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You’ll never guess what this dice game is about

Jun 26, 2024
Today we are going to work on our counting skills by rolling


to win. We have to make


number at the top, 1500, so we have a lot of rolls to make and we're going to need some weird stuff. Along the way, we currently have 100


rolls, the first one is one and with that we roll a zero because we haven't bought any upgrades yet. As soon as I buy one of these, I add plus one, 12 tokens all light. it has a 50% chance of happening, so if we had bought


, there is a 50% chance it would have been one.
you ll never guess what this dice game is about
Now the number that landed on the dice corresponds to the number of tiles that were placed, which was obviously much better for which. we got two points, it looks complicated but it's really simple and also quite addictive. That time we got a two, so two checkers fall, the dark checkers still have no chance to do anything, while the light checkers have a fighting chance. We're up to six points, since we're getting a lot of lights, we're going to do that now we have a 50% chance of getting a higher number, so in theory we have a one in four chance of getting a two like that and two It's certainly a better number, uh, there's more, so hopefully we're going to update our light tiles again.
you ll never guess what this dice game is about

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you ll never guess what this dice game is about...

We could be a light tile race. We have updates ahead. I don't really know


any of these are, so we'll move on. on a cool looking portal, we go that route, we have 93 rolls, but I feel like we've been pretty lucky so far, there's another thing with light tiles, so the light tiles look pretty good, we can get up to three. but our average is 1.5 and every time this number reaches 20 we get an energy that can be converted into more rolls or refreshing the store, so we just need to roll a six down here and we will get six turns like that six. chances of getting a lot of points and there are five, so we are actually getting very lucky, suddenly we have 15, so we are going to bet everything on the clear chips, so the average now is two per clear chip. or a maximum of four under current conditions, so I'm basically going to rely on a lot of luck to get through this.
you ll never guess what this dice game is about
We can also upgrade the store for 30 points and that will help us find rare upgrades that will help us. It would be so much better, I suddenly realize that all these zeroes are really going to start hurting, so we need at least some of this so we can add plus one to the light and dark tiles, there's only a 25% chance that that happens, but roll. Zeros really hurt, there was a six, so we even got some points from the dark tiles. Now we're up to three energy, although we have 80 rolls left, so we're not 20% of the way to 1500, but.
you ll never guess what this dice game is about
I'm just going to do a few more rolls until we have over 30 points and then we're going to upgrade the store that also rolls it again. Anyway, we have common tiles, so hopefully we'll improve and we did. Not good, we're about to hit the 100 distance mark with a roll of three, but we're not going to stop there. We could use more rolls. I wish we could eliminate one, two and three, there are one and two. It's really starting to hurt us, but there's a four, so suddenly we're up to 27. I'm going to do this. We have a 50% chance of adding one to a dark or light tile, which means we should stop seeing so many zeros. and we are going to make consistent points and consistent points are our friends.
I wouldn't be a real adult if I didn't point out the fact that we have 69 rolls left. Now we are down to 66. I think we found our Purchasing artifacts in any upgrade in the shop gives you a 30% chance of receiving an equivalent upgrade of the chosen color, so 1 and three will get an additional upgrade. Rolls now cost two energy, so energy is up here, so I think I'll buy more. rolls I need to use this energy if I press B we will lose two of them but we will win one roll well let's roll hoping for rare upgrades we didn't get any but I'm starting to be a fan of 50/50 just so our averages go up at zero my soul still hurts a lot, but it came from a six down here, there's another energy and now we hit a two, then we hit a four, okay, we're going to explode here for 45 and then we're going to do the 50/50 again , so the average of the light tile is 3.75, the maximum is 8, the dark tile is an average of two, so it's okay.
I can't believe I've used almost half of my scrolls and We're only a tenth of the way there, so we have to step up our progress. Here we are going to move forward. We haven't gotten anything weird yet. The next update was 75. I don't know if it's worth trying. but there is a gas station ahead, don't forget that 2 * 0 is still zero. I think that means we can potentially get multipliers, but as long as we don't get a zero, that will help make the multipliers actually huge right now. and it was actually a pretty good roll overall and that gave us enough points to do the 50/50 again that way the averages will go up even more so we can keep rolling, keep getting energy and hopefully get to our next artifact and hopefully it's amazing, that was a good roll, we're getting into the leverage zone, that's also very, we still have a zero, the yardage of that is pretty low right now if we have to start sacrificing some energy, uh, we are.
We're going to roll the tent now, in fact we're going to roll it a few times because it's still pretty cheap and I think right now it costs one or two energy per extra roll so we should take advantage of the cheapness. Oh, already past the point. where we can also upgrade the store, here we go, add a double multiplier to the light and dark tile, there is a 50% chance, but that is actually huge because even if there is only a one in five chance of doubling any of the dice , You see it. It could have been a 14, there is also a piece that adds plus one to a single die face, so given the multiplier we have we should make big numbers.
I think I'm going to like the rare upgrades, although we're going to start needing them. We progressed a little quickly, but we have the extra duplication portal, so hopefully if we buy one of these, we'll get a duplicate. Okay, we have 40 spins left, we almost have enough for my multiplier, which we do now. The expected probability for a light tile is 8.5 with a maximum of 27, the dark one is 4.5 with a maximum of 15 and I think we are now crossing the keyboard, but there is a 12, so let's start getting numbers much bigger and every time we buy an upgrade, the next one gets more expensive, uh, but there's a 15, there's a 12, the rolls are getting less and less, but I need the 200 points to add one to a single side of the die , the lowest token on each roll is multiplied by two, that's really huge, plus we can also add one to a single die, so I think it's best to do the six to turn it into a seven, give it


