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Blippi Explores Science at the Children's Museum | BEST OF BLIPPI TOYS | Educational Videos for Kids

Jun 28, 2024
or a donut H I have an idea, how about we both get one, let's grab a cupcake and a donut, let's put them right there? we will save them for later, good job, okay, here we go, let's check, we need to buy them all. these items okay, here we go, okay, we need to scan them and then buy them. It was so much fun shopping with you. I love buying healthy things. Oh hey, I'm working on this vehicle and what I'm doing is. I'm making sure that it's green with this green checklist and what that means is that I'm making sure that everything on this vehicle works really efficiently, like here, this is the brake disc and there are no wheels or tires around it.
blippi explores science at the children s museum best of blippi toys educational videos for kids
Let's put one on these are the nuts, put them in my pocket and then this is a wheel on a tire, it's pretty heavy, okay, come on, let's line up these bolts, there we go perfect and then let's take these l. Buug nuts and let's put them on Oops, it fell off, okay, let's turn this on, turn it clockwise like this, okay, now that they're a little tight, let's take the gun and make a star shape, perfect, awesome , okay, now let's check the engine compartment. Ok, the cylinder is working great, the battery looks amazing, oh, this air filter looks like it could be clean, let me go here, okay, take it off, come on, okay, nice and clean, clean, let's put it back in there, okay, now we have to make the fluids. oil, coolant, antifreeze and windshield wiper fluid here first, let's start with the oil, okay, and put the cap on there.
blippi explores science at the children s museum best of blippi toys educational videos for kids

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blippi explores science at the children s museum best of blippi toys educational videos for kids...

Perfect, okay, and then let's make that antifreeze coolant, what this does is make sure that the vehicle doesn't freeze during the winter and it stays cold during the summer, put it in there perfect, okay, and then this is the windshield wiper fluid and this is what you spray on the windshield and it cleans it so you can see, let's put it there, ah, perfect and the brake fluid is visible. well and the power steering fluid looks good wow this vehicle is running very efficiently good job this area is called Young At Art oh let's do some art look at this this is a round cylinder blackboard.
blippi explores science at the children s museum best of blippi toys educational videos for kids
I have an idea, let's grab some chalk. That's awesome, let's grab some more chalk, come on, wow, that was so much fun, what else is there? ooh, a microscope, look at this, do you see these? These are different types of materials, like we have cardboard paint, ooh, we even have like a dollar bill right here bubble wrap whoa and then this microscope right here then get really close to them, let's see, let's see, look, this is a dollar bill very close up, look at that, look at the number one right there, how interesting or and then, let's look at that.
blippi explores science at the children s museum best of blippi toys educational videos for kids
Right there is a bubble wrap very close to what we can see with our normal eyes. Look at that blue fabric, it looks like there's a lot of room there, but when I look at it down here it looks like a W shirt and then. Look, that's cardboard, yes, like cardboard, like a cardboard box, but that's very close. W, microscopes are cool, they're cool, okay, let's see what else is around here. Oh, place where you can draw colors and write things, so today let's take color. orange and write my name on these six boxes, okay, ready B p l i p p i flippy good job, okay, we'll leave it there W look at this, what a big green table and it has some holes in it, hey, I have an idea, let's build something that the art doesn't just have to be pieces of paper that you draw or color on, it could even be something interesting like this.
Wow, okay, we're going perfect, so let's try to connect all of these. Look at that, oh, I have an idea. Yes look. Wow, oh, what a masterpiece this is, how silly, this room back here is so interesting, get ready, it's a little dark, but don't be scared, this is the fluorescent room. Look, everything you draw here lights up and shines. in the dark look at this ready let's spell my name again b l i p p i yeah good job flippy wow yeah and we'll do a nice little underline that was awesome wow W what an interesting room it was wow it was so much fun to play and learn in the discovery Children's Museum in Las Vegas Nevada if you want to see more of my


all you have to do is search my name could you spell my name with me b l i p p i blippy good job see you soon bye there is a lot to learn about this.
It will make you want to scream

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