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THE STARSHIP TROOPERS MOVIES - From Iconic to Garbage (there's 5 of them...)

May 31, 2024
In 1959, an author named Robert A. Heinlin published a book titled Starship Troopers. 65 years later, millions of people around the world are playing a video game inspired by it, well inspired by the movie on which Starship Troopers L divers 2 was based, if you have. If you haven't heard of this game then you probably don't play video games, no, did you know that there are five Starship Troopers


because I didn't know until I started researching this video? Only the first film is widely known, it is the only one. which got proper funding out of the five and I'm going to be honest, it's by far the best, there are four direct to DVD sequels and today I'll be talking about two of


, plus the original, which I've owned both.
the starship troopers movies   from iconic to garbage there s 5 of them
Funny with Hell Divers 2nd is a perfect and funny satire on military propaganda. It bothers me when I think about the glorious democracy that guarantees the immortality of administrative democracy, and besides, it's a really fun time, there are armor sets you can buy in the store. and they have these in-game reviews for each item, every now and then you will come across a unique review and each time you do so the review will be written up. This game is so good. Friendly fire in this game is amazing, it's almost impossible to get. I get angry when your friends accidentally kill you because most of the time it happens in the craziest way and I love all the memes online that search for orbitals, so let's talk about the movie that inspired this game Starship Troopers.
the starship troopers movies   from iconic to garbage there s 5 of them

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the starship troopers movies from iconic to garbage there s 5 of them...

I remember watching this movie when I was very young in The Time I didn't know what to expect I took it out of my parents DVD collection and just put it on not knowing what it was and I had never seen so much tits and Gore in a movie before I I was a little dumbfounded. The whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking, oh my god, this movie is great, I love it, oh Rico, you don't deserve that, needless to say, it definitely left an impression on me, although obviously all the satire went over my head. .
the starship troopers movies   from iconic to garbage there s 5 of them
So, because you know I was too young to see it, but I still thought it was a really fun movie and I've watched it over and over since then. It's one of my all-time favorites. I love it. In this movie, the protagonist is called. Johnny Rico in the book He's of Filipino descent, of course, naturally Hollywood needed to make him a white guy with a diamond-cutting chin, unlike the movie. The book is not a satirization of the military; in fact, some reviews were strongly critical of the book's apparent intentionality. glorification of the military, the movie was originally going to be called Bug Hunt at Outpost 9, which I think would have been a terrible decision.
the starship troopers movies   from iconic to garbage there s 5 of them
I think sticking with the name Starship Troopers was a great decision. The film was released in 1997 and has become the most


military-based anti-fascist fun action film ever made. Director Paul Verhoven has stated that the film was intended to be ironic and criticize fascism and I think that is quite obvious in the film: join the mobile infantry and save the world even in the first scene. in the movie he makes this pretty clear with the widely MD I'm doing my part propaganda I'm doing my part it's funny that they have a kid in this for the sake of it I'm doing my part too this is probably not the case in me I like to think that the Characters are meant to be satirical, like imagining the beautiful women you will meet if you join the military.
She reminds me of that sexy army girl meme called Haley Blue and she would say something about her. camera in uniform all the men who are cruel and evil to me are going to die soon she is wearing makeup and is obviously very beautiful and then some random guy will interrupt the video of her don't you think? The raw stuff is getting complicated, right? reach their numbers so that they find


pretty. Army girls don't fall for it dude, the most obvious explanation is that there are pretty white people in this movie because pretty white people sell


, but I don't know, I just hope so. is part of it, I know it's not right, there's also Neil Patrick Harris in this movie, hello Neil Patrick Harris, here without mentioning the classroom scene at the beginning of the movie, it's literally a lesson on the benefits of violence, the destruction of Hiroshima is considered without a shred of empathy they probably wouldn't say anything hoshima was destroyed Rico and his girlfriend Carmen are dissecting an Arkelian sand beetle while the teacher gives a lecture about how insects are superior to humans in some ways s la People are superior in many ways because they have no ego or fear, they have no ego, they are fearless and they fight blindly without thinking, they do not know about death and therefore they are selfless and effective members of society, selfless members of society, I mean come on dude, later in the movie there's a propaganda video of soldiers. handing a rifle and ammunition to small children as if they were play objects, you know what I mean, you would have to be incredibly young and naive not to think this movie is satirical, oh yeah, I should mention that humans can use psychic abilities in this.
