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9 English Conversation Questions to Know Someone Better

Apr 12, 2024
nihilistic, although in general I feel quite positive. I think I can maintain positivity even though I feel nihilistic about many things. Alright, let's move on to our next question. Dan: The next question is if you could wake up tomorrow and gain one quality or skill, what would it be? Vanessa: Hmm. Maybe it's a bit selfish to say this because it's not a quality, but an ability that I would like to have, can I choose something magical? Dan: Hmm. Well. Yes. Vanessa: I would love to... Dan: There are no rules here. Vanessa: Okay. I would love to be able to snap my fingers and our family would appear in a different place.
9 english conversation questions to know someone better
Dan: Wow. Oh, like... Vanessa: This means there's no need to travel. Dan: ...teleportation. Vanessa: Yes. We could instantly, boom, be in Tokyo. Boom, being in Rio de Janeiro. Boom, being at my parents' house. Boom, come to your parents' house. Oh, wouldn't that be amazing? Dan: Your parents' house. Vanessa: Your parents' house. It would be great because just that travel process. I love it, like we said, we like to travel and go places and have adventures, but sometimes travel is part of it, sometimes we say travel is a curse. Dan: Yes. Vanessa: We love being there, but we don't like getting there.
9 english conversation questions to know someone better

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9 english conversation questions to know someone better...

Dan: I mean, it could be kind of fun. But planning a trip is no fun. Vanessa: Yes. I'm sure there are many other things I would really like to do if I had a genie with a magic lamp and could gain a quality or ability, but this is the first thing that came to mind. And I also had a couple of sips of this wine, port, so that was my answer. Dan: So he wants to teleport to the wine shop. Vanessa: No, I don't. We'll probably drink... Dan: Is that what you do when you teleport? Vanessa: I probably drink alcohol maybe once a month, maybe less.
9 english conversation questions to know someone better
Dan: Yes, once a month is about right. Vanessa: Yes. Maybe a glass of wine once a month, so they can say I'm a lightweight. What about you? What is a quality or skill you would like to have? Dan: Hmm. So I was thinking about this and first I thought about invisibility. It's kind of cliché, but... Vanessa: Classic. Dan: ...I think I would have preferred it, probably a lot of you have seen Star Wars. Do you remember in the original Star Wars where Ben Kenobi goes up to the Stormtrooper and tells him, and he waves his hand and basically hypnotizes them and makes them do what he wants?
9 english conversation questions to know someone better
Vanessa: Oh my God. Dan: "We're not the travelers you're looking for." Vanessa: Oh, yeah. He says something like that. Dan: That thing. "You'll let me into the building." I would do that. Vanessa: You already said you wanted to be king. You want to have influence, now you want people to do what you want. Dan: No, it's not that I want to trick them. I just want to


things. He would go to the White House and talk to the guards and tell them, "I belong here." And then I would go into... Vanessa: In my cat sweater, I belong here.
Dan: ...the White House and I would approach Donald Trump for now. In the end it will be Joe Biden, I guess, or whoever. I don't


. And I was like, "I belong here." Vanessa: Tell me all your secrets. Dan: Yes. "Tell me what you're really thinking." Or I'd like to be a CIA agent or something. "You will show me your secret vaults." And then I would have all the knowledge and then knowledge is power. Vanessa: And you would rule the world. Dan: No, I would be like some kind of journalist. He would reveal it to the world.
Unless what I found was very dangerous, which I suppose there's probably something very dangerous out there. Then I would say, "It doesn't matter. I won't share this with the world." And everyone would go crazy. Vanessa: Uh-huh. Dan: Which is probably what they're thinking. Vanessa: Yes. Dan: Look, this is where my mind goes. Vanessa: I think we're a little different on this. Dan: So maybe instant hypnotism. Hypnotism. Vanessa: Oh. As long as you are


