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White Lions - An Epic Battle for Survival | Free Documentary Nature

Apr 22, 2024
In the wild Bush Feld of South Africa color is crucial to combine to highlight all colors are intended to communicate hide distract an animal's color is key to its


anything new or unusual is tried at every moment most fail, but sometimes


throws something certain to survive that is what is happening in this desert only once in a generation the



appear here now two wild


cups have been born can they survive? Kruger Wilderness is the jewel of South Africa, a paradise for wildlife here The rhythms of


run strong it is a place where prey can thrive with predators never far behind and here in a corner called timati nature is carrying out a wild experiment the spotted hyenas are the first to see something unusual in the grass she is only 4 months old but she already seems hardened by this harsh desert the hyenas will try to kill her but they don't see her mother better camouflaged, even covered in dirt, this CB stands out, she looks nothing like other lion cubs, her two older cousins ​​are a deep brown, the difference is clear next to her mother, she is a white cub born in a tny pride, both her mother and her father carry the rare Jean that produces white offspring and sometimes there may be more than one.
white lions   an epic battle for survival free documentary nature
Our CB has an identical sister. This is a small pride, just two adult lionesses, themselves sisters, and their four cubs. They are a close and affectionate family. The local Rangers have named the first white cup, little inani fighter. Her sister is shinga, little hunter. They have a fighting spirit and even take on their bigger cousins. The males are stronger, but these white cubs are feisty little


. They were discovered. Months ago, after emerging from their den, they were as white as snow. They had a brother Tony, but he did not survive his first crucial weeks. Their cousins ​​are 2 months older, so these white cats will always be the underdogs, but their high visibility may become their biggest challenge.
white lions   an epic battle for survival free documentary nature

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white lions an epic battle for survival free documentary nature...

Only three Cubs have survived to adulthood since white lions were first discovered here in 1975. Puppy Tony's mother can also wear white jeans. The Rangers call her Kana, the pale one. The white Cub's mother is matimba, the powerful one. Her and Kanya the Cubs. They will learn everything to survive and thrive here, they just need to follow in their footsteps in October. Kruger's long, dry winter gives way to spring storms that reveal the Cub's true colors. They are not albinos but have a condition called luism in which their bodies become very little pigment of any kind in all other respects they are like any lion cup as they discover the world around them the birth of the cub comes in a critical moment his father and defender of the herd has disappeared the rival males may have killed him without a father to defend them the future of the cub is in danger the two mothers have already detected intruders that are attacking a nearby herd of buffalo one of their calves is D Buffalo will defend his cubs fiercely but this male lion is not afraid of them he has a brother to back him up and another brother to back him up these lions are nomads looking for a pride of lionesses to take over the three brothers are in their prime, Not even a herd of buffalo can stop them, but they will try.
white lions   an epic battle for survival free documentary nature
The buffalo are huge and powerful animals and they have the weapons to fight the lions the buffalo is dangerously close the lions will attack again if they can these lions are 5 years old they are at Peak Fitness a strong coalition like this is ready for their own pride and territory once again the buffalo clucks in the the lion sees an opportunity and is attacked now Cal's mother moves desperately to pick him up it is too late despite their



