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All The Times David Mitchell Was Outraged | 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown | Channel 4

Jun 30, 2024
David, it says here that your first crush was with Madonna, how do you feel about her now? It was a long time ago. You know she's moved on. I have moved on. What do you want me to do? Do you want me to say on television who Madonna is? Less attractive now you think it's useful for society to say that actually the way men perceive women is that they become less attractive when they reach middle age and are older. I'm not proud of it, but yeah, that's the society we live in. I'm on Jimmy, thanks for mentioning it, I don't even think Madonna is 55, she has the body of a man half that age, Madonna is actually 57, I know she's the same age as my mom and my mom is in love with you, well, I mean you're good with words, but what anagram specifically is not good with words, but yes, yes, but not with letters, words, I see that a word is one thing, I don't care what it's about done. if you think a letter is arbitrary a word, okay, it's something you know, whatever you know, I can't think of any other one and it's supposedly made up of letters, but it's not made up of letters, it's made up of lines, some of them. they are curly some of them join together some of them intersect they are just lines and then arbitrarily someone says oh no that is a selection of lines which is a p and that selection of lines which is an r I don't accept that they are just some lies that's why you say one word that's why your books haven't sold yeah David you have a pet uh yeah my pet is this book um Perry chicken Perry a CIA conspiracy it's Keith's check it out no It's the key, it's not Keith Chegwin. keep in mind this is the work dock um checkman um and if you think about it the Perry Perry chicken didn't exist for thousands and thousands of years and suddenly it's everywhere so I don't know if anyone ever had one.
all the times david mitchell was outraged 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
You have, you will know that it is not because of its taste, that nobody asks for it, I mean, okay, it is tasty, but nobody asks for that, nobody wants it. Can we let someone say? Well, I'll say it if you go. to contradict me, you are part of the conspiracy to the top. I don't know why they are doing it but they have infiltrated our high streets with this completely unnecessary form of chicken, we don't know what's in it. It's called Perry Perry, but that's not something we know, its composition is changing our brains in several ways we're not aware of and could destroy civilization as we know it.
all the times david mitchell was outraged 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4

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all the times david mitchell was outraged 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4...

Have you read a kfc? I have had a KFC. yeah, yeah, that's not barry perry, okay, that has nothing to do with the c-i-n actually, colonel sanders is one of the people who financed this book. Have you ever had a perry perry chicken? I've eaten it once, but I'm reliably informed, not enough. so that it has had its effect so you have had it once you had the hot peri-peri or the medium the soft what do you think lemon and grass until the end


what was your fault the four is gloomy gloomy I have six, you have six, yes, I had to think about it, I forgot, it's now, I mean, you're 40 points ahead, everything will be fine, John, what was your, what were your five?, well, if we had I'm allowed to change to the one Susie shows It's on that piece of paper so I have a six too we're trying to ruin Christmas this is we're freezing I thought we were playing let's remember we're going for a unicorn this is something that matters this isn't just money or prominence or pride this is a magical beast what could they have asked to choose is like a reverse selfie so you just put the camera there and just take a picture of the ass thank you don't give him the pain the camera is now real it works yeah let's do it no no , no, because we can't stop looking at the dictionary decades ago, you might as well use the royal carriage to go chasing.
all the times david mitchell was outraged 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
Come on your majesty, put the horses in a rest area on our first round of numbers, okay John David, it's his turn to choose the numbers, should I say yes, I'm busy? Well, we will have one on top and four others that are not. t of the first six and then another eight eight five five six nine my pin number oh I'm 25 and the goal is 828 and your time starts now so the goal was 828. David, did you get it? I haven't made a single mark. on my piece of paper I didn't do it I was just sitting here I'm sorry I wanted to do it I didn't and before I knew it time was up I'll do it tomorrow Susie has written 13 books so there's something for everyone it


n't matter if you want to fix a crooked table accessory, opening a window or lighting a barbecue susie has a perfect book for you susie it's the 400th anniversary of shakespeare's death any interesting words or phrases we can thank him for because, well, he was a bit of a master of sass from Shakespeare, he was good with insults, which is pretty handy as far as you're concerned, so I might call you um three inches tall, actually maybe a two inch wall, if that's you, I don't.
all the times david mitchell was outraged 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
I don't really know what he meant, but yes, I think I do know what he means and I know David would have a lot of brilliant Shakespearean insults. Can you give me some for Jimmy? Well, he invented the expression "Stick this up your ass." that's when you tell me the truth lost laboratories why are you dressed like that? you're winding me up it's a joke I see it's a real mess down here I'm going to storm out of the morgan on the pier it's to create rumors it's too hot this is the same temperature it's something that burns because it's very hot permanent tan I lived in the palace pink is a real flat it's real people of color I should drive heavy vehicles through canals without introducing them yes I don't know if that you could have the milk on your tongue your reaction would be that you're in it no I'd barely throw up I'll last here if you they shoot they need to get you out there you don't like talking absolute nonsense you always seem like a bill it's so ironic

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