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I Turned My Bedroom Into A Cereal Bowl!

Apr 22, 2024
This is my room and today we are going to fill it completely with milk and


. First we started by removing everything from my room, then we built a giant


to hold the milk and


and now it's time to add the milk starting with this. gallons we're going to need a lot of milk guys, okay guys, three less jokes, two and a half thousand more to go, we better go to the store and get some, oh, I said tech, you guys come help me, oh my god, this is further. milk than I know what to do with it, buddy, look how cold this car is, we're going to need another one, we gotta make sure we buy every milk cart they have, I can't even put these in the cart we have.
i turned my bedroom into a cereal bowl
We don't have enough space, we just cleaned the entire shelf of melts and we're going to need a lot more than that. This will be an epic oversized load, how much is the price so far? 250 dollars. This is just a store, thank you. a lot of money no, no, don't open the back there's no room in the back look where are we going to put all this milk brother in our lap now it's time to start filling it this is so disgusting I can't believe you doing this in my house you're an idiot if this breaks it will literally curdle and stink in our house and I'll kill you you'll kill him oh he built this I'll kill them both he poured the milk buddy that's just a liter we're going to need ten thousand of these that go It's going to cost a lot of money Matthew, that's what we do on the beam team, we keep pouring after barely making progress, we ran out of milk, I need another one, which is already the last one, yes.
i turned my bedroom into a cereal bowl

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i turned my bedroom into a cereal bowl...

We are going to eat a lot more, okay guys, I have a challenge for us, we are all going to split up and whoever comes home with the least amount of milk will have to eat this disgusting milk at the end of the video that is going to taste so bad that people's feet are literally in it we're going to make three teams of two we have an hour and a half your time starts now come on oh they're going to hit you against my entire wall cameron just fell we have to go oh it's so hard to get out come back Let's get out, okay, come on, it's good that we have this car, we will smell them easily, we have to catch them, they just left, let's go to the minimums, okay, we have a disadvantage, they started this red light before us.
i turned my bedroom into a cereal bowl
It's taking forever, come on, we're going to lose the challenge, okay, so we get to Walmart, where do you think the milk is here? I don't know, this is the only hallway we go this is the only hallway I know I have an idea, it'll be a lot better than this, you think, follow me, okay, I want one of these really bad Kyle. How we both have to concentrate. Milk powder. This will produce five gallons of milk. Five 10 15 20 and we're not even full. in the cart still yeah, we're definitely winning, we're going to get it all, I think so, yeah, excuse me hi, so someone in the wood aisle told me you guys sell gallons here, gallons of what milk, sorry, there's literally. there's no way we're going to lose this guy we're running, we got him, there's no way we're going to lose this, I'm going full satan mode right now, like you guys carry them like a half gallon, so there's like a sticker I'm looking for brother, where's the milk?
i turned my bedroom into a cereal bowl
I only have 30 minutes until we have to return home or we will automatically lose not only milk for cereal unfortunately no, no, okay, we will literally have to go somewhere else. Just grab as many gallons of milk as you can. I have to be extremely quick. Where's the milk? look at that look at that sign oh shit you can only buy four because one was leaking we just noticed one of the milks had a hole in it we were leaking this whole time what are you doing with all this um we're making a giant