Cal is dead after this meal they will come for the Cubs the breeze becomes The stronger the Cub's mother can smell the The smell of an intruder somewhere are out there and recently they have been here too.
white lions   an epic battle for survival free documentary nature
Kanya can detect the slightest odor. A deep maternal instinct directs the two mothers to carry their cubs away from the approaching danger, away from the familiar mountains that overshadow their home. Deep in uncharted territory, Krugger Park is enormous, the size of New Jersey, covered in dense forest that is home to large numbers of herbivores. All of these species adapt to the bush in their own special way and all are prey for lions. Kruger is ruled. for 2,000 Lions, each Pride with its own distinctive territory, Matimba and Kanya can only keep their four CBSs alive if they stay out of these territories.
From now on, this family must live in the shadows, but wherever they go, they will continue to leave signs behind one of the three nomads are on their trail, he can smell their scent if the nads catch up with them and take over this herd, They will kill the cubs, bringing the mothers back to the estras so they can give birth to Norad's offspring soon after, rival predators are another lethal threat if the Cubs are found unattended by a leopard Keeny will kill them. hyenas also predators do not want Rivals nearby in their first days of exile the white pride is still not far from home soon they find another group of lions in a new prey that are close relatives The Lions do not voluntarily share their meals, so the hungry white pack has a challenge.
This will be the Cubs' first lesson in Leon politics and it will put them to the test. Three adult females are faced with a subadult male. In an hour they are placed in position. The naive Tony Cab is the first to approach Matimba and Kanya knows that the first lesson in León politics is patience. If Shinga can't eat, now she will practice lesson number two with her sister, don't be too patient with the other Lions, it distracted them. mothers Edge closer matimba stands firm found and secures a feeding place the white cup inani tries the other side a hard fact about lions is that the strongest eat first The Cubs are lost to feed and in times of scarcity the first in dying even the mother of a Cub will not share until she has eaten her fish now shinga tries and finds a place next to her mother she gives courage to the other Cubs despite being younger and weaker the white cubs eat first than their cousins ​​and they will fight to keep their place their fight is a good sign just what a lion needs to survive the little hunter shinga can't get in so he finds another way but his movement angers the male it's a dangerous moment but the mother solves the cubs are learning the expressions and sounds of body posture influences other Lions, especially when they give the wrong signal.
She still has a lot to learn for shinga. It is not enough to simply fill your belly with it. She now wants to be the owner of this dam. She has learned her final lesson. A lion must fight for what he wants from the high Throne of him. she is at least for now the queen of the beasts heavy rain clouds mark the beginning of summer just in time for the elephants who need a lot of water until this river flows again they must dig to drink the empty river now it comes to life waterb They thrive in the wetlands but even they are captivated by this spectacle from all sides the animals come to the river it gives the wild dogs a chance to cool off but none enjoy it more than the elephants Shinga and his sister are now 8 months old their cousins ​​Tony 10 months this is an unknown territory for the two mothers, they do not know the best hunting places and the forest here is so dense that it hides their prey well.
They will see the white cubs before the lions see them after weeks with little for the cubs to eat. They are skin and bones, mother lions do abundant Weak Cubs, but this mother waits without hunting better, the Cubs will not make it, so the mothers take their cubs in a new direction back home to timati, the desperate CB inani needs food, but breast milk is drying up when food is so low. Only the strongest will feed and there is no room for three the mothers know where they are going half a day's journey ahead it is the favorite watering hole of a huge herd of buffalo the strongest and strongest lion prey to feed the lions will have to pass the aggressive pools and a horned herd a wounded buffalo is an easier target as long as the herd remains still he is safe but the large herd must move on to find food for all the lame buffalos are left behind the wounded buffalo has survived the night but he is no longer alone it is Kanya matimba is here too and the cubs this is his first buffalo hunt the eldest cup joins the middle matimba makes her move the buffalo sees her the buffalo is still too far from the coast even against a injured buffalo in the water matimba loses her advantage she is tired but there is a bigger problem approaching the stalkers are now stalked themselves the elephant ensures that the Buffalo lives a little longer the scared Lions need to regain their confidence and the initiative matimba moves to an attack position that the Buffalo cannot see she now waits Kanya adjusts herself within sight of the Buffalo the Cubs are learning one lioness destroys the prey while the other waits to attack hours later the Buffalo changes position he does not see the matimba nearby the Buffalo is too weak to fight the police take it all with the white C right in the action the mothers show the Cubs exactly what to do so the hungry Cubs can finally fill their bellies The Pride will eat all night once again shinga , the little Huntress, rides on her prey in the morning most of the time pride can't eat anymore alone shinga still feeds the previously white cup it's so dirty and smelly not even her mother accepts her greeting or her aunt or her cousin maybe your sister will answer better no this time there are some animals more patient than lions vultures hyenas when the herd moves to the shade to rest then they make their move matimba tries to keep the scavengers away but he will fail there are two many and he needs to rest now it is the hyena's turn this killing of lions will feed many others that's how it is here each animal plays a vital role in the lives of others this hyena is nursing she has cubs with this killing the lions are also feeding their cubs with the risk From starvation now behind them the white pack can rest but the cost of rest means they will have to hunt again long before their hard food will be devoured Before sunset the hunt here may be easier but the mothers will not relax their Watcher They keep their CBS moving every day to a new location the white puppies are now 10 months old and becoming much more playful now everything is a goal to have fun their aunt Kanya is a playful master the game will help the puppies grow strong and develop his hunting skills.
