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How to CLIMB OUT of LOW MMR using GAREN - Season 14 Garen Guide

May 02, 2024
What's wrong with everyone? I'm very excited to show you my new series called how to get out of lower MMR


X and we're going to start with Garen. I'm going to play a game in silver bronze. gold and platinum and show you all the basics, all the fundamentals, everything I do to start scaling consistently and the goal is to help you structure your own game


these concepts to add to that, we are starting with Garen because Garen is the simplest champion at the top in my opinion has everything you want in a starter champion, the goal is further down the lane, make almost all champions double and also accelerate into other roles like mid lane jungle 8K and support, that's the goal.
how to climb out of low mmr using garen   season 14 garen guide
This series, the comment I liked the most in 48 hours after the release of this video will be the champion I will make next. He has to be a top laner, not like yum top, a real top laner and I'm going to do it because I want to do it. He is more interactive with the community. I hope you like this new series of ideas. I'm going to do more and help you all


using fals, so I hope you enjoy the video, we'll see you in every move. fact I was watching you if you really want to improve and promote to the desired league rank, you are in the right place.
how to climb out of low mmr using garen   season 14 garen guide

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how to climb out of low mmr using garen season 14 garen guide...

I have worked to design two courses that will help you improve in all aspects. One covers all the fundamentals for the landing phase and the other delves into Tempo and the mid to late phase. I have been a changer for 7 years and I can guarantee you that this will greatly speed up your process and achieve any goal you have set for yourself in both courses. I have a preview video where you can see the style of the videos, so check them out before anything. You can also join my Discord to see some previews. Okay, let's get into the video.
how to climb out of low mmr using garen   season 14 garen guide
Alright guys, let's get into this game now again. Let's go over everything, we are on the red side of this game, how do you verify that they have the first pick, which means we are picking too early? They're going to have the first pick here, we're going to pick here, so I'm going to ask the switch when I support my midliner who doesn't want to trade it's okay not to go to B nothing it seems like people really don't want to trade with the top lane here excuse me , I'm a top lane, I deserve my last pick, what is this?
how to climb out of low mmr using garen   season 14 garen guide
People aren't really willing to give up their picks but okay okay we have the third pick so they have banned H Ro so I guess their top leader is here right now and that would mean they would pick me first jungle and Ed's car. They pick and then the two of them pick well so at least you'll get to see three of their champions before I make my decision and as a top leader you always want to try to put yourself in a position in the draft where you can see so many champions before. deciding your pick simply because, as a top lane right, being countered is outside of any lane in League of Legends, is by far the most punishable because if you are playing in a lane that is considered the most island or isolated version, here we go. playing against Rington so now we look at top lane so I'm going to conquer this matchup and explain exactly why I'm going to try to see what do it here now let's go to this room page so why are we going to be conquistadors if we look at this confrontation rennington gar uh?
Would I like to look for short fights or extended fights and I think in this matchup? I can go for long fights if I choose movement speed Face Rush doesn't really help me in any way in this matchup. Slow stamina doesn't help me either, so the R side gives you movement speed and slow stamina doesn't. It doesn't help me at all here against his champion conqueror, it gives me extra damage, it gives me extra healing, and it allows me to skirmish with the rington now for the second tree. uh I'm going to stick with the electric here because I'm a w anyway and I don't think they have too much you see, old Sona rated with vgo w and Jinx E.
I can top so much, the only click point to see is the W rated, so I'll stick with electric, dual adaptive and scalable. Second health tree. I could do sorcery with it and Solarity, but I'd like to go with bone plating and demolish again because this will allow me to skirmish a little more in line with the ringtone. Now let's talk about the main 2v2 site and my goals going into this Ling phase once we're here at the loading screen so I can explore Rankon's settings and walk you through any ideas or things that im watching so the first thing i noticed is that this range is playing flash TP he is playing conquistador resolve very set setup but not powering up well I have the power up advantage he is a TP advantage which is one thing you should always keep in mind account looking at the junglers that have a lane we have Shana Shyana is one of the weakest junglers in the early game, she doesn't really want to skirmish and doesn't have a proper gank setup, so she wants her level six form before be able to do an actual ambush or, let's say, before you can do an ambush a little more easily. pre6 gank but in the general sense her ganks are pretty weak, while the Vigos, I would say in a 2v2, are definitely pretty strong, so that's something I have to be careful of.
I'm going to shoot just to have to hold on. I'll have to sustain myself through the passive I'll have to sustain myself through the D shot and Raon has to sustain me through his Q healing and things like that, so we've both sustained in this matchup, that's something that of course you have to take into account now. I don't want to continue here, in fact, we could continue. I think we're much stronger in the early game, so I'm going to follow him here, but Chavanas AFK, so I'll ping. I'm going to Top Lane. No I don't think we should walk through S4 and that's also because I just want to lower my War at the beginning of the game here, so fighting before level six I think is complicated because his Jer is stronger than my Jung, right, but after level six, it doesn't necessarily get much easier because Spike's range is super hard at level six, so in this game I will beat his main site, but at the beginning of the game it can be a little tricky, so I want to look for a But this W doesn't really do anything, but we have a ward here, so technically I don't have to do W for ranking or for the start of the vle, but I'll still do it just to have this elimination process.
I know exactly where it's starting, it looks like Sharana is starting with the rendering buff, which I think is fine, but what it means is that Shan is going to do like the Golems Raptors rendering buff and the path to both, and that means we are on the weak side, weak side meaning. moving away from us in the first few waves I won't have a jungler to play with and now we need to explore where the vgo starts, well here the Vio is moving to the top so now the view is completely weak, not neutral but shavana It is leaving. a B and vgo is coming to the top so I have to be careful with him now I'm going to try to go for Eart and see if maybe I can improve the rington a little bit by going for Conquerer Eart which is something a lot of players don't expect ECT .
I don't see Rankon in the lane so I'm going to start pushing and the reason I do this, he goes to the D sheet, that's another thing I check well and the reason I start hitting the wave is because yes I have my priority and I get my level two first. I will always be stronger than my opponent, so I'm going to go for the last one, the last one, it's your base, so focus on the last one and be good at this, here we go. I need a caster and a melee to reach my level two, so I'm going to start hitting myself a little with melee here.
I'm going to be careful with him, I don't want to trade too much now that he's coming up, but look, I'm going here to get my level stack and get all the Conqueror stacks and then Auto Q to get the most out of the trade, always Auto Q, so it's very simple here. I used my e to AOE which killed the Minions that gave me my Level up and then I was able to get an awesome trade because he was still at level one, that's what makes the priority for you. Now you remember vgo's pain and Shana's move to Bolt so I'm going to look to break this wave here because I don't want CAU to be up by vgo paing to the top here and we know that because of early game exploration so I'm going to avoid trading with him here.
I'm just going to look to push the wave in and we could spot the vehicle maybe in this jungle or something and we're doing a third wave crash here just because we're on the weak side, okay I lose a little bit of the last CH, but okay , it seems that the bullet is fighting, we can't do anything about it. that and rton this wave will bounce off of me so this gives me a chance to see if the vles maybe already here he's not oh oh he's here so maybe I can get him out of there.
He's 12, he's level two, I don't know. how did that happen, he should be at level three, check if the rank is coming, he's here, he has 50 fury so that's something to keep in mind. I haven't lost any XP and I want to use my W on his W here or his Q, so okay, I'm going to use my spot, I thought he would hit me, oh, the vehicle is looking to gank. W, this is a bit of a weird ambush, you're at level two, dude, what are you going to do? Make your improvements, okay, so this is it.
There's one thing I didn't talk about in this matchup, but of course we want to try to figure out where I want to use my w in this matchup: on his W or on his empowered Q, because that's his biggest damage right now. I get my level four here. I'm going to max out my e because I want extended fights. He's still at level three, so I can look for the trade here. Vgo is Pur, presumably with the blue buff on him at the moment. This guy has no potion left in this wave. he is pushing towards me, that means R is forced to walk for the last time, he has no fury.
I can trade here just for qu, not Auto Q though because oh, I use my spot on his W anyway, I'm going to reduce the salute here a little but not too much, he doesn't have e 12 conquer Stack another q Alo attacks and now rton should base and TP back, but the wave is pushing towards me so maybe I don't want to remember, but I should be remembering and tapping Return right now so I can perform its bounce if it doesn't. I have death window or death pressure right here and I'm only going to last for this W to keep pushing towards me because as long as this wave is pushing towards Rington he is forced to walk to the end and if he is forced to walk to the end , that's how I set up my kills correctly, set up your kills through waves, not kills in waves, so I'm going to wait for him to do it. walk for the hustler, come on buddy, you want it, he doesn't want it, one roll will get him level five, he's in XP range, oh, he lost, so XP, okay, we're good, give Q another point on E.
