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UFO (2018) | Full Movie ft. Gillian Anderson | Voyage

Jun 30, 2024
okay, if you put it on a 43 by 61 grid it makes a lot more sense and there are these two lines and I think they might be coordinates can I borrow a car? No, can you take me to the airport? So, oh man, I have exams, don't I on Tuesday, but Dave Ellison has to see this and then what he's going to do, he'll admit everything, I don't see how. he can deny it, can't you take a bus? The only way to catch him is if he goes in or out of work and if I can't get into the employee parking lot, I was going to follow him home.
ufo 2018 full movie ft gillian anderson voyage
Last time I will never ask you for anything again. Hey, that's him, go away, man, yeah, before he runs away. Mr. Ellison, did you know that there was a coded message on the tower recording which on the tower recording sounded like there was interference, but? It was actually a sign. I'm sorry, who are you? I'm Derek, we spoke on the phone last week. Sorry, this is the long-term lot. I think I'm lost. Your press conference at 5:00 that day. I saw you. on TV and you said you had interviewed everyone, did you do it yourself? How deep did they go?
ufo 2018 full movie ft gillian anderson voyage

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It was 5 minutes or 2 hours. I don't know, so you didn't do it. He said nothing. just one guy and how many people to do the interview. I mean, I know about eight from the news article and you couldn't have started until 3:30 or 4 at the earliest, so if there was a guy and each one lasted about half an hour and there were eight eyewitnesses. I don't see how you could have started a press conference at 5: is there a problem here? We spoke to all of them briefly, you said we interviewed all the witnesses that day the actual interviews did not take do you know how many threats the airport receives every day if it's not someone threatening to blow up a plane they are going to bring in with box cutters they hijack it and they shoot people at the terminal, whatever, in the middle of all this.
ufo 2018 full movie ft gillian anderson voyage
Some maintenance workers say they saw something floating near the tracks, but it's gone, so we checked the surveillance, there's no sign of it. The tower didn't see anything, they couldn't have seen it, so what are we supposed to do? Issue a flight warning to your aliens. Trying to convince the Air Force to move in just to shoot down something we can't find on radar. Closing the airport and making people miss their flights for something that most people don't even believe exists even though the people in the tower said they saw that you have eight separate descriptions of your own employees, did you see that?
ufo 2018 full movie ft gillian anderson voyage
We did extensive research, the interviews were a formality, we found out it was a gulf stream to look what they saw other people said they saw how they were going to know that because that's what I told them to say I want them out of here Natalie admitted it Dave He admitted it was a cover-up. Did you hear what I said? Right? you're mad mad at me what do you need Derek S Notes what not then why are you here I came here to tell you this because you're not answering your phone do you understand how big this is?
I missed the gr. Your practical fault gr Derek if you had the chance to redo things and all the circumstances were the same you would have still left me there that's what I thought look what do I have to do to fix this? You can't, it's okay, you had a choice and I did it Natalie just for you, just for me, you know that well. Ok3 by I think it's something like that. Well then, come on, hello, can I speak to Professor Hendrick please, who is he? I'm Derek. I'm in one of our classes. It's Derek, he says he's a student Derek, how did you get this number?
Look, I know Slate and I shouldn't be here, but I have something here. There are phone numbers you can call where trained professionals are available 24 hours a day. You are the best mathematician. I know this isn't a textbook problem, okay, this is more complicated than anything you've ever seen before and if I'm right, I have until tomorrow at 3:00 to figure out where this came from. airport Becca it's all good, yeah, go back to bed, I'll only be a minute, I'm sorry if I woke you guys, no you're not, you know there was a man who lived a long time ago, a brilliant man, an inventor, took the credit.
For other people's work he performed dangerous experiments with radiation that cost him his arms. He even helped create the electric chair and used it to kill someone to prove that his competitor's technology was dangerous. His name was Thomas Edison. I'm that kind of person Derek, don't get me wrong, I like electricity and the world needs people like that, but I certainly wouldn't want to be friends with him. I'm sorry, could you sit down? You said this came from a radio tower yes there was something flying over the airport last week yes I heard about that I think this is a signal from that plane you know what I've never understood about you conspiracy theorist , you say you parked your car in the same place every day.
A single day out of school I don't have a car, let's say you did have one and you parked it in the same place every day and then one day you went out and your car wasn't there and in its place there was an orange cone, but you automatically assume that your car has turned into an orange cone or you would assume that they told him that you had accidentally parked it in a different spot. I don't see what that has to do with something where you don't automatically jump to the most extreme explanation, look at the reasonable ones first.