The movie is not like the force and Star Wars or anything else but more of a power of suggestion, they can force creatures to do things like NP character Carl Jenkins uses the power of his weasel How do you make him do that? I love Rico. Cry of victory when he wins the football game, while this is a silly satz of the military and fascism, it's also a pretty good movie about best friends who break up and find each other later in life, after they The war has changed them significantly in different ways. for their respective branches also the acting in this movie is surprisingly great throughout its a little strange how the men and women aren't separated in the military in this movie like they shower together and sleep in the same place.
I don't know dude, apparently when they were filming this scene the cast didn't want to get naked because they were embarrassed so the director and cinematographer got naked during the scene to make everyone feel more comfortable because I guess the director said something like Hey, what's the problem? and then one of the actors was like, I don't know, man, if it's no big deal, then why don't you do it? And so he did it, and then when they saw him catch trout, they said it's okay, there's a certain joy. In this film that is infectious, the great chemistry between practically all the characters is quite rare to see in a film nowadays, with several exceptions such as Guardians of the Galaxy.
I like how the first ship we see fly in this movie looks extremely Star Wars-like. travel on Star Tours at Disney World from the boxy appearance of the CGI ship to the interior of the ship. Also, the spaceships in this movie don't move like they're flying through space when they fly through space. It's very strange also Clancy Brown as the instructor is just amazing, he does a good job, you know what I mean? His character is called Sergeant Zim and the scene where he throws the knife into Ace's hand. It still hurts to see that scene.
There's a funny live-fire training exercise scene where one of the Troopers' helmets malfunctions, it's my helmet, don't ruin it, so he takes it off during this live-fire exercise and then gets shot in the face. What the hell before this they trained with harmless laser weapons and most people missed all their shots? Rico's It Takes a Freak Accident to Get a Headshot I guess I just love silly documentary-style transitions interspersed with graphic gore and violence. The scene where Carmen flies the huge spaceship through a barrage of blue plasma missiles is so good. Reminds me a lot of Halo, a lot of this movie reminds me of Halo, actually I mean Halo Combat Evolved came out in 2001 so it might make sense that those games were inspired in some way by Starship Troopers, now that I think about it, The weapons and armor in Halo is quite similar to those in Starship Troopers, well according to Google, Halo is inspired by the movie book, so I guess I learned something while recording this video.
Plus, you have to be crazy to fly such a big ship in space when there's all this stuff. missiles flying at you I don't want to spoil anything, but that's why there's something so compelling about the visceral realism of the war in this movie that they definitely don't shy away from showing the Troopers fending for their lives on this giant killer bug planet. like hell on earth Watching soldiers get killed for these things is horrible because it can also be quite funny. There is a scene where we see a reporter being lifted into the air and cut in half, but the cameraman simply keeps the camera focused on him completely.
Without facing it, they show the entire Massacre the next day and it's quite a spectacle for a movie that gets pretty ridiculous at times. She is very mature. The blood gets a little excessive if I'm honest, but I think that's by design because I'm pretty. I'm sure the director wanted to show the horrors of war because otherwise this movie might convince the uninitiated that war is terrible. I mean, he probably still will, but it's commendable that Paul at least tried to make the war seem a little horrible. tell the story of a really wonderful adventure story about these boys and girls who fight against insects, but we also wanted to show that these people are really in their hearts or without knowing it, I would say that they are on the path to fascism, that being said this movie does not It shies away from the human aspects of war, such as the camaraderie of soldiers, making lifelong friends, and working together to achieve a goal, all good things, but you know that you don't need to join the military to experience these things, you necessarily can.
