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Why Am I Planting Chorus Fruit In My Ocean? (495)

Mar 12, 2024
Hello I'm mpx toy cat and welcome back so I started minecraft bedrock updated ventures let's play this is the weekly update of what's been happening both in my survival world and in life the universe and everything the rest. In today's episode, I'm working on a new project, laying the groundwork for it, but before I can work on a new project, I think it's important to focus on my tools. I know people like to talk about my choices and tools being a little strange at times, and although I have loved some scissors and even a flint and steel.
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One of the few tools I've never enchanted or chosen in my survival world is a crossbow and today is the day I'll finally change that because I'm going to need a bow. but I thought instead of using a boring old bow and aiming at things and you know, instead of doing that, I'll take a crossbow. I have some left. I melted the rest to feed it. my furnace but I have some crossbows left and I'm going to try to enchant them to get both uh but basically I want multiple shots on them and I want them to break so I can shoot a bunch of barrels and I can shoot. some, uh, I want to get some



plants, it will be a lot of fun, uh, I hope, but first let's do this, this is, uh, I was going to put them there using my collection of enchanted books, I'm sure I have all the instruments What I need.
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why am i planting chorus fruit in my ocean 495...

I might want to be here somewhere, but I think what's a lot more fun is that if we actually tried to enchant the crossbow directly, we could get all the enchantments we want and maybe it would just cost us, oh, that's not all the enchantments we we want, we could get all of them. the enchantments we want and it may only cost us a few lapis lazuli points, let's try again and oh, there we go, so piercing, fast charge and I'm breaking, if now we can take that crossbow and we can put. Multiple shot there instead of peeing because if you're playing, this is my biggest tip.
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If you have a crossbow, never put a piercing in there unless you're crazy because shooting free arrows is infinitely better in my opinion than shooting. through multiple targets, so now we take the same crossbow, put multiple shots in there and, oh no, you fired up, you can't replace it, uh, the bore gets stuck there once it's there, which is a tragedy, but I guess that's how it is, so I guess. My plan now is to disenchant some items. I always have a bunch of tools in my world that need to be disenchanted and then we'll use the experience we get from that to then try one more go with this magic, so I don't just need an unbreakable free crossbow, it's a good start for a crossbow, I guess, but we don't need it, we would prefer something else.
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We don't really need this crossbow and two unbreakable pieces, and I don't need all these enchantments either, I think disenchanting enchanted things you find in the wild is a great source of experience that a lot of people don't take full advantage of and oh, we still need more, apparently Well, a new plan. go for level two on enchant because it's definitely a quick load damn we got piercing again you're ruining my life here minecraft i hope you know okay this time the piercing i don't want so let's enchant that then we disenchant and we are. I'll keep trying until we get our perfect crossbow, which I'm sure can't be too hard to do.
Are the crossbows broken to always release in this third level or something because it's the only one that spawns properly there? let's go to multi shot, one is finally an option, but I need five levels if I want to do that and my pro tip, this is bad pro tip because you need a very specific setup, is always to have an automatic oven that has experience ready to draw from. at any time and in fact mine are ready like this so here's my oven uh house it's a lovely place it always has ovens that are running up to a certain level it seems like and uh yeah what we do is break them and all the experience that is accumulated there suddenly comes to light, we can do this, uh, very, oh, actually, there is basically nothing there, we can do this to get all the experience and boom, now we should go back to Put those ovens in and everything will work wonderfully again.
I feel like Minecraft is making fun of me because even after doing that I still only have 29 levels, so we have to quickly go get more, so my source of experience is always a village. I come here and trade some basic items like melons or eggs and then I get emeralds. In my opinion, it is a decent trade. I'll also buy some pies from the farmers just because I feel like at some point in my life I'm going to want pies again and I don't. I have to make those cakes myself, so I'll buy some and now we have, we can buy a lot of cakes from a lot of farmers and it makes sense that they all sell cakes, right?
