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How I Started Being Who I Was Meant to Be and How YOU Can Too- Irresistible YOU

Apr 19, 2024
Winston Churchill once said that it is not enough to have lived, we must be determined to live for something and Bishop TD Jake said that if you cannot discover your purpose, discover your passion for your passion will take you straight to your purpose and guess what the The name of this program is what you are watching


, you ignite your passion and your purpose. My name is Karen Seltz and I am your host. I am very excited to talk about this topic. It's one of the things that really lights me up because I talk to so many people.
how i started being who i was meant to be and how you can too  irresistible you
A lot of people feel stuck in their lives or like they're not living their purpose and there's not a lot of passion present in their lives, so what I love to talk about is ways to ignite that passion and find your purpose. and I thought tonight I would share some of my journey that has led me to live what I consider a life full of purpose, like living my purpose on purpose and feeling that passion in my work, in my personal life, in everything I do and it didn't happen all at once it was a slow journey and I think you know I've had a lot of conversations this week that are really enlightening me and one of the things that's been coming up often is I thought it would happen.
how i started being who i was meant to be and how you can too  irresistible you

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how i started being who i was meant to be and how you can too irresistible you...

I'll be different once I get to the other side and say, "Oh, that's really interesting, has that ever happened to you?" You're okay, once I get to this I'll be happy or once this happens, then I can do this other thing. but what happens is a new level, a new Diablo, once you get to the other side, things don't magically change unless you magically change somewhere along that Journey, but just having that doesn't mean anything and I think on all the Hol Hollywood stars who have done it. He committed suicide and, like comedians especially, they thought, "You know, oh, once I'm famous, then this depression or this feeling of not


enough or not


worthy will go away and I just don't like everywhere you go, there you are.
how i started being who i was meant to be and how you can too  irresistible you
I'm full of clichés tonight, but think about it, you know, have you ever moved or changed jobs and the same problem, the boss shows up, not the same person, but the same problems just in a different person, right, or your colleagues they don't respect you again or we change relationships and it turns out to be almost exactly the same, so that happens a lot with us and one of the things that I love and that is a lot of fun for me is delving into the subconscious mind and mixing that with spirituality and how the two go very well, so let's go into that a little bit, but I want to talk a little bit about, you know, how I've experienced this, so I think it's really fascinating to me.
how i started being who i was meant to be and how you can too  irresistible you
I was so afraid to get involved. with everything. something unless I was 100% sure that this was the right thing to do and what I didn't realize was that there is no such thing as wrong. You know, every choice I made or that you make will bring me closer or further away from what I really want and once I


