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Hunter Biden Verdict Blows Up MAGA Conspiracy Theory About Trump's Crimes: A Closer Look

Jun 13, 2024
-Well, corrupt Joe Biden has once again manipulated the courts and weaponized the justice system by orchestrating a vast


to conceal his


and steal the election by... having his own son convicted of multiple


serious. To learn more about this, it's time for "A Closer Look." You might think of Joe Biden as a kind old man who occasionally trips down the stairs or tries to disappear into his happy place during press conferences, or turns around and smiles at the camera like he's the Fonz walking out of Arnold's Diner. "I'll see you nerds later. I have a date with the Randazzo triplets.
hunter biden verdict blows up maga conspiracy theory about trump s crimes a closer look
Ouch, oh, my back!" There was also this moment from a Juneteenth celebration at the White House on Monday, where Biden stood extremely still while everyone around him danced during a concert. -♪ That's how it's supposed to be ♪ ♪ More of you, less of me ♪ -Why is it so...? He seems like a time traveler amazed by the wonders the future beholds. "Are you having fun at the concert?" "Yes, I'm enjoying my time. I'm enjoying being in your present." This is a good reminder that while I would like a president who could, you know, at least swing back and forth a little, this election is a binary election, and I prefer Stone Cold Joe Biden to a puppy salesman hot that I only have two left to sell.
hunter biden verdict blows up maga conspiracy theory about trump s crimes a closer look

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hunter biden verdict blows up maga conspiracy theory about trump s crimes a closer look...

But seriously, what is going on here? He's more still than one of those golden subway guys that scare you when they move. The only time anyone has been this still in public was me when I was standing next to Joe Biden. However, I liked this question from gospel singer Kirk Franklin. -Can I please do one more? First of all, do your feet hurt? - No, my feet don't hurt, because I haven't moved them even once. I'm not kidding. At my age, you keep them in one place and you're fine. Now, a quick disclaimer for anyone who is upset by my "Biden is old" jokes: It's okay.
hunter biden verdict blows up maga conspiracy theory about trump s crimes a closer look
He is the most powerful man in the world. He can take a joke. As we have made clear repeatedly on this program, there is no equivalence between a competent 81-year-old man who occasionally shows signs of age and a demented 77-year-old criminal who says the dead rigged the election and thinks electric boat batteries will cause shark attacks. -I went to a boat company in South Carolina. The ship, I said, how is it? He said, "It's a problem, sir. They want us to make all the boats electric." So I said, let me ask you a question. And he said no one ever asks this question.
hunter biden verdict blows up maga conspiracy theory about trump s crimes a closer look
And it must be because of MIT, my relationship with MIT. Very smart. He says... I say, "What if the boat sank under your weight and you were in the boat and you had this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery was now underwater, and there was a shark that was about 10 yards above?" there?" If the boat sinks, the water goes over the battery. The boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over the shark and not get electrocuted? Because I'll tell you that he didn't know the answer.
He said, "You know, no one has ever asked me that question." -Was this long random tangent just a convenient ploy so we could find a way to play that clip again? I'll let you decide. clip on Monday, but I'm still very obsessed with it. Which brings us to a new segment called "Seth is still obsessed with something from a previous '



'." He said no one ever asks this question. And it must be because of MIT, my relationship with MIT. -If you're wondering what he means by his relationship with MIT, Trump's uncle was a professor there a few decades ago. relationship with MIT.
My uncles owned a liquor store. That doesn't mean I have a relationship with alcohol. -Oh no. I will not do it. You're crazy? Guys, this show is a terrible idea. -Good good good! Bad example, bad example. But explain this. -Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted? Or do I jump over the shark and not get electrocuted? -It's the ocean. Why do you jump towards the shark? Jump away from the shark. I'm not going to say the shark won't catch you, but at least make it work for it. Also, this crazy situation will never happen to you, but if it did happen to you, the most likely outcome is that you will drown.
I mean, how long could Donald Trump stay afloat? What would that be like? Would it


like this? Sometimes it turns out even better than you think it will look. "Battery or shark" is a strange choice. I'm starting to think Trump might have smoked whatever weed Biden had at his White House concert. Would you rather be electrocuted by a battery or eaten by a shark? I do not know, man. I'm just a glass of orange juice. This has been "Seth is still obsessed with something from a previous '


look'." Anyway... The point I was trying to make when I started this "closer look": how long ago?
One hour? - is that Joe Biden may sometimes look old, but it turns out that all that is just a show for the cameras. Biden is not the kind grandfather he pretends to be. In reality, he is an evil puppet master pulling all the strings and carrying out his diabolical plan to crush his enemies and turn America into a woke dictatorship, starting with Trump's guilty