I'm waiting to try to see if I can prime his e too okay Vio here he is on level four that's the only thing I instantly check W on this we oh i k v by accident otherwise I had a death on the rington, accidentally e the c v go. but he doesn't have e right now. I have 12 conqueror stacks, so I can actually 2 out of 12 conqueror stacks. Still, he is on the run. I'm going to use e and he also has a flash. Now chat, this is super important. Remember that not really here. I'm not going to remember it instantly.
I think I can actually delete this. Raen will be back but I can't remove this because I have three points on E and that is the gar and now r wave removal combo and an amazing early start here so Several things happened here consciously oh is he going to freeze the wave here? Okay, actually I'm going to stay. This is a smart ranking decision. I see its elements here. That's the first thing you always do when your opponent comes back. I checked the items so you can know how strong they are. I guess Q he just want to get this W.
I don't want to fight because I have 1500 gold so I just want to remember it. here I get the damage reduction and I get most of the wave at 12 conquest Stacks again, always keep track of that. I'm just going to push into this wave and look to reset because he's stronger than me right now in items and he's about to hit. level six same, so I just want to get the W and dive in, there we go, we got it amazing, now there are several things we did here well, so we played for the UPS level, we did a third wave clash after that, The wave returns to us.
We got a good exchange, so we were forced to walk away to take the last hits. We knew exactly where the Vio was. We were never in danger and now we are in an incredible position. I'm going to decrease the size of the fish a little. a little bit and I think the first item I want to pick is probably Trinity Force because they are very focused on melee, if they have a lot of ranged champions I would go for strikebreakers, if they are very heavy​​in hand-to-hand combat, I will go. for trinity4, so here melee, melee, melee, both L's are range, but that doesn't really matter.
I can go for a trinity force, so Rington should look to remember that he had a pinkward when he came back from base, so I'll probably put pink wart on the mount right here, however, I'm not going to go for pink wart just yet, okay, he's here, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to push hard on this wave and this is going to do two things. It's going to make the wave bounce inside me It's going to give me the rhythm to look for the pink wart and while the path bounces inside me I'll be in a position where I can't be attacked, okay, we check that V turns into a dragon . there's the Ping forart that's why you should always press T when your opponent returns to Lane and now we're much stronger so now I just want to look for equal or even better health rates so if he goes here QE and get escape. that's it the next QE is basically dead and I'm going to push this wave hard to put him under pressure because I know vgo is here checking his account he's just a Sheen he's level five isn't level six but Shavana just he's farming up to his level six, so that's a very good 40 seconds for my power up, which would guarantee immersion.
Remember that if he silenced him, he couldn't pressure Al properly, so if he silenced Al, then he would be dead. I'm going to play for the wrecking block here first, okay, you'll let him use everything and now I'm going to auto-QE him. Oh, I'm already at level seven and I hit the turn. Well, you see, I'm not the best mechanic. player okay though 20 seconds for me that's my kill pressure and here on this wave I'm not going to hit it so the wave pushes me back and again this is the same reason why if this wave hits me push, chat, he's going to be forced why do I say CH YouTube?
If the path is supposed to be a forced Happ. I'm sorry if the path is pushing him, he is forced to walk until the last moment and then we can look for deaths, right? return Q ignite ult would do the job unless SS, he didn't do his ult in time and died there we go baby there we go now we push hard so we can get another plate and then we reset so we don't lose any Tempo he, man, he was a little late , I think you noticed it too late and the same here, make the wave come back towards us and that's how you set up your kills, a lot of people there would basically keep pushing the waves on autopilot, but the only reason we kill them here it's because we made the wave back towards US forcing RT to walk to the end and that's how we set up our kills so again chat youtube sorry if you want your kills to set up waves in mata no kill in a wave, very important, let's keep it up.
Actually, I don't think he should have bought this. I should have gone with Fage because he gives me movement speed, but he's fine, we're in an amazing position, so he checks, he plays. From time to time, correct this habit every time your opponent returns to Lane, press tab and see how strong they are, it was for tabes with a long sword, so realistically I need about 1.2k gold to my item, but you have only spent 300 gold for your correct item, so you need around 2.5k to 3K gold for your first item, so right now, if I stay still and just push waves and take swords, already I'll outskill him completely, so I'm just going to push hard on this wave.
I don't have ignite, I don't have ult, so why would I look for trades when I can just push this wave to bounce off of me and avoid fighting because I'm already so far ahead? That doesn't mean I should play super safe, but it means I shouldn't be looking for any risks, plus I have a massive shutdown right now, so now I can get this on Scout for the vgo, the wave will push me back, there's the vgo , which only bothers this guy a little, will already bother him enough. Good job for my jungler too, give him more space.
The Scuttle in the River is making a comeback so I'm just going to shred it and he was writing to someone, maybe scrolling through Facebook, maybe shopping a little. I don't know what the guy was doing. but he's dead and now we can take this amazing position that was pure luck um Alo, why do you kill the person AFK? I'm ruthless okay let's keep it up and now the reset I want to play for is 1.3k gold I need to get. The 500 gold range has been freezing this up which is a pretty good call on their part and I'm just going to push hard on this wave, look for a board and maybe a proxy and then set my reset so this wave can give around 200 gold.
I also use my w during push, so that's 200 gold. Now I want a board proxy in the next wave. I don't lose anything. I get Tempo and then I get my recovery, so I don't want to kill this rank. I would never have to kill this. guy to kill this or win this game, right. I really don't have to kill him. I'm already way ahead and this ranking will never again be able to come close to the amount of gold I have in the game right now. As I continue to use my Tempo accordingly, you see here, this gives me my item effectively, right, normal wave, 100 gold, can, 200 gold, game, 125 gold, quick math boom, we have our item perfectly now again , what is so important to understand in these scenarios is to remember when.
I said I need 1.2k gold for my item and R needs 3K gold. I'm already ahead and that puts me in a position where, in theory, I'll always be first in the wave and I can find Jung's cameras quickly and I can come in third. Reon plates don't have that, so what I have to do in this game is basically avoid dying and I can spend my advantage exponentially just by never dying. The only way this Rankon comes back into the game is if I die, I give him my closure if that doesn't happen. You should always get more Farm.
Should be able to play for plates. If you make a mistake, of course I will kill you, but there are many ways to get League of Legends gold besides killing. 14 CS is already a death. I'm not going to look to play to kill in this game. I'm going to look for turrets, side waves, jungle camps, all that stuff. I shouldn't covet here, back off, he only has a c. Food. Now I have a full turret force, so I'm going to push hard on this wave and just to kill the turret. I don't have to kill anymore in this game.
I'm already way ahead and that's very important to understand, so I'm going to try. bait here, take the turn, oh, gone, everything's fine and I'm going to push hard on this wave. The larvae are reappearing within 40 seconds. Now I also want to look at just the Farm jungle cams because let's say I take this Grump, right? I'm stronger, but I also weaken VGO because he has fewer jungle chambers here. I can swap and refine and now we just slip away. I don't have to kill this guy. Saw here, going both ways, he still has 52 CS, so this should be it.
The reason I knew this is because the last time I killed the vgo here it was also around 52 C so now I knew this camp was active and again taking this denies Theo but also makes me stronger, amazing ok , I'll be level. 11, so I couldn't take on this guy, now I'm going to take our side and then go for this and then maybe go for that too, so you see, I'm not looking for kills here, I'm just looking to spend my advantage, everyone can do this, everyone. You can do this you just have to know where to go on the map when and you're fine.
I'm at level 11 here, so you have to be careful six conquest stacks level 11 last remember extra oh, I have to be careful, he has, I'm going to power up to keep 12 stacks of conqueror steps and since I have 12 conquest stacks, in I can actually shoot him with just one shot. This was a quick adaptation in the fight. If you look back, you saw that I have 12 conquest stacks and they were about to run out, but every point of damage you do gives, oh, I almost died. Every point of damage you do gives you a stack of conqueror, so it could be an Al attack, a skill, but also power up, so I power up there to keep my ad higher because of the Conqueror and that's it. why I had so much damage there to shoot them all at once. uh I'm just going to save the M for a moment because I want to try to get my full item on the reset and look for the Scuttle. here and level two turrets give the most gold in the game of any objective, level two turrets give 700 gold, so if I can secure this level two turret before going to Bol, that would be the best scenario for me because that means I never have to go to the top again and I'm considering using the strikebreaker here.
I really like the Trinity Force strikebreaker combo, you'll have full damage, full wave, clear everything, so I'm going to push this. I can search for the larvae, but Harold is about to appear in 20 seconds, so when I'm starting the larvae, the Herald would appear and the larvae would disappear, so it's a bit pointless to search for this. I didn't even talk about this. but I sweep it out of habit after I get my first item to deny them Vision and since I don't need that much Vision I just deny them Vision, okay we push this wave and I'll remember it right now because I shouldn't be.
Greed is another important mindset that I remember when I said I didn't have to kill the Rankon anymore because he's already out of the game. We talked about this and I'm showing you, but what is that win condition right now? I would say it's probably his B Lane, his B Lane is winning against my fare B Lane one and one Jinx 110 CS, so now what I can do is because I have Tempo on the Top Lane bell and he has to push this wave and this wave and maybe even another wave before it reaches my turret, meaning I have massive Tempo on it.
