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The Fraud Who Fooled America | The Lies of George Santos

Mar 05, 2024
New York Republicans are set to unseat scandal-plagued Congressman George Santos, the representative is being accused of identity theft, wire


, making false statements, falsifying records, de


ing a disabled veteran of money he was raising for his sick dog and now denies reports that she ever performed as a drag queen in Brazil I never said I was Jewish I said I was Jewish claiming that, for example, she had a role in Hannah Montana. What strikes me is not necessarily that a politician


, but rather that one would think that no one would find out properly. I ran in 2020 for the exact same seat and I had to wait, so there's an old saying that I find it hard to disagree with politics it's just spectacle for ugly people, don't turn off those lights Nancy Pelosi gaspacho police, they're too bright , turn them off Freedom turn off the lights turn off the lights through a civilian lens American politics can be seen as a deranged spectacle to make everyone laugh next time you get in trouble call and crackhead Say it out loud I'm black and I'm Pro, why, why, why, why do I call on all nations to stop these terrorist murderers?
the fraud who fooled america the lies of george santos
Now look at this campaign, a powerhouse of entertainment that favors vapid theatrics over any real substance. How many AR15s do you think Jesus would have had? Well, he didn't have them. enough to prevent his government from killing him, what do you say in response to the OP? I'd say Isis is out to get you, but she'd be lying if she said it wasn't funny, if our country is going to hell, we might as well do it. enjoy the trip there The United States is a nation that can be defined in a single word. I was going to support him, but I don't think there is a single politician today who personifies the absurdity of our government like George Anthony Santos' merchant.
the fraud who fooled america the lies of george santos

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the fraud who fooled america the lies of george santos...

Is it true that he has an exclusive fan page and you can peel a banana with your feet. I just discovered what fans only was about 3 weeks ago. I had no idea about the whole concept, you just can't tell the truth, so you may have heard his name before or I've seen his photo on the news and well, that would be because George has become one of the most polarizing people in all of Congress, but that's not for any traditional reason - he was elected under various false pretenses and I know your response to that may be Well, not all politicians lie, to which I would say yes, but you haven't heard of either.
the fraud who fooled america the lies of george santos
George Santos. This guy's entire existence is made up. He has lived about a million different lives and has put himself in the spotlight as a result. The FBI, the FEC, the Republican Party, the Brazilian government, the House Ethics Committee, and the nearly 1 million voters who make up his district, just to name a few. I mean, right now he's facing 23 federal charges and there's no guarantee he won't even be charged with More after this video comes out because when we look at his real biography we discover a man who is conned, robbed and manipulated to get to the top. top and a man is so incredible that he has had to escape from entire countries. different type of criminal, he's like a madman, a grinch-like figure, as some have suggested, George Santos just came out of Tim uh Brett's office with a baby in his arms when he was asked if it was his baby, he said it still no, but before we get to anything, is it important to establish a basic understanding of where the man is coming from, which I will try to lay out as best I can, but keep in mind that this guy has literally lied about so many elements of his life that he actually en It's hard to get a clear timeline of events, so if anything here feels a little disjointed it's because George himself is a very disjointed and confusing person.
the fraud who fooled america the lies of george santos
Well, it's not my fault, this is a guy who baselessly claimed that his niece was kidnapped by Chinese communists and that she survived multiple murders. attempts and that he ran a real estate empire in addition to meeting Jeffrey Epstein. He also lied about where he went to school, where he worked, where he got his money, that he was an actor on Disney Channel in one of my favorites, which he produced Spider. -Man Musical on Broadway, which is especially strange to me because that specific musical he mistakenly said he worked on was a commercial failure that lost millions of dollars and even resulted in injuries to several cast members, why would you want to link your name to that?
I just don't understand half the time that there is nothing to be gained from these


. In a 2022 congressional debate, he actually stole his opponent's answer to the question what his favorite Christmas tradition is right in front of him, so Mr. Zimmerman named one of his favorite family traditions New Year's Eve I hope my Let's me and my nephews, my brother, my sister-in-law and me, get together in sweats, watch some stupid vacation, some kind of stupid, comedic Christmas movie, and eat the food we shouldn't all be eating. year-round pig litters are always a staple Mr. Santos, his favorite family tradition. um our favorite family tradition is just spending time as a family, it doesn't matter if it's Tuesday night or Sunday night or if it's Christmas with sweatpants, pints of pig litters.