realizing that and then incorporating those realizations into an interesting practice, like having a neutral relationship with my results and still not I've got it down perfectly, I mean, let's be honest, I'm a human being. surprise, I know I stand corrected, but think about it, you know, have you ever had this expectation or a goal in mind and then you fall short and then you beat yourself up and make it mean something about you like, oh, I didn't?
Well, I didn't do all the things or I'm not good enough whatever. There are all kinds of stories we can tell ourselves and we often do if you're like me, at least so develop that neutral relationship with your results, what that means is you look at it like okay, what part of you know? that getting there worked, what I would like to duplicate next time I do this and what part I could improve or what didn't work at all and just look at it. as an observer from a neutral point of view, as if it were your best friend, you wouldn't, oh, you're a piece of shit, you're so unworthy because you didn't reach your goal like you never would have thought.
I wish I had hope, but we do that to ourselves, sometimes we're so bad and it's learning to be neutral like, oh, interesting, because if you make it mean something negative about yourself, your mind will go into a protective mechanism which is like I'll never do that thing again that didn't work or I failed or I'm a failure and then we're less likely to take risks, so when we can do this from that neutral place that's like looking at the data like a science ITI and then saying Okay. , so this part actually worked a lot better than I thought and this part is okay now I know what to do next time so I'll use a really random example so my niece many years ago Met this man at a wedding who lived in a different state and they were in a long distance relationship and you know they saw each other and they flew back and forth and she decided to marry this man and move there and she said Aunt Karen.
A lot of people tell me this is a mistake and I said you really can't do it wrong, there's no way for you to know unless you go and if it doesn't work then you're free to choose again. You always are. free to leave and come back and that relationship ended in divorce, but she had a child by someone else who had grandparents and they still fly him out all the time like it was something so beautiful that it would never have happened unless she had taken that risk , so there are other peripheral benefits that we can never foresee and when you really look at it from the neutral relationship with the results perspective, there is a lot to gain every time you make a decision and the only option that will give you nothing.
Also, it's not making a choice, which is also a choice, well, that was kind of me, I denied myself, but I didn't take any action because action always creates clarity, or shows you that it's okay, yeah, go more in this direction or go in this other direction, so that was it. one of the ways I stayed safe for a long time and I call it like a scandal, something I thought was true and it's complete nonsense but it made a lot of sense in my head like why would I invest all this time and money and energy in this that I don't feel like it's the right thing for me when I could just sit and pray and meditate until I find the right thing, but I did it for so long and I didn't get results or get anywhere close. except I hate myself and you know I really wasn't proud of myself for doing nothing.
I felt like I was lacking courage and something was missing, like I was defective because I couldn't take action, so about a year ago I launched This I did in a beta program and it was Video Authority Academy and I thought this is really good, this is what I like it, it's very easy for me to connect with my heart and speak, so I thought, okay, I'll teach that and I did. and it's so funny because I didn't realize it at the time, but I was still teaching the things that I'm really passionate about, which is spirituality and mindset, and doing things to rewire the brain and talk about spirituality and consciousness and all these things. but in the context of the Let's Get You On video, we're going to have you appear and then I had this Epiphany in December.
I was at a business event with my coach and this just came across like this was the wrong thing to do, but it brought you closer. now I'm so passionate and I feel 100% aligned finally it's like finally but this thing that happened would never have happened if I hadn't been taking those steps that I can look back and say you're still teaching The same thing you need to do here at least in this phase and what appeared was the embodiment of the sacred purpose. Now, what that means to me is that many people are aware of why they are here or what they need to do.
If you had asked me many years ago, I would have said that I really want to be a speaker and a teacher and I want to inspire people to be different and I want to use my story to inspire them, but I had no confidence. and I didn't think my stories were good, I actually thought they were a little boring, but the embodiment part was what I was missing, like I didn't have the confidence, I didn't have the skills and my mind didn't. help me live my purpose and monetize it, which I think for a lot of us our goal is to quit our day jobs and monetize our purpose, so it's going to be like a full download, it's like boom bo boom, okay, first step. like doing all the things that you did Karen to create a clean slate, so I liked this trauma release work and there's another story where I didn't think I had any Big T trauma and then I thought, oh, what I have to do?