we just got , the more possibilities we will have for multipliers. better, then there is a 21, there is a six.
I'm going to spend some of my energy on more rolls. We now have 37 runs left and are almost at 300, so hopefully we can turn them into much larger numbers. we get to zero so we have a multiplier on that, but 2*Z there's a big 42. I'm going to open shop here because we have more rare ones, we could add one to the different uh D so we can get things high like 24. and We can already afford to buy one of those, so maybe we should upgrade them all by one if we can, so we'll upgrade all five and I'll upgrade all four next.
It would be great to start removing some of these. zeros too, that adds up plus one on all the dark tiles, so now we'll


get a zero, at least on the dark tiles, I don't know why we got a zero on that, but we're starting to get great runs every time. we press the space bar we usually get a pretty big roll and some pretty big numbers and I'm already quite addicted to this, okay, we have a six, uh, we need to turn the four into a five, I think this time we're going to be the heaviest. as we roll one, but at least if we roll a one, that automatically multiplies by two and we get a good amount of energy, so let's burn that, uh, mainly, we'll use one to roll the tent, we have the plus. some again 25 runs left but we're definitely making more and more progress uh no if there's a way to get energy elsewhere, but we're going to add one more I'm just going to add that to the one I think so. we stopped getting absolutely basic roles, there are seven, it would be great to add one to that, now we could have ADD like up to 10, but that's only a one in six chance, so there's an update.
Choosing with great risk carries great reward, however, risk. It's very good, we may have to take a big risk to get somewhere, let's try it was a good roll, we got tons of points with that, okay, if we can get more like that, we'll be in good shape, there's a 24 what, huh. shines for some reason, that was also very good, we are also going to convert some energy into more rolls, so that is actually starting to balance out, so we are getting pretty good rolls overall, we can't get one anymore, there is another 24 is 383 now, so I'm going to rarify this one to turn the two into three.
That way, on average, we get a lot more rolls and points, therefore, per turn, and the more we get, the more energy we have. get which means we can recycle it back into scrolls I'm going to make uh actually you know what we're only 150 away from the next store update so if we get lucky in the pirate coin section and get some good scrolls here Hopefully, we can afford an improved store. There we go and update the store. Look at these crazy numbers. Add two times the multiplier to light and dark. We can add six to any color.
Although we only have nine rows left. so we're going to go ahead and increase that, we have to save up for some of those, we have to be very lucky with our rolls and I'm getting more and more addicted to this, the dopamine, the numbers, the