All over the place, he literally copied his brother's own family tradition, right down to this man's brand of ice cream, but where does it all begin? Well, even that is the topic of debate since The Story Goes George Santos was born on July 22. 1988 in Sunnyside Queens and grew up in a basement apartment in Jackson Heights and if we go by this Wikipedia biography of a user named Anthony dealer, last edited by him in 2011, we would know that his drag career began at 17 years and won several gay beauty contests. between making the rounds in Brazilian nightclubs before performing on several Disney Channel shows and landing a role in the 2009 film The Invasion, starring Uma Thurman, a film that doesn't exist because it was inspired by the Steven Spielberg film Independence Day, that Spielberg didn't do it, so this biography doesn't really clarify anything, unfortunately in that case, what do other people tell us about George?
Well, his former coworker Barbara Heris told that he used to tell us that he was born in Brazil and that he would travel back and forth and that he came from money, which we know for a fact George lied about coming from money one time. He once told a judge that he worked for Goldman Sachs in 2017, by the way, the reason he was in court was so he could testify. on behalf of a friend of Emily's who ended up pleading guilty to ATM theft and then told the feds that it was George who taught her how to do it, but that's a whole different story.
The transcript here is so funny to me because when the judge asked you, you worked. For Goldman Sachs in New York, George's answer was simply yes, which in retrospect was a blatant lie, one of many he would actually accept once he realized there was nowhere else to apply before starting his career. political career or any career for that matter. We know that George lived near Rio de Jan with his mother in 2008 or that he may have been living in the US and visiting his mother in Brazil, as some of his friends have now said, but that is a detail, the point is that I was around 20 years old at the time.
On that occasion he stole the checkbook of a man his mother had been babysitting and used it to accumulate about $1,300 in fraudulent checks, according to Brazilian court documents. To make matters worse, this elderly patient for whom his mother had been working as a caregiver died the time George took her checkbook and forged her signature to buy luxury clothes for her boyfriend friend and even though he insists that he has not committed No crime in the United States or abroad, Brazilian police records indicate a different story: George actually confessed to the crime more than a decade ago, not simply pleaded with the store owner via a Brazilian social media platform. , but he finally appeared in front of the authorities in 2010 and admitted to the fraud along with his mother and at the same time told her that he was a white teacher according to police documents and I think that was one of the craziest discoveries.
What I made up while researching this video is the fact that his attorney for this was supposedly convicted for his connection to a gang related murder and was defending George while he was under house arrest, that's something you can't even make up in as far as the store owner is concerned. He remembers having to pay for the stolen items out of his own pocket and recently told Mother Jones how visibly deceitful George seemed. Now George didn't acknowledge the fraudulent checks again until this year, when he accepted a $5,000 settlement and a confession in exchange for avoiding prosecution.
The reason he just settled this matter is because when Brazilian police originally tried to subpoena him in 2011, George mysteriously didn't appear anywhere, he wasn't with his mother, it turns out he wasn't even in the country because I guess for some reason George decided to leave Brazil behind at that time and make a new name for himself in the north, in the land of the opportunities, how he looks like Conor Roy Bo. I do not doubt that George Santos was interested in politics from the beginning. He was very young, but he didn't talk much about them until 2019, giving his opinion on the hot topics of the day on Facebook alongside Republicans at various events and fundraisers.
Today was a blessing for me, as a patriot, to come here. During these early days before he really established himself, George made appearances at Marl Lake, donated tens of thousands to the Young Republican Club of New York, and attended the CAC. It probably caught Co at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, as far as I know, this is The first time anyone in the media said George Santos' name on live television, our next guest tested positive for covid-19 and joins us via Skype in quarantine. Welcome to New York congressional candidate George Santos. George, it's great to see you, how are you feeling?
Now I'm in recovery, it was also shortly after he launched his first congressional campaign running for the United States House of Representatives in New York's 3rd Congressional District. George was facing incumbent Democrat Thomas Swazi, who ended up winning by a surprising margin. narrow margin actually two weeks after Election Day Democrat Tom Swazi won re-election representing New York's 3rd Congressional District. Swazi had 53% Republican challenger George Santos 47% Traditionally speaking, the Nassau County Republican Committee would be pretty strict about allowing a newcomer into the race. fold with such minimal political experience, but the pandemic persuading anyone else to run, coupled with the fact that the county had moved further left in recent years, meant George was sort of the only Republican candidate and became the default nominee, and while his campaign is inevitably unsuccessful, it would give him the opportunity to mingle with voters and work the media circuit, essentially preparing his voter base for a big comeback in 2022.
Hello everyone, George Santos here running for New York's 3rd Congressional District. I will fight socialism until my last breath. because I despise it, socialism has been tried in every country and failed miserably and I'm counting on you to send me to DC to represent it, we need as many volunteers as we can get for this process. I think it's about time we put Thomas Swazy in the retirement section. In many ways, this race was a way for him to make an impression, which he certainly did by networking with the Trump family and buying up entire tables at Youth events.
