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The Big Fat Quiz Of Everything (2016) | FULL EPISODE

May 29, 2024
You are understanding none of that yet, but that will come your way. Oh, you'll have to bury it later, so I can tell you that the coffee is called Kopi Luwak, it's from Indonesia, and what the cheese is. It is called and the cheese is called casu Mazu. It is a delicacy in Sardinia. Okay, then you can write what's special about cheese and coffee. I can't have coffee this late. I'll be up until Tuesday of next week. OK OK. You all have something written yes, yes, okay, let's take a look and see what you have. No Richard, coffee and cheese for the anus, okay, Adam Jonathan, we thought an animal had eaten the coffee beans and then defecated them, I think.
the big fat quiz of everything 2016 full episode
He's a monkey or something because I've heard of him, but the cheese we think maybe an animal drinks the milk and then vomits. It's poop, coffee and vomited cheese. Okay, last thing, Rob, oh, we went, we shot through the weasel. and then after um, a cut badge in the ass, you could take the coffee beans and pass them through a wild cat-like animal called a palm civet, it's basically coffee shot by a cat, they did well on put it in the cup, cheese is a delicacy in Sardinia contains worms so basically they get pecorino cheese, they let the worms get into it, the flies and the worms get in, the worms eat the cheese and then they defecate it and it gives the cheese a different kind of flavor, yes, anyone fancy? kinda no, not really Jimmy, well apparently if they're alive it's edible, if the worms are dead then it's definitely not so you want us to eat them, we don't know if there are worms or not so if you do That, wait, what is this down here?
the big fat quiz of everything 2016 full episode

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I'll fold it and you'll cut it and I can tell you there's nothing living in this, there's no worms, there's no worms living, oh, that's a let down, okay, don't worry, do you want to take a look? this cheese in action take a look this is the magic moment the pecorino cheese has transformed into kazumazu as they digest it it passes through their bodies giving kazumazu its unique and legendary flavor and texture can you imagine the strange old man who convinced the people of that? It was a real thing that we sold it to Westerners, everyone eats, yeah, okay, let's see what happened to the schools.
the big fat quiz of everything 2016 full episode
Ashling and Robert in last place were 17 Adam and Jonathan next with 18 in the lead, surprisingly Nolan Richard, welcome back to the great




the next round is about film and television Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock has been a worldwide success as Sherlock I too sometimes like to take a walk in my mind palace I go out on my own Street to the Mind Bank and pull out some straws, ready for some important questions Jimmy, can I put on my special cape for the last round? Yeah, okay, great, it's my lucky cake. Oh, just for the last round, yeah, yeah, right, yeah, look at this, it's like Elvis if he was Gene.
the big fat quiz of everything 2016 full episode
Simmons Imagine This is a Monday morning, first you'll go with a van, here's Captain James T Kirk doing what he does best on the television cult classic Star Trek dealing with an alien hottie. What I want to know is what happens next. James T Kirk and Lady Gaga yeah yeah, I actually heard the old ir. I remember this right in the next question. Check out this black and white photo of one of the most famous actors who ever lived. Simply put, who is he? He's a thick guy with pointy blinders. If he's not the blinders guy, Richard, you literally look like you have a giant demon on your shoulder.
You don't undermine my dark side. Shouldn't there be an angel on the other side? Not in this court for our next question. No more sports legend Eddie the Eagle Edwards hi Jimmy Legal Eddie Edward is here well my real name is Michael but Eddie the Eagle well it sounds a little cooler now in the movie Top Gun the pilots also had some awesome nicknames but did they? Can your teams name three? of them is fine, so we are looking for the interesting Top Gun posters, yes, if you become a Scientologist, you will get that jacket as a girlfriend.
I think you already have your jacket on. You like my jacket. I really like your jacket. I think it is. Great, are you used to it? It is matte silk. It has a seal. It feels good. Oh, it feels lovely, but I imagine it smells a little cheesy now. Oh no, I have a lot of nice things. Yeah, what's it like to be in the raincoat and also? It really wrinkles, but when you do things on television, you like to iron them well, so you only come on this show so that someone can watch your chat.
See you now, it's time for you to say what you see. These images fell from the slogan of a famous movie. What is it? it's pretty good famous movie tagline and there are two of them yeah we got it okay yeah so this is a really funny lamb correct yoga answers oh I think Richard is about to kiss Noel just I'm nesting to keep warm, we're roosting. Okay, once Jimmy has the cape, no one can resist, he actually destroyed it. I don't know, yeah, okay, everyone has something. Okay, let's take a look. Well, first I asked you what happened next with William Shatner and the alien.
Lady, uh, what do you think? Noel Richard, she says it's raining. She hadn't noticed and then she says yes, because it's not raining. Strange as the ending of Four Weddings. Okay, Adam John, well, we've got why. Don't know. I remember seeing this. Jonathan thinks he hits, hits, even though it's a really weird scene and he hits her, you think he hits her because they're being controlled and he's knocking her out so she can't be mind controlled anymore if I remember correctly, huh, well. Let's take a look at an enslaved William Shatner kissing a sexy green-haired EastEnders alien, shall we?
That's Star Trek 1969. William Shatner punches the alien lady and again it was to save her from mind control, but still if you move to the other side of the Hat in the Shadows it looks pretty bad, okay, I showed you this photo in black and white from one of the most famous movie stars in the world, did you all understand this? Yes, Adam is clearly Meryl Streep, she is a genius. Okay, Noel Chaplin, yes, he's pretty. Although Chaplin sexy, oh he's beautiful, we've gone for, oh Chaplin, Andrew, imagine his little app and I thought he was Young, he was actually Charlie Chaplin when he was young, yeah, looking handsome, okay, um, Eddie the eagle , I wanted to know three call signs or nicknames for pilots. in Top Gun you got these easy ones, yeah okay what did you get? uh ice box Wrong and then lady finger lady finger yeah okay uh I think Rob tomato um Iceman Goose Maverick those are all correct no tomato the others no Richard ice Goose Maverick is that one called slider, there's Michael's lighter wow there's viper jester cougar werewolf slider merlin sundown hollywood correct count gizmark ladyfinger yeah that's the balls list so give us all the points and move on jimmy okay then you have no points, points, thank you, um and finally.
I say what you see, what did everyone see? There's a huge movie tagline. Can i go to? Can I go to Ashling and Rob at this pub first? How no one can point out the hill leaf cream in space no one can hear. cream, that is the correct answer, did you understand it? No, Richard, yes, I always felt that slogan. Well, why can we hear the dialogue? Stop, oh yeah, okay for our final question. I have a special gift for you. Could you welcome the Mariachis? Gentlemen, thank you, thank you very much for coming from Croydon.
Now, they are going to play songs from three television shows, yes, in mariachi style, and then they only have to write the three songs they are playing. Wear it right on the first TV show theme song, the second is wear it guys, I'll take it off with the last foreigner, yeah, can I try on your hat? Oh wait, Grace Jimmy, I think I'd like to see it. you're on one of the hacks, yeah right, hit it, well, I don't know what tune you want me to play, right? Let's take a look and see what you've got, no, Richard, what's the first one you've got in London, Colombo, Adam.
Jonathan please Game of Thrones was a magnificent game yes honestly gentlemen don't take it as a personal slide these people are idiots okay Crystal Maze yes and what was the last Mastermind Mastermind we had a surprise, well let's take a look and see what. that was done with the scores, it was possible to win 38 points tonight, let's see how our teams did in last place Ashling and Rob have 20 points in the second 25 points Richard iwadi and no Fielding 25 points if we reach all our incredible special guest and thank you for seeing the opportunity, thank you.

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