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Population Explosion! - Hermitcraft 10 Stream

May 05, 2024
they can make up for that in the playoffs, we'll see anyway, we love sports, keep doing it, okay, bang, bang, and we can do this, ah, that rush, that rush effect always helps you. a lot of seasons not as tough as the coyotes I know, yeah I'm really sorry to hear that, I'm not a big hockey fan but I'm always a fan of the local sports teams where I live and the Arizona Coyotes obviously. being a local team for me to see them now going to Utah to Salt Lake is very sad, very sad, hopefully we can have a hockey team again soon uhuh uhuh uhuh ok these guys are more willing it seems jump jump jump jump have fun come on you can do it you know you want you know you want you're almost there welcome to the club welcome to the party friend come on come on first try easy mode come on oh now we're now we're cooking now we're cooking with peanut oil uh where are you going? okay, come back, come back, okay, you're so close you're so close to being someone you're so close to being cool, not me, not me, not me, I don't want to be there just you, those are made for you, uh, okay, okay, come on, come on, oh, you're perfect, look what your friend did, he did the same thing, but here yes.
population explosion   hermitcraft 10 stream
Do the same thing but we're going to go through here the same thing come on, come on, yeah, yeah, oh, you're so close to being great, but then you weren't, yeah, no, welcome back, okay, you'll try, you'll try again new. try again, okay, one of these days you'll get it, not everyone gets it on their first try, okay, there you have it, we have one, two, three spots left and you, my friend, won't be able to get out, you won't. HE. Why do you think that way? That's not for you. Oh, we have to get it around the corner.
population explosion   hermitcraft 10 stream

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population explosion hermitcraft 10 stream...

Yes, Tango was. Then Tango got the news that coyotes had moved to Utah just as we got off the plane after returning from the East. He was not happy, that was the first news he received when he turned on his phone when he got off the plane and yes, he was very, very upset, very upset. I felt like I felt terrible for him. I felt terrible for all the Coyote fans who have lost. his team for now, like I said, hopefully, we'll get another one, we'll get another one in the future, but yeah, that was his team, so I was like, "You know, oh, what's the problem" and he's like, Well.
population explosion   hermitcraft 10 stream
Imagine your Arizona Cardinals picked up in the United States and moov, how would you feel? And I was like, oh, oh, yeah, I'd be really mad, so yeah, he put it in perfect perspective so I could understand what he was going through, so our condolences, uh. You know what oh oh you're here we're coming for you so yeah come on we're so close just get in there come on come on yay one more I'd love it if these guys could go oh there's too many there's too many we have one spot left here we did too many actually I might have that you know you know Crites it's time for a little critic they'll forget about that, right?
population explosion   hermitcraft 10 stream
I mean, I might save some in another room for future breeding purposes just in case, okay, okay, okay, we'll spare them, we'll spare their lives, we'll just lock it up. this forever room is this big probably no uh couldn't do it I'm not a murderer oh you're free hello guys wanna go for a boat ride yeah boat ride boat rides are fun uhoh uh-oh who's going the boat just one of you can go oh here we go my weakness is showing what my weakness is I'm being too kind being kind is a weakness oh I'm not in trouble get on the boat get on the boat it's one of my favorite Favorite clips one of my favorite clips it's always okay , it's always good to have some backup villagers anyway too many is fine, which of you wants to go on the boat with me?
Come on, just one, okay, oh, getting the ship's horn worthy, oh, that might be good. that might be good, fancy, thanks for the 100 bits, it says I just started a new world and spawned on Survival Island, do you have any ideas on what I should build?, ooh, an island, oh, maybe like emulating Water World. Heard it again, uh, if you've ever seen it. the movie Waterworld with Kevin Cner like turning it into that, like getting rid of the land since you're already close because it's just an island and turning it into a water world where you build it, so you're basically turning it into Hydra Punk, right, I think could be great.
I haven't seen anyone tackle h Hydro Punk, he's like the only Punk that will be missing from Hermitcraft this season. I think if Skis decides to do a punk style. Look, huh. I think we did I think we did oh we didn't damn it uh we have a couple left well you know what we're going to have to do I don't have any ships anymore yeah that would be really cool. You could go for a hydroponic punk style base in a water world. Okay, if I could get one more. However, I don't have another boat and I seriously doubt we can get that one there.
I can't build a boat. that's a sign that's a sign isn't it that's a sign? I'm not sure what happened there, what happened, I missed it, eh, okay, REM, mind these guys, just a little reminder in case they decide to act up, oh, okay, here we go See, this is what gets me. it's like why didn't this guy take this station here why isn't it there it's going well so I have to unlock a bunch of these now yeah no you should take this guy here it's yours there you can have it's perfect okay , I hope everyone's okay, yeah, here we go, everyone's okay, okay, everyone's feeling okay, this is the most worn-out operating room ever, yeah, but it works, it'll get the job done, it's very tight, It's very tight here.
I wonder if this, ah, I see the rag causes problems, although I could put a magma block on the ground, although that would probably work, okay, we did it. I am happy with our progress. I think that's where we'll end things today, oh. Don't move your don't move your ax around that guy. I've hit enough people today. Why do we need so many just to break my quartz addiction? I need to be able to get much, much more quartz. so this should help with all the clerics there so you can trade the gold, get the emeralds, turn it into quartz.
I think we'll be ready to go, he's waiting, he's just waiting for me to hit him anyway. SOS silver thank you very much for the 100 bits remember villagers who owe the villagers who owe them chat villagers who owe their lives oh here we go yes the chat defended them yes exactly okay we will return in 7 hours yes 7 hours for the Herocraft after dark, we're definitely going to do something dangerous, it's probably a good thing that I don't have a ton of levels to lose because you know, Friday nights, and you know, make sure you have some refreshments ready to go.
So we can have some fun, let's see if we can find someone to attack. Thanks everyone for hanging out. I hope to see you again. I know it's a crazy time zone for many of you tonight, but if you can make it, we. I'd love to see you there. Pearl has been


ing for 4 hours and 42 minutes. What are you doing? What are you doing? Good. Tango is


ing now, so we'll send you to tango. I would have sent you to Pearl, but I have a feeling it's going to end soon, so we'll go to Tango. I'm not sure how much longer it will last.
It's been an hour and a half now, so I hope I can keep you company for a while and then. See you again tonight, have a great time, everyone go give some love to the tango. Let them know. I sent you thanks for all your support today, you guys are amazing and I'll see you later, bye.

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