Republicans. What's quite funny is that, despite all his efforts, George didn't even live in the district he was trying to represent and when reporters pointed this out, George claimed an address that actually belongs to his campaign treasurer, that same treasurer who would later admit to committing fraud to implicate George in a scheme to embellish his finances, but believe me, we will do it. Let's get to that too, it was also during this first run for Congress that his fellow candidates in other districts began to wonder how legitimate his fundraising claims really were. There seemed to be quite a wide gap between what he said he had raised and what he had actually reported.
On campaign finance disclosure forms as a congressional candidate, Josh E, told Intelligencer that he would look at his filings and see that he had raised almost no money. Everyone in politics exaggerates a little, but he said that he had a six-figure coin and that it would work out. that it was a four-figure, twenty-five-cent consultant who clearly labeled him a walking campaign finance violation and that George was reported to have come up with ideas to try to get around the campaign finance law with a planwhich would supposedly involve getting donors who had exhausted their donations to donate to other candidates' political action committees who would then funnel the donation back to Santos as intelligence or states, but these things were not explored in depth at the time because It was still so low profile that no one really cared to investigate.
Honestly, his opponent figured why waste money and resources on a background check that could end up giving George more exposure when he could otherwise achieve an easy victory without all the hassle, so, for fear of conflict and affecting the young Swazi Republican, chose not to prioritize opposition research and keep George's lies under the WRA for at least a couple more years. Democratic Congressman Tom Swazi sees a victory in Horizon accumulating 990,000 absentee votes. A newcomer to the political scene is singing a very different tune. The 32-year-old man. The Queen native, who works in finance, attributes his current lead in the vote to an underrated campaign that connected with voters directly after his marginal run in New York's Third District.
George Santos was furious believing he had actually won the race and began allocating money and personnel for a recount that never happened along with accusing the county Republican chairman of sabotaging his campaign because he is gay according to intelligence, some of his own members of the staff were beginning to worry about his mental health when he allegedly suggested finding a way to somehow dispose of Democratic ballots as they arrived, in a hysteria that culminated when he went to Washington DC to attend an orientation for new members of Congress, even after that it was very clear that he had lost by refusing to abandon the even when the Swazi was announced as the winner and, if that were not enough, then he would give a speech at the stop of the steel rally a day before the January 6 riots , arguing that the elections had been stolen from him, just as they did with Donald Trump. to me what they did to Donald J Trump they stole my election watching that Rally from home was one of George's former roommates who couldn't help but notice that the Burberry scarf he was wearing looked a little familiar while they were roommates 4th Greg Mory said that Santos stole his Berber scarf and then wore it during the rally before January 6.
I watched that video and I just like, yeah, I'm not very happy about those campaign finance issues that I mentioned before, even though they would absolutely affect his second run for Congress in 2022, the successful one, which means people. In fact, I looked into these things, for example, we know that he was spending lavishly on the second Trail campaign, racking up around $40,000 in flight expenses, buying expensive clothes for his staff and at the same time exchanging them, as if he apparently also had a tendency to spend $199 at restaurants and hotels. just below the $200 legal threshold for expenses that campaigns are legally required to track to give you an idea of ​​how rare an expense like that would be.
FC data shows that 90% of all House and Senate elections nationwide did not report a single transaction. between $199 and $199.99 in 2022, while the Santos campaign, on the other hand, reported 40 of them, in fact, Politico claims that George's campaign accounted for about half of all spending of all the campaigns it they cost exactly $199.99, a statistical improbability not to mention the countless donations to people who don't exist or don't remember sending money to George. His cousin, for example, was stunned by a promise of $5,800 that he claimed he never made, adding to the overall mystique of how George managed to come up with a sum of $700,000 that he lent. his own 2022 campaign, but we'll explore all that and more in just a second.
The important thing at this point is that he won barley thanks to his district being redrawn 6 months before the election to include a much more Republican area that he was already running in. This made him the Republican nominee, making it easier for him to be Democratic nominee Robert Zimmerman in a recently red region. This redrawing of the county borders was truly the best thing he could have asked for. It was a gift, but unfortunately everything that came after. This would be the exact opposite of a gift. We discovered him quite early on as a fraud, a braggart and a liar. um with what you know you find yourself sometimes in politics, but it was off the scale, but the first brief word from our sponsor, smoke.
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Many thanks again to the wonderful people at Fume for sponsoring this one, so now, Nassau County Legislator Josh Lafazan. has launched a new campaign with county residents to track Congressman Santos and monitor him and his whereabouts. He calls him where is George when George gave his acceptance speech on the night of November 8, 2022, exactly one year apart from me? As I write this now, the man was already starting to raise eyebrows, it turns out that his own campaign had actually learned of his shady past in 2021 when they conducted what is known as a vulnerability study, basically a routine background check to see if there is something in a candidate's past. that an opponent could potentially exploit as an attack, well, George's story was so bad that some members of his own staff reportedly urged him to abandon the complicated web of deception this man was weaving for himself was so blatant and blatant that his own paid employees were telling him he would be better off just Fading Into Obscurity, you know how crazy that is, but of course he didn't listen and by December 2022, just a month after securing his seat in the house , these lies would finally catch up with him.