Yes, let's buy some cakes. I'm going to treat myself and start buying golden carrots too, although they are a terrible deal at one emerald per carat. I feel like I would enjoy having a bunch of golden carrots in my world so I know I can eat them. premium food when I want, even if it's not my intention, I've said it many times before and one of my words that sounds a little crazy when you say it is that I believe that one of the most valuable things that money can buy is the ability to be able to buy things with money by not spending money you have more purchasing power from that money than by spending it and it's a bit paradoxical paradox is the wrong word but it's a bit confusing but it's something that makes me happy and The same will definitely be true for golden carrots.
I think let's take some of those bad boys and throw them in my food trunk. Should I wait? Actually, let's go against exactly what I just said. Let's look at a golden carrot now and see how long it lasts. is in it, let's play before I need to eat again because golden carrots don't have the best hunger regeneration, they have the best saturation, it's very high quality, okay, we're finally here, the time has finally come, we can do this multi-shot. crossbow that only has multiple shots in apparently all that effort and so I'm asking you maybe if I combine the multi shot crossbow with the other one it will take all the here we go but it won't take the penetrating meaning that I can have quick charge and multiple shot at the same perfect timing, I think the quick charge actually goes up to level three, so I should have waited for that before doing this, but it doesn't, it's an almost perfect crossbow, it's not a perfect crossbow, I never said It was like that, I don't think yeah so at some point I guess I'll combine it with a quick charger, two crossbows or two quick chargers and then with that we can make this perfect.
I also think we should modify it. there because otherwise there will be comments about how it's not perfect until it's fixed, I mean you'll never use it much, but let's do it now anyway just for the fun of it. us, so, there's my repair book, there's my absolutely beautiful four enchantment crossbow, except because one of the things I hate the most in the real world is when people like abbreviated things like, you know, crossing to x because an x ​​is a cross, no, that's annoying, but I hate it so much. I'm going to start doing it myself until I learn to love it.
Oh expert. Look, I'm saving a lot of time by writing exponents instead of crossbow. Wow, I love that. Don't cross the street, get off the street. Ashley and in the United States of America, that's literally what they do. They have written on the roads pedestrians as ped xing, as you know, we don't have much space on these roads, so we will have to write ped for pedestrians. and then come out, you know, pegsing is what it sounds like, what is a pedsing i to i, literally, I had to have the Americans explain that to me and then they were like, oh, it's so obvious, don't you know that xxxing is short for cross?
No, that's not how this all works, but now I have a crossbow, so you want to try to explain things to me again, guys, you want to see how it goes, yeah, okay, let's get to the end now and the reason why we are. The end of today is to work on a couple of things, one of them I want to make a small improvement on this final road that already has a boat, so I guess I'll leave this here as a buffer point, but uh. Basically, you may have noticed that a lot of people have noticed that my final rods run out halfway through the sign-ups, they are actually quite expensive to create in the survival sense of the word because once you know that, oh gosh, that's scary once you uh uh Realize that, as you know, it's pretty easy to pop cross


s to be safe, but what's not easy enough to get are fire rods.
I mean, you can make a fire farm. It's one of the farms that isn't much harder to make, but you know you need to have it. two ingredients, one from never to the end and I really like it for that reason and honestly, that was the only use I've ever had for


fruit in my world. Am I just slowly pushing it in as I go here? The only use. For the choir, the fruits that I have eaten my world has been making these. Sometimes I eat them for fun with teleportation and, you know, it shows up in a video every once in a while, like, hey, there's this magical food that teleports you or teleports you.
You know, maybe that's a debate that will come up in a future video, but you know, basically, the chorus fruit is a dumb, crazy plant, but today I want to make more than the ones I first saw. Was it ever a useful chorus fruit, um, in a recent round review, I thought so, actually, I'll say I thought they were meant to be out of sync by one, I think they were at some point and I guess that stops sometime. Oh, that's a problem, actually, yes, I remember I started to desynchronize them, so somewhere they stopped being incorrect and started being correct, which doesn't seem like a problem, but let me assure you that it clearly is a problem if it is on one side. we're oh yeah they're up there they're like they're in five yeah they're not in sync here but they're in sync there so I should put them from this angle and then I just hope no one notices that they're meant to be something that isn't, that sounds like a plan as far as I'm concerned or we'll just leave that rod on one end there as a reminder of this fact because when you see something wrong, like something really interesting about human design, we often like, Doing things perfectly is a way to make people not think about them at all, which is really cool in some ways, like you know you don't need to.
