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I Play FPS Chess in Minecraft

Apr 02, 2024
Guys, welcome to Minecraft FPS


when the pieces collide, they fight against the attacking pieces, they gained twice as much health and twice as much damage, gay, collect crafting materials to upgrade your pieces, guys, we will explain this to you as we


, this mod is sick, it's me and oh god yes. Biffle and Sizzles are the black team you guys get ready get off the board we're trying to


a game okay so you guys are going to do ping pong how does this work? I'm going to grab a piece and I have no idea. how to play


so I'm going to grab one of these pawns and I'm going to move it two places oh material will just appear right there if we do it we can improve our pieces.
i play fps chess in minecraft
I'll go get it and see how it works. Guys I have bad news tune out yeah I'm just going to say no he can get that one too the next one so all these pieces have different abilities when we go into battle and guys do me a favor chest with that one like button, are you okay? RussellRussell. put a like button next to his face I just don't know, it's okay, I should fight the stamps, is it that or not, no, it's literally okay, why not? Oh wait, I should do my, I should do the updates before he updates, we have the advantage, oh.
i play fps chess in minecraft

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i play fps chess in minecraft...

That's right, because we attacked with advantage and he forgot to upgrade, so you can see the upgrade screen on the right, we can add a bunch of upgrades to all the people, oh, on the bottom left we have two different attacks, we have both different ones we have. one right attack oh, I missed I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, no, I'm on the other one, oh my God, Sunny, where are you okay? I'm here, they do a lot of damage, brother, who? Is this oh no oh I didn't kill him I just got checked twice he's here you can't hit what you can't smell I can smell you come on who is it?
i play fps chess in minecraft
He's fine, put it together, which means his piece is now off the board on Sunday. Come on, I upgraded our pawns so that doesn't happen again, Biffle, but you don't want to waste all your upgrade points on the ponds, okay, wait, I think it's my turn, no, it's your turn, it's your turn to move, okay, but. play chess I don't know anything about chess we have to think about this we have to make strategy because if we attack we get doubly full always be on the right attack defend okay, well, I don't want to expose the king because if the king dies we die I'm doing I'm going to do I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to do that yeah this is stupid I don't care if I make easy money you know what I do I'm getting my horses, they're getting the horses, they're getting on the horses, so the horse is moving in the shape of I literally hate this, they are getting all the updates.
i play fps chess in minecraft
The voice is random, good on Sunday, please, no, they. Let's go to Gold, we can just attack. I'm using upgrades. If I use my knight and attack his pawn, we would have to boost it and it is also a knight. We had this one, they updated it. Okay, we're at level two. have a sprint and an attack, yes, but we have a hook of justice, oh, we attack fast, oh, you are wither, you are good, why are you winning?, yes, now we wither, good with her or not, here we go , oh, just, just wanted me. I didn't say no chance I know what you're thinking You're thinking Okay, there's a problem Okay, they're taking our parts, but okay, I'm about to use up all of our upgrades.
I have all the updates. It's okay, it's okay. Well, do you trust me? Okay, so the horse can run and has a sword attack that fires twice the power. Wait, they have double the strength and they also upgraded the pawn, right? Yeah, level two pawns come here, man, on Sunday, this could. be our first cell, come here, let's see, I'll play them, so does the Sprint hurt? I don't know the damage. Okay, be nice to Ice, come here, use your Sprint and run towards them. Are you ready? Three, two, almost dead people, do something. I'm a pawn, I set you up for success, they're abandoning us, wait, we get, we get things, we got one, we got one and right in front of you on the horse too, wait, can I get him on the horse?
I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, the horse can't move anywhere else, we have three irons, so if I come in here we can spend three Zed irons, what should we upgrade? Should we update the thing that goes in diagonal patterns? What is work called? Don't know. Bishop, the bishop has shells, oh wait, he starts upgrading that thing before we start using it. He splits the projectiles, you need to win, wait, they bounce too, what does he do? So I have three irons. We'll make split projectiles, nice projectile bounces, we'll update it twice, now we have level two split projectiles, cool, so we won't miss out anymore, don't look at all the resources, I'm pretty brilliant, I'm making a stand, don't do it .
Worry, I have a plan, okay, what are you going to do? Hurry up and go, it's my turn, so we have emeralds on our side. Now I'm going to go ahead and grab those little emeralds real quick and then get the emerald. Okay, we got them too. Can I even use my muscles? Although you need to use iron first before using Emerald, so I need to get more iron. Well, this is what I'm thinking. Well, from the night, this is the night, what goes left, right and up. and down, no, yes, we can move anywhere, so I'm going to take it out and take all the resources. cannonball okay let's move on and I need emeralds I need three emeralds to upgrade well they have them all right now so wow there are resources literally everywhere okay cool yeah you know what what do you know.