In the form of a New York Times article laying everything out for the public to witness in this investigation, it was revealed how City Group at Goldman Sachs had no record of a man named George Santos or Anthony Dealer ever having worked there after having boasted to voters about his wealth of Wall Street experience coming out to prove that he never attended Baro College, where at one point he claims to have killed the volleyball team. I actually went to school on a volleyball scholarship and I did, yeah, um, when I was at Baroo. you were volleyball number one, did you graduate from baroo, did you graduate from there, yes, me too, I did, too, oh, very cool, great school, great institution, very liberal but very good, very good teachers who don't show their prejudices, which is which is very interesting, but that's another conversation, but it's funny that we went to F, we went to play Harvard Yale and we killed them.
This one is pretty funny to me because he talked at length about playing on this team, knowing damn well. Well, he didn't even go to school and it's funny, I was the smallest kid at my age, I'm 62 years old. I sacrificed both knees and got a very good knee replacement. HSS knee replacements playing volleyball. That's how seriously I took the game. In fact, he never. He even received a higher education degree despite claiming on the Republican National Committee website that he once attended New York University, meaning he never earned an NBA and never scored a 710 on the GMAT, as he also told him.
He liked to specifically say that there was the pet charity he liked site on the Trail campaign that Friends of Pets United founded in 2013, George spent the next 5 years saving 2,500 dogs and cats out of the goodness of his own heart, as his site web claimed that only later reports discovered that this thing wasn't even registered as a charity in the states of New York or New Jersey, one of the only remnants of this that the Times could verify was a Facebook post promoting a fundraising event of funds in 2017, but the beneficiary of that event claims that he never received the funds and Georgia kept making excuses as to why she didn't have the money, I mean, she was definitely facilitating the adoptions of these dogs, but where was she getting them from?
It's a completely different story. Associates claim he bragged about rescuing dogs from the streets while this Amish dog breeder in Pennsylvania paints a completely different picture according to him. George showed up at his ranch looking to buy some puppies and wrote nine checks totaling about $15,000 which the farmer became suspicious of, but by that time George already had the dogs in his car so he accepted the Gamble and, Surprisingly, the checks were bounced. Did they refund your money? From my memory, I would say yes, it was 3 days after this. George intended to hold a pet adoption event on Staten Island, according to a former owner of that business.
George had allegedly literally stolen puppies and would actually be charged with check fraud in the state of Pennsylvania in 2017, the only way he got out of that was by telling prosecutors that he worked for the SEC and that his checkbook somehow stopped him . This worked and even his lawyer friend, who believed him at the time, told CNN that she no longer believes George was the victim of any fraud and if you're wondering what happened to that adoption event, George reportedly took the check written to his charity, crossed out the charity's name and replaced it with his own, cashing it in with dealer Anthony, then there is, of course, the story of disabled Iraq War veteran Richard Ooff, who alleges that George scammed him out of $3,000 that was intended for his sick service dog, according to Richard Georgia ran off with the money raised by a gofund me, resulting in his dog Sapphire being taken to life. -life-saving surgery for your tumor tragic passing you were homeless at the time I was homeless at the time I had broken my ankle very badly I couldn't work for a year and a half so I couldn't pay the rent and I was evicted I was living in a tent on the side of Route n in Howell, New Jersey, with my dog, um, and she had already had that growth growing, she was getting bigger and bigger as it seemed I finally decided to take her to the vet so that saw her what they could do to remove it and they gave me a quote of $33,000 Richard says he was first introduced to George's charity by a Vette Tech and that George seemed confident he could get the funds needed to save Sapphire's life, he said He was highly respected with his charity.
It would help me a lot to get the money as soon as possible through George or Anthony's dealer charity. Richard's friends and family pitched in to help along with his friends at Old Navy. and even strangers I'd never heard of watched this thing gain steam over the course of a couple of months. It must have been very encouraging for Richard to see him and for a moment he actually looked like Sapphire, a dog who had saved his life on multiple occasions. Sometimes he would finally get the treatment he needed, but according to him, George complicated things by only allowing Richard to go to his preferred veterinary clinic in New York instead of Richard's local one, which wasn't the easiest thing for Richard considering he didn't.