I'm going to use that Tempo to pan over to Bol. I have an old Q flash that lights everything up and I want to try and maybe get a kill here if possible, that might be on. Bol, who could be in Mid if I kill mid, we can get the mid here, so it seems like mid is maybe more attractive to search for here. I'm going to go Mid L instead he ran forward waiting for his meat never mind and now we kill mid way guess what that will lead to also on a mid turn 1 and now I've killed this guy two times, so his top lane is not the win condition, but it was already the win condition, but now he also closes his mid laner and that's what you should do as a top laner once you've reached the top, no You still automatically rise to the top, but once you have a lead, killing the O and 3 rington and turning it into zero and four doesn't work. for Chas, the result of this game wandering around here, killing this guy again and getting two turrets, of course this is a dream scenario like this, was amazing.
I wanted to go to the bottle first, but I adapted to go to m, hey, this is the GO collection, but you look here, this is much better for the game, they are going to Top Lane again and they will try to kill the rington O and 3, They will spend your advantage, super important for any top laner, right. H yeah this guy only does TP top so I'm going to take the shortcut and uh Farm the cannon wave and someone's playing here but they only have one TP so like rington um and we're going to take the Grump again.
I want to stay in Top Lane for this side wave because it's a Canon wave. W to maybe try to secure the level two turret because if I get the level two turret like I said, I'll never have to open up to Top Line again. I can go to L for the rest of the game and look for my resources there. since the side waves and turrets give the most gold, so I'm going for a short treatment with range here because I would put it at Mele or lethal range. Q ew, very simple combo, and now I'm going to just focus on the turret and once I have my ultimate, okay, a little bit of multitasking here, okay, it wasn't pretty, but it worked and now we remember it and now we go to enter Bol, so I'm going to Ping. get out and I'm going to tell my car 8 to go let me out I want to go my messages aren't working okay I'm going to go for Cleaver next you should go halfway and the reason I want to be b l chat is like this That It's like I have to stop saying chat, it's a force of habit.
Sorry, I'm going to unlearn it. Okay, the reason I want to go to lane B, my dear fundamental, my dear community, is because I want to play for this level one. shit and the level two B shit, which is where I can get the maximum gold income. I'm not going to get anything for going to Top Lane besides camps and sides, but I B can also take turrets, so I want to be B, okay? wants to be B and yeah, the lower the MMR, the less people there will be, I guess, willing to listen to you, so I'll go to both and wave J's wave away because she seems to be isolated here. no, she's not okay, I'm going to queue and SK, we can go up to the turret, although she might feel safe in the turret.
I'm just trying to see how they're going to play, so now they're in the turret, but I can just shoot him once no, uh, yeah, I can, I'm grieving, I'm grieving, I just don't have to remember because I'm Garen, that's the best part about Garen, especially in this current meta, is thatthere's like there's almost no maintenance in the game in terms of, I mean just rence Hydra, right, just rence Hydra, but look at this, I just completely recover. I'm going to go to Top Lane because this virus refuses to leave, but Lan, so I'm going to do it.
Just go up and uh the dragon is detecting in 40 seconds we have Nash in two and a half minutes so at this point there's still a level two player that I want to play but I can't right now so just I'm going to go to Top Lane, push the side waves, play for the J camps, there's a blue b here, I guess I'll grab it, and you know, when we get to the top, we'll almost be back to full HP, which is just simply the most amazing part of gar. I love it because that's also why I recommend gar to download more players.
You can make so many mistakes like, I guess, game mistakes or like you're testing the waters but you just heal. Come back to fo again so you'll be fine and have an amazing wave. You don't really need mechanics to play. This isn't like, oh, I mechanically played against my opponent by pressing Q E and Al and um, yeah, the only important combo is. no Alo Q I want to show you the difference if you use what car looks like this, then what car runs late. I have a high attack speed, so it actually comes out pretty fast, but look how fast the Q auto is much faster, still, I have. high attack speed, so the auto attack actually appears quite quickly, but you'll know the difference when you try it without attack speed.
We can also play for level two 3 because it gives me a lot of gold, so let's look. for the next the range is fighting here used old man I'm just going to look for this turret and you saw here that I'm never looking to consciously kill this rington again right I'm just looking to spend my leadership on the side wave and turret jungle camps and that's how I got so fat in this game, not killing the rington again, okay his B is blocking me, unfortunately I have my blade in a second, do I even need the blade?
Actually, this guy is not old anymore, I know that from walking to Medio um I'm going to use my waqui and Q E all yeah, I'm just playing with them, I think all q e w and that's it, it's about the depth of my mechanics. I have 12 conqueror stacks, so I'm not afraid. I think so. No, we still have old ones, save it. for this bad boy GG and this is how you win your games in GAR we want conqueror we use conquest we have our advantage we extend our advantage this is how to win with gar guys let's keep it up we are the blue side as you can see we are in two final selections without preparing anything because Mom didn't come up, no, but okay, let's see what we play again, so I don't see any Top Lane ban on the enemy team.
I see a ban in vain. I guess she can be considered the top laner, so her first pick could be the top laner, but they can always switch correctly, so keep that in mind, but I like to take a look at the ban ORD so you can guess who's the one. He always does that as a force. from Abit, why not? I mean, I'm also okay with choosing first, give me the first choice. I will take any side that comes my way. At least I'm the gar and that's something to consider, the lower you go the more often Gar will be chosen too.
I've said it before, but remember that Garen is my favorite champion and I always recommend him to people new to Top Lane. He just he has everything you would want in this simplistic Top Lane, so we'll be playing against Gwen here and you can. He's kind of a conqueror or pH Rush against this champion and I'll explain my thought process on this, so the reason why pH Rush works against Gwen is if you read this with me, oh, it's Canon. Okay, if you read faal with me, you'll see hit. An enemy Champion with three separate attacks or abilities grants a burst of movement speed; however, with a detailed description you will see that hitting an enemy Champion with three separate attacks or abilities within 4 seconds grants between 15 and 40% movement speed depending on level, making it a bit weaker than at the beginning of the game and improves your movement speed, but this is very important, it gives you 75% slow stamina, so if you get tired, if Gwen SS, Saka tells you any slow you get during those four seconds, 3 seconds.
More like yeah it's 3 seconds during which I had to check that you won't be slowed down you can't slow down you've slowed down stamina so here looking at Ash Saka Canon amumu I think fers already is simply the best because it will allow me have the build with more movement speed, which I think is good because they already have three ranged champions, right, amumu is melee, but they have three ranged champions and then against Kon, you're just going to win the second victory , demolish, I'm going to demolish all the games in GAR because If I ever get Tempo, I can get multiple nimas plates, it's very important, we haven't had nimas yet, we went to conquer games again, after casting a summoner spell you get speed of movement that lasts 2 seconds and you can pass through units, so basically what?
What I can do is press power up and gain movement speed for my opponent, so I can use this as a gap closer now to the prop phers. You can do it multiple ways with Garen, you can do automatic Q E, your e only counts for once. if you spin like 10 times on your opponent it only counts for one activation, you can do auto Q ignite Q E ignite Auto Q old, there are many ways to activate your R face in the past, you had Iron Spike's whip, don't you already have the Iron Spike whip, but we have Tiamat on the strip switch so we can use that too.
Now we talk about builds and configuration. We are playing this game against the flash domination cannon TP First Strike. There's Amumu playing, uh or sorry, we're playing. Brier against mumu. I would say Brier is much stronger than amumu in the jungle. Canon decides the position in Top Lane, although in terms of wave manipulation simply because he is a stronger lane than me, right, um, but they have ranges in this. Showdown I'm going to be rushing the strikebreaker, um, because I can't really get much out of the brightness value. I can't really trade much with my opponent so strikebreaker is much better, it also gives me movement speed and activates slowly so I can slow down my opponent.
I have more movement speed. You can see why this is good against ranged champions, right, yes, absolutely perfect here playing with gold, oh sorry, with bronze, silver and more, so everything is fine, let's start with D. shoot d in almost all games in Garen, the sustain is simply too good. I have a second victory to sustain. I have D to hold. I have my passive to hold. And I will teach you how to approach distance confrontations or the mindset you should have. i have ranged matchups in general so again he has the first hit, if he hits me first he gets some money but it doesn't really give him much extra damage, it gives him a little extra damage but not as much um amumu Brier Brier is stronger than amumu in the early game skirmishes after level six.
I think the top side is really scary because they have amumu Al and Cannon Al and the build I'm thinking of in this game will surely be step breaking again. It gives me proper movement speed and slows them down, so it's absolutely amazing. It gives me a clear vibe and then I'll probably follow it up with a ghost dancer and now let's see what you want to do against the ranged champions. Keep watching. For priority, I want to try and always ingrain the habit that if you can get priority, please go for priorities so I don't get tied down and I want to get my level two first now, even though it seems like a counter in two to push against rank. champion, of course, if they are going to completely hit you and completely arrest you, you can't do this, but many players will be tied up, are not instantly in lane, or simply don't know that they can hit continuously.