. -Joe Biden is using the judicial system and law enforcement as weapons against his political and ideological enemies. -We have a fully armed and politicized Department of Justice that has taken off its hands and gloves when it comes to the Biden family, while going after conservatives all day. -All this is done by Biden and his people. -The coordination between the Main Court, the Democratic Party, the White House and, unfortunately, the New York judicial system just to catch Donald Trump. -They were the Democrats, the Biden regime and the Department of Justice working to try to overthrow Donald J.
Trump. -That is the type of Stalinist tactics that the Democratic Party and Joe Biden have used to turn the legal system into a weapon not only against President Trump, but also against Republicans or conservatives. -You have these... these two people, you know, in the White House right now, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who are orchestrating all of this. -This lawfare and this electoral interference strategy that Joe Biden was orchestrating, directing and doing to his political opponent. -This is Biden's trial. Let's be clear. -The master puppeteers and pulling all the strings. -This is the contradiction of how the right wants us to see Biden.
Either he is a puppet master pulling all the strings, or he is a puppet whose puppet master has taken the day off. Biden looks like toys from "Toy Story" when Andy returns to the room. These people think that Joe Biden is secretly lurking behind every bad thing that happens to them. First came Trump's guilty


in his criminal trial for paying hush money to a porn star to defraud the electorate. But now Biden has accomplished his greatest, and perhaps most intriguing, feat yet. -Breaking news: A verdict has been reached in the Hunter Biden criminal trial. -They have found him guilty of all three charges. -This is the first trial of a son of a sitting president in the history of the United States.
President Biden's son now faces possible jail time. -That's how it is. Joe Biden used the Department of Justice as a weapon against his own son. Hunter must be very angry. He may have to go to jail for a non-violent crime. Meanwhile, Major, the former White House dog, bit a group of Secret Service agents and his only punishment was being sent back to Delaware. Which, to someone from Manhattan, sounds like prison. Now, you would think this news would definitively refute the GOP's ridiculous notion that Joe Biden is somehow pulling strings to attack his political opponents, since he can't even get the Justice Department to fire the his own son.
But that's not how the Republican Party's reality distortion field works. His


theories are infallible. They cannot be refuted. When a lie is debunked, a bigger, crazier lie takes its place. Because now the same Republicans who spent months demanding Hunter Biden's prosecution are claiming that Hunter Biden's prosecution is actually just a distraction. -Everyone knows what this trial with Hunter Biden was about. It's all about smoke and mirrors. This is the red herring. This is a distraction. -This entire trial has been a huge distraction from the true crimes of the corrupt Biden crime family. -In fact, I believe that the Department of Justice is prosecuting this crime with firearms so that they do not have to pursue the crimes that lead directly to Joe. -Stephen Miller is twisting today's conviction this way, saying that the Department of Justice is interfering in the election for Joe Biden. -Is Hunter Biden taking the blame to save his dad? -It sure looks like that. -You only think that Joe Biden would incriminate his own son because that is definitely something Trump would do.
She probably just called him Don Jr. so she could pin crimes on him. I swear you got the wrong Donald Trump. He was that guy. If you check Don Jr.'s birth certificate, his middle name is Patsy. This conspiracy


has been fermenting in the feverish swamps of the right for months: the idea that Biden was actually somehow covering up his crimes by accusing his own son. When Republican Congressman James Comer brought up the topic in a CNN interview, Jake Tapper couldn't help but mock him to his face. -We think this is just the tip of the iceberg.
We believe there are many more crimes, and my concern is that Weiss may have impeached Hunter Biden to protect him from having to be deposed... -Ah! Yes. the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. -Yes, he accused him to protect him. Yes. The classic rubric. He accused him to protect him. I have it. -We have said it before and we will say it again. They just touched you! Republicans, you have gone crazy! And remember, kids, never swim near a battery or you'll be electrocuted! - Electrocuted. Trump was found guilty on 34 counts by a jury of his peers because he committed a crime, and that's how the justice system works.
Hunter Biden's guilty verdict disproves his conspiracy theories, but the right cannot accept anything that invalidates his persecution complex. They believe there is a great, dark conspiracy orchestrated by Joe Biden, a guy who freezes in place as if he had just seen... -The shark that is approximately ten meters away. -This has been "A closer look." ♪♪

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