who uses your powers for good. Dan: I would use it forever, guys. Vanessa: Yes. Because you can also do a lot of bad things in that situation.
Dan: That's true. "You will leave the building." Vanessa: "You will give me all your money." Dan: Oh yeah. I didn't even think about that. Vanessa: Good. That's good. Dan: That's how you know I would use my power for good. Vanessa: Yes. Let's go to our last question. Our last question is what do you feel most grateful for in life? Dan: I only have cliché answers for this, but they're cliché because they're true. I am very grateful to have a fantastic and wonderful wife. Yes, you guys have no idea. Although you might have an idea. Hmm. And healthy children, great children, fantastic children, fantastic baby.
And good health for me. There you go. Vanessa: That's great. Dan: That's the trifecta. Vanessa: Hmm. Yeah. Well, she was thinking those things... Dan: And then she thought. Vanessa: Of course, I have a wonderful husband and kids, but I also think that... Dan: She loves our minivan. Vanessa: It's this Christmas tree. I'm kidding. It's not that Christmas tree. I think something that ties all of this together is that I am very grateful for our work. Dan: I was going to say you guys. Vanessa: Well, you were very included in that because without you we wouldn't have a job teaching English.
Dan: Yes. Vanessa: But I think it's true that yes, we can have a great husband or kids or health, but if you can't spend time together, then it's a little sad, right? Dan: Yes. Vanessa: Thanks to this job, we can work from home. We can work on our own. If it's a beautiful day outside, we ditch work and go for a walk. If it's raining outside or a terrible day, we work. It's so flexible that, thanks to you, we can really spend time together. And that's what I like to do the most. Dan: Yeah. Vanessa: So being able to have this kind of open lifestyle, where we do something we like, something creative, where at 9:00 p.m. m. and at 10:00 p.m. m.
At night, we can sit in front of our Christmas. tree and drink wine and ask each other stupid


and I hope they see it, but we can do that. And thanks to that we can also spend time together. So I think I'm very grateful for this job. So thanks. Dan: Yes. Vanessa: Thank you all. I'm grateful for you. Dan: And none of this would be possible without the Internet. Vanessa: Yes. Dan: So we should really be grateful for the Internet. Vanessa: Wow. Thanks internet. Yes. Dan: Thanks, internet. Vanessa: On that note, I'd like to thank you so much for watching this


and thank you, Dan, for joining me.
Dan: You're welcome. I hope it wasn't too crazy. Vanessa: Yes. I hope you find this interesting and useful for vocabulary, grammar and your listening skills. If you want to take your listening skills to the next level, maybe you saw this


and thought, "Yeah, I understand Dan and Vanessa pretty well, but I can't understand movies and TV shows. I can understand them, but I can't understand other people. " Well, I have good news. I would like to invite you to join us for our course, the 30-Day English Listening Challenge. On December 22 we are going to open Pack 5 of the Listening Challenge, which means that we have been doing it for five years in a row.
Amazing. At the end of each year, we open the Listening Challenge, a new version of the Listening Challenge. And that means that in the month of January, every day I will give you a new listening lesson. And that will test your listening skills and help you develop your knowledge. So I hope you can join us. Thank you very much for joining us. Let us know in the comments some answers to these


so we can learn more about each other and get to know you. Dan: Yes. Tell us the most embarrassing moments of your life. Vanessa: Yes.
Let us know online in the comments section. That will be great. Well, thank you very much for learning English with us and we'll see you again next Friday for a new lesson here on my YouTube channel. Bye bye. Dan: Bye. Well. The next question is your houch, your houch. Damn. Alright. I'm not moving. Vanessa: So in that sense... Dan: I wasn't ready. Wait, I'm not ready yet. Well. I'm ready now. It's 20% (alcohol), you know? vanessa: That was a lot. You say, “And then we all get on a dragon and fly away?! I wasn't expecting this. Dan: I know.
Well, I said everyone was kissing me, so I thought it must be absurd in the end. Hide your puppies. Vanessa: What? My puppies? Dan: She's a nihilist. Vanessa: A nihilist doesn't mean you're a murderer. Dan: Will to power. Oh, the mind control of the word. Vanessa: Do you want to have mind control? Dan: Oh, I'm just listening to you. Vanessa: Thank you. Dan: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Vanessa: Okay. Let's say the next one... Dan: I'm going to move on to yours. Vanessa: Hey, that's mine. Dan: You drink too slow. Vanessa: No, I'm also talking and trying to organize a video at the same time.
Dan: I save all my sips for intermission. Is so easy. She is my wife. Vanessa: Oh, I wasn't going to tell you. Dan: I was going to say my beautiful couch. Vanessa: This wine. Dan: This Christmas tree, this table I found at a flea market. I'm like that, I love you. Grateful. Vanessa: The next step is to download my free ebook Five Steps to Becoming a Confident English Speaker. You will learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently. Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons. Thank you so much.
Bye bye.

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