needs something. Much luckier, it was a better 242, so we can get the multiplier twice. We'll get it for now because we can afford it and we just need everything we can get. Oh, right, it's this part. I think the risk was maybe. a bad choice because we have the paradox of fortune.
The dark tiles are cursed and deduct points, instead the curse is lifted with the next artifact which returns you three times, so we are going to lose points to gain a huge amount with the next artifact, which I don't think let's go for it too, plus the rolls are getting very, very expensive so this is going to actively bankrupt us, but we knew we had to take the risk of trying to reach 1,500, so we didn't really have a choice. although minus 4 hurts my soul, but we broke 500 uh, but that is completely destroying us, if we get to the next artifact, we would be crazy ahead, but we are not going to get close to that, we are at minus. 19, that's embarrassing, well we got to a zero and a zero, but now that we know we're doing much better, we'll have a 50% chance of getting one on the dark tile and we don't have to waste that. our first spin which was horrible 5% chance of multiplying the chips by multiplying all the chips in that spin by two so one and 20 will get a double spin and that's something I can definitely live with let's do a few more runs.
We have 40 runs left after the next one. I'm going to sacrifice an energy because we need more rares. In fact, I'm going to roll again because the rares will probably make all the difference in the world and we can. Basically we can already afford this one so we're going to turn the seven into an eight so hopefully we'll just roll eights from now on and then we might have a chance which did help although every time one in 20 throws goes to go out. there will be a big raise, there's our first eight, but nothing particularly strong, but we can raise the dark ones again and we got two times there, which actually gives us a lot of points and also energy.
I rolled again, we can add more more, but we're also going to convert all our energy into more rolls, okay, that was a good one, we're going to go plus eight which will become a nine die and soon it will be a 10, which was a time two. a single so it didn't multiply anything oh that one is better although there is an easy 100 okay uh uh definitely before we get to the poster we are converting the energy into more spins we are not going to run the risk again that Bon will be the last time not a Bad idea to travel the Silk Road if you are looking for high quality products.
No, we have a little multiplier on that one, but we can finally get the rare where's my? Now it will be a 10 die that apparently is just a circle, but. We can still buy energy and we're going to go around the store as much as we can looking for those rares, which was a great achievementbecause we got a cool 10, now we just need a 10 plus a multiplier or there's another 10 too, that's right. very funny. I have all these 10% chances of a dark tile becoming a light tile. I need it to be the other way around so we can get more dark tiles.
There are two other multipliers. There are two other multipliers, but we're just getting started. I ran out of good stuff, where's my spread? Okay, here we go, now we have a 50% chance of making it a second half, so we have two * two chances on the board, so if they get it right, we could do it. a lot in a single roll like that would have been huge uh actually we can increase the dark tiles again so the average is 15 the maximum is 30 so we could have that time 2*2 so there we could have 120 in a single throw.
I'm gonna throw. We are looking for rare ones. I didn't get any. I feel like the rares here are very important. Okay, there's a big multiplier that gave us 416 and that was a roll of 10. Now. We're starting to get some of the things I was looking for before 10% chance of a light tole turning dark we can almost afford another one of those right away uh let's transfer some power to more rolls and we have this update a free chance Once upon a time once pick up, lose, I sure did that, but now the next store upgrade is 2,000, so clearly you can dig a little deeper into this