of cereal we only have 10 minutes to complete this challenge we have to hurry so we have about five minutes to get home and we are about six minutes away make sure your kids are buckled back there let's go quickly so everyone is back home with the milk except Matthew and Brian, and you only have a few more seconds to get here or you will automatically lose, just leave the milk, leave the milk.
We only have like 10 seconds left in this guy's house We're back It seems like you guys came back empty-handed How much would you get? What's that? That's what I said. Isn't it cheating? What is this so they can? literally just fill it with milk and water yeah come look in the car look what we got it's so much I thought we'd get gallons so I guess they lose here. I think Cordova and Cheyenne should play rock paper scissors and the loser has to eat. up the appropriate is fine, fine, no, what you lost, how did you not get the rock, paper, scissors, half shine with rock, paper, scissors and then you win, no, we win, that's why you shoot rock, paper or scissors, I really don't want to eat that nasty thing. milk and cereal at the end of this video, next we start bringing all the milk inside for our giant cereal bowl.
Alright, now let's fill this suction cup with milk. We definitely have enough. Now I need a hose for my powder. I need a hose. for my powdered milk, you are a cheater, the buttermilk wins, the milk was poured very quickly and everything was going very well until this happened. I made this to retain water, not milk, it might start creaking here soon originally, we designed this to retain water, the only problem. Milk weighs more per gallon than water, so this could break and ruin my entire basement. You already have to do it. If it breaks. If it breaks, I'll be the first one out that door and I'll be gone.
I decided to do. more interesting things let's order all the cereal on the door board, why, buddy, is that going to be so expensive? They will have an incredible reaction, it will be very funny, okay, what do you want? One of each one. My personal favorite is the fruity pebbles, um. I think you should make 30 fruit pebbles 30 yeah, okay, you're the boss. Froot loops are my favorite, okay, I have some fruit loops. This driver is going to be scared. It's a thousand dollars and I don't know how many bags of cereal I have. I don't even know if they're going to get it.
He's going to be carrying it for a long time. What if they don't have enough cereal? This is going to be crazy and I can't wait to see Córdova eat the cereal we ate. At the end of this video it's going to be disgusting, okay, I'm going in, the milk is so cold, here's some more, it smells so weird in here, Cordoba, you're next, come in, it's fun, it looks disgusting yeah threw up. here, um, yeah, surprisingly we were having a lot of fun with the milk, fill me up, boy, pour it right down my throat, so here we have the regular milk, there's the almond milk and the powdered milk is mixing, so We should probably start stirring, let's run over here so you can mix it, okay, we're using our body to stir them, yeah, I'm a big spoon, oh, it's like green, this is it, look at how everything moves, this is going crazy , your basement is going to be rude. you guys heard how much noise this is making it's not good it's time to check for leaks if this breaks i'm literally going to die from milk i need to get out of here before this breaks it's like start making do you know how it gets nasty milk?
It's really starting, yeah, there's like a bit of a green bit, you gotta eat that end of this video, this is where things got complicated, you guys are crazy to get in here, come on, get in, get in, dude, no, there's no nothing I'm getting into. oh this is great, there is so much milk I can smell that stuff from above while we wait for the cereal delivery man to come. I have a challenge for you, everyone will close your eyes. I'll give each of you a bite. of cereal and if you get the right flavor, I'll give you a hundred dollars each, okay, chill, wait this, what brand of cereal is that crunchy uh fruit, yeah, here's your cereal and we pass our spoons, what is it? the bubble?
Okay, we are. I'm going to have to make it harder for you forever. Okay, ready. Okay and try what kind of cereal it is. It smells like chili powder. It's hot. I need some milk. I really want to drink some milk. Okay guys, pour this milk and we'll make it official. be full, the milk is full now we just have to bring the cereal and just like that our delivery man arrived there is a lot of cereal, we are hungry, it is a lot of cereal, can you guess why we need all this cereal, right? We are building the largest cereal bowl in the world.
Yes, at first he didn't believe us, but then we invited him in. Are you serious? That's a lot of milk, brother, and he even added the last gallon of milk. I would love to participate in this. How many gallons is like 5,000? Shut up, yeah, okay, it's finally time to add the cereal, let it rip, I have so many different flavors for you, oh, it smells so good in here, this is great, look at this guy, yeah, giant spoon. I love this, yes I'll show you the bowl of cereal after hours of preparation and thousands of gallons of milk.
It's finally time for Cordova to eat from the disgusting bowl of cereal. The best part about this is that every week everyone comments asking how to Clean this, don't ask me and I have no idea how to clean this. New videos every Tuesday. Bye bye.

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