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Doctor: Trump MAJOR RISK of brain failure at debate

Jul 01, 2024
interrupt. But once he interrupts, then we go into what I call the diarrhea of ​​lying. Well. That just absolutely floods the area with crazy, toxic lies, one after another, after another. You wouldn't even know where to start tackling the toxic sludge. And this is where I think Biden needs to say things like, you know, the only thing that comes out of your mouth or lies, it's like a diarrhea of ​​lies that comes out of your mouth. Speaker 1: In other words.  Speaker 4: One of the things you have to do is say, you are the liar. Oh, you're the liar.   But now you can say, oh, you are the diarrhea.  Like, no, we have to slap him like we're in the schoolyard, right?
doctor trump major risk of brain failure at debate
So it is such a good classification. You know what I mean? That actually costs him to recover. Speaker 1: Because the format itself limits your ability to refute a handful of lies in a minute. And that can be a difficult thing to deal with. One of the things I've thought about is that there are probably 12 to 15 broad issues that will come up, and one way to address them would be that Biden should have some sort of canned way of addressing whether he approaches abortion and body issues. autonomy and Roe v Wade and women's rights and interstate abortion travel.
doctor trump major risk of brain failure at debate

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These are the three points he needs to address when it comes to immigration: do you think that also from a memory point of view it is an effective tool for


s where response times will be relatively short?  Speaker 4: Well, I think there has to be two clues. One is to show how cowardly he is. Over and over again. And the other is to present two visions of America.   I think Biden can't be too apocalyptic.  I think he really has to say, you know, folks, you know, Donald Trump has said that he's going to be a dictator from day one.
doctor trump major risk of brain failure at debate
And you know what? I think he is telling the truth. Know that we escaped from a king. We escaped from a mad king. And he is running to be another one. And I think he's telling the truth. I want you to think about the kind of America where your children grow up in a dictatorship and to think about the soul of America. You know, this country will be more like Russia. Do you think we will have another free and fair election if Donald Trump has control of all government bodies? Do you think you will be able to speak freely, when he is putting those who say bad things about him in jail?
doctor trump major risk of brain failure at debate
You know, he's not going to make America great again. He is going to permanently destroy America and turn us into Russia, which of course means that Vladimir Putin is the evil master he serves. Vladimir Putin is the one who helped get him elected in 2016. Vladimir Putin is the one who kissed his ring in Helsinki, took them to the Oval Office, and is now doing their bidding and trying to downplay the war in Ukraine and get them to surrender. , because he is Putin's tool. Oh. You know, the tool, you know.   But the thing is to paint a very, very dark picture of what Trump is and then say and then say, you know, I remember America.
That was a city on a hill. Yes. Ronald Reagan talked about that city on a hill. You know, welcoming all immigrants, you know, to freedom. And he was talking about the image of John Winthrop, the Puritans who founded New England. You know, they wanted America to be a city on a hill. The light of the temple is in danger of going out. His work may be extinguished. You know, this election isn't just about whether you vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump. It's what kind of world you want to leave your children. What kind of society do you want them to live in?
I think you have to make it so dark and so dark and keep obscuring the vision. And the person who is pushing the vision into the darkness, and just keeps hammering it and hammering it and hammering it. Speaker 1: Okay, Dr. John Gartner, we'll be watching. We always appreciate your ideas. Thank you very much for speaking with us today.  Speaker 4: Oh, thanks for having me. I always love being on your show.

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