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Best of David Mitchell Losing His Concept of Time | Compilation | Big Fat Quiz

Jun 28, 2024
let's meet the teams tonight she is attractive, charismatic and fashionable and he is sitting next to her they are maya chalmer and



we had to separate them by two meters not only because of the covert restrictions also the sexual chemistry team names


and maya what do you have uh Well we haven't thought of any so our team name is undecided so our team name is undecided. Did you understand this David? We put a variety of things. We put drinking dettol, injecting mini doctors and not touching the elderly. Okay, so one point for all of you didn't understand the other thing, let's go to the commander in chief himself, assuming we hit the body with a tremendous uh, either ultraviolet or just a very powerful light and then I said, assuming that You will bring the light into the body. you can do it through the skin or some other way, and then I see the disinfectant that removes it in a minute, a minute, and is there any way we can do something like that by internal injection or almost a wiping because you see it goes in in the lungs and it makes a tremendous amount of lungs, so it would be interesting to see that he is not wrong, but the problem is that if you inject disinfectant you also get rid of the other organism involved, the human.
best of david mitchell losing his concept of time compilation big fat quiz
Similarly, you can treat Covid with high explosives very effectively, but the problem with high explosives is that they have a tremendous effect on human beings. Yeah, plus, I think as soon as he became president, I just didn't pay attention to any of them. because I thought no one takes this seriously if you're going to vote for it, so I'm not going to take it any more seriously either. We just have to make it until mid-January. everything will be fine, he broke his foot, although Biden plays with his dog, stay still, man, that will look great at the inauguration, won't it?
best of david mitchell losing his concept of time compilation big fat quiz

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best of david mitchell losing his concept of time compilation big fat quiz...

It's probably going to have a trickle too, please welcome America's first very fragile president, yes, it's a bit. older than him, he is a little older, he is only 78 years old. I mean, how old are you, Jimmy Stacy? It's an interesting question, this hair is only six months old. Okay, audience members described what movie they were reviewing as if it were the cinematic equivalent of having your teeth pulled uh, what have you been to Golden Pond, the 1980 Oscar-winning classic? I haven't seen it, uh, okay, you, uh, James Stacy, you're gone with, uh, James, back to the future, but wait for one of the dates, it's over, what a waste of


, you better look ahead. future again, yeah right, so you think someone got stuck in a loop looking into the future over and over again, well they went to see it, they were I was rubbish and then at the end of the complaint they were saying it was like I could be wrong actually you better see it again you doubt yourselves joan richard who were you with last christmas or tenet uh tennant is the right answer oh i never heard of him i never heard of him yeah, he's the great christopher nolan right? directed Dunkirk?
best of david mitchell losing his concept of time compilation big fat quiz
Christopher Nolan, he did it, yeah, well, what is it, Dunkirk or tennis? I think he might be low on batteries because I can't. He directed Dunkirk. That's it, then he went on and directed another movie for about three years. after that, well, three years later, now Dunkirk, the Dunkirk movie, I'm not talking about the actual event, so when do you think the Dunkirk movie came out, right before the close of 2017? Three years, three years ago, yeah, why? We're correcting David, why don't we let him think this is real and see how far we can prank him at the end of the show into thinking he's in a completely different year?
best of david mitchell losing his concept of time compilation big fat quiz
Apparently, that's how it is. No, no, David, stop, you know. as well as I know it as well as you can tell them with your chest say it proud it's the challenge whap it's a challenge but it's not a challenge whap challenge and uh and you've got swords of glory wait I mean you're so close, oh no, so close , but that came out many years ago, it's the only issue and this is the 2020


. It was the Eurovision song contest, the story of the Fire saga, that movie was released as an email. You don't even have to address your inbox, it wasn't posted as an email, okay, did everyone get this one?
What did they get? David Maya. I just put things up. I could see the jacket and the ostrich. Stacy James. What do they do? think it's very little you're absolutely right and you still have very little on the buses do little ok it's still on the buses isn't it? they're still on the bus the ads are still on the buses


ad dollar they ever spent yeah man sorry Doolittle definitely didn't come out this year yeah because it had Rex Harrison and I think Rex Harrison must have died like last year or so, a long


ago, the most searched cocktail and recipe on Google during lockdown.
They were the espresso martini and banana bread, so I put some homemade banana bread and an espresso under your dessert. Did you make that banana bread? Yeah these are the


