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Exploring and Learning Everything Fun | 2 HRS OF MEEKAH! | Educational Videos for Kids

Jun 01, 2024
house, a castle or how about a throne, yes, a royal throne and then I can be Queen. I'm fine, I'll try it and see. If I fit on the throne hello, I am hello queen mom, thank you for coming oh yes sir, what is your name? Nice to meet you Malcolm, thank you for coming to my Royal Kingdom, this is a lot of fun, you know, you can sit here if you want. enjoy Malcolm, okay let's see if we can find more colors, come on, did you see how fast that was? This place is so much fun and, this is the most colorful ball pit I have ever seen.
exploring and learning everything fun 2 hrs of meekah educational videos for kids
Look at all these colors. I feel like I'm in a bowl of rainbow sprinkles Hey, I wonder if I could juggle. Let's see, you usually have three balls. Look, I still need to practice. I'm pretty good with two, although the W ball pits are a lot of fun. many things in the ball pit You can dance, you can fall, you can make angels in the ball pit, or you can even take a nap, sorry, I was dreaming about those rainbow sprinkles, oh hey, you see something behind me, like what climbing wall, oh. That's really fun, look, you have all these steps that can help you climb to the top.
exploring and learning everything fun 2 hrs of meekah educational videos for kids

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exploring and learning everything fun 2 hrs of meekah educational videos for kids...

If I try, okay, I'm ready, we'll start with the color blue, blue, oh, and look, there's yellow, there's red and I. I'm already at the top you look so small down there hello, fall back into the ball pit. Let's see, we have oh, there's another green one here. Do you see a green sticker? Yeah, right there and oh, I stepped on the dark green on the climbing wall, so maybe you can use another green, what other color, oh, how about red like a red apple or a red tomato? You see red here, oh yes, and oh, here's another yellow like the sun.
exploring and learning everything fun 2 hrs of meekah educational videos for kids
Okay, we'll put our yellow sticker on. Look, the top line is already full. above, oh we could, we should put more colors here, another orange or another blue, maybe another red and let's find two more colors, what do you think, oh, maybe the bright pink, yes, pink, another green and another orange, Okay, I think it's pretty? well, we should find more colors, okay, come on, oh BS, like a bunny with me, oh, I wonder what's here, see you on the other side, hello, oo, more colors bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce. This looks funny, oh, it's kind of a little. slide hey, there are more colors here maybe we can fill the box a little bit oh, you know this color, one of my favorites, purple, that's right, there's a purple sticker right there, put it there and oh, you can see on the side Is there anything pink? pink, there is a pink sticker, okay, any other color.
exploring and learning everything fun 2 hrs of meekah educational videos for kids
Oh look, behind me I see yellow, there's a yellow sticker, put it right there and ooh, you see red, wow, it's getting really crowded look, we just need one more sticker, let's see if we can find the last one. color oh look at this H some kind of animal I think it's green and it has two eyes and a big smile it looks like this hey I think this is a frog, do you know what sound a frog makes? It moves and the frogs also bounce like bunnies. Hey, green may be our last color. Look, this green is almost the same green as this frog.
Okay, check it out. We complete the full picture. Look at all those colors. 5 6 7 eight. Now is the time to celebrate and I see a great. place to celebrate come on let's jump like frogs there ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit Ribbit it's time to take a break to wiggle, shake and bounce see what this is? It's a trampoline, you will bounce with me, okay, let's do it, what a fun way to celebrate by filling our cord with colors hey, you will bounce like animals with me we bounce like bunnies and we bounce like frogs and if we bounce like a kangaroo, let's do it bo bo bo what other animals me wonder how -rex would bounce on a trampoline maybe like we are very happy T-Rex how high can you bounce I feel like I'm flying bouncing with you it's so much fun, let's grab our color chart and come on, come on boing boing boing boing boing I had a lot of fun with you today at Ball and Bounce Hi, thanks for helping me find all those colors.
Check out our Bingo color chart. There are so many different colors. I love it. It's so colorful and so beautiful. I know. I believe i do it. Give this to my best friend, Blippy, he will love it. This is the end of this episode, but if you want to see more of my episodes, all you have to do is search my name. Can you spell my name with me? Cool m e e k a h Well I'll see you next time bye this is so cool I can't believe I'm driving a real race car yeah vro vroom race car mom coming down the chat start your Ines woo W M to win, look at this stadium. so big can you guess where I am today?
I'm in Daytona Beach, Florida at Daytona International Speedway, do you know what big event is going on here? I will give you a clue, it is a world famous race with many fast cars, look. This track where all the cars circulate during the race is 2.5 m long and there are about 400 school buses. I would need 4,400 cart wheels to travel the entire track. I'll do it here. I'm going to court one, two, three. There are a lot of flips. I have an idea. Do you want to go to the garage with me and see a lot of fast cars?
Well, buckle up, click, click, let's see it, it's a real race car, and look, it's one of my favorite colors. Purple, it matches very well with me. I hope to drive a real race car later, but let's take a look at this car. Hey, there are some more colors here. Yellow, red and blue. Those are primary colors. Look, do you know what this number is? Yes, it is the number. 23 wo and look at these tires wo, do you know what shape it is? It's a round circle like a bagel or a donut or the sun. Do you want to pretend to be a racing driver with me?
Ok, buddy, buckle up. See you later. I'm Amber Balin Hi Amber Hi, I'm nice to meet you, nice to meet you. I heard you're the first Canadian woman to win a sanctioned NASCAR race, that's true. Do you have any other professional achievements that you are particularly proud of? Well, I hope to make history this weekend by becoming the first woman to win a National Arc art race. Good luck, thanks, how did you get in? N driving a car, so I've actually been going to the race track since I've been. in my mom's womb, so I've been on the race track for a long time.
I actually started in karts where most