I'm going to move our Queen here and just take all that, yeah, bring it, she's got superpowers, you know what, I gotta move my horse back, I gotta move my horse back, give me those numbers, okay, okay, completely update this, here we go, okay. Queen is fully upgraded before, okay, I need, I need two more emeralds and then we've fully upgraded that guy, okay, right here, I'm muting you guys so you can't hear me, listen, okay, you guys have white noise in your ears. I'm going to grab these emeralds, yeah, yeah, they can't hear us, they can't hear us, they can't hear us right now, hey, you can't, I'm going to fully max out Cannonball's firing speed, and then I'm going to increase Cannonball's speed, so every time he shoots, he goes very fast oh um no thanks I'm going to use the castle friend and I'm going to attack oh so we have a shield oh hello guys it's a good night for chess where the pawns were oh good night because like the nights in chess Wait, this is one night.
I don't know any of these names. Alright. Alright. Listen. I have more puns. Wait. Alright. Sounds good, man. Thank you. I lost it. I lost the battle schedules because I'm just a rookie. How sure are you about that? We could eliminate a queen with a pawn, eh, come on, oh, they're scary, okay, we need a plan of attack, what's the plan? Attack them, you're going to die, yes you guys are so dead, I'm dead, I'm dead. I'm dying. What is it that I didn't want to kill anyone? That was all stealth. She said it was broken.
This is what I think about them. This is what I think. That's what I have to say. This is what I have to say. No. I care about diamonds I need iron I'm going to grab iron I'm going to sacrifice maybe sacrifice this guy so you get a bishop they only have 16 here, wait, have you updated them? Yeah, these guys are maxed out, should I? upgrade a pawn, no, they're dead to us, wait, stop, wizard, amp, you can wither, wait, enter, never mind, they drop dead, buddy, but then our pawn can kill his queen on Sunday.
I think we'll take just one hit, I don't think so. worth more blade rings oh okay, okay, uh, let's do that, oh, that's the queen, is this the queen with the pointy hat? I think so, okay, then you should take this guy out, no, okay, Queen, no, you know what to do, okay? I have more emeralds okay I'm going to upgrade the queen if our Queen ever attacks someone she will want our Queen to be fully functional. updates updates update fortify improve uh increase orbit duration uh here we go there we go that's maxed out the horse is pretty Op, do the horse, the horse, the horse, cut the distance, the chess player at the end of his meal , checkmate, okay, it's there for the Aussies, let me check our upgrades, guys, our castle is two emeralds short of increasing Cannonball's speed, but that's not important, do you think? our castle can take out his horse let's do it honestly why not in your dreams he is in the middle you have this before you have this oh here is my shield I use my shield I use my shield I'm shooting I'm shooting I'll help you no Don't do that I have two shots What do you mean?
Look at me Look at you I'm looking at you I'm looking at you Yes He's still looking to improve It's okay It's okay This is going well We're going to see his King soon Do you think the bishop can eliminate the knight twice? Impulse don't do anything. Oh, it's okay, it doesn't hurt that much. It's not that fast. It's quite long. However, does it run? Hello friend, I'm nowhere. seven keep bouncing yeah no, come here, come here, yeah, I got it, I died, buddy, he misses this, where is it, you just need that, that's all, it's on your left, straight, on Sunday, it I know, no, it's great Justice, do you know what to do? look on the right side, we need emeralds, no, um, yeah, I know, look on the right side, uh, increase projectile bounces, do it, oh my god, I see someone, look on the right side, do it I'll catch it, I'll take the emerald to the Emmy. and iron fiddle I'm going to try to cut the emeralds, cut them, I got it, no, they are very good guys, they increase the bounces of those, oh, okay, we are throwing in their bins.
I'm maximizing everything on the left, so. the left side of the upgrades are all like the attacks on the right side are like the defenses and they are weakening, don't touch me, this is a touch moment, okay, I don't feel too bad, we need, we need to turn their milks or queen to attack I haven't done it yet, I should use the queen, we could take out the queen, it's the upgraded queen, uh, Dash cooldown, oh she has a dash, did I reduce some skills, what do you mean that do you need skills? We're saying things that don't make sense but we need skills look what I'm doing looking oh wouldn't you dare wouldn't you dare checkmate I don't think that's how it works Solitaire that's different Anyway, I get this gold, thanks, that's my gold attack, it's no longer my loot.
Should I use this against his Cannon? But it bounces, we can be left behind, they haven't upgraded their Cannon yet, although yes, we have, oh no. You're not that smart, just attack, how many rebounds does it make? Oh, it bounces everywhere, so just spam it, just shoot non-stop. I just hit them both really well. They beat me too. This is not just keep spamming, just keep spamming every time. I'm 25. we own them, we own them look at this where I'm built who is this wait who beats me to this oh no no no no no no no no he's on the back of the horse I'm dead I'm dead for once in a while your life despite the pinks, shoot, I'm ghostly, why would you shoot alone at the wall I'm protecting if I attack your King and kill him?
We won't win, you good luck idiot, oh yeah, it's the King, there's no way, uh, yeah, in your fucking dreams, real fast, you're shooting super fast and we have shields killing me, the moment he keeps protecting, wait, You can heal, I can't heal in time, uh, they're actually concentrating. they don't take damage I know this ain't no good that kills him by throwing him like beers hey buddy, hey buddy, boy, hey buddy, you think you're the case, where are you going, the money, keep cutting and dodging, keep dying. I swear by death. upset, he's faster than us, he died, he died, I'm dead, wait, he's not dead, even though I am, my body is still there or what I killed him, he's dead, he's okay, he's healing, he's healing here little one, why are you here?
You have to kill him no way you win this don't tell me who he is you literally died to nothing people you literally died for nothing no no you literally died to nothing are you kidding are you kidding? I'm not hurting you, but you were missing something. Hit the Like button and the Subscribe button. Miss Jundy did it. Why am I not winning? But you can't see it.

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