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FPS Basketball in Minecraft

Apr 19, 2024
zud your goal is to stay with Biffle they're winning I suck B guys if you think we can win hit the like button hit the subscribe button oh no guys guys we gotta do better. We better come to a Hey, how are you? did you hook me? I'm going for I'm going for I'm going for I'm watching this I'm watching this jump and boom, come on Bo, we needed that, I see I can't kill Pat or not Pat Uh bivel my legs I haven't done anything wrong Dash use my IR shield Pat killed me wait for why didn't I jump why didn't I jump up there please I suck bble I suck bble shoot bble shoot bble, I suck it, no Sho, don't shoot again, wait, you know what I'm going to put in my portal.
fps basketball in minecraft
Blaster. I need help. I go to my portal. Blaster right there.and of course, no, he didn't, oh my god, look at my portals, buddy, they're protecting him, use my iron grip, oh, he brings, go all the way up, go all the way, use my iron grip, I still have iron grip, what are you doing? You're doing, wait, what I, we, he, I can't, JP, I shot him grades, I bombed him, I wiped him out, I wiped him out, I wiped him out. I've got the ball, I've got my no, no, I'm coming, B's coming in, baby, I hate this, I hate this, why don't we stop Biff?
fps basketball in minecraft

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Like how do you stop? I'm using my shield and then dunking it. I don't have my jump. Go there with you and jump. Come on, we didn't get lost. How was that Miss Sho? Shoot everything, stop it. I stopped. he's scor no, we still have these guys Slay Slay 19 to 22 you're surprised no, I lost him, man, I died, I died the ball, come here don't even stop, please, I have B dead, Biv dead, no, Pat him You have it, you missed it Miss, do I have it? I have it again no it still has it why is there no one on your side boy come here go use all your momentum everything use my iron shield jump I'm back nuclear I'm back it's not that hard hard how many bombs what did you just do for me, you died, I almost died, no, we're down, we've got a minute, we've got to score, we've got a minute, mi shoo um, oh my god, why guys, what's going on?
fps basketball in minecraft
I missed my gun, okay, no, no, stop it, stop it. for neither nice nor come on get the mate get the mate what we needed I'm literally I'm literally dead I'm Wily dead right now Sho protect the nice middle H oh, did I kill him? He has what I shot at him. Three of us, wrong again Sun Bo, do everything Sunny, where are you going. I'm going to defend baby, no you're not and here wait, why didn't he shoot how gra in the air? No way, no way, fool, that was crazy, we did it. drop, drop, give, give the ball, we have 30 seconds, keep the lead, keep the lead if they score once they win, it's me, it's me, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, nice sun, go, go, go, he is too and shoot.
fps basketball in minecraft
Please, please, that's a triple, that's a triple, no how, just keep it, just keep it, you see, keep it, keep it and run and run, B's got the ball, I'm going to warm up, I'm going for it . I'm going for it Move Get it defense good defense defense buddy why was it so intense oh my god blue team wait come here come here come here talk about this about this you like it press the like button subscribe button we did it

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