start racing. Wow, what are your favorite things about being a driver? Well I love going fast oh that's definitely my favorite how fast you go so this weekend we're going 183 M hour wo that's so fast that's so fast how do you prepare for a race? I make sure I drink a lot of water, a lot of good food, I train very hard during the week and make sure I study hard too, you are very prepared Amber is your car, yes that is my race car, do you want to see it?
Yes please, okay, so M, this is my crew chief, Dave, he makes the car go really fast. Hi Dave. I'm M, I'm Dave, nice to meet you, it takes a good team to be a racing driver, right, it takes a lot of us, what's this tool you're using? This is a 9/16 wrench, it is one of the most common wrenches we use on a racing car. Can you make that cool sounding sound again? What other tools do you use? We have a Jack, this is what we use to put the race car on the scale. Yes, hello Jack, we use the scales. to weigh the car we can we can change the weight on the four corners of the car on the tires oh to make the car go faster and handle better so we can make my job easier oh yeah that's what makes a good team and how come there is no door, okay, so we don't run a door, we have a door, but we don't have a handle, the door doesn't open, it's permanently attached to the fender and in the tray room, how you enter?
In fact, he jumps in through the window. Thank you so much. Can you show me more of your car? Well, we certainly have numbers to identify as we move down the track, that helps me know when Amber passes by. Help all fans and friends to know that this is Amber's racing car. Do you know what number she is? Yes, number 15. Now, if you get closer to the car, you'll see that they look like lights, uhh, but they're just stickers. They don't really work, but we give it that. the look like they're real there are no blinkers on this no blinkers no brake lights or anything on a race car they're just stickers they're just stickers well how do other drivers know when you're going to stop?
It is not like this? This is a spoiler. AHA. Mom and Dad's car probably doesn't have a spoiler. I haven't seen one of these before, but this spoiler provides a lot of downforce to give Amber a lot of comfort when she goes into the corner, a lot of downward force puts a lot of pressure on all four tires to keep the race car on the track, which makes you go faster oh, you love to go fast, I love to go fast, is there any other way to race? The car is different from a normal car. The bodies are all fiberglass instead of metal.
Well, there's only one seat, so unfortunately I couldn't take you in my race car. Oh, okay and to keep her safe is when we approach the race car that she has. a radio in his car but it's not a radio to listen to music if someone breaks down uh-huh he'll say uh-oh big crash up watch out and that's when I know Amber Amber look forward look forward exactly exactly Cool Dave, like that keep her safe, uhhuh, she has her seat custom made for her, but we don't have a window on the driver's side of the car, oh, what's that?
We have a window net, oh, a window net and what is this. Look, it looks like a net and this net goes up here and tightens to keep things from getting into the car and hitting it, but by allowing fresh air into the race car, it gets really hot in the race car, oh, I bet . to help her stay calm wow, that's amazing, thank you so much for showing me your car, you're welcome, great, very welcome. Hey, see that ladder on that platform? Yes, someone stands there during the race and waves these flags. Yellow means caution, slow down and red means stop and the checkered flag means the race is over, yeah okay, now that I've learned about the cars and drivers on the track I think I'm ready to try driving.
Look, it's the real race car. I can drive the number 43, but first things first is safety. See you soon. Woohoo. I have my helmet and safety suit and I'm ready to go. Are you ready? I know I will. This is gonna be great. steering wheel I'm ready wow this is so cool I can't believe I'm driving a real race car yeah V vro racing car ma coming down the chat I can't believe how fast I'm going wow this is so fast wow that was amazing am I dresses? I was going so fast, it was one of the coolest things I've ever done, wow, it was an amazing day.
I love climbing out the window and going so fast in a real race car. The P team was great, that's the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is search my name. Can you spell my name with me? Awesome m e e k a h MAA, okay little race car drivers, see you around. Later, come on everyone, let's do some fun


, there is so much to learn about this it will make you want to scream.

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