Hey, Kanya never turns down an invitation to play, since for the matimba she still doesn't protect her family. I always try to lighten my wood spirit. The Cubs join in as the matimba approaches. Spotted hyenas are looking for food. They will target lions, especially groups without males, follow them and push them away from their meals. It's impossible not to see the white taxi killing a zebra, but you can. they dominate matimba and Kanya, the hyenas move in the taxis now they are old enough to learn to confront the hyenas, so matimba leads them forward, the aggressive atmosphere charges at matimba scraping the ground.
She Stakes claims this place and the zebra hill behind them, the elders. Cub shows that she is not afraid, she does not intimidate the hyenas. Now the four taxis take them in matimba. He allows the Cubs to lead the confrontation. The Cubs have done well, but he remains a non-starter. Now Matimba shows them how to end the dispute on a day like this. He in turn turns a cup into a lion. The three nads are securing their right to this territory by marking it well. They will then secure the females and eliminate the Cubs in the way the mothers will try to avoid them, but will be alert for any opportunity the pack has.
He heads to a water hole but today a surprise awaits them: another lion, a young male, the pride is cautious but thirsty, there is plenty of room, but they will have to pass in front of the post office. It has not grown completely but it could still hurt the Cs. It is inani. who puts him to the test and decides to drink right next to him. This is a dangerous moment, but his submissive stance indicates that he doesn't want a fight, especially with Matima. Still, he is nervous because he might attack the young male who is in poor condition and thin. an underdeveloped man a sign of a difficult life since he left his pack one day these male Cubs will have to leave this pack this young male shows how difficult it will be the hot Kruger summer days are a time to rest the animals need to get out of the oven Leopards from the sun take shelter in the trees and lions under them, only a couple of leopard cubs do not feel the heat, they are full of life and the lion cubs do not notice the leopard in the tree, they only see it when it moves.her and that gives you an idea he h it is now May the bush is changing color with the onset of autumn the CBS is now 11 months old they are strong and fit their mothers have raised them well with their increased strength now they can follow Hunt They learn which animals are their prey and watch their mothers' every move because everything is fair game for these lions.
Even the tallest prey grabbed the young giraffe and dragged it under a bush out of the sight of the vultures as an extra precaution. mothers bury anything with a strong scent but there is a good breeze today the smell may not linger in this secluded place and the nads are not far away something is approaching a veritable monkey rings the alarm whatever it is it seems to be gone the mothers feel that it's safe to return to their food at dusk the Cubs have had their F now all they want is to sleep but tonight there will be no sleep the mothers risk their lives to save their CBS is one of the nomads is looking for the Cubs attacks again but matimba does not let him spend every second that he is detained, he buys time for his CS if they continue like this the mothers will not survive the night and now his brother arrives and approaches the slaughter of giraffes that stops the attack the mothers have no chance against two males, but the nomad's attention has changed they will settle for killing the giraffe the cubs can wait now the two mothers have a single objective: find their cubs and flee the powerful male could have killed them, but his brave defensive attack allowed his policemen to escape their soft calls.
Tell your puppies it's safe to go outside. The family has reunited. They will leave the nomads with their stolen food, giving them precious time to escape. the brothers have had a full night feeding these lions they are not going anywhere early in the morning the pride is 10m away it has been a long night and a long year most of the mothers would have lost their CBS by now but these two extraordinary lionesses have the knowledge and experience to keep them alive the family will travel far to escape normality next time they may not be so lucky come August the dry winter transforms the bush the grass dies when the trees lose their leaves all this opens the landscape an excellent time for young lions to receive a hunting lesson, the hunter must be patient, calm and concentrated in these conditions, a Tony colored lion can hide well, but not a white lion, the Kudo sees it and escape.
The lesson ends for the next 3 months, white pride makes this place its place. At home, it is a good hunting place every day, new groups of animals come to drink. The predators will be waiting for them. The pack still doesn't know that other hunters have arrived. The three lion brothers, the nomads who attacked the white pride once before they came here to hunt. but now they have sent the white pride this is their chance to take out the Cubs their Roose announces their approach the mothers rush to move the Cubs they are approaching nothing can stop them except Kanya and matimba the mothers leave their cubs in charge of the attack that is still coming the Cubs continue in minutes they meet the first male their submissive posture diffuses the male's aggression until their brothers arrive the mothers are not their objective the nads want the Cubs if they kill them they will bring their mothers back to the This from the US in just a few weeks so the next litter will arrive early and will be yours this is now a