pre drinks after a long day because it's coffee and a drink it works yeah it's brilliant you call it a free pre drink yeah so it's not really a drink it's just a pre-drink before you get to your high yeah the pre-dab drink you have before you get down before the dab we're going to rita aurora's house in a bit first in november tv director tristram shapiro was in the news after his involvement in a mishap on zoom shapiro said i'm mortified by what happened while i can't put the proverbial toothpaste back in the tube. empathetic man, what did he do?
You know? Yes, I know and I know Tristram Shapiro is a very nice man, how is he? I take a look at these lyrics, they were transcribed by a fan from a performance at one of the biggest music events of the year all I want to know is who the artist was what the song was Newton never knew the light of the water you fluttered like a caesar whale like ice place the pole in a light you end up like the shipwreck you are behind that methamphetamine you use dhaka Durka Stefa never came to look at me.
I'm a camel again. I think we have the right answer to this musical question, which I'm not sure I've asked before. You have to write the song too. song, the song and the art, oh oh that was really genuine, oh Jesus Christ I got singer David Mitchell with the right musical answer, go on what you got? We got Captain Tom and maybe some other older people who sang it. with well, yes, it was Captain Tom, it was Michael Ball stung him with it, oh, he's got to be older than average, doesn't he? Isn't he as above average as Captain Tom?
Yes, Tom is moving above average. probably above the average age no, I'm 46, what is the average age? He is my father's age, imagine that look, you could have given birth to me. I've never felt so young, yeah, okay, Captain Tom with his number one, you'll never walk alone, I asked you. Um, what song received complaints and prompted American political pundit Ben Shapiro to tweet? My only real concern is that the women involved receive the medical care they need. Do you think it was Joe? Were uh cardi b and megan the stud with the big hit with him? we're like that's the only way it should be pronounced yeah, yeah, right, uh maya david, yeah, gushing wedding, that's what you said, right?
This is a conversation that I find difficult to negotiate, well it is very difficult to be a new father. We continue with the


, yes, because you have to go to Maya's parents' evening in a minute. Yes, I asked you if you knew what Tyson Fury did to celebrate his victory against Deontay Wilder. What do you think he did in the ring? cokey you think you made the cookie okie in the ring he's a dumb guy you're a very serious guy he didn't play the night because um no he probably didn't have time uh what do you think he did in the ring?
Do we play well? You suggested that he said that he likes his dad and that he likes fools. He loves reggae and Reagan. I didn't play reggae. I said he danced and yelled in his dad's face. Yes, that was one of your suggestions. Know? Which of all the Kardashian families I've seen on TV? Whatever the Tyson family is, I would love to be a part of it. I feel like I would fit in perfectly. He's a pretty crazy guy. I mean, if I ever meet him. I'll tell you, I can tell you that he sang American Pie for two minutes like a lunatic a long, long time ago.
I can still remember how that music used to make me smile. Good old boys singing This will be the day he dies What? This will be the day that I, well, who's going to stop him? Know? Every clip I see of them makes me love them even more because I think when I look at you all you want to do is love your wife and have some kids and have a good time I'll tell them what he's like he's very similar to David Mitchell he It's you know what you're like when you've touched a rock and then you start singing a song, you know what you are like David, you know what it has to do with all the excess adrenaline, isn't it when you knock some people unconscious?
I wanted to know why footballer Eric Dier posted this image on his Instagram with the caption "The real man of the match." james and stacy got married with a wrong bathroom uh joe richard I don't know the sport very well but it's possible that a bathroom entered the field and scored a goal I won't dignify it with an answer uh maya david is going to take this one because this answer was something that you were really passionate about it, yes, he got that's the big dance, get a point for that, he ran off the field mid-game to poop and then came back and did very well, he got man of the match, but we confirmed he was weak , the feces went out of bounds and just made some sort of perfectly firm normal turd, just a bunny, in which case my answer wouldn't be correct yes, it just went in, you get half a point, here we go, David Meyer. hosted three episodes in a row of Dad's Army hasn't been on TV since 2006.
Not three in a row imagine I asked you what was unusual about Meschino's spring summer fashion show what did you put pets of course thanks fashion show you thought of it It was a pet fashion show, yeah, ah, okay, what did you wear, David Meyer? Well we said yeah, the labs pretended to be there, but they weren't home, so it was like a virtual reality show, I mean, you're a trendy Instagram guy. Well yes if I'm wrong I'm sorry, everyone who made that apology has accepted that you are wrong. Although Joe likes it and Richard Iwadi, real fashion people, thank you. fashion show puppet fashion show how completely pointless I miss that why don't they just say why don't they take the opportunity of the pandemic to not have fashion shows they should have taken the opportunity they were pointless years ago stop walking up and down on something crazy

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