He had a home and couldn't drive. at the time, but George assured him that he would at least make it up to him by paying the tolls and gas money, which he never did. In fact, Richard never received any of the money and about 4 months later was when Sapphire passed away, of course, if you listen. For George, though it's a big distraction since he never let a dog die, giving him zero pictures of all the pets he supposedly saved, but whatever, how are we supposed to believe him here when he hasn't presented any evidence that there was any either? done something? charity work for children with skin conditions As he previously stated, according to his former campaign website, he and his family were committed to helping children with EB, but as executive director of the Deborah of America Global Consortium of organizations working on name of people with EB, who knows, in quotes.
EB Charities global notes that there is nothing in its database or general records that indicates volunteerism by George and his family, including SOS EB Kids, which advocates for children.with EB in Brazil, you have found no records of George's family ever donating to your organization, which is probably Why was this line about helping children with EB removed entirely from your website and replaced with a most generic and difficult verification line about how he supports at-risk children and American veterans, but yet never shows any proof? The Times also mentioned George's alleged salary of $750,000 and up. $1 million in dividends from his company, the distributor organization that not only does not have a public LinkedIn page, but its address appears to be at a Florida mail store located in a strip mall next to a Dollar General and a Chinese takeaway place but George would describe this. in different ways, once referring to it as a family business that managed $80 million in assets before later calling it a capital introduction consulting firm, revelations revealed that it had no clients, which could be illegal if any clients existed , but it would also be pretty bad if they didn't because what was this really and, more importantly, where did all his supposed fortune come from.
Well, right now no one knows since he has never given a direct answer, but he will tell you where one of the main criticisms heard does not come from. that a large amount of money was donated to your campaign by you 700,000 I think where it came from well I'll tell you where it didn't come from it didn't come from China Ukraine or barisma how about that well that That's an answer, great man, but that's not the answer question Maddy Boy is asking now, right? And although George liked to talk a lot about his family's fortune being in real estate, the Times found no evidence that the Santos family owned any property despite at one point claiming up to 13 residential properties, instead of That said, they uncovered a series of evictions George faced starting in 2015, when he owed more than $2,000 in unpaid rent, and again in 2017, when another landlord accused him of owing $10,000 and was fined $112,000 in a civil judgment.
Although, as the Times points out, Georgia was quite vocal about housing issues in the years since, but not from the tenants' perspective, asking in 2021 whether we landlords will ever be able to regain possession of our property, she actually said: I I will join the war against the owners. on the owners' side, but of course this is something Fess would have also said later in the post. George Santos doesn't own any property even though he once claimed an apartment in Rio de Janeiro in a financial statement for himself and also why He's speaking in the third person here, but I think it's hilarious to be literally online as an owner if that It means getting some retweets.
Hilarious stuff, honestly, no notes, but I mean, over the years, George has claimed a lot of jobs that he couldn't try. actually had City Group at Goldman Sachs are some of them, but he also tried to say that he lost four employees in the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Florida in 2016. At that time I had people who worked for me at the club and at my company at that time. At the time we lost four employees who worked at Pulse Nightclub. only the Times was able to review the obituaries of those who were missing that night and found no connection of them to any alleged business that George claimed to be involved in, which is extremely easy to prove all of this, I mean, he was making $15 per hour in a call center at the same time he was telling people he was working like a rich financial year on Wall Street, it's just that no one investigates that until it's too late and he's already in office, yet he was involved with a company.
He called Linkbridge in 2019 before moving on to an investment company called Harbor City Capital based in Florida, which should already raise some red flags. What in Harbor City was a Ponzi scheme, he literally used YouTube videos to lure investors with false promises of double-digit returns. Before being shut down by the SEC to this day, George claims that he had absolutely no idea that any illegal activity occurred while he was there and I have no reason to doubt that this is a guy with a clear conscience and a reputation for be honest, what more can I say?
This is his first television interview since these allegations surfaced. I'm not a fraud. I'm not a fake. I didn't materialize out of thin air. I worked very hard to get where I got my entire life. much, but George retaliated forcefully by providing large amounts of documents and files in addition to files to demonstrate the indisputable legitimacy of each of his original claims, while his lawyers criticized the article as a smear campaign riddled with defamatory accusations that Georgia never brought forward. . any evidence to defend themselves and actually make things worse almost immediately after this was posted. Jewish Insider would reveal some pretty damning information about his family tree.
