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Climb out of LOWER MMR With The Highest WINRATE Top Laner NOW - Season 14 Dr.Mundo GUIDE

May 20, 2024
Hello, what's up everyone? Welcome to today's video. Today's video will be how to get out of the


MMR with the top


with the


RN rate being Dr. Mundo. Personally, I was very surprised to see that Dr. Mundo had the


connection rate that he expected. he was tall but not the tallest but then I started thinking and it actually makes a lot of sense and that's because Mundo is one of the weakest Top Lane champions in the early game but he also has one of the best scaling and that's because the more Health you have the more damage you'll do World is awesome at splitting up, pushing well in teamfights, crazy scaling has really good elements right now, so in this video we'll learn how to overcome the hardest part of the lightning phase using the fundamentals that make our game very structured from the beginning and then we take it into the mid and late game, learning how to play macro correctly and how to scale consistently with Dr.
climb out of lower mmr with the highest winrate top laner now   season 14 dr mundo guide
Mundo in Right now, it's very simple in everything it does in terms of breakdowns, runes, and its overall kit and I highly recommend it to anyone starting to play. Garen made the gar video and now we have Mundo, which even has a higher win rate than Garen. Check this out on Bron, it has the highest win rate in silver, it is the highest win rate in Gold it is almost the highest win rate and in Platinum it is also almost the highest win rate so Without further ado, guys, we are going to play a game in bronze, silver, gold and platinum, we will teach everything structured from start to finish. reminder to take a look at what the MMR you are currently at and the MMR you want to get to and we're going to learn how to scale consistently using World, guys, let's dive into every move you made.
climb out of lower mmr with the highest winrate top laner now   season 14 dr mundo guide

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climb out of lower mmr with the highest winrate top laner now season 14 dr mundo guide...

