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1.5 HOUR English Conversation Lesson

Jun 03, 2021
Dan: Yes, it's very easy. Vanessa: Oh, really? Dan: Yeah, we have to go to the dealership and ask them, and they have to calibrate it. Vanessa: And do we have to buy more keys? My dream is going to come true. Dan: We could make this happen. Vanessa: Okay. Dan: But I think at the time I asked the dealer about it, we had just bought the car, it was pretty expensive and we didn't really have that much money, and I thought, "We can't afford to get the keys too." Vanessa: Sure, because we decided to pay for the car directly.
1 5 hour english conversation lesson
Dan: Right. But this simple solution is definitely feasible in your life. Vanessa: Wow, dreams come true here on YouTube, thank you. Well, I'm curious about you, if you could upgrade or if you could have some electronic devices completely free without any added price, what would you like to upgrade in your life? I'm curious. Let us know. Alright. Let's go to the last topic. Our last topic is money. I want to know, what are three purchases you regret? Three things that weren't worth it. Dan: I regret that. Aren't those three things I love? Vanessa: No, what were three purchases that after you bought them you said, "Oh, I shouldn't have bought this." Dan: Oh, okay, very regrettable purchases.
1 5 hour english conversation lesson

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1 5 hour english conversation lesson...

Vanessa: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Dan: Well, the first one that comes to mind checks all the boxes as something you regret. Because you didn't want me to buy this in the first place. Vanessa: Because it was... Dan: Expensive. Vanessa: ...headphones. We were talking about music devices. Dan: We were talking about that. Yes. I already had headphones that I listen to all the time- Vanessa: He loves that. Dan: I was already getting feelings of judgment from Vanessa, but I thought maybe she wanted something with an even better sound, maybe a different kind of sound. She was looking for the new sound.
1 5 hour english conversation lesson
Vanessa: But what happened? Dan: We also didn't have a lot of money at the time, so... Vanessa: Oh, that was another layer. Dan: ...I bought these $100+ headphones, we took them home and my ears started hurting. Vanessa: Because they were like... Dan: ...they just hurt me. Vanessa: ...were they like noise canceling headphones? Dan: No, it's like they were listening, they just weren't built to listen as much as I was. Vanessa: Okay. Dan: Then they hurt my ears and I thought, "Oh no. They're hurting my ears, this is really bad." Vanessa: "I can't tell Vanessa." Dan: "I can't." Yes.
1 5 hour english conversation lesson
But we also bought them in South Korea and the place where I bought them had a no-return policy, so I couldn't return them. Vanessa: And then what happened? Dan: And then I brought them home, sat them down, and our cat walked up to them, bit the cord, and just tore them off. Vanessa: Yes, in five minutes. Dan: In five minutes. No, like five seconds. The moment I put the headphones down, the cat chewed them up. Vanessa: And it was the kind of cable that you can't just take out and replace, you have to do something... you have to send it to the company and pay a lot to have them fix it.
Dan: Well, I didn't know how to fix it. I think my dad fixed it up later and used them. Vanessa: Oh, that's good. Dan: There you have it, it worked out in the end. Vanessa: Wow. But yeah, there were a couple layers of regret. Dan: Yeah, there were many layers of regret, and then the cat bit the cord anyway. Vanessa: Oh, and that's something we should have known. We should have put them somewhere, you could have put them somewhere else, but it was like the icing on the cake. Dan: Yeah. Vanessa: Which means it was one more thing.
Dan: Now I can't even use them. Because I was hoping, "Oh, someday maybe they'll feel more comfortable. Maybe they'll just feel better, I'll get used to them." Vanessa: But you can't even wear them because our cat chewed the cord. Dan: Yes. Vanessa: Well, it's a regrettable purchase. Dan: There you have it, there's a whole story behind that. Vanessa: Yeah, can I say one of mine first? Dan: Go ahead. Yes. vanessa: okay. One of mine is much smaller, but every time I buy tea at Starbucks, it's always a bad decision. Dan: Sorry, Starbucks. Vanessa: Yes, but I don't like coffee, and if I go to Starbucks that is the only drink I can have, because they have a lot of coffee, a lot of sweet things, but at Starbucks there is a tea bag.
They're just buying a tea bag with hot water, they're not doing anything... Dan: That's great. Vanessa:'s not a specialty drink. It's just hot water and a tea bag, and it costs like $2.50 or something. Like $2.50 just for a tea bag. And you can buy an entire box of tea for the same price. Dan: By the way, this is the difference between Vanessa and me, is that I would never worry about a purchase like that. Vanessa: Well for me it's the taste. It's not necessarily the price, the price is high for tea, but the taste is never worth it.
It's just a mediocre tea, it's not even that good. Dan: I still would never regret it. Vanessa: Yeah, well... Dan: I don't regret cheap purchases, I never think about it. Vanessa: I feel like for me it's just annoying because I want to have a cold drink if I go to a coffee shop, but then it's just a tea bag in water. It's not even loose leaf tea. Anyway, I'm a tea snob, so let's get to yours. Dan: That's true. Alright, next on my list might actually be a category unto itself, but the most recent occurrence was when we went to a place during our beach vacation called The Turtle Museum.
