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They turned MATH into a factory game...

Jun 19, 2024
We just transport them all to a single conveyor belt and


go there lovely 18 for everyone, by the way, what do we need? in the upgrades that we need, like we have all the ones, twos, and threes, we need 19, 16, and 14. I mean, I feel like it would be a lot easier to get once we get taller extractors because there's literally like 19 like if i could draw 19 at some point i almost forgot what i drew there right we leveled up alright so we need 26 now yeah it would be worth it since we don't really. I think if we click on these numbers up here it shows what we're delivering and if


're needed, so right now 18, 10, and five aren't really necessary, so it would be worth it.
they turned math into a factory game
I could do all 19 pretty easily if I just did that and then went down one. so those are the 19 that we need for one of our updates later, so look, now you can see in the numbers delivered that the 19 has one under its belt. I mean, maybe we could do the same thing with these, we would like to add the tens and the fives with one, so if we add them there we have 10 and five, which makes a 15, so if we then add them to one here and that can make us our 16, so they'll just be earned passively while we're not doing anything other than contributing to updates, which is important anyway.
they turned math into a factory game

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they turned math into a factory game...

I need to work on 26 oh look because that gives us a multiplier instead of just an adder, okay that's the easiest way to do it. 26, now we have fours, right? If we just draw out some fours, put them in and add them by dividing them like this to get eight, so we can, if I just make two rows of eights coming out, we can make 16 and then combine them with a four. to make a 20 if I then combine that with another four so you divide it there like that so that makes 20 four right yeah so we just need to add two we have two down there we also have two up here so we can also bring some two down and then combine them to make our 26 nice, so I'll just copy everything at the end.
they turned math into a factory game
I should probably copy and paste instead of doing it manually, but whatever I've done now, can I move it to that? and then itself, so they're both arriving decently as well, so it should be two batches of 26, I think so, 26 26 is fine, so we can just push them on the same conveyor, then they travel here and return to the base what we have. to get 150 of those, can I find another four to do that too? I mean, a four close to two would be good, maybe around here, so we'll copy all of that, rotate it, put it on those four and then I think I can demolish these bits and do the opposite, so if I extract them from the top two, I just quickly connect them, then I can bring the two down, go there and then this one over those two, I think. makes 26 again, so I can bring them to this one and hopefully, yes, there are 26 available.
they turned math into a factory game
We've doubled our output from 26 in seconds, not bad at all, would it be worth trying to make the adders faster too? I need 14, I mean. I'm thinking it might be better to just save that for multiplication as 3 + 4 * 2, which is easier than adding a bunch of times. How far are we? We are a third of the way there. I can actually make the 19s much faster. Look how much they are supported. I'm pretty sure that if I put a few over and over there and then bring the 18 around the side like that, it should be more 19 which I basically just doubled the output as long as the 18 don't like running out or something like that.
I can probably do that again, we go there and we do that and then we do that and then we bring them back to that side, okay, we just tripled our production from 19. Is the 18 running out? No, there are so many 18s. Do I need 18 for anything? No, I don't think it's right. We can also make this more efficient while we are here. There is a large quantity of 19 coming, if indeed it is the one. is having problems now, what could I do, could I remove that part, I don't think we necessarily need just ones, I think it should be good, yeah, that's good, that's better, all 19 are flying now 14, could I use my five, could I?
Should I use my five? I think I'll do it, so let's add these two together to get 10 and then we just have to add a four. Is there a quad extractor somewhere nearby? I mean, it's not close, but there's one there, so let's do it. belt here, then 10 come out, join with the fours added and then along the belt back. So now our fives aren't just produced and wasted, now we're contributing to this one that needs 14s oh look, there's another one that needs 15 now, so maybe we'll do that aspect. We just unlocked the multiplier. Oh, I missed that, so A on one side B on the other, so these come out in the middle, so I guess we can now extract five.
I don't think we can. I was going to say let's try to do all 15 anyway, so two and three is probably a good opportunity for this because we can and adding two and three will make us five. We're going to make another line of those, we're going to take them up and bring them down so they're two lots of five and then I can take two down and multiply them together. The correct thing is how this works. They need like a space in the middle okay, so if I just remove that and have them come out there and we have A going in B, and then in the middle it should come out 10 for the multiplication to work, so if we just do that with the three on that side, so we'll get a three down here that can go in there, so 15 should come out of there, then we can go down five like this, split the three there, so in the middle we should have 15 coming out of both. of those because five * 3 3 * oh no, that's 3 * 3 no, it's not 3 * 5 because there are five coming under the bridge, okay, well that's like that at 15, we can take the 15 probably to the 26, stream it, so it's over.
Until there, like that lovely J, we can improve some, oh look, belt speed, we have a decent 59 made, so we still need more 19, we also need 75 now. I think we're doing everything else in the update, treatment 75 is pretty big, it could be. It's worth a try, yeah, because look, then we can draw five, so we have to get 34, so what can we do to get a 34? I mean, honestly, I'm thinking like that just to make 15 add them and then add two or even just multiply and then add two, yeah, because that makes it better to use, doesn't it?
Yes, because if it takes longer to make 15 than two, you'll want to use as little of 15 as possible, so for example, if we had to do that, we could bring the two in there to make a 30, then we can take out the two with them, divide the two to make a 34, so we're making 34, which is just what we needed, uh 300. of them, although that's quite a bit, I'm just looking too to see if these start to recede. Maybe I would like to split half of them to keep the 15 because we actually need 15, so yeah, let's do it basically.
They get ignored unless there's a gap there, so that's probably the best way to do it. I think once everyone has gone there, it will be like any other, so one goes there and one goes down the next one, should go left, yeah, then the next one. one goes down, so that's the most efficient use of the 15 that we currently did, but yeah, maybe we can do more of these just by copying them somewhere with two and three, how fast do they go up? Yeah, not much, not much, so we copied all of this. It doesn't look like a mirror mirror would be really useful, still I think I managed to modify all of that so that I should do the 15 again, yes we have the 15, if we just copy this, put it in a two, I think Then we can take the 15 until there.
The question is do we want to skip and have double 15 coming up or just copy all of this and not do 15. Yeah, I think we actually have enough 15, so we split half of the 15 into that. You both can get into that, but you also want to split into all of these. No, the 30s will come out of there and then they are what we want now. The thing is, this is getting clogged now, so it's probably worth splitting it right there. bringing those right in, so yeah, there's a lot more room for all the extra numbers coming in now oh look, I made 178, how did I make 178?
I don't think that was my intention, but uh, we, we did it anyway, we'll have it unlocked shortly. the ability to extract the FES number, so it will be good. I think next I need to do 23 so that 4 * 4 is 16. Then we can combine that with a four to have 20. We can put 20 together like this and then divide. from three above so we'll bring them down so we'll add them up so it's 23. I think then I want to multiply that if we do that there with another three and then that can go all the way down so it's got its own path, so now they're traveling, that It's good and I think it's practically the completed


What a great


about numbers. Yes, I hope you enjoyed it. It's great. I think I'd really like to have one like everyone else. like Division and I don't know if there would be roots and things like the power of that would be cool, but yeah, very good version of the optimal action game. I like it a lot so far. I'm going to say peace, love and


ematics. bye

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