Oh God, that's scary, you don't need to think about that often, um, how scary it is to know that if someone has a heart attack while driving a car, he's going to crash into several people and kill them. We don't have public awareness campaigns about it because if you're having a heart attack there's not much you can do and, you know, if there's not much we can do, there's a lot you can do, it's just one of those things, let's try it. not to think about it and it's great, you know, no, no, no, we don't work to solve the problem, we work to make you not think about the problem, I guess, and there are problems like that that we don't do.
I don't know how to fix it, so we don't think about them, um, and then there are problems that we're okay, so we need to find a bunch of chorus fruits. I guess this way, once we move down the final path, I'll find some sooner rather than later right here, perfect, now let's go and cut down some of these plants. I'm going to see if we can cut down several at the same time, that's the dream here, as if the multiple shot does it. just a helpful thank you today, it will be a worthwhile enchantment, although I'm actually missing more than I'm hitting like this so maybe it's actually quite useless, but yeah, while we cut some thick plants because I want so many plants as I can, not the fruit plant, while we're at it, I want to talk about something really interesting about myself because I've been watching, maybe more than I should, these.
The videos are like people doing scary and definitely illegal things like me. I didn't realize how illegal I saw. I will explain that I love watching people climb super tall towers. I love observing people. I saw a video of someone jumping from the Fragment of the tallest building in Europe, if I'm not mistaken, or in the EU, like in Western Europe, let's say on the western side of Europe, there is a huge building that overlooks the alum on the horizon and I watch the video of someone figuring out how to get over barriers and just jumping and pretending it's called a base jump, but the video of him doing that, um, for the first 10 seconds of doing any form of, you know, base jumping. , free fall, etc.
So, the first 10 seconds look exactly like they would if you jumped off a building to commit suicide, as you always see those photos, it's called the fallen man, right? The 911 people when they were in the towers, the towers were burning, they couldn't go down and decided that instead of dying by fire I will take the thingsIn my own hands and I go, I'll do it myself, you know? And I always used to, I always found it fascinating and, as you know, I would share it with people at school even if they were a little uncomfortable with it because it brings up something interesting but horrible that sometimes people choose. to do that and have to make that split decision, right choice, like some, so sometimes that's something that happens.
We usually have the representation that, as you know, all suicide all the time is never okay, but some sometimes like it very, very rarely. Aren't we going to talk about it? It's like, oh yeah, it's the option that exists and, again, the reason we don't talk about it is because, by the way, we're trying not to glorify in very good ways because A lot of people are in a temporary state that it's solving with a permanent problem or whatever people say in response to that, but the reason I find it so interesting is because I'm fascinated. not because I want to jump over a building to my death, but because I'm curious what that's like.
You know, I feel like I'm curious about a lot of human experiences. People do all kinds of strange things all the time and I. I know, I think it's weird that more people aren't curious about that, instead of judging and saying, oh yeah, people only do that because they're bad people, like, you know, like the electric scooter thing. Electric scooters are a They are a lot of fun because they are like a unique and low transportation, they are interesting and unique to travel with compared to most other forms of transportation, but a lot of people look at them, they are like the only ones.
The reason people use these is because they're bullies or whatever, they use some different words, more choice words instead and, I think that's a little derogatory. I think it's derogatory. What's out of control is I'm sorry, I want to know, as you know, since most suicidal people who like it survive and end up saying yeah, I wish I hadn't, I wish I had. There's this big point in Bojack called. the view from the middle of the road down, but like so many suicidal people who tried to jump off a bridge in the middle of the road, they say oh God, yes, why did I do this?
