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Brad Goes Spearfishing in Hawaii | It's Alive: Goin' Places | Bon Appétit

May 02, 2020
Hey guys, today we're


g to


around her off the Kona coast on the Big Island of Hawaii and I'm teaming up with Kimi Werner getting into the ocean


. Kinane returning to land and holding those fish for a little feast. Don't be more excited to learn about this sport. I take it in order but it seems that we are already here. Sorry, there is a way. Yes, I'm excited. I'm not


g to lie a little nervous. You know, I woke up like 25 times. last night, but that's the fun part, you know, it's great, we want a place that's superficial, you know, we don't want to take you too deep, we want a place that's, you know, just a goal that you can reach and that you can reach, just We're going to look for any type of structure, any type of habitat that reef fish can live in, you know, small rocks, caves or sandbags.
brad goes spearfishing in hawaii it s alive goin places bon app tit
One thing that's really interesting about Hawaii is that we have a wide variety of different types of reef fish. I mean, are there any? fish that definitely shouldn't throw a spear, don't shoot that one is a very colorful, beautiful and cool pattern. Triggerfish are protected because they are our state fish and they are the humuhumunukunukuapua'a. I'm not even going to try to say one more. time basically I mean our strategy is going to be to just relax as much as we can because that's going to save oxygen and breathe deeply and slowly you're going to try to get to the bottom once you're at the bottom just try to make your movements really slow just keep that oxygenation yeah Yes, don't rush with a kick, don't rush with a thought, don't rush with a movement, conserve your oxygen and any rushed or awkward movement will simply drive the fish away from you.
brad goes spearfishing in hawaii it s alive goin places bon app tit

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brad goes spearfishing in hawaii it s alive goin places bon app tit...

When you see a fish swimming by every part of your body, you will start to react sharply, you will get excited, you will want to get there faster, you will realize that you have to breathe and all these things will be your worst enemies, okay, so just recognize that rush, that fear, that panic, whatever, that adrenaline and tell it to beat it, tell it to go away and discover that Zen finds that perfect relaxed state of mind. I'll definitely do my best, I guess. I'm more ready than ever. I think so, oh my gosh, what are you really going to do when you're on the surface?
brad goes spearfishing in hawaii it s alive goin places bon app tit
You're just going to lie on your stomach, make sure every part of your body feels relaxed and when you feel like you're a little full of oxygen and ready to go, you're just going to take one last one, that's pretty good. Well, I felt like it was eight seconds, so yeah, I mean, once you know who we have our snorkel. We'll hang out, you know, breathe well. I mean what kind of Fisher game here. A good start would be with tang tang fish. She heard that the name is up to par. Hey? A unicorn fish, we call it, which is a green claw and it will have knives on its back everything has knives huh, I'll get you one too, I ran out of the boat, you know you're a beginner and I'm sure my body will tell me how long alone I will predict that I will be able to even if you go 3 seconds, that's fine, when it's the first time, you know that you are going to do so many new things at once and you are going to think a lot, so all that will take your breath away. your PR, my personal best was 4 minutes and 45 seconds, but do I really try not to push it once I get to 2 minutes or even start getting close to that?
brad goes spearfishing in hawaii it s alive goin places bon app tit
I usually tend to back off and go back up if I can't get a fish in that amount of time. I feel like it's best to rethink my strategy. You know, I'd rather work on my technique than just work on holding my breath. This is a very good sign. They are one of the most sustainable things that exist. you can catch them here in Hawaii, their lifespan is only two years, there are a lot of them and the hard part is finding them, yeah, not because there aren't a lot of them, but because they are very common flies and then, and then you grab them, there's another one. challenge, yeah, yeah, I saw it, but we definitely want you to know, put this thing out of its misery right now and so how do we do it?
If I'm going to fight right between the eyeballs, that's fine, and it may seem weird or gross or wild, but. It's just the most humane way to kill an octopus so quickly, that's it, it's good. Wow, a lot of people will try it in spirit or use a knife and you're like snooping around and guessing that she's on top of us, so she longs for where you are. I can actually feel the brain and in a second, a crunch, probably say yeah, that's it, but I noticed there were a lot of fish like Peck Anatomy. Totally, sometimes you have to use certain animals to find the one you're looking for completely or find a. nice and beautiful surprise, so we will continue, but yes, actually the work was wrong first, yes, they are doing well, well, we will have something to eat tonight, eh, no, I mean, you have only one mango, is it just a one-handed shooting type?
I always use one hand to be sure and then the other can is my tracking, what do you say? We get out of the water, come back and celebrate these fish. Beautiful, that's quite real. Pretty. We're going to go bring these fish into the water, we can just clean them in the water, putting all the nutrients in there and yeah, absolutely start salting and softening the hay, yeah, sure, and the biggest one you can scale, okay, the yellow one, You can climb it, but your mom Elaine doesn't. Don't scale this guttin, that's this one, yeah, we're going to use that skin to cook it.
Do you need a knife or something? Not for the octopus, you can just use your hands, you can turn its head, it's fine and then everything. the guts are here for the octopus, we only use Hawaiian salt because it's a good way to clean it when you start massaging it to soften it yes of course, yes exactly, it really helps to get out all the nasaw slug that taught you how to do it. that Kimmy is learning from everyone, everyone has their own path, some people really hit it on the rocks, some people have a separate washer that they just use to hang the dryer, there's a place in New York that they have like a laundry line machines is only for octopuses exactly oh yes, right there oh they love octopus is that where they get so cold I can't think of a better place or way to clean the fish than the salt water that is there where it lives on prosperous days to which nothing