I was watching them. If you really want to improve and promote to the League rank you want, you are in the right place. I have worked to design two courses that will help you improve in all aspects, one covers all the fundamentals for the landing phase and the other delves into Tempo and mid to late. I have been a shifter for 7 years and I can guarantee you that this will greatly speed up your process and achieve any goal you have set for yourself. Both courses have a preview video. where you can see the style of the videos, so check them out first of all.
climb out of lower mmr with the highest winrate top laner now   season 14 dr mundo guide
You can also always join my Discord to see some previews. Okay, let's get into the video and go to the first draft. The first thing we will quickly discover is the room page okay, then the Runes page is very simplistic, you will always understand with demolish demolish is one of the best runes in World because the more Health you have, the more damage your demolish will do because we're just building HP, that's why we're going to demolish each game, then I take conditioning for additional resistances, you can get a second win in a very heavy push match or bone plating if you really need it against a level one champion, like maybe Riven, to get a little more. defense and then we grow too big again because we want as much health as possible, so we're going to go for magic shoes and approach speed.
climb out of lower mmr with the highest winrate top laner now   season 14 dr mundo guide
The magic shoe, of course, is that you get the boots for free and the approach speed gives you extra movement speed towards the enemy. Champions once you've put one on them, so if you throw one on them not only do they slow down, you also get bonus movement speed B towards them and then we'll run attack speed and double health instead. That's again with the thought process: the more HP we have, the more damage we do and that's because I'll also show you in the game. Mundo's e passive is a percentage of your total max HP and it's also your ad I think it's 2 and a half or 3%, they nerfed it a bit so 3% of your total HP is also your ad amount which you get for free, so the more HP you have, the more advertising you get, which is a bit strange. but that's also the reason why Mundo has abilities, so we're going to go for the heart Ste, we're going to scale health, we're going to have excessive growth, we have to demolish everything, we just want more health because more health too, more health too. leads to more damage, okay, so we're playing against a gar here who's playing with conqueror resolve, Flesh Knight, he's playing with the second highest win rate at the lowest MMR.
I think we are the highest, so they have a Warick, we have a Shen, firmly. I think Warick is much stronger than Shen early game in terms of 22, while Shen can be strong it really depends on how he uses his W against the gar q and against the Works Auto attack and then another thing to consider is that after the level six. I think his 2v2 will simply be much stronger. What we have to avoid is dying at the beginning of the game. We want to look for skills. We are one of the best skill champions in the game.
We always go with a Dorance shot and, like me. said our goal is going to be skill, which means very often we're playing late or in our lane, more of a trait avoidance type of cell, meaning we don't really want to look for trades, we just want look to get good C's and always be healthy enough to play on the boundaries, that's what we're going to focus our mentality on, so getting pushed very often is going to be fine for us because we're not looking to fight, we're not looking to trade , so what I want to do at the beginning of the game is always try to explore if I can see where the enemy Jung is starting, but before we talk about that, just cover our abilities, our tail costs Health every time we swallow it, but if we land it, we restore health, it is very important to know, it slows them down and does the maximum percentage of magic health damage.
Your W is basically something that will cost 8% of our current health, so the more health you have, the more it will cost, but you will store damage once you have it up and then if you cast it again next to the enemy champion, you will recover much more health if you put him next to a champion, if not you only heal him for 50% when our e is a We get flat extra attack damage, but we can also use it basically on a right me and it gives us the pass because if we control the offset, you see, okay, it's actually 3 and a half% with five Max Stacks, okay, so once we have five points on our e then we're going to have an extra 3.4% and you can go with Q or E.
Probably I want to look for the start of Q simply because I want to avoid training with the gar that has conqueror and Adorn the blade and lights up just us. going ghostly Q. I didn't talk about it, but ghost is a better room than Flesh on moon and that's because we're not looking to fight anyway, so Garrett pushed us. Actually, I don't care at all, we have a wart. I know the enemy J paing to top too because they're B Lane tied up our J paing a top his Jung paing to top that's completely fine and my mentality when addressing those lying face guys is to survive and go for perfect s, so every time I have a last Hit, I'm fine with it.
Here I can also queue him up with AO because he tells me the means, but you see, I'm not actively looking for trades. I'm completely happy just farming and playing for what he's going to hit. Level two by that means, so I'm going to zoom out a little bit, which is of course one of the most important things that I have to check and this means will also give me my level two, they die, there we go and now, when I have my You see, instantly i get 8 ads because i get ad 15 and when you last in the i with your e you have one thing that pops out and that only happens if you last in the i with your e so we're always looking for last means with the E.
I said it three times right there, oh, he exchanges a little with me there. He shouldn't trade again. Okay, and now we're going to last this minute with E and you see, we shoot. something through him that's just when we kill the Min and now we're just going to save the minion for last. I'm going to drag this one into the turret to farm it. It should be okay, oh, okay, alute it then and until now. We've been farming perfectly at 11, but just because I've been focusing so much on farming and not trading, we're in an amazing position, now we have to decide whether to upgrade our Q first or our e first, very often, which I do. is that I put three points into Q and then I start upgrading my e and that's because your Q is your main form of ity in the early game, it's also your main form of damage and then once you have a little more health you can Counter a little bit more and then you start putting points into your e because it will also give you extra damage so I usually do three points into the Q and then into F Max E okay so the wave is pushing towards the G at the moment. slowly and what I want to do is last only in the last frames so that these waves continue to push towards me.
You see here my main waves faster, but if the gar makes his wave push towards me, that means I'll never be. I'll be forced to walk to the end and that's what I want, because I don't want to trade, so maybe I can bait Gar to be here and if he does, he'll push the wave too, but it takes a bit. too much damage actually I have to keep in mind that he is playing with the meat weave and I'm dead, what do we learn that the streamer is a piggy and the streamer went to trade and the streamer doesn't think he's talking?
The only benefit we have is the wave. in a good position, he's stuck on my side of the lane and still can't recover because we have to teleport, there will be a fight here in River, so I mean, gar might be a little more broken, but without to deal with it, we're actually in an amazing position because Gar uses his two summoners, he's moving towards the river here so he's losing in the wave and he can't really set his reset right now because I'm going to keep this permanent freeze so actually is losing. a cannon move here in an ironic way without dealing with this will be worth it for me in the long run because Garen still needs to set up the reset on him now and he hasn't been able to use W while I get the can.
I'm happy we're going to the third spot on Q, he doesn't have a W right now so we might look to fight him, he got a W at the beginning. Remember if I press my W on him, I get all of his health and lo and behold, he didn't get it. a reboot guys, oh I didn't mean, no, don't tell me live, okay, I hit myself. I didn't have Target Champion just on okay, now I need to push hard on this wave so I can set up my own reset again and that. It's because I want to push the wave towards his turret and then make it bounce back inside me so I'm not forced to walk around Lea.
I could have frozen her here, but I should have enough Tempo to push this wave because it's not the Canon wave and I'm going to reach level six on this wave, so if Guerra were to gank, maybe I can escape that one. way, you can never die using your abilities, so of course the missing 8% health doesn't matter when I'm. an HP anyway and now you block it, it will bounce back to us and we are very happy that we still have a good CS, which is our base. Now he may have been killed alone, but that will happen to you Piggies, learn from this too. because ultimately my champion is extremely weak in the early game as I just showed there so try to avoid trading completely and don't be a piggy like a streamer here but now after the first flashback I would say it's almost impossible to die for me if I still play avoiding trading, like I have to do it to die right now and from this position onwards I should be the one looking to farm and