Join a sports team and experience many of the same things without risking your life or killing other things or people. I also found it a bit strange how humans don't use any ground vehicles, they are clearly extremely advanced, look at the size of these spaceships, but they don't have the equivalent of a Halo warthog or a tank or anything, it just seems a bit strange , right, they just send a bunch of guys there and say, here's some rifles, good luck, they've got all this. Incredible technology, but almost nothing helps them in Warfare, other than some RPG type stuff and grenades.
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Visit helixsleep. .com Elvis Extraterrestrial or click the link at the top of the description. Many thanks to Helix for sponsoring this video. Now back to the review. There is a scene where Rico's leg is injured by the falling beak of one of the insects and the hole. The leaves on his leg are gigantic, don't go in there. R wouldn't have survived, he would've been dead within minutes, but no, they put him in this healing chamber and it's good, it's like those things in BioShock where you come out when you die. those revive pods I guess they have some of those in Starship Troopers too.
I completely forgot that the priest from The Walking Dead is in this movie. I think it's time we all start considering the other possibility. My apologies. I am Father Gabriel. He plays a soldier named Sugar Watkinsand his gun has a comically wide scope and has the rudest kill in the movie. The amount of detail put into some parts of this movie is very impressive, even the brief scene where Rico confronts him. a huge Beetle sprayed with flames, blows a hole in its back shell and then throws a grenade into the hole and you can see its orange goo splattering upwards, even the CGI of the beetle hasn't aged terribly, it's clearly not the best CGI in the world .
But not the worst. I found something quite strange when they played the third news reel. Carl teaches the viewers to aim for the nerve stem when shooting an insect because that will knock them down so aim for the nerve stem well and he proceeds to kill the araon with 8 to n shots, however all the soldiers we see in the movie ignore this completely and they just shoot them blindly to be fair. I know you're panicking. Who wouldn't do it in this scenario? He would probably just try to shoot. Everywhere you can you know but they still don't even try there really is this scene where all the Troopers are ordered to have fun, have fun that's an order and then Rico's former teacher turned lieutenant has to convince him that it's not a bad idea to sleep with a beautiful woman who's been throwing herself at him since the beginning of The Movie Never Lets Go of a Good Thing and then he's like, "Oh, great, he's currently getting over his ex-girlfriend, so she She's not a friend of mine, that's all, but she still sucks his nipple during the sex scene, that's how they start." the sex scene she sucks like nipple if you haven't seen this movie you'll definitely want to watch it now there's a scene of an arachnid raiding the little complex and it's so cool there's a bunch of bugs they have bugs flying them in the air and then the billion insects on the ground that are using the corpses of the Fallen to scale the wall and reach the compound.
It's a really cool scene and it definitely reminds me of Hell divers because you're so frequently surrounded in that game, it's amazing how well the divers put this movie into game form. You don't see something like that happen very often during this scene, the lieutenant fires his gun, it's so strange, what are you aiming at, buddy, and why? with his mouth open like that Diz and the lieutenant died at the end of the sequence and they're both pretty horrible, they put diz's death in slow motion and it was oh my god, when I saw that for the first time, man, I thought Oh, and when they pull the lieutenant out of this legless Sam and he throws Rico in and says do it, Rico, do it, Rico, you know what you have to do, you know what to do, do it, do it, just


I mentioned this before, but yes, the kmen ship is destroyed in half, showing the viewer that the victims are not only on the ground, but they are also in space. It's a pretty exciting scene, there are blaring alarms, tons of smoke, a door closes on the captain. and she dies too quickly, it crushes her abdomen and she just drops dead. Carmen's escape pod hits a human body as they fly towards the planet when you're looking at it, you're like that, that poor guy who was doing so well. they're dead let's move on to the trailer and then the reveal of the brain bug is so amazing and then there's a scene where he sucks out Xander's brain oh my god Xander was this guy who was competing for Carmen at the beginning of the movie and then he helped Carmen blow up ships, well he's dead now so who cares that his brain went out on his face after having his brain sucked out will never leave my memory before we see this scene.