They didn't even wait until they hit the water and said swim, but you know, think about how horrible it must be for that kind of thing, but what's more horrible is being halfway there and having no control because you know that the moment you that you take the leap is the moment that you're taking control, but the moment that uh you've taken the leap you've lost control like um I think it's uh it's such an interesting thing to talk about like that i i i again until the day. today I can't tell you for sure well I can't tell you what it's like to jump off a giant building uh without uh short and I don't think many humans do it, but watching these videos makes you realize that yes, that's exactly what it is eh, I made this, I made this, I understand what it's called.
Like in the stratosphere in Las Vegas there is a tower where you can bungee jump, it's not bungee jumping, it's like it gives you a free fall of about 200 meters or, as you know, 200 feet, I probably don't know how, I don't know. which one it was, but it was very far from one of the tallest buildings, if not the tallest building in Las Vegas, and then right when you're about to hit the ground, it slows you down so that when you hit the ground it's like soft and gradual so that you have the full experience of what it's like to jump off a building and that's the most interesting thing to me, like the experience of and because you know my whole brain was like, uh, okay, that's how it will be.
Well, it's going to be scary, but you're here for the adrenaline, of course, but the moment I stepped forward I thought, why did I step down? Even though I wasn't, uh, you know, like doing the suicide thing, I still had those same feelings. I just died in the dumbest way. I have paid money. You know it like a professional. I'm pretty sure it's a substantial amount. It's been a while, but I remember it was more than I could have imagined. I have paid money. dies and although this is a pretty sight and it's amazing, all I can focus on now is who I am, you know, it feels like you know your body is having all the indicators that it's like you know things probably aren't They are fine at the moment. uh what's the deal with this giant g force that's hitting you and why why is the ground getting closer and closer and closer and oh god why is it so close why aren't you slowing down um so yeah, huh?
I found these videos interesting the same way you did, what's the experience like? What would it be like to jump off a building? I don't know if I've ever told this story, but it was one from when in school, I don't know why or how who it was or why, but someone reported something that I said to a teacher and I said, yeah, I'm pretty sure. That he's uh, you know, I'm pretty sure he's suicidal or something. Should you talk to him, which first of all I think is a weird thing that you can do on behalf of someone at school anyway, like uh sure, whatever happened, so I had a um, not even a counselor. school as one of the one of the senior members of staff like uh, in the UK we have something called a headteacher, I think I think the equivalent is like a chancellor in the US, oh, I'm sorry, headmaster, and that's in what I'm thinking, um, the equivalent. of like uh one deputy one of those was like uh okay yeah we're going to have uh we're going to talk about something real quick and uh so to this day the cleverest thing he did was like So you know , you say you don't want to die, obviously, but have you ever been curious about what it would be like to jump off a building?
I know I'm curious about that. I think so, actually, that would be great. interesting, wouldn't it be interesting to know what it's like to jump off a building? Yeah, I am because again I feel like maybe I'm open to new experiences in a way, um, not everyone is or something, I feel like one. One of the top five personality traits is definitely openness and at least in some ways I feel like I'm pretty open, but I said that and she was like oh and then she said that as a result I had to have a bunch of sessions that the way took me out of the classrooms but we thought oh let's talk about how you're feeling this week and how you're doing, it was yes again because I was in a class one, I wouldn't have avoided it anyway because let's be honest you give the kids any chance to avoid school, they're going to take it, but secondly, it was like, um, again, it was mandatory, it was at school, they made me go through these, uh, to have regular talks. about how you feel mate, you know, very condescending, stuff like that and the worst, but it's like they never come to a resolution, like in four weeks, you know, so, first of all, they tricked me into doing these things by saying :oh.
Yes, we have confirmed your suicidal intention because you are interested in knowing what it would be like to jump off a building. Because it would be interesting, right? It would be painful and I don't want to do it to find out. Just to be clear, I don't actually want to jump off buildings because as far as I know, you die when you do, unless you're the guy in this video clip, in which case again jump off this giant tower and it's like, oh yeah, and then for the first 10 seconds it's horrible, then your parachute opens, but what if it didn't?
