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Hermitcraft 10: Episode 15 - IRON PERMIT

May 15, 2024
Welcome back to hcraft season 10, this is


15 and today is a very exciting day because I have recently been indulging in the building side of Minecraft. I've been doing conceptual art. I've been using gradients. I've been using hoppers. For decoration and not for classification systems, which has happened to me, so today we are going to go back to basics and we are going to build a very important farm. You see, I am in possession of a handful of


s that we have. the item frame


which says that store is currently sold out and then I have the gold farm permit which is also yes that store is also currently sold out and then I have the


permit which I don't actually have buy or any way significant of getting


, in short, I am a threat to the members of the


server and I hope to change that in today's


, we will start by getting leather and, hopefully, this will be the last time.
hermitcraft 10 episode 15   iron permit
I have to do it the old fashioned way because you see, I have a gold farm. I hope to have a piglin barter setup at some point in the near future, but at the moment I don't, so it's empty. killing time and I have killed so many cows, this has been a mass slaughter of cows again. In fact, I'm a little worried about anyone who has to go out and collect cows now in


because I think they're going to have a hard time. I have slaughtered basically every single cow within a 1000 block radius of Magic Mountain.
hermitcraft 10 episode 15   iron permit

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hermitcraft 10 episode 15 iron permit...

This is a huge change in attitude from Hermitcraft Season 8, but we're now fully loaded with leather and I'm now going through the absolutely gut-wrenching process of crafting all the sticks for item frames. I'm still baffled by how ridiculous item frames are as a crafting recipe. They are. They are completely obscene. Two whole logs. Two whole logs of sticks go into a single element frame. You must be crazy, how has this been around for a long time? So far, in my personal opinion, how has this not been rebalanced? This crafting recipe should produce eight item frames so you get one item frame or maybe at least two fours.
hermitcraft 10 episode 15   iron permit
I'm saying four you should get four item frames for every item frame the fact that you only have one is a travesty Mojang needs to be stopped here we go finally I'm finally restocking the item frame store and I can tell you That now feels good, you don't know how many times I've been. to bed at night feeling incredibly guilty that this thing is here empty look at this, it's a beautiful place. In fact, I have too many element frames. I have a personal stash and a personal stash now I also feel a little bad about the gold store, you know, this thing looks very magnificent, it looks very grand, it looks like it would be completely available, but it's been out of stock for a long time.
hermitcraft 10 episode 15   iron permit
I'll fix it today too, but by far the most important thing is the iron. Iron is incredibly. helpful, the fact that there isn't a shop for it yet is a bit difficult and I'm the only person who can make an iron shop so it's totally my fault so for the first time in a long time let's take a look at some iron farms and This designed by Nom looks cool, we have 12 villages here, we have a zombie walking around scaring them and then that makes the Iron Golems appear. It's reliable, it's simple, it should produce enough iron for me to work with. so now we need to find a village and create a villager breeder.
Now, in a truly ideal world, there will be a village quite close to my swamp. I mean, wait, wait, well, this could be the ideal world that's actually not that far away. See, I wanted to twin my iron farm and my slime farm, so when I get mad at one, I get mad at the other and we might have hit the jackpot here, as long as there are villagers still alive, which , frankly, Honestly with you that doesn't seem to be the case I think I'm oh oh oh there are knitted fabrics are they useful? Can I use them?
Of course I can't because I need the farmers. I need the farmers to be able to raise the villagers and these. Guys, you're not going to farm. I was almost a huge success, but unfortunately it has been thwarted. There is my farm. Is there a town nearby? I thought there was one like here, but I was obviously imagining it. Oh, bad sign. very bad sign, okay this is definitely 100% and all the villagers have been eliminated. Okay, it hasn't been, but I'm afraid I would be the person to eliminate someone else's villagers. Well, I have a plan.
I'm going to make him the villager. breeder over there In fact, I'm going to do this person a favor, we're going to have a villager breeder and then when the villagers grow up, I'm going to make an ice path that will send the villagers here and then here and then here and then there nice or should I say n Ice n n Ice oh I think this seems like a good plan this seems like a good plan of action wly seems like the easiest way to do things. I'm not entirely sure how, but it does. Oh, it looks like I discovered a raid.