, so the war here has a full time and he has 32 .CS, so it's on both sides again, too, of course, look here, took a blue buff after a repeat buff again checking that PA B at the top looks like it's kind of a 2 one between the teammates. here, I mean, you should go for the G he made.
Kill the sh, what a goat, okay, uh, let's look to last him with our q and see if we can, okay, I don't want to walk all the way here because he could trade them to me if he chooses that last one, then maybe I can just go down the canyon and whatever Opposite I just want to CU the cannon, he is not blocking it, it is so beautiful, it's okay, cultivating even is winning, that is a mentality to have too, even cultivating will be a victory, of course if you can kill your opponent , that's what it will be like.
It will be even better. I'm going to try and Q him so beautifully and the more HP he has, the more HP he currently has when you land your Cleaver, the more damage he'll do as well, so 215 there doesn't always go. Being so tall is because he has max HP, so I do more damage, okay? And from this point we are going to start putting our points in e because we have a flatter health due to the items that we have purchased to the maximum. HP, yes, I can actually fight them. I think I'm underestimating or overestimating the gar here, but I still focus on the last hit points in EN from time to time and nowsucks, I'll do one shot this turn less, although I want to keep my Titanic for the wave so I can shoot it like this and then the E, beautiful, you don't want to fight me, man, these two items now.
I'm very close to level 16, maybe you don't expect me to still have my Al after a fight like that, right? It wouldn't be right, brother, well played, it prevented me from even being able to get close. I respect that you're a pig, though I. I'm like if Trle moves here, I'm going to push this, if Trle wants me, I'm fine with that too. Tr is medium, so I'm going to use that pressure to split the push, but I hope my end isn't my entire team. dies, so please back off. I'm going to SP here, that's my best play, but they might be able to finish because they also have Herald.
We have a huge problem. No, I have to remember. I'm not sure I can defend this. thanks to the herald, alright this is as strong as I can get, the herald is still there and they have Baron, I have the heral, I'm riding pretty much like my life, what the heck, I took down six and a half K damage there, that is. not even that much I 5 HP okay we got the herald we save the base holy moly okay bless that rundo with lots of armor 250 we need one more armor item maybe this will give us HP movement speed and health that sucks.
Draven will be fully built but we can get the Third Dragon. They didn't finish. Luckily we are still here. We are still here. Oh, what a game. Well, I just hope my computer didn't detect it. Leave. to ping here to expel this wave and defend this and they should not allow them to be able to see this this is mine this goes this belongs to me I'm going to ping on the way please yes yes yes yes yes yes yes well actually the wave is already He had gone before I arrived, no, it's not that satisfying, that was really anticlimactic.
I'll be honest, man, I expected a lot more, I'm even drooling a little, that's right, because I'm playing Mund, right? How do we win now? Either has three elements, still no flash here or each deck has almost three elements too, this guy is the only element, this guy will have three, this gu has three, this guy will be fully built, he's just a Draven honestly. If we kill Draven, they have no damage left. Focus on Draven, only we're fighting without me. Oh, Draven is B, so he's good, doesn't this guy just like one? Okay, I could have done my combo a lot better, but that's okay.
I'm not old, but now I have a push, uh, yeah, what are you going to think about that? Yeah, what do you think about that? Hey, yeah, what are you thinking about? best scaling champions in the late game oh yeah yeah but it doesn't matter because I'm Mundo. I missed my combo. A little high in the dven, but that's okay, he still won, anyway, quite easily, he managed to land. This TR was like, oh, come on. I kill him and then he has shit, it's like, but that's a tank, yeah, oh, that's Mundo, this vehicle is going to be like guys, I BL King, yeah, what now?
I don't care about your blonde king, buddy, go back to base, go back to You're also basing it on the fact that the guy has a lot of armor, so he's a little hard to kill. It's funny that the tank says oh no he has armor but yes we are Dr. Shundo with a reason the beautiful beautiful Baron rises in 1 minute so we should remember to play. Baron S5 now we group up of course we can win team fights flash here flash here flash here Draven no flash and um I want this item and this and now it should be really free for us to just group up Draven no meat go S5 we have Sona old meat we have anvia we have brar this guy is also building a lot of armor three elements here three elements here she got like we are in a really very very easy position now all I need is my ultimate, although do you have any anti - heal, no they don't bro that's also a reason I think they just don't do it why we go on a V2 even though on a V3 that's the only way we can lose that's the only way oh No, I'm trapped too, eh, are they trapped with me or am I with them?
That's a good question though, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, how did I live? Oh, stay, stay, hello, we're done, we're done, well guys, there you have it. World, what a lovely Champion, good games. also oh yeah oh yeah please don't TP bro oo oh you got canceled I just want to destroy the door and this The champion is not okay oh there you have it guys you will be able to gain skills if you play to use resources fundamentals at the beginning of the game Tempo creator game late you are going to


, come on Mundo gaming rises with the champion from below but he is by far the best at the moment for CL one more charger, he abuses the same with Garen, but Mundo is a little better right now, well, good luck guys, see you next time.
Now I lost.

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