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Don't Take Things So Personally

Apr 09, 2024
Almost everyone I know






, they get so worked up that everything is an affront to them, and once you can get rid of that personal offense mechanism, you'll notice that overall the stress in your life goes down, you say, oh , actually I'm not that warrior at the door threatened all the time by other people I don't want to defend myself all the time as soon as you get to that place mentally


change the calm comes from not taking things so


not taking things so personally how This is critical, guys, we've become a Twitter nation, you know, we've become a culture that


s things completely super personal and escalates them to, you know, very aggressive language.
don t take things so personally
High levels of accusations and assumptions. We immediately go from, you know, a simple incident that ignites a fury of cancellation and aggravation and I really think it's because you, if you consume a lot of social media, you're conditioned to how many times a day every time you do this, every time you do this on social media, every scroll, every swipe is a judgment, your brain is being taught, okay, is this relevant or not? judgment, I like it or not, literally, I like it, I press, I like it or not, judgment, it is actually worth giving this a judgment of the heart, every stroke, every scroll, is automatic. training the brain to judge Why do we have a culture that takes things more personally and judges other people more?
don t take things so personally

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don t take things so personally...

Because our culture has been trained by the tens of millions of times we've swiped and shifted things to get that right. Whether I like it or I love it or I don't, it has created a speed of judgment in our lives against others and how we perceive ourselves, so we have a culture that now takes things, everything is so personal because everything is judged on a binary high degree good or bad. you like it or you don't like it and it's poisonous it's killing us so I think it's very important what you tend to get triggered by what causes you stress or anxiety and if you could see it a lot of them are what you feel are personal attacks that You suddenly feel very defensive and that defensive attitude creates stress and anxiety because you feel like you have to defend yourself from other people, maybe your husband says some accusation or maybe someone says something on social media and you think: "That was an excavation." towards me and suddenly it was like against me and a lot of people all day they were on the defensive all day and that's why they're stressed, right?
don t take things so personally
Imagine if a warrior is standing at the doors. of the palace and every person who passes by they see it as an immediate stressor as an immediate threat they are nervous all day they are stressed they are anxious all day certain acid is churning in their stomach these thoughts of what if these horrible things happen in their brain, that's what a lot of people feel throughout the day because they're so worried that their personal feelings will be hurt or their personal reputation will be destroyed or they'll have to. Being in a place of defense and by the way I don't take lightly the fact that some people really are, they have a very toxic person in their life, although I don't like to use the word toxic, I usually like to talk about this .
don t take things so personally
Person, this person has a set of behaviors that make you feel a certain way and that set of behaviors, sometimes we don't want to be around them anymore, we have to minimize ourselves by being around them, but almost everyone I know takes the things too personally. Get so worked up that everything is an affront to them Oh, you criticized my work, well, your work sucks, you know, Oh, are you saying I didn't understand exactly right? You don't understand, I have 5000 other things, defensive people tend to be weak. people and I don't mean that they are weak mentally, I don't mean that they are weak mentally, I don't mean that they are weak in terms of terrible judgment, I mean that they feel that way, actually, the higher the level of defense you feel, the more threatened you feel, the more you begin to feel that way. you are losing control and strength because it is weakening you, the more you feel personally offended by things, the more you drain your energy and I think this is very important if you are personally offended by everything, if you are so valuable with feedback where every piece of feedback that makes you nervous and upset about everything your friend says about your house or your clothes or your hair or your makeup or your weight or your kids instead of being so quick to judge about what someone said about you and how I'd love it if you You lengthen the timeline of the trial, so if someone says I feel slighted by something or I feel angry about something someone said, I'll go, huh?
I'm curious. I don't know how I feel about it let me sit with it for a while I'll see how I feel tomorrow and you know what when you say I'll see how I feel tomorrow tomorrow you rarely get that offended The thing is tomorrow you look back and think oh I guess who was reading that, oh I felt that way yesterday, but now I'm looking at it, maybe they didn't mean that maybe I should give the benefit of the doubt, maybe. I should explore this and that immediately changed that state of anxiety, stress and fear that comes with taking things so personally, listen to me, I'm not a Zen Buddha.
You know things can work out, they make me nervous, no problem, definitely, I'm still working on it my whole life. f my life's most common recurring monthly goal in my personal development has been patience and I'm still teaching myself to be patient because I can still worry about things, I mainly get worse when others are involved, not against me, but I feel like I have to fight for other people, I'm that person, I have to fight for other people, but I want to share with you a simple idea: if you keep letting yourself get so offended by things all the time, we have to drag it out. space between stimulus and response, so could you do yourself a favor?
I'm not sure how I feel about that. Let me check it tomorrow. If you can write it. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Let me check it tomorrow. to compartmentalize a little to put it here is to program it, I'll address it tomorrow is to deny emotions or feelings it's just to say you know what I'm not sure is not to apply a label or a judgment so quickly because I think that when you judge less you feel happier and that's why alone I want to lengthen the time we all judge each other if we can do that, I promise we will feel better, it's one of the reasons I feel like a happy guy, I don't feel like I'm a nobody. out there attacking me and if they do, I look at them like maybe there's some truth to that, maybe there's some commentary there or maybe that's completely irrelevant.
I'm fine, I move on and the next day people are saying things on the internet about me and people. I love and worry all the time they don't hook me I just say oh okay that's where that person is today that's what the person believes or thinks because they have limited information that's where that person is at this stage of their life In the life, you know they are in a bad place and would attack other people without knowing something. That's okay, that's about them, not me, and I don't need to be someone driven by childish egoic tendencies.
I don't want to. I mean, aren't you so tired of feeling personally offended all the time? And once you can get rid of that personal offense mechanism, you'll notice that overall the stress in your life just goes down and you're like, "Oh, I'm not really that warrior." at the door threatened all the time by other people I don't have to defend myself all the time as soon as you get to that place mentally things change for you

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