of wheels the mothers to save their cups the males for the father theirs no answer to their calls the mothers are still searching Through the burning heat of the day it is this mother's determination that gives them the advantage over the males they have the most to lose finally an answer the Cubs are safe the family has survived another attack now it is November new clouds usher in the rainy season the bush comes back to life the Cubs are bigger and stronger every day.
The white C's are more visible than ever. Their curiosity also grows, especially when it comes to prey. Each new animal captures your attention, but one creature is a complete puzzle. The toris is well protected within its hard shell, the Cub. has met her mate, it's shing's turn, she can't help it, no problem, the totis just needs to get back up and escape quickly by December, the white puppies are 18 months old, the males are 20 months old, they are now little lions their game is more like a proper hunt the herd kills a giraffe but its food attracts attention hyenas a whole clan the hyenas are not afraid of just two lionesses or the CBS only the adult males they see that the white herd is vulnerable they move if they can remove the lines for just half an hour they will devour this whole giraffe in forward movements to face them they are everywhere but the hyenas have not encountered lions like matimba before matimba chases them away but they will return within the next month the hyenas are never far away following The Pride waiting for their prey to be taken down and then moving forward with every meal at stake.
The pack has a lot to lose, but today something is not right. The hyenas have suddenly disappeared. The herd is left alone. managed to make it through the night after escaping last night's attack, they now reaffirm their bonds, the mothers and white cubs are unharmed, but only one male Tony cub is participating, the other is unresponsive, he is injured with a puncture wound in his side , one of the nomads caught up with him, normally he would be running alongside the others full of energy. Her mother Kanya is aware that something is wrong, so her brother also goes deeper into the forest.
The instinct of a wounded animal to hide. Her brother turns to his mother and invites. she wants to play but for the first time Kanya refuses an hour later the sick CB can no longer sit his condition worsens his brother encourages him he tries to pick him up then shinga approaches now that he realizes something is wrong the puppy is fighting his mother is there but there is nothing she can do yet her brother tries again 10 minutes later the poor Puppy has a painful seizure and then in a few moments he is gone his family seemed to know that this is the end they hold back unsure and then Matimba and Kanya get closer somehow.
They calmly understand this tragedy for their family. Inani moves in next and finally her brother, her closest companion, Kanya, taxi was 20 months old when he died. Life is taking over Kruger, the rains allow a young rhino to enjoy some crazy Wallo Wogs. A feast with tender grasses and giraffes with new leaves. None enjoy it more than newborn elephants. It's been 2 months since Kanya lost her taxi. He moved in with his surviving local CB Rangers. They called him shik the Survivor. He has become much closer to the white puppies and is the perfect playmate. Oh, every day he presents new challenges to white carbs.
They started climbing trees 6 months ago and still do it. Climbing is unusual for Shinga Lions. he has a lot more to learn and inani isn't helping sometimes these cbs act more like leopards than lions shinga found a higher challenge he's not as graceful as a leopard but he's getting there it's a triumph his white coat isn't the only thing extraordinary this liar now it is the rainy season and the bush responds with a green blanket it is full of life this is the time of courtship for an exciting bird the red-crested Quan hun hunting in the thick summer The bush represents a great challenge, but the Cubs They have long periods of play They have sharpened their senses They are ready to hunt alongside their mothers This hunt ends in failure as happens with most lion hunts elsewhere The vultures are having better luck attacking an old buffalo that died long ago For several days these birds just have to share their food.