That must be the most stressful 10 seconds of your life because it's already so stressful for me, um, it's It's already so stressful for me to like, I know, like I'm taken advantage of, like any logical part of my brain could having thought about it and no, yes, you will be fine, like people do this every day, etc. etc, but like if that guy was doing something new, he might be the only person who has jumped base. I don't know how common base jumping is outside of major landmarks, but um, uh, i, i, I just, I think that's the reason I'm telling this story because, first of all, again, it's interesting.
I feel like there is a human interest even in horrible things that we don't think about enough. Also, if I break these trees, will I get my plant back? see if that's true oh wait, wait, will I get two arrows? Oh yes, so actually you can. Does multishot allow you to duplicate arrows or do you just get one arrow back from each of the three? Not a long time ago. sense either way it works well, it doesn't make much sense at all, but I guess we shouldn't think about it anyway, so, I found it interesting because not only did they basically trick me into uh, being like you have to do all these things from time to time, but when they fought, I was like a suicidal teenager or whatever, and you know that they weren't very far away, that that was something that had been true, no.
It's been too long, but when they assumed this, when they thought it was the worst, they just stopped and this has happened to me at so many times in my life in so many places where someone is responsible for something incredibly important. uh I have a real, I've had it, okay, let me talk about two problems, I have pretty bad acne, it's less bad now that I'm an adult, but it's like I have any amount of Acne in adulthood is something that people do attack you because it's like a little bit of social stigma pain and it's also painful to have, so I also have a liver that works a little less than functional, which I found out because I was trying to take this medication, which not only It can make you like it more, it's not crazy as acne is such a problem that the best way to solve it that people take regularly is this medication which seriously increases your chances. of committing suicide severely increases the dryness of your skin to the point where, like in a normal scam, there are a lot of things that don't work properly and it's like, but like that social stigma yawn, I'm right, I mean, that's true for a lot of things like the arsenal, in general, attractive, true, there is so much, it seems silly, there is so much pain and madness that people are willing to go through, but it makes sense, I guess we can also endlessly cultivate them.
So that's how it works, I guess later when we take it to the overworld it will be easier to farm because that's where I intend to go. Actually, you know, yeah, we're going to have enough chorus fruit now, probably now we just need to. a final stone to place while I do the next part of this, so let's break this tree down, actually, uh, yeah, let's start scrapping all the way from there so we can grow it back, yeah, if you leave a little bit of the course then We can come back here later and farm more or we could plant all of our chorus flowers now and farm then, but now let's return to our main final island through this gateway to the final city.
I'm going to make it this time. Nail it, but I'm going to nail it, no, I didn't nail it, fly around there, yeah, so, um, yeah, now I'm going to break a rock off the end because I have this problem, like there are enemies that appear at my bottom, even on me it ends up even though it's covered in glass and part of that problem is these bits around the edges where there are dark spots because they're underneath other spots, basically I need to remove those things so let's go ahead and do that but, um Also, I like being abandoned, although presumably again like that, that decision to simply not forget something I liked was, in its own opinion, very important, it's funny because that is something that has happened to me in many aspects of life. life and believe. um, I think it shows that one of the real fears, one of the most common human fears, is not being hated or shouldn't be hated, it's an easy fear to have, but to me it's not the most valid fear, but instead it's being forgotten and I think that shows why, once again, I had this real condition of my liver and that meant that every blood test was a bit worrying and I didn't get any calls.
You know, I once talked to a doctor about that. I think this might be true mentally, but I'd like to confirm it because, like self-diagnosis, I think self-diagnosing yourself. Mental problems are an easy way to exacerbate certain aspects of those problems. I think self-diagnosis is a problem-filled solution for many. Self-diagnosis is more of a problem than a solution in many ways. Let's say yes. and um, so I thought, hey, can we, uh, you know, I feel like this might be true, do you know how we do this? They say, oh yeah, I'll recommend the person to you and then they like that he can.