I wonder if I can get these guys to go on a boat. This is the worst, the worst idea ever. Okay, I'm getting away, but I'll come back for more later. I want you all in my boat. Oh, actually I've done well. I'm going to try to get more of them in my boat. What's up with this guy? Well, I managed to do it right now if I kill the last ones left. I left the one with the banner alive and then if I can get this guy to use up the full duration of his crossbow, which will probably take a little while to be honest with you, please tell me what I actually have. some name tags floating around oh, I should mention that the reason I'm doing this is because those guys, the raiders, are marginally better at iron farms than zombies, they have a higher scale range than zombies, so Which means I don't have to do that spinning zombie thing.
Instead, the Reaver can stay in the middle, and since the raid was happening right there, it seemed rude not to try to capture some of the raiders. Yes, yes, I actually have one and I have plenty of iron to make a nice anvil. I have my name tag, now it has a proper name. I tend to be pretty stupid, but I think from what I remember, raiders and things don't have the same despawning rules as other mobs, basically any other mob as soon as I flew away. there it would have disappeared, I think they stay with the looters, I'm flying, okay, they're still on their boats and this guy is still on his boat and now they've named him the scary guy.
I have given up dancing. around and now I only have a shield oh that's embarrassing, what's wrong with me being ashamed of the progress right now? oh yeah, finally finally okay, so it's sorted, but there's a cat in there, which means I can't get on the boat to move our man, can I? Oh, that felt terrible. Oh, that's the worst thing I've ever done in my life, but I'm over it. Okay, now we can move this guy to where our iron farm will be. Fun little experience, right? Minecraft is an incredibly strange game. I mean, for example, this is a really good example of how weird Minecraft is.
Oh my god, I'm telling you what else is weird. It's SC. Hello, I'm very sorry for interrupting you. hold right for 5 minutes uh super exciting Doom thing but I'm excited to see you buddy I don't know if it's just me but I think you sound kind of funny hello my name is blah how are you? Wait, you sound like you're in bed, come on man, you got something like that? Are you shameless? Oh wait, wait, now you're deafening me. Now I have to reject you. It was that you, perfectly, that's the only reason. you asked me to come here look I'm glad to see a mustache that's okay too why do you why do you have a Willies still is it's Willie's Woodyard what's wrong with it what's wrong with it what's wrong with it that's Do you disagree with Willies?
No no no. I'm a big Willie and Willies fan. Okay, in Sweden, we have a well that was definitely interesting. Now back to business and now that we've caught that Pillager, sort of. We have a key part of the iron farm sorted which is great but we still have some villagers so we need to get a villager breeder and if you're wondering why I'm gathering a bunch of sand it's because I personally think it will show. Better if I do this with glass, although it will probably be a fairly temporary structure. I still want it to look good.
I think this should be all I need to make a villager breeder. I don't know why I just always get nervous when I work with the villagers, the villagers scare me and always have, I think it's because they always sound like they're judging me right, so I need a 9x9 square in which these guys they will be stopped. The way this is a simple villager breeder that I believe was originally designed by Ray works. This is the one I've been using for a long time. I hope it still works. I haven't actually checked it and of course I forgot.
I kind of need a lightning rod so I don't turn all my villages into witches, which I've already installed and to be honest, I've already done the rest of the village breeder. These things are not particularly complicated like you. build them pretty quickly. I just sincerely hope I did everything correctly and didn't cause these villagers to escape and die and then, well, potentially kill someone else's villages. It would be a bad situation, a very bad situation. I don't really want to talk about it to be honest with you, I don't know why, but this has really gotten to me and if you're wondering why I'm looking through Grian's chest it's because I'm stealing things I didn't do.