There's another chance 2, we definitely want that, so oops, okay, we've got a 42 down there anyway, okay, there we are. come on, back to another rare, we're going to have a 10% chance of turning a small into a dark tile because the more we get, the more energy we get and therefore the more turns, but we're about to go through it. 500 we have one lucky turn left 1 good it was a good time two again we need some bigger rolls where's my roll of 10? there's another moment two, so we're up to 400 10%, so one in 10 of the lights went dark That was another big roll, we got 13 energies, so let's turn that into more rolls, we have nine rolls left , we have some good pieces here, so if we are lucky like this, I wish it had been twice. absolutely huge, but we're also generating quite a bit of power because of what we're doing, so we're back to nine turns.
I'm going to add x one to the dark multiplier, so you're expected to get 30. Now you come out of the dark tiles and there's a 60% chance of drawing a dark tile, so with a little luck, yes, there's A8 in a single pull, so it feels a little better. What doesn't feel good is rolling back to back. That's actually a little hard to do, two at a time, so hopefully we'll have more rolls like that and then we can increase our thing again, so let's increase the one believe it or not. We have five rows left. We need a lot of luck.
We need something here. Really good luck resetting that energy because it's going to cost four energy to get a roll back, we're going to be making rolls so hopefully we'll get to the next artifact at least so we can see what's in store for us. Beyond. Your brain craves more multiplication. Can you imagine getting more multipliers? We would be unstoppable. That was an important role that actually gave us two other roles. If every roll could be this good, we could play indefinitely. Let's turn the 10 into an 11. and then I was really hoping we would get wow, look at that giant multiplier, ooh, that was good, it feels good in my brain and we can use that energy to buy more rolls, oh, an even better roll, so all of a sudden I feel like, 1500. it's not that far off even though we're not even halfway there and we get another multiplier, we could have two more multipliers so these spins could be absolutely huge but it definitely all depends of what we're going to do here, so we managed to make one more roll, a big roll, which was a very small roll, we're just skating on one roll and I think that destroyed us, but the multipliers were getting so big that I have a pretty good run here, we only have 16 rolls left, but we have a 65% chance of getting a clear tile and if we get enough clear tiles in a row we get free energy, which means we can re-roll our rolls pretty quickly.
Look at all those white spreads. Additionally, we have another 10% chance of turning a dark tile into a light one, so there is a 70% chance of rolling a light tile, which means tons of energy will be turned back on. Look at all there are so many light tiles and We're growing, we just need more multipliers like this, it adds it twice to the light and dark tone multiplier, so let's hit this thing this time, and we want more multiplication, so we just Let's accumulate the energy again. it's going to get more and more expensive, but we have 19 spins and these are becoming valuable, so on average I think we're actually gaining more energy than we use in two or three spins, oh, we can also upgrade the store. 500 points yeah 20 spins left but look at all that good old energy and I want to get this one where we add one to the light multiplier because we have a lot of light multipliers going on which means much bigger spins look at this streak of tiles there's so much energy coming out of them that we could go on and on with the scrolls here it's just the kind of thing we need plus six for the clear tiles and then there will be another one if we can afford it soon but that's going to put huge amounts on us because it was a roll of 10, so it will only take a few turns to give us what we need to add another six to the light rolls.
We're already at 1300, so here we go, another six. for light rolls, that's an 84 at its base and we're at 20 rolls and now we're at 24, so we just have to keep expending as much energy as we can on more rolls. Light tokens have a 10% chance of doubling. Its value given the amount of light tire chips we have, will be great. I also want this rare one where now we can get 11 on a single roll and we already have one and that's a lot of points so we were at 20 rolls per second now we're at 26 and we're getting colossal rolls so let's add this weird adding 12 to everything, there's a 25% chance of that happening, so we'll add three on average.
Neither does IT, but potentially very important roles. I remember when I thought 2000 points to upgrade the store was ridiculous now it doesn't seem so bad. Look at all those points, we just got some good energy, it's definitely going to go into more rolls we already have. Purchasing the next upgrade from the store we find an epic level that adds more sixes, all light and dark, which is actually pretty good, the dark ones aren't doing much for us, maybe we should constantly focus on the light as a plus eight because we have multipliers anyway. We might as well keep the one that's paying us and that's going to cost 2200, so it'll be a second, especially with these weak rolls we're suddenly getting, but we put those rolls back in, we still have 24 and it's over.
Halfway there, okay, we go plus eight to all the lights, so there's a 280 in a single tile, there's a 270 and so much energy we go back to 26, there's a 330. I don't know how big they can get , but I imagine they get pretty big, so I added a plus one to the All Die faces. I didn't read it right, so everything was updated to one that is huge in itself, so every time I go down to about 20 turns, I'm going to go ahead and use my energy because a store works, we can actually already afford this more one to death, so now the print runs are getting stupidly large.
Dopamine levels are rising, so we mostly want epic now, but the right kind of epic like that. plus eight, so a couple of spins, a single spin and we can buy another eight for the clear chips, which are the overwhelming majority, so we're up to 913 at this point and going strong. H we cross, there are 20 rolls left, but we have 74 energy, so we can do 33 rolls again, plus we are going to increase our multiplier for the light side and everything, all dice rolls now increase by one, so lowest we can shoot is a four, I think so.
We won't really care about these epics or these rares anymore, we just want epics, but we are getting huge amounts every turn, so we will continually go around the store looking for all the good stuff, even that's not bad, I think for the epics because They will come back expensive every time we buy, we really want to wait for the ones that will really make a difference because we are on the right track. There is a 528, but we need to make sure we don't do it. something bad along the way, okay let's put another one in, the numbers are getting bigger, oh look at all this stuff, I'm going to go for this double the value of all the clear tile upgrades in the store that cost 200 more, that's fine. uh I'm also going to spend my entire sub on 32 rolls and now the lights double so we had a single roll in there for 1,500.
I didn't see what it said that the rolls cost more, but there are 1,800 1, 1,200 500, so we have become quite rich, we are also going to improve the store, why are they so expensive? 25,000. I