You're right, they're just a little scared if I get priority for the Canon and still get my tier timer faster. What happens is that even if I can't swap the cannon, I can form it for free because the cannon has to focus on shooting itself instead of being able to arrest me because I'm pushing it, so I'm going to go in here. I'm going to place protection on the Golem so I can explore Amumu's path. by elimination process, if you start doing reps, you will go to Golems after most of the time and E we see that I'm going to take a drink of water quickly.
I'm still going to start with Q and what I want to do when the wave comes here is I want to set up the auto queue to start pressing and again I don't mind pressing here. I just want to level up and be able to farm for free because I'm playing against the Rank Champion if I let the cannon push he will reach level two first and continue to harass me and I will never be allowed to walk for the duration so now Canon will have to focus on last itself and that's why I can do it. farm here for free you see it's focusing on mids exactly like I said because the mid wave is already getting very big and now one of me and I'm already at level two so this Canon can't really harass me we see the amumu here with the aart and I just have to do a second wave crash to maybe, oh that sucks, maybe try to make the cannon lose the last few hits, while okay, I lose two miles, that's 40 gold , right there, three means I failed, that sucks.
It should farm much better, but it's Okay, it happens, the last thing is to always keep the base in mind, but I want to try to make it difficult for Canon to farm. I can activate this for fun and my goal here is to make the cannon lose CS. He also has a CO St so he's not the super aggressive start and that's okay, he got a decent 7 out of 12 jumps with him. I'm Mo Pathing Bolt Bri Pathing Bolt and now I just want to compete in the wave here to get my level three faster, so I'm going to go through the wave right here to get my level three L another melee.
I'm going to focus a little better on the last one because we have to do it and I'm going to press my yes, I'm going to search. I'm there, but LAN, I mean, the most important fundamental, of course, is to get the best Lane bat, so, oh, never mind, all good, although W is pushing me back. I'm going to use my w and E here just to push it back and to manage to maintain priority because if I have priority again, Canon has to focus on the latest news and I can also focus on my lights without being permanently harassed, so why we do?
There we go, I'm going to max out my e and now I have 20 CS, I lost five, I definitely could have done better in that department. I didn't do very well, but compared to the cannon, he's at 11, okay, he'll get that one, but he'll lose it, so the 12 managed to hit gold a little bit for the first time, but I'm still 8 CS up on a range. I can also ask and lose my Alo uh, and the reason I go to CS is just because I'm looking for priority, right? Imagine Canon. he pushed me good then we'd be in a world of trouble and he tied me up if I'm Canon.
I'm never going to tie, never tie, I'm a big ass I'll tell you right now, never tie if your jungler is going to flame you or complain just say sorry bro you call it bro say sorry but I gotta start in Lane it's good for me start on Lane just tell him I always work never get burned okay? CS up right now, all I'm looking to do is play for the C's right here. I want to try it and maybe push slowly to push hard so I can set my reset because I'm playing with Ignite and he's TP so I have to set my reset with Tempo so I'm going to push here as much as I can and then while his wave goes up, that's the wave I want to crash on.
This is going to give me my level five. He fails. Q he has his Al attack boosted, he also used it on something else, so now I can look to trade with him, he eats me too, a very nice trade E Auto Q, so roughly I face Rush and I can have his HP there, He also cookies. which is interesting, I thought that would go on me, so I press my w. I want to use my w Air Auto Tech with W or on the Q of it so that auto attack power, you see it lights up, but if we just farm even right here.
I'm super happy with this, in the next wave I'll reach my level six, so if I can put it in the kill range for my level six then that would be really good for me, so here I go. to activate him a little bit, right, he'll go away and this is good for a trade for me, oh, the W is a little wasted here in this wave exactly, I'll reach my level six, right? This is always the medium that comes or the wave that comes to Lane at level and minute five, if you missed zero XP, it gives you exactly level six, so keep that in mind if he walks here, yeah, I don't think We're killing it, we have a little bit of tempo, so I'm going to use that to remember it.
He has 60 gold with First Strike, but has lost a fairly significant amount of C. He will reach level six himself. Remember he loses tooeither. these picks because you could see at least four of their champions before you have to select your pick correctly, but that makes a lot of sense, it's a top laner that you want to try and get the last possible in the draft and Again, I just want to explain all my thoughts I have about a game, things I think about. I know I have many ingrained habits. Sometimes I may think I just know this and you guys are supposed to be like No, no, how do I say no, don't pick my gar, no, don't do this, you don't have to do this, my man, playing gar would be smart right, playing G is very smart, let's talk about a draft here, so we have nunoo in the jungle and we're playing presumably Fiora Wukong with double um.
I'm going to go with a bone coating and demolish the same setup. The only CC they really have is Mor Q or ult which I can get through for sure let's be conqueror again the Rush face could work against F because our W can slow me down but the conqueror allows me to stretch her more and fight her more that's why I'm going to go with The Conqueror in this matchup, Conqueror Garen, in the general sense, is a little better than before, also with the upgrades they recently made to him, his W buff, but I also think he improved his E a little, so that conquer Gar is just a little bit more Superior and now let's take a look at the settings so we can figure out what we want to do here so the first thing I notice is that Fiora is playing with flash ntp conquer resolution so a setting very similar to the one the rington was right, it's a Bruiser matchup, we also have the Conquistador to try to compete with now, looking at the junglers, we have a Noo-noo against a bukong, so I'd say we're on equal footing in the 2 on 2, it's a matter of execution rather than really looking at who really wins.
I'd say it's a skill approach on the 2v2 top side because neither Wong nor Nuno are super strong pr6 if Nuno lands the snowball we're stronger if Nuno misses the Wukong it's probably better. right, that's why I say it's a matter of execution, after level six, let's say we all have our level six, then I think it's a matter of execution, but old Wukong is pretty nasty against our champions, so always we have to be ready. for that in the top 2v2 Wukong is playing with meat, noodles is playing with meat, I always make sure to check the Summoners and all of this is so I can anticipate how I want to play certain fights or certain scenarios in the game.
I'm already exploring all the information I can get, yes, so we will do the same, we will try to have priority, since we always want to try to have priority if we can. Fiora, in theory, is stronger. Champion Garen at level one, however, and I still say this, if you get your level up timers first or if you have more minions, if you get your level up timer first, you get bonus skill first but you also get attack from additional health armor. quickly damages all of that, so in terms of stats, by leveling up you gain about 600 gold instantly in your inventory, plus you get an extra skill, so any losing matchup can turn into a winning matchup or a trade that can be won if you get your level two first and that's why I want to instill the mentality that playing priority when possible is good, don't use priority matches where you get that if you land against a cart you probably shouldn't do lever in theory, however, if he is tied up or if he is doing something else and you can get priority level two, Garen will win against the level one nest, so keep that in mind now we want to explore Wukong's starting position in terms route to know how to get closer. our first to remember the last game when we landed against the rington.
He knew the V was heading towards the top, so he wanted to do a third wave crash to avoid an early VLE gang that ended up reaching the top. I saw the Wukong. I'm four people here, so I'm allowed in here for free and I can download the W, but I want to wait a little bit. I'm not like a timer to put the W down at night, so I'm going to wait a little bit and then put my w down hey, look at J, look at my name, sorry, sorry, now I can get my job here.
I can get my job here. I think I want to put it here so I can write. to see his path in the sense that if he goes from a repeat upgrade to Raptors, something like that, he should be able to see it well, there we go, so now we are very excited and that's why you see that Nuno is starting with a repeat upgrade. repetition, but Nuno could make level three Gams, it's very common, so he likes Golems Raptors with rep buff and level three medium or B raids, or he raps raptors, level three B Golems, but in the general sense, noooo it's going to go from B to higher. and Wukong is passing from top to bottom right, that means we're going to be on the strong side, we're going to have a jungler on our side.
I'm going to qart this matchup because she wins the extended fight, she has a shorter Q cooldown. she has vital signs, the first vital sign always respawns if you have blue vision and I'm going to hit the media here and again white chat priority, get my level two first. I'll win, okay, she gets my bone PL Well done, for her sake. space for her get my Q draw our bone coming out too good exchange for me, I'm going to instantly walk back after queuing to De aggro, that means I hit myself and now she's a front vital.
Now, if it hits the vital and I queue it, okay, so here I'm going to queue it. I know she is. Going to hit the front vital could have auto attacked here and now I'm going to prioritize a melee CH. I don't need to kill this Caster because this melee alone would already give me my level two, she gets level two. Also, she'll probably have W, so I'm going to select my e. She used her Q with W synchronizing with hers and I pushed the wave and entered. I got 12 conquest stacks. I wanted to trade because I have 12 conqueror, she didn't go up, like there, although to get the wave, enter two melee, it means level three, level up timers, uh, recognize them, she used Q, almost got her.