I think one of the questions that probably comes to mind for a lot of people is, Are you Jewish? George was known for flaunting his supposed Jewish heritage in front of voters, painting it as a story of tenacity and determination to survive, as he expressed at a Jewish Coalition Conference, for example, oh, good morning, Shabbat Shalom, to everyone, talked about it. all the time for the voters, you know, my grandparents survived the Holocaust, all the Jewish lasers in space, I'm Jewish, believe me, he was literally in a manora lighting the same night before the New York Times article appeared , made it no secret that her maternal grandparents fled Jewish persecution and Soviet Ukraine before escaping the Nazis in Belgium and eventually settling in Brazil until it was learned that her grandmother was actually born in 1927 and would have been 13 years old when he claimed that he left Belgium in 1940 while he was married to her. husband, it also appears that George's grandfather was, by all indications, Brazilian, according to a historian at the University of Rio de Janeiro who specializes in the entry of foreigners into Brazil between 1939 and 1945, exactly the time period we're in. seeing here, what conflicts with the initial story is that his grandfather escaped from Stalin's Ukraine in the 1920s;
In fact, according to the historian, only two foreigners entered Brazil from Belgium under the name of merchant, but they arrived separately after the war in 1948 and 1955 and left shortly after, although he recognized George's identity. great-grandfather who arrived in Brazil at the end of the 19th century according to an extensive genealogical record of the Santos family finally concluding that George has an interesting family history with nice and important people I suspect that he does not have the slightest idea about this for that reason he invented the ancestors, Now again, multiple family records show that his maternal grandparents were born in Brazil and a genealogist told CNN there is no sign of Andor-Ukrainian Jewish heritage or indication of name changes along the way.
By this time, George had been cornered. basically, receiving a seat in the House of Representatives on a silver platter until becoming the number one enemy of the media before even taking office within the ranks of the United States, there are criminals, Gore, there are people with all kinds of timid backgrounds and all of a sudden George Santos is the Mary Magdalene of the United States Congress breaking her silence the day after Christmas with an appearance on WABC in an interview with the New York Post telling the post I'm not a criminal and that my sins here are embellishing my resume.
I'm sorry to trace his lies about Wall Street to a poor choice of words and admitting that he never graduated from any college. The university added that we do stupid things in life before finally hitting us with the quote of the year in their interview. George told the publication that he never claimed to be Jewish. I am Catholic because I found out that my mother's family had a Jewish background. I said I was Jewish, but that's not even true. The man literally called himself a holl shle Jew just a month before the election at a pack meeting in the US and Israel, literally. no one thought he meant Jewish, he clearly wanted people to think whatever.
I feel silly just trying to understand any of this, am I right? And of course, this was also around the time some old Facebook comments resurfaced along with this leaked audio of him. doing what he considers an impression of a Jewish man. I guess you sit in a room with a lot of Jews. He's just funny when the isms start coming out. Oh, she, he's a man, he's a man, and then they. move on to the next one like I think it's really bad but I have no idea how this is a real person anyway. Brader's media attention, though directed toward deeper investigations into George's murky biography, soon even his own past relationships came under scrutiny first with The Daily Beast being unable to find any official marriage license for him. and her husband in upstate New York and some also noted that she didn't have a wedding ring on the day she first arrived in Washington, the first time most people found out she was married was when she mentioned her husband in passing as part of this tweet commemorating the late Senator Diane Feinstein, which I loved because throwing his partner hard at the beginning of a memorial tribute is an act of madness that only George Santos could pull off a few days later. with this official confirmation that the two got married in 2021, but as some answers have pointed out, this is not the first time George has gotten married, his first marriage lasted 7 years and was with a woman from Brazil about whom there is also a investigation.
Regardless of whether or not he violated immigration law by marrying her, one of George's openly gay friends told The Daily Beast that he tried to get him to marry a Brazilian woman so he could get his citizenship and that George told him to marry her. Julie isn't sure what it is, but we know for sure that George officially divorced his wife in 2019, a year before his run for Congress and 5 years after he allegedly proposed to her. marriage to a man in 2014, sending an invitation on Facebook that said Good night everyone. As you all already know, Pedro and I have decided to join our toothbrushes LOL and very few friends have been selected to share this special moment with us.
I hope to see all of you there and be smart and make it count. I know. There was no time for a written invitation, but thanks to Facebook, everyone has an ELO notice with a full week for everyone who knows me. I can suck at time. Thank you for sharing this important day in our lives. See you, this party never happened. Unfortunately, her ex-boyfriend Pedro Valara rejected George's proposal three times, as she told The Daily Beast, reinforcing the idea that George would routinely enter into relationships with men years before legally leaving his wife in response to any speculation about his sexuality that George told the New York newspaper.
Post I'm very gay I'm okay with my sexuality people change I'm one of those people who change and while we're on the topic of change it's also been reported that George was once a supporter of the Brazilian left. President Lula, according to an acquaintance from the past, which would be in first contradiction with the man we know George to be today, instead of spearheading progressive bills to expand and protect the rights of the lgbtq community, for example, George He was a strong supporter of Ronda Santos' infamous Don. I'm not saying gay bill that has been widely condemned by activist groups as firmly homophobic and unconstitutional, even after George seemed to change his mind on this later and denounced Desantis' rhetoric of diminishing and eliminating rights of people like him, left Clearly he still supports.
