first time trying to keep it up. Brothers playing Ultimate 1 V.
Are you about to play a clip in the best? 1 V a map in the world who is fighting brother who 8 year old cousin CED on the map brother guys we need some sweat to jump on this map because sometimes I feel like when I watch these clips it's like sweating? versus the ghost of someone's 8 year old cousin, the war bus is hurt, cute if you didn't know a car was moving towards you, if there's no one in the driver's seat for some reason it just causes infinite damage, That's why you died. like a glitch okay bros locked in cars everywhere but he's got The High Ground he doesn't have to worry about cars and he's got the fist hell yeah bro you put yourself in a weird place to be honest with you , OK?
Good thing, he jumped up to shoot this guy. I don't think you can shoot him if he's in the Lamborghini and he hit you and then hit you with the car. No shot, brother, recent fire. I'm him, he's just provoking it. dunk me why do you keep dribbling bro bro what are you doing you keep dribbling you're trolling too much man Marvel J is to blame for his death yeah and he's not supposed to because Nitro prevents fall damage but the game just bugs sometimes I don't know what to tell you, these were some pretty bad clips, keep up the good work and be sure to join my Discord.
We recently crossed 300,000 people. 300,000 just on my Discord. The link to join is in the description. I'll see you next. time

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