Wong should ping B. We saw him with 8 CS, so she's probably done. golems and rep buff and she is looking for Raptors right now. I didn't check, but I see that HS n had 12 looking to gank B from the looks of it and since I know I'm playing isolated here, n goes to B Wukong. is B. I'm not afraid of any gang, so even though I'm playing towards their happy point, I'm completely fine here and all I'm focusing on in the chat is the latter and I always say this, one of my most common repeats. phrases, I'm going to go where to Q E2 um, one of my most repeated phrases, duration is your base, if you learn to last better than your opponents, you will win your lane n of 10 times like this, so this lane pH right here , check this out, only because I've been lasting better at 23 and she's only 10.
I'm already ahead and that's why it's so important for any new player to focus hard, hard, hard, hard, on last place. 9 CS up, that's about 150 gold, that's half a kill. I'm up now just by being better at the last jungle show setup. I bought 16 CS, that means Wukong has four camps, where will he go after he is dead on both sides? Again because he still has two camps there is no C from above so I know I don't have to be afraid of Wukong yet and I know that by pressing the right tap QE here I will press my w now for the trade so I Block most of it of damage, I get damage reduction and you want to use your D and your W in this matchup for basically the entire exchange so that you block or get as much damage reduction across your entire trait as you can, so Wukong is at 100%.
I'm still on the site, so I'm going to use my e right here to win this. She is playing with TP. I don't, and this will allow me to get a reset timer, but since Wukong is still B, I can opt in as well. here is to represent an extra wave and that's because I need 100 gold to get my level 2 boots. Oh he's here, he has 20 CS now so he's taking a camp, I'm not sure which camp he has done, but he still has a blue bu on both Sid. I have 12 Conqueror Stacks, he has a long St.
I instantly checked it when we were fighting, so normally I would have had the pace to do a proxy wave here for some unknown reason. Wukong ended up reaching the top. I'm not sure what. camp he took because he still has a blue buff waiting, I guess unless that was the camp he took, I don't want my n to come here, you're just going to ruin my wave, that's fine and now I want to slowly push this wave, hard press the next wave to set my reset. If I just push hard on this wave right now, the next wave would already be there, so I don't gain any Tempo, but by slowly pushing this wave hard, I push the next one.
I'm going to get a nice Tempo reset, so I'm going to use my e here on all media and I'm not really focused on this F. I just want to set my reset here so I don't lose anything. Remembering because I remember Fiora has the p and I'm playing with Ignite so I need to set up a Tempo reset for myself here. Normally this would be the wave where I get level six exactly, but nooo it took away a little bit of my XP. so I don't understand my level six, but in terms of Cs we're still, you know, a little bit in C, up, we get our nice reset, we get this and now let's take a look at the draft, they have a melee melee in the top site. jungle range range range um so I think I'm going to go with Trinity Force and then consider Stri or Phantom Dancer we'll see about that.
Fiora is going to try to push this. I think this is a mistake on her because she has no mana and low wave, of course what the f should have done is let the wave like this reset and TP just like I was doing, but now when I press this and because I instantly remember with the tempo I was talking about, I'm going to get a Freeze here and now, my job is to try to play with this Fiora so it doesn't reset. The longer I delay restarting her, the more it means she will lose, so I'll try to fight her. here and by canceling her once, she's already going to lose this whole wave right here, all of this is essential, but now I'm going to chat, I'm going to go up again, cancel her base again, yes sir, and now this F is going to get angry and now I'll remember her again, but no, I'm not going to do the same old trick.
We are back to a perfect wave position at this point. She's lost a whole wave of experience and look where the wave is in my happy place and this is it. all because before restarting I pushed it slowly to hard to get the tempo that allowed me to remember and not lose anything. Fiora's answer should have been based on the P, but instead she tried to push, she had no mana, she has a clear low wave and now. look at the wave position, I'm 10 CS up, she bought two pink quarts that allow you to control fines.
She dodges well, so that was the mechanic, so I get on top of her and then I dodge her W, but it's okay, she has no W right now, even though the exchange was pretty bad, her W is out, allowing me to get a little more trading patterns. I have more sustain than her and I'm about to reach level seven because she lost a whole wave of experience. so now with my level timer here with level seven and having powered up I definitely want to start looking for skirmishes right now. I am very confident that I can win the fights.
She's looking for the vital, so I go to W oh, I have. my w and Bone pling block there, but we're ahead of CS, all due to wave manipulation and resetting timers, so that's good, she just hit level seven of hers. I want to try to exchange a little with my e, get out of her the bone of her PL of her too. a plant in the river right now because she spawns at minute six, so that's something to always keep in mind because she has priority in the right lane. I don't want to trade too much because she might be the one to walk to the plant first and then I'm kind of screwed so I want to start pushing the wave now too and trade with her because then I can get access to the plant first so now I'm well trading.
Oh, this might be a little bit bad as long as I don't die here, the trade off is good because if I just eject this wave right now, I'll have access to the plant first and again, all I'll do is the same thing. Concepts, level up, timers, reset timers, wave ulation. LP spawn timers, jungle tracking, all these fundamentals, memorize them, study them, learn them, this is what makes you consistent because now look, when you go back to Lane, you will only have HP without TP and look, I have HP again complete because of the plant and that's all wave manipulation and now I can search death pressure 14 CS up please ask me a question little pig he wants to back off,okay, okay, I'm going to slowly push it hard to gain that Tempo again and then I can look for the plate or I can look for setting my reset or I can look for inviting Wukong.
I have all the options in the world. I'm going to get my level eight faster because he lost a whole wave of experience. In fact, this wave is pushing me, maybe even better because by allowing this wave to push me, guess what chat Fiora is forced to upload for last if you are in Fior's shoes right now, would you like to give the welcome for the last minute? No, right? I don't want to remember, because she's going to lose a whole wave of Cannon, it's going to piss her off, there you're going to take a pink to piss her off even more for her dominance and now, if the F Reco, I can just Rec too because I mean, I'm I'm going to make her miss this cannon wave for the most part like I want the Canon to die and then I'm going to push hard on the next path and get a play to maximize my recovery on this uh, my gold on this recovery, like this What I did She loses the cannon and two extra melee and you're remembering right so I could have called there with 1200 gold but what I could do here is hard push the next wave and the last wave and then get two plates here because she is remembering without TP.
I get Tempo and now I max my reset on uh I go ahead with my reset right and that's what I was talking about and I can do this because of my crazy wave there I don't have W so I have to be a little careful I'm just going to stack the Conqueror, okay, we're out H to negate the slowness of the reroll buff and now we need to reset pretty quickly. Fiora actually has free wave because of the TM that Wukong stopped. Yo, she's going to push this wave hard. I'm going to Reco anyway and I'll just go back to L real quick.
I bought a double long sword. I should have bought one. I tried to buy a dagger. I don't know why I clicked on this twice. I tried to buy a dagger, so we'll use the longsword for the Fant later, but yeah, that sucks. He didn't need a double longsword. He wanted the dagger. F should look for a plate here at least, but here even though we have I didn't kill Fiora just with wave ulation and resetting the timers and having the additional wave clear, we are still ahead of course, this will take practice , but the more you internalize these concepts and start applying them to your game, you will see how many advantages can be gained from the first waves and simply by understanding the ERS of the market and you will be in a much more consistent position.
Okay, let's push this wave hard because I have no idea who Fior is in fifth place. I'm pointing at my e now and I'm going to keep looking for plates we're ahead of the plates we're in CS even though we don't have a kill we're snowballing in this matchmaking chat I have to stop saying chat, dear YouTube Friends, okay we're going good so I see he has one pink word left it was Vetter and Tiamat so he's going for Rous Hydra which makes sense and W is here. I'm going to move here, the wave is coming back. so I'm not forced to walk to the last HS, that means this fight here overall is good for me because I'm not going to lose anything in this fight, but she pushed the wave hard which is the correct answer. the F now I just want to take this and get 20 gold.
I'm going to leave because I need to collect this wave, although we might as well go fight. I'm still at level nine, I'm just trying to attack myself, oh well that sucks. we lose the wave, I mean, they have five larvae, at least they don't have six, okay, we're from level 9 to level eight. I also have Ignite Advantage so I'm more than happy to fight Piggy, look at the damage he's doing. to use the W on that, you most likely used Flash. Wow, that was a good W on her part, she actually played it very well.
We have a flash so we're going to time that she always has the chat timers on and now I know that around 1610. it's her top is her flash okay the button is absolutely slow so oh she doesn't have W still, it's not enough, but it will force her back and she just won't get the kill right because even though I don't kill her here, I try to. all on her on my timer in the KN, she's going to miss a full Cannon wave and plates, but there's a wuk friend, so we have to get away from that guy, he's not that strong though, so I can bait him here.