Instead of hunting it, sometimes there can be hundreds on a carcass. Latecomers must look for other opportunities after their failed hunt earlier in the day. The white sisters are hungry and bother their mother to hunt again, then something catches their attention. Vulture that saw a leopard. With fresh prey, a tall tree is the best place to keep it safe. The young lions have learned that where there are vultures there is usually an easy meal. The leopard escapes. CBS spent his youth climbing trees. Now they have their reward. She's not that elegant. like a leopard but shinga gets what she wants now it's Kanya's turn it's not that simple for a grown adult she can't climb like the Cubs but she can jump after all her reward is a very thin leg it's her turn to shoot now she weighs As much as Kan can lift all that weight up the tree, he is as agile as a leopard and gets a choice portion of the food.
A giraffe doesn't see this every day. It's unclear who is more surprised. One more Morel for Kan in this tree. the climbing ability will serve well for shooting, he will have no matimba or Kanya to hunt him when he leaves the pack. Stealing leopard prey could help you survive the tough times. It is now June, a special date for the white pack, the Cubs are 2 years old and almost fully grown, they have survived all the dangers and all the challenges of growing up in the wild. They also have a new home away from NORAD, a place called cleri, it is rich in game, enough for the hungry lions, they killed a buffalo in the night, but once again, the hyenas are after them, matimba will not allow it, Inani is ready to face them with a hyena she can handle, but a whole clan is a different kind of challenge, Inani moves to face them, she walks with confidence, just like her mother, not anymore. a cat from the beginning she takes charge of intimidating the hyenas she scrapes the ground claiming ownership of this territory as her mother once showed her the cub has become an excellent liar inani is so confident She puts the hyenas to bed takes this as weakness and moves forward they come from all sides 13 hyenas she lets them come and then it's her 10 the hyenas know this is not a lion they can overcome this confrontation it shows that the Cubs are now able to fend for themselves protecting their food defending his pride at sunset the hyenas suddenly get scared and run away it is a large male and he is heading towards the herd matimba he moves to defend his family this male is new he is not one of the NAD he calls a greeting he is not a threat matimba keeps the aggressive defense advances to intimidate him he does not want a fight shinga is there to support his mother now the entire Pride advances with matimba the hyenas waste no time returning to their food before the hyenas devour it matimba seems to know This maale is not like the others, so she returns to her herd and the male follows her, they are still on high alert, but he is not here to attack them, he is here to attract them, but first he will feed, it will take some time before he. she gains his trust, but this Pride now has a large adult male to help defend them when summer returns.
He becomes Krugger. The new male has secured his place with White Pride. Kanya is the first lioness to know a new chapter that is now beginning for him. White Pride Matimba and the new Kanya Cubs will be arriving soon. Shot will leave alone and Shinga and Nani have a whole new life ahead of them. The first white lions to reach maturity here in more than two decades. His life so far has been extraordinary. They started out as scruffy little cubs and have grown into excellent young lions over the past 2 years. They fought to survive in the fierce Kruger desert and the challenges of their white coats, but they have had two incredible lionesses watching over them and teaching them everything they know. through everything and now they are strong and capable lions, white lions, remarkable, beautiful, wild

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