I'm not sure which part of the bill he supports, but he hasn't exactly earned a reputation as an activist by associating with some of the biggest homophobic monsters in politics. I can tell you something that is especially sad when we consider drag. Accusations of the queen today like every day we have new evidence of lies in the case of the Republican Congress GE Santos now Santos has vehemently denied the reports, as well as the videos and photographs that two sources told MC News that show him participating in programs of drag one of the main stories. What you may have heard if you're already familiar with George Santos is that he supposedly once performed in drag under the name qara rache, at least according to Brazilian drag artist YULA Rochard in January 2023, she made this post on Facebook and captioned me with the American Republican. congressman who did not leave my house in Portuguese whoever said that it was a liar biting his tongue, insinuating that the person with red feathers and long earrings next to her was none other than the representativeSantos' images originally appeared in the Brazilian newspaper in 2008 and were corroborated by an Unearthed interview in which a journalist alleges that he spoke to George's qara almost a decade earlier.
I don't know Portuguese, but those who do have commented below that he's talking about all the clubs he used to perform at in Rio, which for me reinforces that old Wikipedia user bio that referenced Anthony's successful run dealer Life as a drag queen YULA even told NBC that she knew George at a time when he was coming up in the drag world and even acted as a mentor of sorts to him, as well as citing his surpassed sense of grandeur and stating that lied all along initially, George responded to these claims with an absolute and complete denial by writing the most recent Media Obsession, claiming that I am a drag queen or that I act like a drag queen is categorically False, the media continues to make scandalous claims about my life, although a few days later, as I was leaving LaGuardia Airport, Georgia changed her tune by telling reporters that I was young and had fun at the festival, they sued me for having a life that, honestly, is the most human.
What I think she said so far if she had been honest about it from the beginning, I don't think this would have been the same story. What I don't understand is that George can be honest about this but still lie repeatedly and change his mind. story when it comes to other personal details about his family, for example, even as George made various edits to his biography as more lies were exposed, there was one notable detail that remained part of his website throughout: his mother, Fatima, a merchant, died on 9/11 which, by the way, was already a topic of debate because, in classic George Santos style, he initially worded his mother's death in a way that made it seem like she passed by his office when the World Trade Center was attacked until later, when she clarified that she actually survived the initial attacks but died a few years later when she lost her battle with cancer.
Only additional reports have indicated that the Fatima trader was not even in the country in 2001 in a visa application he filed in 2003. Fatima claims he had not been to the United States since leaving the country in 1999 and in another filing just 3 Months before the attacks on the World Trade Center, Fátima explains that she could not come to the United States because her green card was stolen in Brazil. These are the words of George's own mother, whose son would later continue to lie about the nature of his death years after his passing in 2016, all in the name of appearing more human by having such a personal connection to a tragedy he didn't. affected not only so many Americans but specifically New Yorkers, it would certainly lend itself to greater credibility among voters in that region, but lying about such a thing also has the potential to irreparably ruin that image in the eyes of those same voters while the office of George Santos in Washington is up and running.
Protesters gathered outside his vacant office in Douglas District. calls to resign from voters who say they were misled by a candidate who fabricated virtually all of his qualifications. Great Neck voter jod cfle has launched a bipartisan petition we have a scammer we have a liar we have a charlatan holding Pinocchio figures voters say Santos is mocking voters with his silence for some reason. I really don't know why there are so many people who don't like George Santos and want to remove him from politics entirely, as evidenced by Nassau County Republican leaders who called for George's removal.
He resigns immediately the week following his inauguration with several other New York House representatives urging the same. The reason House Majority Leader at the time, Kevin McCarthy, chose not to take action, though likely had to do with the fact that Republicans only have a narrow majority. right now and they need pretty much every seat they can get and all this despite the fact that one of George's fundraisers was accused of impersonating McCarthy Aid on the phone to a big donor, but that's actually completely independent of George's personal legal problems upon receiving one. of two federal indictments in May of this year with 13 counts including wire fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and lying to the house, his biggest mistake may have been using campaign money to pay for personal assets and it's not even that he did it, but that he did it the wrong way.
Legal loopholes were found. Within welfare groups or leadership groups regularly help politicians get away with the exact type of things George was doing, it's just that instead of using an actual welfare group or a 501c4, he created a regular business and falsely told donors that it was a 501c4 that Redstone's business strategy, which was not even registered with the IRS, had nothing to do with his campaign and everything to do with his bank account, as the contributor claimed of the New York Times, David Firestone, who points out that this company was transferring funds directly to George's personal bank account. which is like an incredibly illegal man, you could have gotten away with it too if you had been a little smarter about it, but I digress at this point, even his own campaign treasurer, Nancy Marks, has turned against him, as I mentioned before.