I don't think he. He kills me, he only has an f and a long sword, attacking here wuku has been the best, but it hasn't really mattered much, has it? My w is going up to level 10, going up here attacking a little bit, it's silenced, good, it means she did the job. thanks, greetings to you and we finally got our first kill, okay? I don't think we can do anything else here, although I'm sticking with it. I need 1.8k gold for my item, it sucks because I bought the long sword wrong, right? QE gu away, she missed her Q oh, nevermind, okay, the pin really hit and although I would like to play for this, what I'm considering here is that I want to stay for this and then remember it right away simply because uh, I can handle my passive right.
I'm going to do the same thing with QE and move away like that and there's just no counterplay to that and if she kept chasing my w, I have a flush too and now we just got her passive health out of her. she's coming back and she watches this from 7 to 24, that's the beautiful part about gar. The more it seems to me, you didn't even know I had like 1 HP after fighting Wukong, but now I'm almost back to full HP, one thing I can consider your chat is to chat again every time I say chat I'm going to put a coin in the jar.
I am grieving. I'm sorry. I'm going to sell my D Shield here and that speeds up my game. Playing because it allows me to get my um what's it called get, it allows me to get my Trinity strength and then if you don't push too fast I can try to get the turret. But in the end, I'm still going to get this turret regardless of what I do. I'm going to go back to the beginning L here not to Dragon because I can get this full turret all these cameras are spawning I want to play for this F has no meat um I want to deny him from getting my plates too, right? she could look for plates here she should have looked for at least one plate because I had to remember but okay now I want to look for the whole turret, that's my first job and I can finally have my first item so I can really look. snowball and just take all of Jung's chambers, this is where gar really ramps up again.
I buy a sweeper here also because it is my first item. Fiora moves to Mid. I'm not. I'm going to continue I don't gain anything by following I'm going to find my own resources if it stays in the middle for too long maybe I can even consider getting the level two turret my Bol is absolutely smurfing so that makes the game be easier to approach like Well, very good, we keep pressing. I'm going to save my Molish so I can use it for the level 2 turret and like I said, I'm not going to move with this Fiora, there's nothing I can gain by moving halfway.
Here maybe a kill that costs 300 gold, but only that third one already has 300 gold, and now also including Tempo in this level two shit that gives me 700 extra gold, it's my fault, so I'll try to get as much damage as possible. I can follow the next path if I can get it and F, I didn't get any of that too because my team is playing Amazing the J C here too and yes, although I have never killed this Fiora, I have about 2K gold in plates on turrets in Jungle . Camp all that well, so if you don't need to kill your opponents to get ahead and this is a great example.
I never really look for pressure to kill. I just play with my waves. I play with my reset timers and this is to show you. Guys, you don't need to know. They trample and kill their opponents alone to obtain clues. It's about those basics of the game that are the most important. W here for third shot damage reduction. I would like to kill. I do not do it. she cares about killing, she doesn't have flashes, I know, remember the 610 timer, okay, well look at me, there's a sweeper. I saw her move towards a place where she is silent.
She will go. Here in a second I'm going to move to the side. I'll finally get the kill I'll look for my kill pressure now I may still have W. I have 12 conqueror stacks. I'm going to chain my Q with the ult so I can W. I'm waiting for the escape to come out, but no, I think she criticizes me there too. So I died pretty quickly, but that's okay, we're looking for deaths here. D we play for my natural resources. I know I didn't have meat so I was able to flash Q on the power up and kill.
The next step will be to go for Phantom ner, also because we already have a lot of time and after Phantom ncer I would probably pick that man Spate because they have ads, ads and then these two AP champions are pretty far behind so I don't really have to get anything for him. He used escape, so now where? Should I open up on the map when you're dead? You should think about where I open next. Well, there's a Harold here. The unlucky one has pushed that B all the way. My team is pushing halfway, obviously, we're still up even though, uh, you. you might be arguing like can't you get where else you should?
What I'm wondering about is where I can get the most resources on the map and I'd say it's the herald turret and Order Two2 here, which is why I'm going to Top Lane. Well, now Fiora could be rewarded, but she instantly ran into an old Soul oh, how lucky she disappeared. My team is absolutely smurfing. Well, sometimes you will get the best equipment, that doesn't change the fact that we should still be playing. consistent and I'm going to make the right decision to just say Top Lane here keep discipline team well done last game our team wasn't performing really we won the game on our own this game our team is doing or is playing well no We won't change any of our decisions, although that just makes the game easier, okay?
And we can get the level two turret, so put yourself in my shoes right now, what would you do next after I have gotten these two turrets? Where would you play? uh well I actually need to get the turret I'm going to go I just died I think it happens well uh yeah I should have said my w for Morana Q or done it but that's okay even though I only have three. kills the most Fortune has two and a half items with Nine Kills and all of our first strike tokens. I'm not that far from this gold of this Disgrace even though I only have three deaths because of my farm because of the third time I get it, but I put Put yourself in my place, where do we open?
Very simple, we're going to line B AND level two, it's that simple and there's a jungle camp on the way and there's a side coming towards us, our team is the best, so I'm. I'm already going to Ping that I'm going to go here and this just mentally maybe I was also going to say that it doesn't motivate my team to go to Bol, but I want to be Bol, so I'm going to go with me, Bol. oh, I need to activate the chat , uh, what's up?, oh, Bol's going to leave me, what a man, okay, well, uh, I'm going to skip this Golem Camp because doing the Golem Camp here would lose my Tempo on the map.
It takes a while to get this right, but my team is putting Heral in the mid and they're pressuring the mid and Wukong is dead, so I have a lot of pressure on the map right now and I want to use that pressure to gain Tempo at level two . turret if I was doing Golems I would lose that Tempo due to the pressure of my team on the map, does that make sense? This is how you want to use the Tempo. There are three people, four people in the middle and one of them is also dead, so my best play is to skip.
Golem skips this camp and instantly looks to press the level to spin and if this goes away then I can look for chamber J so take the target's first attack speed. I think I can take this W for the shine that you don't want to ruin. with me this time okay enter this now we can look for the divine jungle camps right my girlfriend wants it all the next neutral will be Nasher oh he won't take this so I'll take it with every s being J chambers. It's always the easiest way to expand your elite, the zigs could go up here.
I can shoot him. Fiora is taking third, which kinda sucks, but I think it's better for me to stick with both of them for an extra wave. Okay, the enemy team might want to compete. this dra, oh, we already have the dragon, it doesn't matter, there is nothing to dispute. I'm going to pull it back and open up towards the top because the next neutral target is going to be Barron, the bite is already completely pushed in and that's why no. I don't have to go to B anymore and we're going to open up here F probably has this, but it's okay and you'll see here, all I've been doing in this game is playing the basics of using macros in Lane, like resetting the level of Jal's follow-up.
THS all those things PL River all these scoring mechanics, right, I always talk about it, but you see, it makes it super consistent no, almost level 14 10 per minute Fiora is not fast enough oh, I have to throw that one, she, Sil, it has a tail. on the wall, some are already on the path with it if it had nimus, here it is,of course, where I would power up, but I have two to boot, we finally get our kills, we get something else to power up that guy, we kill another one and eventually we chat, eventually you will. get your kills.
I wasn't playing for kills in the blitz phase, although Garen isn't the best champion for kills inside Lane either. Now I think my team can take the N without me and because that's the case, I can push the top line here if that wasn't the case, if they couldn't take it without me I would of course move here, it's an easy Baron of the three and we also have a nooo that can Perma Q has Smite so I'm not afraid of it being stolen so I can take extra resources on the map while my team is barring because it's already a guaranteed neutral objective.
Okay, so we get our object now that we have this movement speed object, the next object will be forced. of nature, another thing that is important to highlight is that Garen has no mobility, he has no scripts, none of that, what does he have? Well, movement speed, that's the only form of mobility you can buy in GAR, so yeah, we have a lot of damage on these two now. elements and we simply build full tank total movement speed. I'm hard to catch. I can stick to people very easily as long as I don't attack Alo. I maintain the correct movement speed.
I show them that it's 100 stacks right now if I attack Al. look she goes from 485 to 456 um but it stacks again and as long as she doesn't auto attack I'll keep it so basically she can't run away from me if I don't auto attack her so now I'm I'm not going to use my Q I'm just going to use e just to keep the movement speed up use W and then once I have pressure to kill I think she went here that's how you use the LI that's it how you use Li, baby, it's okay. uh, dm, okay, though I'm going to keep pushing both of them.
I don't want to bunch up with my team because I can put pressure on the sideline with how strong I am. I have the right to demolish. I'm about to reach level 16, this guy. blushing and uh, yeah, we're just spending our lead. One of the biggest benefits of Garen now. I haven't mentioned this yet, but this is an important mindset to have in Grain and that is that if you go even with your opponent in Lane, you have done your job because there are almost no champions in the game besides Yori and Riven. , who can farm jungle camps and side waves as fast as Garen.