Vanessa: Oh. Dan: And it sounded really fancy, but it was probably $15 a person to get in. Vanessa: Yeah, it was like a turtle rehabilitation center. Dan: Yeah, but there was only one room with some pictures on the wall, and then we thought we were going to see turtles up close and personal, but they were just in big pools and you could barely see them. Vanessa: Were they breathing through their asses? Dan: They probably were at the time. Vanessa: No, they're sea turtles. Dan: You're right, they weren't breathing hard. So I was disappointed with the whole experience and didn't think it was worth it.
Although that was a little different because I felt like I was donating because they rescue turtles, but there are a lot of places that are like that, like a museum or some kind of show where maybe you pay a cost up front, and then the show or the museum just They are not very good or boring. Vanessa: Yeah, have you ever traveled somewhere and paid to get into a museum, or paid to get into some building and it just wasn't worth it? I feel like that's happened a lot, and that's just the latest for us: "Okay, I feel good because I donated some money to that turtle rehabilitation center." But we didn't really get to see the turtles like we wanted to.
Dan: I wanted to touch a turtle. Vanessa: Oh, but they're in a hospital, they're being rehabilitated. Dan: That's true, it was a turtle hospital. Vanessa: Yes. Do you have any other? Dan: But it sounded a lot better. Vanessa: Oh yeah. Yes, it sounded great. "Go to the turtle center and look at the turtles." Dan: Yeah, the last thing I do is just a little thing. I bought some t-shirts online, and it's a little iffy to buy clothes online, but I always felt like I liked the image that they had, but then the quality of the t-shirt wasn't very good or- Vanessa: Especially when it's online, you can't feel it.
Dan: ...didn't fit that well. Yeah, not a great idea. I regretted some of those purchases. Vanessa: Another thing that I feel that I have bought and that was not worth it, this is a general category, but they are some toys for our, now he is two years old, but throughout his short life, some toys that I bought him. him that I thought he would like, because he played with it at a friend's house, or I just thought it would be cool, but he didn't really like it. For example, there's something that was... it's like a bead maze, and I remember liking it when I was a kid, so I bought it...
Dan: I thought I played with it. Vanessa: Not really, he just wanted to remove the beads, but he couldn't play with them. But I remember playing with it as a kid and finding it at a thrift store. It was like 10 bucks, it wasn't much, but I thought I'd play with it. I thought, "This is it. He's going to play with this for so long it's going to be great." And he never really played with it. So I feel like... Dan: This is probably going to be an ongoing problem. Vanessa: Yes. So now I... Dan: Now that we have kids.
Vanessa: I've tried to step back and think, "Okay, he likes to play with these three things. If other people want to give him gifts and other toys, that's fine, but I'm really not sure." "I'm going to invest in more toys because he likes the same things all the time." Dan: Legos, Legos, Legos. Vanessa: Legos, legos, legos. Sometimes Play-Doh, sometimes the sandbox. Dan: But mostly laymen. Vanessa: But usually the same couple plays over and over again. So I'm curious about you: what are some purchases you've made that weren't worth it that you regret? This video is free on YouTube, so it is not a purchase.
I hope you haven't regretted spending your time with us. Dan: Yes, I know what you wouldn't regret buying the Fearless Fluency Club. Vanessa: Oh. Well... Dan: There's a proposal for you. Vanessa: This is our monthly English course where we teach about a different topic each month and you learn vocabulary, phrasal verbs and pronunciation. We have a private Facebook group where many members meet and talk to practice English. And once a month I have a group Google Hangout and we talk together. Simply an excellent way to expand your English and learn more. So if you enjoyed our


Dan: Yeah, and one might say, "Become fluent." Vanessa: Yes, I hope so, take more confidence. Well, thank you very much for joining me today. Dan: You're welcome. We're done? Vanessa: Wow, this was a lot. Dan: Can you believe it? Did you make it to the end? Vanessa: If you made it this far, congratulations. Give yourself a pat on the back. We asked a lot of questions today, so I'll put them in the description below, so you can go to each topic if you want to go back and look at a certain topic, or if you saw some vocabulary appear that you would like to review and practice, you can always come back Go back and review what we talked about.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask and be sure to write a comment and answer some of these questions yourself, please use English. Dan: Yes. Vanessa: Thank you so much for joining me, Dan. Dan: You're welcome. It was very nice. Vanessa: Yes, I appreciate your time. Dan: It was a trip. Vanessa: Your energy. Oh, it was a trip. Yes, today we discuss many different topics. Thank you very much also for learning English with me and Dan today. See you next Friday for a new


here on my YouTube channel. Bye bye. Dan: Bye. Vanessa: The next step is to download my free ebook, Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English Speaker.
You will learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free


s. Thank you so much. Bye bye.

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