Nancy pleaded guilty to one charge. of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. by committing one or more federal crimes according to CNN, which monitors Santos' campaign finances, Nancy told prosecutors in October that quote. I filed a report for the first quarter of 2022 indicating that co-conspirator 1 and the money was not received at that time, co-conspirator number one of course was George, further implicating him and Nancy confirmed that I did these things according to co-conspirator number one for his benefit and to obtain money for his campaign by artificially inflating his funds to meet thresholds established by a national political committee his testimony came just days before George was indicted for the second time and U.S. attorney Brion Pierce claimed that Santos' charge was to steal people's identities and charge his own donors' credit cards without their authorization, lie to the FEC and by extension, the public about his campaign's financial status.
Santos falsely inflated the campaign's reported income with nonexistent loans and contributions that were fabricated or stolen, so, among other things, George is now accused of stealing donors' personal identities to renew $44,000 in fees over the course of 8 months without their knowledge because these donations often exceeded federal campaign contribution limits. George was just saying the money came from his own finances, which wasn't true, at one point he allegedly charged a donor's credit card $112,000 and just slipped most of it into his own bank account, I mean, he's so careless. which is ridiculous and through it all he's still saying he won't take a plea deal maintaining it wasn't him and he can still prove his innocence, it's been almost a month and a half late and we're all still waiting for him to do it despite All of this, and even after leaving his committee assignments in January, George has continued to vote on bills that regularly appear in the background of hearings and generally remains reserved between elections. scolded by Massachusetts D, I mean Senator Mitt Romney Romney telling Santos in that chamber that you don't belong here, he's a sick puppy, huh, he shouldn't be, he shouldn't be there, it wasn't very Mormon of him, that much I can say .
I'm not saying George can't hold his own in the good ol' Twitter dispute. Trust me when I say he's good at blowing up random people who get into fights with this random guy on numerous occasions, just because yes, they're all coming after him. I mean, that's why he should see himself as the Rosa Parks Mitt Romney of our generation. The man goes to the State of the Union of the United States with a Ukrainian lapel pin. He tells me a Latino gay man that he shouldn't sit me in the front. be in the back well guess what Rosa Parks didn't sit in the back and I'm not going to sit in the back either her allies in the house seem few and far between right now she sure has Jewish space lasers important Taylor Green on his side, but also talks to Li about his interactions with other members like Kristen Cinema, who he says was very encouraging and welcoming to him, while she insists that two have never spoken, which has to make you feel a little bad for the guy George isn't.
He is not holy by any means, but has he really committed any crime? Yes, are you kidding me? Yes Yes. He is being charged with 23 counts and has a trial date set for September 2024, two months before his re-election would have been had he not suspended his campaign. the most recent developments from the House Ethics Committee in other words, it's never been over if this building, if this city worked to fix our country the same way they did to oust me, I'd be in a better place, but this place es are full of political theater and the American people are the ones paying the price in the time it took me to make this video.
Thomas Swazi, the Democrat whose seat George held, has since launched his own campaign with the intention of winning back his original seat, but to be fair, I never felt George enjoyed the job anyway, the most excited I've ever seen him. is when he was asked a question about the final season of Rupal's drag racing. I mean, he never seemed very excited about being in the house beyond. the money he temporarily earned from his campaigns, Congressman Santos, who does he think is going to win the drag race this season? I have nothing to read. I don't know if he wanted to win.
I mean, just think. Having to constantly deal with journalists harassing you with questions every time you leave your office must be annoying, receiving little to no respect from anyone at your job, it must be tough and knowing that there is only one 7 % of the country that wants it. The government has to be brutal as a reference. There are more people in the United States who think the Earth is flat than there are who want George Santos in office. He was never going to stay for long. I'm sorry to say it, but that doesn't mean he didn't do it. enjoy the ride, usually our politicians are just boringly corrupt.
George, however, at least kept us all on the edge of our seats waiting to see what strange new development would come next. He financed a trip to Atlantic City with campaign dollars. buy only fans and lip fillers, a man of the people, he could go to federal prison for falsifying financial reports, classic George, that doesn't mean he isn't a horrible person, he is, but if we are going to have horrible people in our government. They could also be horrible in ways that are occasionally entertaining. He may not be in the house much longer, but he will be a representative of the gay B-crime community forever.
I got my ticket because of the way a lot of energy, guys, let's have fun. fun, fun, fun, fun, yeah go to the one with the prettiest views and I sure would like some sweet company and I'm leaving tomorrow what do you say when I'm gone when I'm gone why are you going to miss me When I'm gone, you're going to miss me in your head, you're going to miss me everywhere, oh, you're going to miss me when I'm gone, when I'm gone, when I'm gone. You'll miss me when I'm gone You'll miss me for my walk You'll miss me for my heel You'll miss me when I'm gone

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