I don't do it now, but I'll go straight to saying that they didn't do it. Much of life is like someone forgetting you exist and the detrimental effects they can have. I had a teacher. This is the craziest thing that This is allowed and it's true, and like the professor didn't get in serious trouble for this, but one of my professors, he was a business professor, in case you're curious, he went to half of my two giant years. business, of course, let's call it um and he just didn't give all of our work to the next teacher, he stored it personally in his personal places and uh like they kept contacting us about it and they and they just wouldn't.
You know, if you say, yeah, yeah, it's, uh, we'll make it right for you and then obviously that didn't happen and I find it mind-blowing that you can basically ignore people and doI can't finish draining the monuments, ugly little corners, so should I drain that? Some would say no incorrectly, obviously, but they would still say it and their opinions are valid, okay, now we're flying again. Oh no, I got stuck in a sponge, but apparently it's okay and now we break this whole thing very easily. when we're outside at least rest rest rest rest rest trio trio trio there's an old toy cat let's play reference we're getting close to 500 let's play now by the way like um something about that is a little crazy I do, I've been this, this, this , Let's Play started in 2012.
What's the scoop with that? How does something become 500 something old? You know, 500 different separate efforts to do something, but here we are apparently because despite that. it still happens too here's the best part breaking up the sand finally having all this sand back beautiful having this whole part of the


one wouldn't be visible it's nice it's lovely I would even say I've been Ask for about a minute trying some things online and let me tell them how tremendously interesting it is to simply watch these chorus plants grow; Anyway, it's a really fun little thing, so now let's lay down some more finishing stone.
I'm torn, like we should start going around it on all sides quickly or just extend it in one direction, but for now we'll just extend a little bit here, lay down some of that final stone, and now we can lay down those same flowers. and boom, and now we also have a way, oh, because it's so close to the sand that some flowers will fall, it will actually be quite a problem, but yeah, the plan is basically to have a little chorus bomb that we can spend some time working if we want and also, oh, we're free soon and, what's more, we can start working on that big project if it's a good idea.
It is a good idea? I really don't know, but it is. Isn't that the beauty when you don't know some things when you don't know when you know when you know when you know you don't know things when you know you don't know those things and um Yeah, having a multi-shot crossbow hasn't helped me watching this video, though I made a great point that if it helped me just once it would be good but I don't think it helped me even once but the important thing in life is to know. what your priorities are and being honest and open about them, I feel like that will help you a lot and maybe you didn't need a toy cat to help you make these breakups, by the way, huh?
I wonder if there will definitely be more gaps. There are no gaps on this side that I know of, huh, it's so strange. I wonder what's causing it to break, but yeah, just keep going here and grow some thick fruit, it's probably fast, I bet it's faster than the hoe, right, that's my lack of information. I guess okay, it's not fast a shovel or an ax, yeah, if it's going to be a tool, it's going to be an x, right, because it's like yeah, here we go, so we use another right Here, uh, we want to make sure we break the blocks and grab the plants and then make more chorus fruits and more fun ones, and here we go.
Honestly, it's probably better than the crossbow. Anyway, I made a crossbow once and it just isn't it. good enough, so I guess I'll work on another one now, but, yeah, let me know if you enjoyed this video as always. I like reading the "Let's play" comments, hey look, they broke up again. I placed two, so maybe it's this thing that's messing it up. or maybe there are just too many people close to each other, I don't know, I don't know the answer to a lot of questions in life, uh and ultimately, knowing that you don't know is knowing that you know that you don't know that you know.
You know, I have to stop saying that I'm going to confuse everyone even more than I probably already am, but yeah, I hope you enjoy this video and oh, there's a lot to see, look at all those flowers over there. I'm not going to answer and then I bet there's one down here somewhere, uh, but yeah, if you enjoyed it, don't forget to like or subscribe or whatever the YouTubers say because I'll see you all in the next one, bye.

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