The Troopers find people with their brains sucked out like they find people with holes in their skulls. and they're like their brains disappeared, something did this and then they show us the insect that did this and it's basically a slimy, slippery thing with a slug brain. I think it's really funny at the end and when Jenkins touches the brain bug and with his superpowers he can tell you something about the brain bug that no one knows ready to hear what it is he says this is a fra wow don't you say this bug is surrounded by humans that they wouldn't be scared which I don't think I need to be a psychic to figure this out, man, this movie is honestly great in every aspect.
His rhythm is perfect. It is constantly entertaining and exciting. It's fun. It's convincing. It's dramatic. It's iconic. It can be cited. Come on, apes you want to live forever, come on, apes. you want to live forever and then they repeat this line in the following movies and it doesn't hit hard anymore because you know they're just taking it from the first time again you want to live forever there are still memes from this movie circulating this day I mean mainly because of Hell divers too, but even without the game I'm pretty sure I'm doing my part I'm doing my part I'm doing my part that I didn't do and I'm sure there are others, now let's talk about the Federation hero from Starship Troopers 2 according to Phil Tippet, the director of this film.
The first film tanked at the box office when Starship Troopers came out, it tanked, but Mr Bean was playing at the same time, but Mr Bean. opened that same magical weekend, a lot of kids wanted to see Starship Troopers at the cinema, but couldn't get tickets because of the radar, so they bought tickets for Mr Bean, but then they went in and saw Starship Troopers, which inflated the sales of tickets. of Mr Bean and increase the sales of Starship Troopers, so the box office of Mr Bean was like this and Troopers was like this, I don't want to say that Mr Bean is bad.
I love Mr Bean, but he's a bit of fun. Starship Troopers 2 was released in 2004 and was directed by Phil tippet yes that Phil tippet, the legend who brought us the stop motion masterpiece, Mad God tippet also did visual effects on the first film and the second film was written by Edward Newm, the same man who wrote the script for the first film. as well as the RoboCop movies, thank you for your cooperation. I think the best way to describe this movie is a coincidence of infected in the Halo infection, yes I think that's true, it's basically Starship Troopers 2, the only actor that appears in this movie that also appeared in the first movie is Brenda Strong, she plays the character of Sergeant Rake and also played Captain Deader in the first film right away.
This movie is a noticeable step down from the first and I can easily see a lot of people skipping this movie because of that, but I don't think it's terrible, it has some interesting elements, but I have to say that Relentless' shaky cam is a little over the top and you can definitely tell there's an amateur nature to the direction, which is expected as this is Phil Tippit's first feature film while he's on. I have been on the set of many other films and have helped them with various special effects. This movie is the first time he has complete control and the last time until Mad God.
Well, keep in mind that this movie had a budget of A5 to $6 million and went straight to DVD tippet. didn't have nearly the same amount of resources as Verhoven for reference, the first film had a budget of $15 million, now compare that to the 5 to six million that this film has and things start to make a lot of sense in that the studios they did not believe. In this movie they saw how the first one collapsed and they just didn't want to make this tippet. They didn't have much money for effects so they had to use flash bulbs at the end of their guns and Tippet Studio did all the practical effects according to Phil Tippet, the studio gave him so much grief that he decided not to direct any more Hollywood films. .
My point is that it is absolutely unfair to compare this film to the first and honestly I think it is quite bold for Phil Tippet to take on this project and then some. It's impressive that all of this was filmed in just 26 days according to IMDb. If you've seen Mad God, you can definitely tell it's a Phil Tippet movie. There is an imposing structure. There are storms, fog, and bright, bold lightning. There is a scene where the squad. is moving through a dark building with no electricity and they are using a flashlight, but this flashlight is too bright for the movie.