it's actually not that bad considering, but it's okay because we're putting in colossal rolls like we get 5,000 in a single oh, but they're also a lot better so they add a time multiplier six and that sounds like something we need a lot just to get a little bit over the top because we're going to get really big numbers and we're getting pretty close to the 1500 mark, there's 1,800, there's a 2800 on a single roll, it's hard to even know what to buy right now, okay, there was something big because it did a metallic sound. 43,000, that means we can actually buy this a Time 8 for the light or dark multiplier, so both will get bigger, but what I want most is to support the light and we're still at 27 spins, so I The lowest we got was around 20, but that's when things tilted for us.
We can put power back in and we're hitting a lot for 3600 now, we're still going to add plus one to all the dice so we can make bigger rolls. I'm losing track of what the runs are, but We're going to do that again, so even bigger runs, so wow, I didn't mean well, okay, we can buy all of those we're going to upgrade anyway to to be able to have a 15 on one of our dice. There were 2300 2600, do we want? We'll probably do another plus eight, we just need to roll enough times to get there, so 20 3500, that's the biggest one we've seen.
I still think it's going to take a long time to get there, but it's like two rolls, so another plus eight for our uh. lights I think the multipliers will be worth more at this point, like a multiplier multiplied by six, 3800, which was definitely the biggest I've ever seen, we could have had bigger ones, but I'm not looking as closely as we're under 20 spins , but we have 87 energy, they are getting expensive, although we need to see it, anyway, in the sixth epic time, there is another one of those, okay, which was 5200 in a single roll, so the multiplier improvement we just to get is a big bonus and we're rolling.
There are so many clear chips now too and we are going to buy this epic because we can afford it almost immediately. There are 4,200. There are 8,000. 8,000 in one is huge and we are getting within 100 of where we need to be. We're below 20. wheel so let's recharge we're going to buy another epic multiplier for the lights which will take us to much bigger numbers again we're already at the 109,000 slot for a Time Six epic we'll take that Absolutely we will just let's go to increase these numbers more and more on average and we will try, which was 9500, so 10 energy equals one roll now, but we are putting energy very quickly at another time. 6 multipliers, I think we're going to be perfectly fine now, I'd actually like this one to have even more chances of getting light tiles because there are still some dark tiles like they're getting 11.
I think one more roll and we'll get to 1500, which which means victory. and we destroyed it at that moment

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