waste in the ocean, right, not at all, you take a life and you feed a life, is it bad to touch them?
Yes, totally legal, some beauties. I think gimme, you agree, a little less is more here, I mean, it doesn't get any cooler than that. Let that kind of thing speak and come to light, yeah, I think when your ingredients were literally swimming an hour ago and they're this fresh, you don't want to get in the way? You know, I'm still covering it up. It's almost like a crime in my opinion, yes, dumping store-bought teriyaki sauce on me doesn't mean you know I'm a big fan of some of the smaller fish that the industry considers a bycatch or nuisance, but like you .
I know we can't all just eat tuna and salmon, no no, I think the key to sustainability is to diversify our options, especially when you go down the food chain, that's the most responsible way to eat, that's how you said it Worldwide. I know we are all collectively aiming for the same thing for the fish, obviously that is no longer good. Well, I have to say that I am completely impressed with how today went and with the new Kimmy. You don't know how much that means. I've been nervous for a while I was a little nervous about the way you somehow intuitively knew how to work with the ocean you didn't fight the current you didn't fight the waves you learned how to deal with it and how to use it to your advantage About that, I think was why did you get fish, it's a hard lesson to learn, yes I can tell you all the technical things, but you panic, exactly, exactly, wonderful pleasure, yes, there is a beautiful weight, oh no, Kimmy, it's not a bad place to cook I can't complain great I love the color compared to what we think we have to perceive love even respect thank you for nurturing us oh yes that looks great eh yes it looks real yes I'm very happy, Yes, I'm going to go find a chef. great oh yeah it looks like turmeric disappearing guys right oh this is the opportunity for the oil and I will never forget it when I shot the second set of fish.
I heard you go underwater, Carrie Smith, you're sarcastic, yeah, that's a good thing. burned in my brain oh, we have a dog in every episode we have a dog is important to me oh, how good is that look, huh, I love that skin that becomes like a protective sheet, yes, this is not a burned face, no, it's perfectly cut right underneath it's armored and that meat underneath is going to be perfect oh wow look how wet all the oils say oh you're not kidding oh my god Wow, I don't want it to be anything different oh my god, no I won't have to either stop talking for a mom.
I know what this fish is called. The real name in Hawaiian is Pulu. Wow, that's one of the tastiest fish I've ever had. It's great, incredulous. Hey, do they serve this in restaurants? I have never seen a Palani or Apollo and Arash, ever, I can't understand that rain, we opened my restaurant right here and they just look at the performance, I mean I have to keep saying that like an octopus gave us all this. tray that we can now share with everyone if we only knew where to focus only on the fillets we would only get a piece of fish that big that's all they are made to be eaten whole you know those bones also add moisture and flavor you lose it so much you play with everyone you you fall apart oh yes, yes, Kimmy, thank you sincerely.
I mean, this is such a special day for me and I definitely could have done it without you. Thank you for your patience, taking time out of your busy schedule. to teach me and it felt great and I can't wait to bring this new skill and here in the lifestyle home and you know, maybe when things appeal to my kids and you know, just keep that education and involvement in food . I live because it's so important to me, yeah, I know, honestly, I thank you just for wanting to come to this special place and literally look beneath the surface, you know, and get to know it on a deeper level and thank you, oh yes, thank you.
The ocean and the fish ba and this culture and the people in Hawaii there's just so much more to it, yeah, I couldn't agree more. Greetings, nice day. Thank you. Well, for me, it was as perfect as a day. I couldn't be more grateful for the people I did it with and you know, that humbling feeling of being in that huge ocean, you know, and just trying to catch some fish and celebrating with some new friends. I know it leaves me a little speechless. Many thanks to Kimmi and everyone who made this happen. I hope you enjoyed this because I certainly did and yes, appetite.
Oh, that's not good. Oh boy, put my little heads on and jump into the ocean, and yeah. any advice on forgetting that I saw a movie once or a guy on Instagram or something, you got it, okay we just met, but this is probably who I am. I hardly speak English, the only language you know.

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