It's blinding. This woman is holding a mini sun in her hands, but strangely it only seems to shine where she holds it. the rooms are still dark despite this absurdly bright light, it doesn't help that it's not your typical flashlight beam, it's like a torch basically, later on, the squad is surrounded and there's a pretty clear shot of the arachnid rushing towards them , but when ordered to start shooting, one of the women clearly points at the ground and shoots fire, what are you shooting? Did you find an insect on the ground like a real insect like a tiny beetle that you threatened?
It's so funny that she's clearly not aiming for anything. but still the gun goes off, they probably had to make the gun go off because you know, the flashlight on the gun, the actress just pulled the trigger for some reason, at that point there's a cool scene where they kill, they interact With Tesla coils, they establish a perimeter. around the building so that if an arachnid gets close it turns into fried chicken. This squad finds a soldier locked in a room and what did they do? They let the guy out. Why would you do that to that guy who's locked up for a reason? numerous Battlefield commissions or probably because no one L the oven, obviously they should keep him locked up because you know why you would take this guy's word if he's in a room locked up alone, clearly other people put him there for a reason.
As much as I don't think it's fair to compare this movie to the first in terms of production value, the writing definitely wasn't the best, the characters in this movie aren't as compelling as they were in the first, I think this movie It tries to focus on too many characters without developing any of them enough for the viewer to latch onto them and I think I know why, because most of them are Fords, they are going to die, so why develop them? because when his death comes, it's more shocking that way, of course, a movie doesn't have to do that, if the deaths are the main draw, like in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie or something, then they sure give us dumb characters to kill, that's fine, but I was kind of expecting a little more from this, there's a moment where the general is on the radio and he's talking to Carmen from the first movie.
This is General Jack Gordon Shep, which is a pretty interesting detail. This movie starts to get really weird around the 50 mark. One minute, it turns into a Starship Troopers version of this zombie guy whose body is deteriorating vomiting a bug into a soldier's mouth. It's pretty disgusting. Then, a woman has a strange vision after touching the decaying thumb of one of the infected soldiers and editing. what's next this is funny why so many zooms why are you zooming so much man alone his facial expression is so good i like the horror elements in the second and third act of this movie one of the men infected by the bug has decomposed the point of being a fragile almost corpse and there's a scene where he's sitting in the dark and it's pretty scary and then one of the other infected soldiers rips his head off to reveal a bug which then infects two more soldiers basically, There are these insects that get inside the Troopers and then control them and their mission is obviously to infect all the Troopers in this building.
The group's psychic discovers the infected, but quickly kills the insects, infecting most of the Troopers, one of the Troopers fights back. against the infection and she does this weird arm waving thing and I'm embarrassed why she's doing that why they kept this part up it's like she's trying to swim away or something she gets up and kills some of the men before that It infects her completely. I have to admit I appreciate that this movie tried to do something different, the fight scenes were super clunky and funny at times but the horror elements are pretty good despite the dated CGI and the practical effects are great, there are two soldiers named Captain Dax and Private Sahara in the end are the only two humans left.
There's a silly Rambo scene where Dax wields two rifles to kill the infected general. It's part silly and part genius. You know, it's like one of those things where I'm not sure how I feel about. Sahara makes it out alive thanks to a rescue ship while Dak stays behind to kill bugs, you stay here, you'll die, the killers don't come home, and the movie ends with a cheesy TV Spotlight praising the martyr Dax and the Federation. Sahara has a kid and then a recruiter tells him this at the end of the movie, hurry up Spud, we need fresh meat for the grinder.
I was expecting worse to be honest, yes it's a bit trite, we've seen this before, but I still think it's a brave attempt by Phil, despite all the factors working against him, let's talk about Starship Troopers 3 Marauders, it released in 2008, the writer of the first two films took over as director of this one and Caster Vanan returns to play his role as Johnny Rico. Hebudget for this film. It was 20 million, so much more than the last one, what were you thinking with the introduction of this film? It's as bad as if it were made into a movie or something.
