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Nancy Pelosi says SCOTUS has 'gone rogue'

Jul 01, 2024
Speaker Pelosi, thank you for being with us. Two years since Roe v Wade was overturned, reproductive rights have been a motivating factor for voters in state elections and ballot initiatives ever since. Do you think it will continue to be like this in November? Yes, I do, like I did in the last election and in the 22 elections, people said, Oh, forget it. The employment decision is in the rearview mirror. I said: No, it's not. It's the kitchen table. It is there as an economic issue for people to make decisions about their families if and when they want to have a family.
nancy pelosi says scotus has gone rogue
It is an economic question. It's a matter of freedom. So today, as a temple, Martha, two years after Adam's decision, across the country Democrats are giving great support to women. Not to mention us like the Republicans do. We are not in favor of birth control, but we do control women. A big difference. This was one of the achievements of her administration. It was her name when she was there to overturn Roe v Wade. His other big decision was a tax bill that gave 83% of benefits to the richest 1%, the worst job creation record since Herbert Hoover. At the same time, under his leadership of Joe Biden, the public and private sectors are working together. 15 million jobs created back at the kitchen table.
nancy pelosi says scotus has gone rogue

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nancy pelosi says scotus has gone rogue...

How do you say your name? Obamacare sucks. I hate using that language, but not that much. Obamacare sucks. No, it doesn't suck. Healing. And Joe Biden has gotten us to a place where we've expanded subsidies to lower costs for more people. And in the IRA, a bill that will reduce the cost of insulin from five dollars, $600 a month, to $35 a month for seniors with Medicare. So when we talk about the cost of living, we worry. But we also understand that access to health care and prescription medications is an important part of that. And certainly the size and timing of our families.
nancy pelosi says scotus has gone rogue
Well, you know, with this debate, sitting presidents have often stumbled in their first debates. Obama, I mean, the list is long. What do you think President Biden should do in this debate? Because we were having this discussion about several of those issues that you talked about and, you know, cited in a way that is very positive for the president to talk about many issues. But there are many people listening who don't feel like their lives are better. Well, here's the thing. And I say this all the time: people don't vote for you because you say you deserve it for what you've done, what you've done just shows that you can do the job.
nancy pelosi says scotus has gone rogue
And again, either you are giving a tax cut to the richest 1% or you are creating jobs for the mass of an economy that bubbles and grows from the center. That's why I always tell people, when you're running, don't say you deserve it for what you've done, but show that you're capable. And what Joe Biden will do is protect a woman's right to choose. He again he will continue to expand the economy from the bottom up. He will be there to protect our planet as they try to undo what we did before. That's why we have to protect what we have done.
But it's not enough. We need to show where we are going from now on. To the kitchen table, a woman's right to choose, job creation and reducing the cost of education. The list goes on and on. Some polls have shown President Biden lagging behind previous levels of support for him with key sectors of the Democratic base. Young people, African American voters, Latino voters, women. What are you talking about? Does that worry you? Does that keep you up at night? Well, today I saw a poll that said among our young people, ages 18 to 30, that Biden was ahead by 23 points, that people did care about a woman's right to choose, LGBTQ and minority issues.
They care about the planet and the rest. Again, we don't torment ourselves. We organized to get that vote. As you know, I came up through the ranks as a grassroots political organizer and said, we just have to own the land to win elections. That mobilization requires a message that is inspiring. And I'm very proud of Joe. And, by the way, I have a nose for good campaigns. And I am very encouraged by what I smell and see throughout the country as the owner of the land. So I'm feeling pretty optimistic about it. And I am very proud of Joe Biden.
And I know he's going to do a good job of saying what we're going to do next, what we're going to do next. I have to ask you about what the former president has been saying about January 6, the former president has been referring to people who have been prosecuted for the actions they took on January 6, attacking police officers storming the Capitol. He refers to them as hostages. He has called them political prisoners. At a recent rally in Las Vegas, he called them warriors. I mean, do you think if he is re-elected he will try to pardon the six accused from January?
But when you hear him use those terms as someone who was there and had to flee, I mean, what do you think of that? Well, I think he's very sickly. You know, I always like to quote our national anthem and we have to show during the night that our flag is still there. And we have to prove through all this difficulty of all the misrepresentations that he is presenting it. It's really sad that people fall for that. But the fact is that we have to show that our flag is still there by showing the difference. We talk about honoring our first responders, our men and women in uniform.
If we do that. No, let's not praise and call warriors the people who attack the more than 100 police officers injured that day. Some died inside because of it. Here's what you know, again, we were there. We saw it. The tragic thing is as horrible as it was and the members know how horrible it was, these people were coming in through the dome, the dome of the Capitol that Lincoln built. Lincoln built it during the Civil War. And he said we need to keep building it, even though we're at war, to show the resilience of America, the Lincoln Dome, the Nazi and Confederate flags under its defecation, the lack of respect for the people who make Congress work in terms of Workers.
Of course, a threat to all members of Congress. They were there. They saw it. Some of them even talked about it that night. But then they changed their mind. For some reason, they have decided to devote themselves to revisionist history of what happened that night. It led me to believe what I see with my own eyes. Or you want me to believe what you have to say about it. You, a former president who incited an insurrection in the capital of the United States, this beacon of freedom to the world and of insurrection against the Constitution of the United States.
On the day that the Constitution required us to validate the election, there was an insurrection against the United States Congress that now some of those members are changing their tune for some reason. That's why we really have to go straight to why people vote. They vote for what it means to them. What does it mean for my children's education, the cost of my health care, the fact that I will have a job, what does it mean for my pension? That's a big contrast between Democrats and Republicans. And by doing so, we can protect our democracy and put an end to these lies the president is telling.
It is typical of his lack of respect for Congress, the Constitution and everything else for what he did that day and what he


now. Does it have any cause? I don't think that in other words, that's a responsibility that we have. But how do we win it? On the kitchen table. Do you have confidence in the Supreme Court? I mean, you know, they still have to rule on this immunity thing. All this about Alito and the flags and Clarence Thomas and his wife. I mean, do you have confidence in the Supreme Court? No, I think they've



It's very unfortunate, but it's even more unfortunate to see what happened to the other judges and what happened to the chief justice. Did He become weak or did he become rebellious? I don't know. And that's the same thing with these members of Congress, if I can go back to that, because as tragic as that night was and they were coming after me to put a bullet in my head, they're going to hang them. They have a gallows for the vice president of the United States in just a matter of hours when I call people back to the floor, overwhelmingly, Republicans voted against the Electoral College results.
That was almost as heartbreaking and devastating as seeing what those bums who came with their Confederate flags and their Nazi flags and the rest of what they came to do to the capital of the United States. So no, I don't have confidence. Supreme Court. I think some of the decisions you see, I respect their point of view. If they have a point of view about a woman's right to choose, that's fine. But that's not what they should do to defend a point of view, run for Congress. They are there to defend the Constitution of the United States.
And many of them said in their confirmation hearings that they supported the court's precedents. The presence of the court supported privacy in the Constitution. And what did they do? They vote their opinion on policies instead of the oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. So I want us to get back to a place where the three branches of government, as started by our founders, are respected across the board. But I don't have much confidence in this court. Unfortunately, I say this with great regret.

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