I want someone to get the wrong idea. I was looking for some carrots which unfortunately the green ones didn't have too many of, but then I found some at a community farm so that should be the last piece of the puzzle for our villager race. Now let's connect. our little mine cart is going there and now we try our best to pick up a villager, we have our mine cart, let's just push this guy and yeah, that's gone pretty well now, if I break this fence post, everything It's going to work. escape I mean honestly I'm not entirely sure it seems like they're trying to do it I'm incredibly nervous everything seems to have gone well somehow this is really chaotic oh this feels like this could be a disaster waiting to happen right? another mine cart, so if I put this down, it will have picked up a pig, oh God, oh, this is like this, why is everything trying to come out?
This is not the problem I expected to have, getting out of the way. Well we finally managed to get our villager through oh my, so both villagers are up there, it seems okay, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, great, oh my god, oh my god, we already have a baby, okay, The Village breeder who is creating breeding, this is very good news, so it's Unexpectedly, now our baby is going to the right place, well, it just fell there and now it's in the waiting area, so I'll take it as a yes, god, this would have gone remarkably well if it works the first time.
I can tell you that the moment of truth will be when this baby villager grows up, if he gets into the stream of water and ends up in the right space we will have done it, it's time to jump into a hole and see what happens by looking at things. Now we have two babies. Well, now we have three babies. We are not adults yet. I just heard something that sounded good but also sounded a little too close for my liking. Yes, it was too close. How did you get out? How did you leave? hey, come.
Back, how did this happen? Interesting, very interesting, okay, so our villager grew up in the glass, maybe if there was no water there, maybe that would work. Okay, the next villager just walks straight through the wall again, so when you can't fix things, why not? join them yeah that's the saying so now when the villager grows they should grow inside some of these boxes here and then they can walk towards the camera. None of that worked, of course, none of that worked, but now I think it did. a functional design that gets things done I guess I'll find out in the morning.
I just realized that leaving an untested farm running overnight is potentially irresponsible. I really hope we didn't end up with a perfectly round villager. um, okay, that actually does. From the looks of it, things ended up incredibly well, it seems like we have a lot of villagers, we probably have more villagers than we really need, yes, a lot more villagers than we really need, but that means I have a lot of opportunities to screw things up. Which is great news, we're going to build this ice road and then we can connect it to where our iron farm will be.
Now the iron farm is quite small but it uses some strange resources, so we need to make a minor resource. gathering quest I think I need about 12 beds that I'm not actually going to create right now. I need a bunch of slabs, a handful of chains, polesfence, a pad of notes and a bunch of other random things, let's get to work building this. This seems like a good place to put it now. This is going to bother some of you, and to be honest, it bothers me a little, but some of you are going to completely lose your mind.
This iron farm has a 2x2 Center and I'm building it on top of something that has a one-by-one Center, so they will be slightly off center from each other and I can already feel the tears flowing in the comments section. The swamp water is horrendous. Isn't that such a good color? I'm really glad it has its own color because the bright blue definitely doesn't fit the swamps, but it's still nice, so the iron structure of the farm is already built. It's amazing how simple, these things are next, we need to go down and we need to create our Iron Golem kill chamber now.
I'm a bit like that, there was a time where I was going to get to the Reaver and then the villagers and then do the Iron Golem killing chamber at the end. This farm doesn't have a kill switch, that would have been terrible, it would have just been There are Iron Golems everywhere so I'm really glad I had to rethink that decision and now this setup here should work so that our Iron Golems fall from there, travel through the lava, stand in this water, get pushed into the middle, burn in the lava and then all your items will be collected by these hoppers and chests under which I don't really have much storage in right now, but I think we're golden now.
I think everything is in place, everything should be ready to rock and roll, now it's time for this guy and everyone else to be moved there, so I built this pretty big Minecart Railroad and put our Pillager in this little corral and I hope that when I break this ship, he will come out there, okay, this is good and then if I give him a push because it's completely harmless, if I give him a push, yeah, okay, that's excellent, that went well , now we take, we take our scary guy. I forgot what I had named him, let's take our scary guy and gently push him onto the rail of the mine cart, he should press the thrusters and travel into the distance, okay, this is exciting, he has landed in the right place, now we break the my cart and once again a little push oh this is a little complicated oh come on I mean that has to be in itself okay the cool scary guy is in the place of the scary guy the part difficult or what I perceive to be the difficult part has already been completed. right, this is definitely going to be interesting, so if I place a boat and then gently push it towards the villagers and then fall off the edge completely intentionally and then fall off the edge completely intentionally again, now we have two villagers on the boat. which isn't great, okay this is workable.