What type of font is that? Because it's horrible. I hate it and the CGI that follows. It looks even worse, but I quite liked Federation TV Spotlight. Are we losing this war? They introduced this pop star, Sky Marshall, and he sings about how great the Federation is and they advertise various products. It's quite fun. It's a good day to die, if you know that. the reasons why those are literally the lyrics the editing is a little sloppy on this one but I feel like it could have been done on purpose but maybe I'm just giving you the benefit of the doubt there's a scene where a shovel flies through from the air and kills a soldier and the eding here is atrocious in this movie.
We are introduced to a woman named Lola Beck, she is played by Star Trek Star Jolene block or BL block interesting last name. I found her lip filler very distracting from her maybe because it's too obvious, she got it done every time someone has something done to her face and it's too distracting, it ruins everything for me. I don't care about plastic surgery or anything like that, it's only when she distracts me that it becomes a problem, obviously this only applies in movies. It could give you what people do in their own time on their own bodies.
You know, apparently there are people online complaining about the same thing in their Star Trek stuff. I had never seen it. Look how ridiculously big their rifles are. in this movie it's like they're straight out of Gears of War, it's like the assault rifle from Halo but bigger later in the movie one of the characters is holding one of these things and it's a skinny woman and it looks ridiculous if this thing outside isn't made of plastic it would be like falling over you know also cecil bia's performance as lieutenant manion is so bad she only appears in a couple of scenes but oh my god bugs i hate you mister bugs i hate you sir, there are three protagonists in this movie Rico lolab Beck and general dicks dicks is played by Boris Cojo, who also acted in those hilariously bad Resident Evil movies.
I knew I recognized him from some strange place in this movie. Rico is often referred to as the Hero of Planet P, the Hero of Planet P, or John, the Hero of Planet P. when the man who actually captured the brain virus was Sergeant Zim in both the book and the movie. . I don't know, that's a little strange. Apparently this movie takes place on an agricultural planet, but this planet is infested with arachnids that you wouldn't catch. I farm on that planet. You could put Attack on Titan walls around my crops. I won't do it on that planet.
The CGI arachnids look much worse in this movie than they did in the first two. It is understandable given the small budget. maybe in the second movie they put more money into effects while in this one they gave more money to the Stars maybe they thought having Rico back would change everything so they settled for effects that look like this, there's a moment where Rico is commanding a squad to fend off a spider invasion and orders them to use their grenade launchers and they all fire at once, but only one grenade fires and kills one arachnid.
Where did the others go? Dix and Beck are apparently in a relationship, but their chemistry is non-existent. she says she loves him in one scene and I love you, I love you, no, no, no, there's a part where this cook talks to Beck and his ADR is the worst I've seen in a long time. What's cooking, Jingo, do you know the same? on a tile, what did this guy originally say? I need to know. It sounds like he said, you know what I like, but they didn't like it, so they made him say something completely different, but his mouth doesn't line up. with this new dialogue it looks so bad, it's not all bad because I googled what it meant on a tile because it sounded so dumb.
I guess it means minced meat, so the more you know, oh yeah, and then this happens during the next Federation TV Spotlight, people say. Guys don't give good HD, but I understand, what did he mean by that guy? The graphics of this movie are so amazing, just look at this scene, dude, are you kidding me after his ship was destroyed? Captain Beck, the sky Marshall an noi the coward Jingo, a soldier named Bull and a religious stewardess named Holly are now stranded on this planet after taking an escape pod there, they walk until they reach a desert where they are attacked by arachnids and there's a part where Jingo is chased by a bug and I guess because he's running away he ignores everyone around him other than Jingo and just goes straight for it.
These movies are so weird because they try to convince us that bugs are intelligent freaks and are superior in many ways, but then they do stuff like this, to me he acts more like a dog, man, the CGI is so bad it's unbelievable. Jingo manages to jump into a rock enclosure, the bug hits his head on one of the rocks and then staggers into a DA Beck. He tells them not to shoot so he can save ammo. Keep the fire going. Save the ammunition. It turns out that the rocks are actually insect limbs. I guess they get rock hardened over time or something, so they close around Jingo and kill him.