I have obviously done it and none of what happened at the airport makes any sense. Do you have the tower recording guys? Tower 27. I don't see anything, but I will. take a look, the signal strengths are different on different channels, the strongest is the American Ground Ops and then the tower and then the quietest is United. Ok, United is 131.0 75 MHz. Tower is 360. 85 American is 460675, it gets louder as the frequency increases. higher, T-Mobile phones are 700 to 1700 MHz and above the rest are 800 800 50 all carriers had interference except T-Mobile for some calls so between 700 and thanks 1700 mahz stopped wait Saidi He said that you should use 1420 MHz when you send a signal because it has the same radiation frequency as neutral hydrogen and hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
Any intelligent life form would know it's special, so maybe they'll broadcast at all frequencies until it builds up. to 1420 mahz and then they increased it to 1420 to draw our attention to what uses 1400 mahz Wireless telemetry systems hospitals any hospital, even remotely close to the airport, would have completely gone anywhere St Elizabeth hi, I'm Dr. uh Edison from at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center, we were wondering if you had recently had any problems with your wireless telemetry systems. I think we did it last week. We had to send patients to Edwood. The only things we don't know are these two lines 9433*38 and 9433*22 maybe their landing patterns or maybe the coordinates, the coordinates could be up and up but I think you need to talk to a physicist or an astrophysicist.
I could recommend a couple of things to you, professor. I know you think that if we look at that sign for too long. It's enough for something to click, but you can't force it and I'm certainly not the person to help you figure it out. Math, science, physics, it's a game for young people. Raymond Galwa Einstein Eugene Aart was 60 years old when he earned his doctorate. Polynomialist Yong Jang was 57 years old when he showed that there were an infinite number of consecutive pairs of prime numbers separated by less than 70 million. Two examples. Schinger FR smells good but I'm telling you you can't force it and sometimes you just get stuck I know look good I'm kicking you out we're servants instead of math teachers so you're saying I just have to wait for it to come to me do you know the definition of we?
Mr. Aaro, hold what We open it, we need to collect all the channels in the entire state right now it is chapter four in the afternoon, igen values ​​and igen vectors now, if we have a Matrix a square that represents a linear transformation, then this Matrix multiplied by the vector is equal to a Lambda scalar times the same vector now the V is called the igen vector and the Lambda is called the igen value and these types of problems have applications in all kinds of things like structural engineering and spin transitions in neutral hydrogen and has a wavelength of 21 cm which would be significant, right?
Derek, uh, it doesn't matter, Matrix is ​​double or half or whatever 21 cm 21 cm what is the frequency of hydrogen, the spectral line of neutral hydrogen has a frequency of 1420 mahz and a wavelength of 21 cm two lines 38 increments East and 22 North and then you multiply both by 9.433 and then by 21 cm the wavelength is the unit of measurement are the coordinates Lee Le uh I need to use your car please I only have 1 hour until 3 man, go ahead, thank you, yes, we are servants rather than masters of mathematics, remember when I told you that 9,433 was a privileged number, yes, that would be significant, wouldn't it?
Derek, what do you think that would look like in the future? This is the key, sir, gentleman, excuse me, please, yes, sir, let's remove them. The sighting at CVG was not the first, there were others and every time we tried to make contact with them using a variation of the RSC B signal, we failed. put the constant fine structure in your message build a common mathematical language that I didn't know could be used to determine intelligence in the new signal we receive today there are 19 decimal places, we can only measure it up to 12 and this is much more complex than anything we As we may have seen, the last one was 14-bit, but this one is 42-bit and not only is it laid out on a grid, but it's three-dimensional, which tells us a couple of things: one, they're a lot smarter than us, and two.
When we try to find them, we may be very wrong in their first sign. They sent two-dimensional coordinates here on Earth. In this new signal, I believe they sent three-dimensional coordinates into space. Well, the focus of the investigation now is not that it will change. throughout the Universe, but it changes over time, okay, so we have to find a more precise way to measure the fsse, which means developing new technologies, new theories and that could take 5 years, 500 or five months, with your Help, do you understand? what this means, we are not alone and then there is the pigsty you may have already heard about about United Airlines employees who swear it was something otherworldly in the skies over Chicago's O'Hare Airport on November 7 , but neither the FAA nor his own employer. appears to be taking them seriously The Chicago Tribune interviewed several people anonymously, including maintenance workers, baggage handlers and pilots, who described a dark gray, saucer-like object floating low above the United terminal concourse sea Airlines just before sunset before shooting into the sky some say it moved so fast it literally blew a hole in the cloud United Airlines claims it had no records of the sighting even though employees say they filled out reports, the FAA initially told told the Tribune that it also had no information about the UFO.
After the newspaper filed paperwork under the Freedom of Information Act, the FAA received a call from a United Airlines supervisor to the airport control tower asking if the object was on radar. and now the agency concluded that it was a climate phenomenon and considers this case closed.

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