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5 Most Extreme Minecraft PRISON ESCAPES!

May 31, 2021
go to the bathroom you can see it in my eyes okay can we get out of here right now? Oh no, what is this? Oh great, try another


er, so this iron ax can break oak logs. Okay, oh, great, what not, what is this? Do you want me to burn the logs? What is that sound? Well, it sounds really scary. Get out of every Preston, you have to get out. from this


wait a second hold the phone I think we have to do no, I'm doing this right I think we have to make a wooden pickaxe yeah, okay now we have the cobblestone put the cobblestone here make a stone pickaxe oh wait and then iron, how I didn't see this coming before, how I didn't see this, how I'm so blind to the truth, ladies and gentlemen, now I see what we gotta do, so we gotta get the iron right here, put this bad boy right here .
5 most extreme minecraft prison escapes
We need to smelt this, get our iron out, make an iron pickaxe, now we need to mine, is it this emerald or is it this diamond? What is this? Okay, it says diamonds, but it looks like emeralds. Is anyone else finding this really confusing right now? I tell you what guys, I'm not color blind, this is definitely an emerald pickaxe, not a diamond pickaxe, so wait now that I have this, there must be something we can use on prismarine bricks. I feel like I've seen prismarine bricks somewhere, wait. Are these Prismarine bricks okay? These are not Prismarine bricks.
5 most extreme minecraft prison escapes

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5 most extreme minecraft prison escapes...

Where are the Prismarine bricks? Seriously, guys, if I don't find these Prismarine bricks I'll have to use the bathroom soon and it will be very embarrassing, but wait, we can use ours. wooden pickaxe, then the stone pickaxe, then the emerald pickaxe, no, no, iron pickaxe, diamond pickaxe, oh my god, we're out, we haven't breathed yet, I have to pee so bad you have to let me out from this store, otherwise I'll have to use the bathroom in this emerald lava okay, you know what's okay, we're okay, I'm okay, everyone knows I'm the king of parkour, right, there's no way we're sliding in It's lava today, I just have to do this. boost jump oh my god I was so close okay this is actually a lot harder than I thought it was going to be wait I have to go backwards or this way grab what's in this chest wait and now come back, oh, it's because of the wool. out there, okay, we can do this, we can do this, oh boy, okay, I'm really scared.
5 most extreme minecraft prison escapes
I'm going to hit my head and fall into this emerald lava. I think that's the last thing we want to do, men, bathtub, I can't. I think we just did that, let's go Brie, you'll regret putting me here when I get out. I'm going to steal all your diamonds, even the ones from the secret vault, and you know, I'll have Diglett as my witness. Diglett together. let's get out of this place oh we just have to make sure we don't miss any jumps stiglit okay you can't miss jumps otherwise we'll face um oh no oh no there's no way up here this is bad luckily diglett knows the movement fly, so it brought me back here, otherwise it could have been a disaster, okay, go down to the slime, yeah, oh, wait a second, why are they okay?
5 most extreme minecraft prison escapes
Why are these pieces of carpet here? They are starting to form. Scare me yeah, please tell me this is the end of prisons, movies, bro, I'm about to have to use the bathroom at the movies, I don't care about gifts, movies, just get me out of here, why are we ? Even in a movie theater, first of all, what does this guy want? He wants a backstage pass. Where am I going to get a backstage pass? Hey? Tell me I don't have any backstage passes. Why are there a million buttons here? There must be like a hidden chest or something here.
I need to get that backstage pass ready. What do these buttons do? These buttons flashed on the wall. I didn't even realize they were here. God, it was right in front of my face the whole time oh oh I really hope I can come back oh always look under the stairs wait oh I'll change today I just touched the dead prisoner's boots I don't want that , okay, I've got it, the backstage pass, let's get out of here, okay, buddy, here's your backstage pass, give me that key to the backstage door, finally, please tell me, this is it, tell me that I can get out of here, oh, now, showing the town of Oz, okay, I don't.
I don't care about the town of Oz I care about Oz's bathroom Where is Oz's bathroom? Please stand here when the bell rings. Well, oh, what the hell just happened? What the hell just happened? Well, where the hell are we? Why are there two giant chunguses? Who dares? Who is it? Who are you okay? Did Brianna hire some kind of prison bodyguard or something? Just let me get out of here. Wow, she just disappeared. Where she went? Where she went? Okay, leave it. I don't even know what's going on just get me out of here oh no I have to fight these guys no who is this wait is it him what the hell oh oh um what's going on what's going on oh I've never seen a witch before go through that.
Okay, I don't know who these people are, but I'm going to eliminate them. Oh, he just turned the villagers into witches. No, no, no, no, no, no, under my watch. Oh, zombie boy. pig man oh no oh what the hell what the hell what's going on what is this okay I have a bow and arrow oh my god what the hell is going on oh I have to shoot the mine carts okay I can do this I can do this as long as I can use the bathroom afterwards oh my god that was a really big potion oh no it's okay I'm poisoned oh come on come on come on yeah I nailed it one more to go one more yeah let's go. come on oh I see your heart come on come on oh oh my god no, I ate an enchanted golden apple that gives me resistance to fire plebe, I can't see anything with fire though come on yeah, straight shot, aim for the hat, how the hell ?
Am I supposed to hit that all the way down here? Don't ask me how I got up here. Okay, Diglett is an absolute wizard. Come on, come on, hats, yes we have it. What's going on? Oh my God, is it over? Oh no, have you? I've never seen this before in Minecraft I've never seen this before in Minecraft and it's really scaring me ding dong the witch is gone exactly what I was going to say wait what is this what is this what's going on I'm in a giant cauldron right now oh, what is this scissor vise?
Yes, finally, if I get scissors, I can cut this dye and go to the bathroom, give me those scissors, take the key and you will be free, wait, that's great, that's what he told me he was going to give me. scissors oh my god there are more guys I can't wait any longer wait this way to escape to prison get me out of here get me out of here wait what's happening what just happened yeah I think this is it I have no idea what's happening anymore dr . Stranger, get me out of here. super emerald cutter yes yes yes finally with a super emerald cutter I can get out of this I finally escaped next time I steal all our rubies

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