So, you see, we were much closer in CS with Fiora after the lighting phase. true, but now I'm like 100 CS up and that's because one of the J camps, one I fired side waves while Fiora didn't, even though she has Hydra right, so it's a very important mindset to ingrain in yourself too if you go even out of lane or even a little bit behind, let's say you play against a counter like a Mor Deiser or something like that or a very annoying tank and you go even in lane once you go out of lane, Mizer is not going to being able to form jungle camps or side waves as fast as a gar also can't hold up in the same way, so there you see one of the biggest benefits of Gar, so yes, you can farm 12 fish per minute after lighting a Medium pH F, so this is just three.
I'm going to keep pressing the S Side Lane rumble on the map too. Nuno is making a big mistake which is farming jungle camps while we have Nasher so you shouldn't come here because we only have ntion for 3 minutes this expires at minute three the baron buff has expired but if anyone is taking jungle chambers, you use it as I explained before, you waste your Tempo taking jungle chambers instead of playing the map well, don't waste Tempo on chambers where I can do other productive things waiting for everything to work, then I press W to let the CC be shorter and then I'll be CC for 50 years anyway and now you're mine, big unlucky, it still builds up here, then Q went to Naros, um, I'm I'm just going to walk to the middle.
I think my team can do this without me, so now I'm going to get to the top, although I'm taking that Qui with me and I'm going to go to the top and get these two. My team will push here. and we get the three beautiful entrances and we get this and now we're going to get this turret while my team gets this, we get absolutely everything and yes, we control the entire game. The dragon is at 15, we have the molish here with the fast attack speed use my w to reduce the damage wait you're just Mele in range with me I wouldn't recommend it wait we don't even get along so I'll be the one to do that use my w Because I thought she was going to fight me and, yeah, see, I didn't kill like in the first 12 minutes or something.
I can't remember exactly, but, yeah, we have eight of them now. I have more gold than this. Disgrace with 11 first hit kills and seven assists because of all my farm and side I've been on, farm and turrets I've been collecting properly, so yeah, I already have my fourth item on the base and part of my last item and All I'm doing is going around the map and getting my item. This item is also pretty good to consider because it is anti-heal and anti-heal against Wukong and Fiora, although Wukong no longer has the vines in the past.
Wuk was actually a healing champion because of the vine, but I'm actually going to buy him a little more aggro. I don't think I need to complete the magic resistance item because this guy is very weak and I mean they have two items each but they're just not strong enough to make a difference on me so I'm going to go for this other item What I might have considered is sterox, for tenacity and tankiness, but I like this more damage, why? nor 40% critical, which is pretty big. These two items give me 40% crit total, so yeah, a lot of flexibility with builds, but I really like this.
I think it's very basic and now all I have to do is just a sh one Piggy and we finish the game that's all h k I mean let's forget this repu my team is working so I want to be with them look at this noo farming camps J again completely wasting Tempo but I was almost uh uh what's his name? be a piggy too farming this cam Jung while we should be done, no Farm J cams uh when there's another one you know something else is going on basically don't be a piggy F man okay second chance right there a piggy and now I'm done now GG finished.
I want to avoid the risk of the prey taking my Garen, so I want to try to select him as soon as possible, but on the general side of Sense on Blow, you want to be in these last two, okay, usually. I can't get to the last pick, people don't want to trade and now I can't seem to pick early, maybe you'll be okay, thank you very much, we get the G they show and Jenna, two champions that don't really scare me. Either way the biggest counter to Garen as a champion is takedowns because that guy really sees it Jenna I mean he's annoying but he's not really a threat to me okay Draven Vladimir his last pick banned atrox , so I guess. that last photo is a ban on atrox in top lane could mean tank players could mean shen players cion player something like this or maybe someone who just has a passion or passionate hatred for hro let's see.
I like Katrina's choice because they basically have no hearts to see. her draft right only hack ult is really there to see and it's very good, very interesting. You could opt for face rush. You could choose the face of a conqueror. Rush gives me more movement speed, it gives me more movement speed honestly and slow stamina, right? conquistador gives me more fightPower, so in this game I think I value the conquistador more to be able to skirmish at the beginning of the game. I'm considering using Solarity and Nimbus here instead of demolishing the second victory, but I think demolishing the second victory is more consistent, so let's move on.
With this and let's get into the game, let's see what we're up against in terms of summoners, they'll probably power up, yeah, lovely, so we'll play Garen VI against Heam Aali, now Akali is pretty weak before level six. I'd say he's one of the weakest later on it's tier one to tier three, so we can really take advantage of Garett being weak, but this is a matchup where I can easily go for priority. Vai is also considerably stronger than heam in the early game. pretty good with the 2v2 here after level six, I think it becomes more skill matchup, yeah, that's it.
I see that the support of him is playing with escape, none of the upper sides of him have meat, so here it is interesting to explore that none of the champions of him. They have meat on top, so for whatever play is going to happen, I may already consciously know why I'm moving my hands that way, but it makes sense. I know they don't have meat, so I only have that information. hand in the game I know that if a skirmish appeared I would never have to worry about flashh or someone appearing on top of me at least outside of these two champions Vladimir playing with face rush and ghost again we are going to play against two AP side laners here, so we have that M mentality too coming into the game and that's it.
I'm going to shoot 100% of the games, you never consider D Blade, it's D shoot 100% of the games and since they are super weak at the beginning of the game, it should be very free for me to start a war at the beginning of the game, since whether here or here, both work, even Raptor W works, but, yeah, I'm just going to explore to get my w in minute one. Again, I know where both dragons go, so I know I want to improve the fundamentals of my waves, remember them guys, super, super important. Okay, there's Vladimir, I don't really care about the ring, although he's starting to like holding this area.
I won't keep it permanently. I'm just going to explore to see when I can get AES and I'll lower my w. V placed a wart here, depending on where VI goes, that's where the path should go. Well I start the lane because it's good for me bro, you just can never see it, everything is fine, it's fine, if Vladimir holds this, which I can also do since Aali is a weak level one champion, it is checked here and the way I would do it is the way. So around the pocket of vision, you see, she can't see me.
I can see the bush. I'm going to ping. I'm going to go here just to let the vine know. I don't want to tie. Never tie. I don't think you should be on a leash, okay? Here I will only use W the red buff because I have enough time, the wave is still quite far away, beautiful, now I know where Hecker is going. I know V is hurting for both, so in that sense, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm weak, but I know my J won't be on top in the first four waves. Now it looks like Heam isn't starting replays, but he might be starting reports and I. she can go qart or eart aali depending on what she wants to do and I mean I'm going to try to trade with her level, oh okay she started, used both, no energy, can't hit her, I'm going to try and zone her of the XP here, although good mids are eggs for me, so I have to go back, I still find the straa good, I have more sustenance, she is playing D shoot, although I want to queue Alto if I can, but she also has priority , so it goes. to reach level two first, yeah, I haven't really hit myself at all and I think that's okay, this is pretty bad and while this is a good matchup for me, you can see here by prioritizing what I can find as well. right she wanted here this Caster is going to die and give me level two and now I get a nice trade beautiful so even though she has priority uh or sorry even though this matchup is pretty good For me, she has priority, so I have a little. a little nervous here I'm going to turn on Q E here she almost has death window she's playing pretty aggressive two mediums for her for level three so I actually have to respect here she's going to reach her level three here and that's why the priority It's so important I look for too many trades, I lost priority because of that and now AAL is in a good position simply because she has priority, so I misplayed this quite a bit, but it's okay, we don't have any problems, she only has 6 CS I have 6 CS, so in that sense we are still fine.
I'm going to try to prime hers Q hers, prime her energy, she's not using it, though here goes, well, Tim with her, one me for me for level three, so. I'm going to Q E to get my level three, select W, use it to reduce the damage and thin out the wave so it won't be easy for you to crash it. She used ewq and she's dead. I'm going to show you just In case we saw it with 16 CS, but I'm not sure where we saw it, I have to play on the bounce here and reset this reset, but Akali has turned on TP, so she should be tapping there, she is um, yeah.
I'm a little scared of him. I'll be honest. I don't have summoners. I need 1.1k gold for my reset, so my main job here is to simply try to reset. There is a w. I'm going to do it. wait for Al to attack and then do this topush it away, but she's turned on, oh she landed it, he could be dead, yeah I'm dead, that's just G for me, okay, now what Aalii should do in her position is not push this. wave, it should freeze it while it's doing it, which is smart, this isn't smart, what it should do is that the wave is currently pushing to its right, so what Aalii should do here is actually remember, while the wave pushes towards her, she gets the call and this.
The wave is pushing her now she has made this neutral wave and now she remembers but that doesn't make sense because now I don't lose anything and she doesn't go back to a favorable wave state so here I would just say I'm lucky but here too you can see that even though the akal outclassed me she was on her e and had priority at the beginning of the game um yeah uh she made a mistake here now it was awkward for me because even though i had killed the akali remember before? uh I could argue that maybe I should have remembered two, but it was still very difficult because I had 1K on the restart, no more than one and I had to push the wave to the bottom, if I had dodged his E I would have done it.