There were other spiders too. I guess everyone was murdered on that hill so Becka is kind of a "noi" to Holly and in this movie she completely disrespects his religious beliefs and it's a little awkward, well you all can go find God, where I'm headed. Marine Lander, if you're at war and one of your fellow soldiers does one of these things and a prayer is said, are you going to bully that person for being religious? That's just cruel and strange. You know, this movie introduces a new power that the brain bug had all along. I guess it has the ability to emit an audible signal that makes people's heads explode like this guy's character.
It's a little strange that the brain bug forgot about this ability in the first movie. I think he would use it against all the people around him and get him out of his hole or whatever. You'd think Sergeant Zim would have a harder time capturing this bug if he could just scream and blow its head off, right? Dix is ​​capable. to kill the brain bug after using this ability his skull is thicker I guess before this happens although they see images of a Noki with this brain bug he likes to talk because he is a psychic and seems to be sexually aroused by this insect. pressed against him like he's the sexiest woman in the world or something, you can tell this guy went from 6 to midnight while he was doing the strangest guy on Earth, this movie does everything from Dragon Ball Z, you thought the brain bug was the smartest bug you've ever seen.
They were wrong, there is an even smarter mistake and a bigger mistake, much bigger, clarify the data Bozo, there is a mistake so big that it is like part of the planet basically and it is sitting there waiting and no one found it with the radars. I guess I'm pretty sure. They used radar in the first movie to find bugs and they use radar in the second movie to see the bugs coming at them, it's literally like a quarter the size of the planet. I think it's really funny near the end of the movie they show us a scan of the planet and look how big this bug is if they can scan the planet how they didn't find it until now it's huge this thing is so big how could you not see it how it had rocks around Elvis remember remember that there are It moves around him, so apparently this huge brain insect has a name bemal behem coid something like behal.
I'm never going to say that name again. I'll just call him the big brain bug, Triple B. Damn. What can I call this thing? I'll call him Insect God, so yes, insects have a God. Like a literal God and is part of the planet. Insect God, is the God of all insects. A noi made a package out of the bugs and betrayed the Federation, you know, because they make him horny and a noi literally says in the video that rokuan will fall to the bug like he's talking to the brain bug and he says that and rokuan is the one. camp that was invaded by insects, are you just seeing this?
I mean the pictures, they are obviously right because you think they would do something with him if they knew about this, security must have been sleeping and noi was the one who turned off the electric fences that let the bugs in so they could kill everyone the group finally controls. in this Insect God and he's literally just a massive version of the other brain bugs and this thing has the ability to manipulate humans by stabbing them with his legs, eventually after a noi glazes him thoroughly the Insect God stabs him and kills him. lifts towards her huge vagina mouth and you can tell Anoi is quite excited about this.
Holly convinces Beck to believe in God near the end of the film, so they both kneel and pray while Rico and his Mor mechs appear to destroy the bugs. The Marauder's armor and the Q bomb originally called the Nova bomb are two of the main elements taken from Robert Heinlin's novel and I suppose some fans were upset that they were not present in the original film, you would think that if they had mechs they would use them and the original Starship Troopers, whatever it is, I definitely didn't expect this movie to be a pro-religion movie, it's a little strange, the mechs are cool, though thank you Jesus for sending me these mechs to take care of the bug swarm, super chill, these mechs use all types.
Weapons to kill insects. I love how the light of the mech is clear symbolism for the light of the angels and Rico approaching Lola is an obvious reference to Adam's creation painting at the end of the movie. Lola and Dick talk and Lola. she tells the idiots that she found religion. I have religion, idiots. I have it bad and that's why they should get married in the church. Thank Mrs. Oh, thanks idiots. I wasn't sure we should mix business with um. Please no, oh my god, oh my god. oh my god calling for backup

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