Being down for you, why can't I do this? And blah blah blah, but it turns out I had a lot of little traumas over a very long period of time that left me paralyzed and not believing I was as good as other people. So once I got over that trauma, it felt like freedom and one of the biggest ways I first noticed it was I went to a 12-step meeting and I went to introduce myself and I was sober for like three years at that time. moment. and I said hi, I'm Karen, I am and I stopped dead in my tracks and said, uh, no, I'm not, I'm not an addict anymore like I've been completely erased from my identity and I said, I wonder what else is different.
I mean, it's so fascinating and that was six years ago and I've never gone back to another 12-step meeting. It just disappeared from my identity like I would never consider getting back with that person because she wouldn't. It didn't exist anymore, it was all related to how I had stored trauma and not resolved it, so I trained myself in this process that helped me overcome all those fears, like I was also terrified of picking up the phone to make a call. because I was, it's a long story, but I grew up in a chaotic environment. I never knew when I was going to get hit, so I grew up reading people's faces, okay, if I say this, I'm still safe, how about it's okay or not?
It looks so good that I'm on a switch, so I was swinging and weaving the whole time so I wouldn't get hit or yelled at or whatever. I stayed safe, but on the phone I couldn't see. people's faces, so I couldn't change who I was to stay safe and I was terrified, so once I got over that trauma I was like, hey, I'm not afraid to pick up the phone, which was a good thing because I was in sales. , I imagine I would walk into places and make folding calls, but I was terrified of calling someone for an appointment, so it wasn't good to have as a salesperson, so the second thing that came up as far as my program was concerned.
What's new is rewiring many years ago, probably almost 20 years ago. I got certified in Brain JY and this is an amazing process that uses simple movements and the ACU needling acupressure system like the body's meridians, the way energy flows. It rewires the brain for new goals and habits and makes them so easy and natural that you think, I can't believe I couldn't do this before, it's so easy and when I discovered it I was in my master's program and I couldn't. read a textbook I just couldn't and I felt so stupid like how did I graduate from college?
I can't read a textbook and then I realized that I developed these coping skills like finding smart people in class and saying, can I study? with you because I am an auditory learner and I would like them to ask each other questions and I would say I would absorb it all and then do the exams very well, but in this particular class in my master's program that was not an option and I found this gem of the brain. I rewired my brain so that in 90 minutes I could read anything and retain it very quickly. I wonder, what is this?
So I got certified in that and then the third part of my program. It's really putting everything so that most of the people I deal with have had a lot of training, they've done a lot of programs and they can't implement them, their brain, their mind doesn't support them, so they feel like they're punishing themselves. themselves because I've spent all this money on things and they're not implementing it, so what I do is clean the slate, rewire the brain, put new things in there and then we start implementing all the things that they've learned so far. now in a way that it becomes a habit for them to put these things on autopilot, these new habits and behaviors are on autopilot, it's so fun to incorporate them instead of just talking about it or knowing this philosophy that you've always liked, knowing that you are worthy, but then you feel like shit about yourself, well this is the incarnation process, this is putting it into yourself and it's so delicious, I just love it, so all the things that led me to that were What some people would say, mistakes like that, weren't mine.
I spent thousands of dollars developing this Authority Academy video program and promoting it and it really wasn't worth it, but it led me to this other thing that is amazing and that I love, and so the steps I really want to share with you. By being in your path, one really begins to notice your body, which is usually the easiest place for most people to notice fear, for example, so when you notice your body contracting and your energy field as well it contracts, so just notice, teach yourself to notice it. and do the opposite so the opposite of fear is love so choose to receive love now this is interesting so stay with me here choose to receivelove and how to do this is simply stop doing what you are doing, I call it stop letting go and roll so stop doing what you are doing Dive into your heart ask God Source Divine Spirit what you want Him to do and then follow which It is the message you receive and you may not hear a voice that you may know you could have.
In a vision there are so many ways we receive and communicate with the Divine, but they are available to you, yes, so when you notice a contraction in your body or a scary thought like, Oh my God, or you want to hide or shrink, or you feel unworthy or unlovable, stop and decide to be the one to surrender yourself. Love, I know it's strange and one of the ways I like to do this that is easy for me is to just stop, close my eyes and as I breathe in I say, I accept, not in my head, not out loud, I accept and then, as you exhale, Love of God and I used to do this for five minutes every day, it's called the Breath of Love and for me, once I got it, it took me a few weeks or whatever, once I got it, God or the Divinity loved me, that's how it was.