I just need to make sure I get another boat to catch the villager when he comes out. This works? Okay, push one, good boats, break boats, place the boat, we have a villager on the bat. one needs to go in a boat Bo the other one needs to go in the other boat please yes, thank you, sure and then I'm going to get them, I'm going to get them off the edge, this, this Village, I lost my ice. way no, oh this couldn't get any worse, surely I can do well with this one. I should have seen that gu.
I should have put some rails on this, oh my gosh, this is actually quite difficult, I definitely didn't think about this now that we need. to transfer to a mine cart, this process is not over, this is a slow and very long process, here we go, mine cart and you are in, yes it is out, break the mine cart and yes, now I just need repeat that 11 more times and we. you're golden, I think it's better, I cut this into a small montage and despite my absolutely disastrous start, I got into the swing of things, found a flow, I've got it down to a science, so first thing is no do it.
Pick up your villagers with boats because two of them will get on and that's always frustrating, so instead I picked up the villagers with a mine cart, then transferred them to a boat, and then transferred them back to a mine cart. mine when he wanted. move them to the iron farm, but then I had an additional problem and it was pretty magical. uh yeah, it turns out that the villagers obviously this whole iron farm works because the villagers are afraid of the raider. I kind of forgot about this and was leaving them. The villagers were freaking out and jumping straight into the water and unfortunately falling into the lava and dying, which isn't exactly ideal, so I'm glad we had the Villager system working overtime and I'm glad we had plenty of spares. because I eventually figured out how to solve this by simply blocking their exits so that the only place they could run was to the correct slot and then everything worked perfectly and I managed to get into all 12 villages relatively quickly, so now the iron farm is all completed as I was building, I was watching Iron Golems fall off the bottom, everything seems to be working correctly, so now I'm going to test this for the next few hours while I edit this hermit episode, but first I'm going to give iscal a taste of his own medicine if remember earlier in the episode he came up and pretended he had a bad microphone, it was all in good fun, well two can play that game and I'm going to warn you, I may have gone overboard with this one.
This is a warning for headphone users. Hello how are you doing? Yeah, I just made some, I just made some adjustments to my microphone. I thought I had verified that everything is working correctly. How are you doing? sounding, I'm going to take a like now, it sounds good, it's my G because I'm not sure, hold it down, I'm not sure it's right, louder, I think I have to be louder, I just set my raise to the maximum look look how good does my voice sound now this is what i have to do every episode you know it starts off really bad and from time to time people really appreciate when you change it wait what if i talk to the end how can i do it? sounds now I sound good yes it's better actually better cool I can't I can't see them hey, they're good, yes, they look, they sound cool, nice, crisp on the outside, wait, oh no, don't do that, it's dangerous, right? see what is the performance of my iron farm.
I've been editing for four or five hours, so that's given us enough time to get a decent amount of iron and I've already messed up a small issue there seems to be. an iron golem hanging around, but anyway, this is very, very good news, this is incredibly precarious. I'm trying my best to throw this guy into the lava, but he's not moving. Come on, did I catch it? Yes, I think it's time to comply. My duties are running a small hardware store and being celebrated as the best and most productive person in the permit office. This looks like a pretty decent amount of iron and this looks like a pretty decent little shop.
I mean, forget about the item frame shop and I especially forgot about the gold shop. I would say this is the coolest tent I have ever done in the history of the Hermitage. Ironically, it will probably actually be the most profitable. Everything is fully stocked. The permit office is satisfied. I had a lot of fun today. I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time.

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