I lived, I got hit by the e, that's why I died, so I tried to overcome it mechanically, but yeah, she, she, SPAC, is better and I died, but it's also because I killed my opponent here while she had TP and then yeah, that makes me. In trouble, right, and the only reason I was there is because I lost priority early in the game, so I hope it all made sense. What happened, right. I made quite a few mistakes, but one thing that remains our advantage is my CSing and again, guys, heart, heart. Focus on learning CS now she just reached level five pretty close to when I did so we're about the same let's slow this down a little bit not really let's crash it by crashing it with w to recover.
Hecker is on both sides 32 CS so I saw him at 28 mid remember his b side right now so that's one more camp to do in the B lane unless he's going to dragon which could do with me too to get my level six and I'll return my power up faster than the aali, because Akali used to power up like 40 seconds later than I thought, so one here and power up. coming back, lower that W, get the XP too, okay, I'll hit my level six. AAL has one potion left look at the game timer guys oh it's almost 6 minutes so PL in the river on the right so we can keep it in our mind also she's silent so she can't use anything I use my w it's not the best time but it's ok the exchange is good now push hard on the next wave I don't think Heim is on Dragon that means AC is moving to the top so I have to be a little careful here , but if I change here I can always get to the river, so I change there.
I know I lost a lot of HP, but it doesn't matter because who has access to the river. First, I see everything is still in the jungle, tracking wave manipulation, resetting timers, can I kill?, but I play my waves to kill correctly, so I don't think I have red death pressure there, okay, visce on the dragon, that means it's here here or here, right? he could be there too although Aalii has less than half HP so he's probably pretty scared of me and that's okay now I see the 40cs so he's done two more camps the more health he trades with aali the better for me because I'm already super healthy. compared to her right now I want to search plate here probably because she can't really kill me especially if I make one Q okay I didn't do it Q she, although she is beautiful, very soon she will reach level seven, this is a wave cannon and I can press it and get it back, but since the trick is still B, what I'm also considering is to just press this wave to play for plates and proxy to get a better recall on the whole aali, right, oh, I missed every last hit, that It's ugly, okay?
Dodge one Q I want to dodge one more, okay, I couldn't dodge that one, she's level seven, but I want, I need to dodge this one, okay, I have a badge, she lost the cannon too, so now I feel better about myself, um , we. get a plate, yes, I lost most of the media, let's see if she remembers or not. I don't think I actually do. She goes to W again ready for it. You might think I remember it because I don't show it instantly, but I am. I'm not going to make her wait any longer.
I'm just going to boost this wave and reset and now Aalii still has to charge, so I always have Tempo on her. I'm going to use Trinity Force like I explained because it's mainly melee champions, right, and she's still collecting the wave and by the time she finished collecting, I already remembered that I'm already running back to Lane, uh, the reason why I prioritize Fage here too and it's important to know if you guys didn't. You don't know your G, your passive pays attention to you based on your maximum health percentage, so the more health you have, the more you'll heal and that's why we buy fish because there's extra health there, okay, K heart pist, but this is okay, um, that's because I mean, I'm back in time, I don't lose anything, right?
I could freeze this, but in these scenarios, guys, I'm not actually going to freeze and it's because I can deny the akali more by pressing or I can basically get more. resources by pressing with plates and stuff, then I would negate aali by freezing her, so it's better for me to press here because I can play for a plate unless she has TP, but I don't think so yet. I don't think she still has it and that will mean I get two plates here and again, that's more gold I earn for myself and I would negate the akali by freezing it, so in those scenarios you're not going to freeze, you want to push and despite Since we just exchanged kills, I turned to CS.
I have two badges, now I'm going to get my third as she was talking about and as you can see I'm constantly thinking about the future, I'm not looking at the moment itself. I'm constantly thinking about the future, you want to learn all that, keep watching Bros, keep watching, okay Ki come back check out her articles, I mean she's not that strong, I think I'm still stronger looking for equal health trades, I always use my w for damage reduction V starting this hacker his side b 50 CS I still don't remember since then so I'm keeping track of that too.
Ok I'm just going to help my V do this, if you lasted the meal you will get 20 gold so Don't tell this to your jish but try to steal it from him because you get an extra 20 gold. Unfortunately, I couldn't last on it, but we still get the XP she's going to hit. Okay, let's go back to the beginning, we don't lose anything. and little by little we are gaining our leadership in CS and plates and that is what they do as gar now. Remember I told you that this mentality should not look to play just to kill in Lane if you advance through CSM plates, right? you're going to overtake your opponents after the sideline okay too, the meat was crispy, she's dead now, she's got nothing holy moly though, she was close still, that was a lot closer than I anticipated.
I'm going to be honest, I think she's still on her conqueror or something she has TP so I'm going to remember um well I was talking about how you don't need to kill your opponents to get ahead, but if you kill it's even better, remember later by Ling pH, I'm going to farm O I think I really want this I'm going to farm plates from jungle camps uh well, not plates in jungle camps um side waves and turrets much faster than her, so if I get ahead in Lane , it will even amplify that because aali can never match my speed aalii is a champion who likes to fight as a team, she likes to skirmish, but she is not a champion who likes to farm jungle camps or farm servitors, both gar es infinitely faster now we only need 350 gold for our next item so In these scenarios guys I don't have ult, I don't have color, I don't have ignite, I'm just going to get my gold.
This next wave is a normal wave, so it's 100 gold. There is also around 100 gold here. I'm not going to look. To kill that K, I'm going to try to just push this wave and reset because then I have maturity strength and I'm much stronger with a completed item than just playing with components that count for each champion, okay, I lost a lot of HP here, by the way , I have to be a little more careful, okay, no, we're good, okay, one more wave and I have my item realistically, I could sell it and, uh, Recon and sell my D sword, but I'm not going to go.
To do that, she is a complete element. Bot Lane looks like my team is fine, although those bullies aren't going to try to dodge the aalu. a couple of times here, okay, very good, dodge, uh, one thing I haven't really talked about is that Garen removes the slowdown effects when you press Q, so if aalii Q is me and he slows me down and I press my Q, I actually remove his slowdown, that counts for each slowdown. Jenna W uh anything that slows me down if I press Q I remove the slow so she looks when she tells me and Q you see it removes the slow so keep that in mind.
I didn't know this for a long time, actually, so, yeah, that's it. something that is important to know now, all I need to do is push hard on this wave and restart. I'm going to be level 11. I'm going to have Trinity Force and I just want to get this done as quickly as possible. I don't want to die, I just want to go in with this wave and run towards the path to get my item because now I have about 1 and A2 minutes left to try to get these remaining two. Place the plates if I am level 11 and have Trinity.
Strength, then I'll be able to do that, so here I'm just looking for Tempo to reset it and not looking to kill her. She is a little stronger, but now that I have a completely complete item, I will be much stronger than her. I also have a pink war. The water is rising again almost to level 11. I am now infinitely stronger than her. uhoh, we're fine. B is surfing, good to see, so I have about a minute left. Now I want this next wave. try to get the plates, okay beautiful, she's remembering, I don't think she has TP so I can guarantee I already have a plate, sorry okay let's go ahead and get this and now let's get the food turret, Yeah. and that's why we reset the tempo for Trinity Force and yes now we have the full turret so the full reset was very disciplined and now with this full turret I got 125 gold from the plate and 600 extra gold, 800 gold for a tempo reset.
Why man speak and look at my damage now? Because I am Trinity Force. That's pretty scary. Well, that's what happens when you get Trinity Force. Maybe you can even get this too. Although I really love Auto Q Justice, yes, it is going to have level or it is going to have former Knights. I'm going to dive in now because I don't want to die for her. She has everything I can look for. Scuttle, my V is. here, but she's going to get to the top, so she shouldn't take the upper side chamber from her, she'll probably send me a hitman and the next item will probably be from Daner.
That's what I'm thinking, okay, V is actually invading the enemy camp. So that will allow me to take the Vice Toops side camps. Ki should, oh, is she freezing? I hope not, it looks like she might be, although is she freezing? I'm just taking this W with this J camp in the meantime, you can press W. to get some medium damage resistance, no, it's going to come back okay, I'm just taking camps in the meantime, while it's coming back to me, I might as well have reset it , maybe restarting was a better option because I would have actually spent all my gold.
I can still restart, yeah, uh, oh, I'll go. I think I can really fight her. She'll reach level 11 here, I guess with Ignite, but she looks at the elements, she's not at full element yet, so I'm not too afraid. from her oh okay K just comes out with CRA's death that's what happens when you get Trinity Force guys remember when she was beating me up before I didn't get my temple reset 400 with Trinity Force glitter, there gunka, that is. gonka gaming guys gonka gaming g g very good guys I hope you enjoyed the video and as a reminder leave in the comments below which Champion you would like to see next.
I hope you like this series idea because I really like it. To be exclusive to YouTube, I will not be doing these games on the stream, they are redirected to YouTube. I want to help you all get better at your specific champion in your specific role and I wish you all an amazing rest of your day. I hope you learn something new and See you next time, peace is already lost.

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