No matter what anyone thought, it didn't really matter and then he would even go as far as to say who am I to question God as if he were talking to a client today. I'm like I'm such a special snowflake. I'm the only piece of shit God ever created, like we really think those things are ridiculous sometimes, but it sounds so convincing in our heads that it really does, so step one, notice your scary thoughts and then go in and breathe five. minutes I accept the love of God I accept the love of God yes, it is simple and that is why it works it is so simple to remember it it is not simple to do it like in the moment but you will become good at it you develop a low tolerance for that disgusting feeling when you start to notice that Your body does that just say oh what am I believing right? because you are believing something that is not aligned for you and that is not aligned with the truth, or else it wouldn't feel so bad.
That's one way you can use your body to create change and you can change it. State like that once you start noticing it you say oh interesting, what am I believing? That's not aligned with the truth of who I am or why I'm here, for example, I love that it's so easy when you start noticing your body because it doesn't lie, it's the Beautiful Lie Detector. I say this a lot, okay, so this is a step two exercise that I have a lot. of people do it because I think we don't spend enough time doing these things, so what I recommend is that you make a list of where you experience the love of God or where you experience flow or bliss, where time disappears when What activity are you doing? doing for some people, maybe it's taking a bath for some people, watching comedies like whatever?
Make a list of these things and add them often add them to the list every time you say oh my gosh that could go on on my list like one of my things is being skipped I just adore it I think it's so much fun and when I'm in a bad mood or I need to change some energy in my body, this is crazy, it's silly, but I think it's really funny, I run around my house and my dog ​​is super playful, he chases me and that makes me laugh every time because no matter where I am, she might fall asleep if I start running, she's there like screaming, screaming, screaming and she. you know, having fun and then we play and that just makes me laugh and so what are the things that make you laugh?
I hope you have some like that, like I have a ridiculous dog and she is very funny, she jumps very high, I don't know what she does. I laugh, so what are those things? Make a list and then step three, this is easy, it's the process of embodiment, do them every day, do at least I don't know three of those things every day, so maybe it's five minutes, breathing, I'm in. God's love will hopefully eventually be on your list once you do it enough times, maybe it's telling a joke to someone or you ever do that, like sharing funny Tik toks or Instagram reels or something with your friends and then you start joking. that's fun, that's fun, it feels good when you can change people's frequency and raise it and raise it.
I think it's lovely, it's lovely, so your purpose has always left clues, there have always been these little crumbs and many people run away from those voices or those indications. and they're like, who am I? Who am I to want these things? Who am I to think I could do that well? Who are you to not like it? If it's in you, it's for you and we live in a very kind universe. you already have everything you need within you to achieve it now that, having been told, don't beat yourself up, please don't beat yourself up, that doesn't lead to anything good, you know you've experienced it, I know that until now moment when you have always done the best you could you have always made the best decision available to you yes, in retrospect, you would like to change some things maybe maybe maybe not if you look at where it took you and what it led you to maybe don't change something now right now this is your moment of choice what are you choosing right now what do you want who do you want to be what are you here for what calls you forward and just take that step, one step and then check, okay, what would I like you to do now? ?
Okay, do what I used to do this all the time. I used to pray and meditate and I would like to. To write a diary. I would write down my questions and my answers from Spirit and then I would do it. I close my notebook and go about my day and I don't do any of the things right, like I'm asking you what you want me to do. I would write it all down and then close it and not do any of them when you do any of them. Often there are no more steps, you have to do what you have to do first, so follow the steps, do them and who knows where it will take you.
It will be a delicious place, so play. I was also talking to a client today about seriousness, that seriousness is part of the ego, our spirits are playful, we are


to have fun and enjoy life and when we are serious, like when you mean it, know that the ego has you and you are listening to the wrong voice, the voice of the ego and everything you get. What you need to do is just ask God, hey, I'm being very serious, okay, help me relax, like just say something, pray, talk to God, I mean, God is inside you and around you, no.
It's like an entity in the sky, right? I don't know what's funny, I digress, but I really want you to understand that he is inside of you, you have the ability to change things and create whatever you want, if you feel like your mind is sabotaging, come to me. I can help you with that, it's so quick and almost painless it's a little ridiculous, but it's worth it on the other hand, so if I'm talking to you, send me a private message, send me a message, you can find me everywhere, Karen Karen. com you can send me an email and schedule a call have a beautiful day or night wherever you are thank you so much for watching irresistibly your night your passion and purpose I will see you here next week bye

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