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Biden reacts to Supreme Court's presidential immunity ruling

Jul 04, 2024
The presidency is the most powerful office in the world. So an officer doesn't just test his judgment. Perhaps most importantly, he is an officer. Test your character because you are not only facing moments. We need the courage to exercise the full power of the presidency. You also face times when you need the wisdom to respect the limits of the power of the presidency. This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. Each of us is equal before the law. Nobody. Nobody is above the law. Not even the president of the United States.
biden reacts to supreme court s presidential immunity ruling
Today's Supreme Court decision on



. That fundamentally changed for everyone. For all practical purposes. Today's decision almost certainly means there are virtually no limits to what a president can do. This is a fundamentally new principle and is a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be limited by law. Even including the United States Supreme Court, the only limits will be self-imposed by the president alone. This decision today has continued the


's attack in recent years on a wide range of our nation's long-established legal principles, from gutting voting rights and civil rights to taking away women's right to choose. , until today's decision that undermines this nation's rule of law.
biden reacts to supreme court s presidential immunity ruling

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biden reacts to supreme court s presidential immunity ruling...

Nearly four years ago, my predecessor sent a violent mob to the United States Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power. We all saw with our own eyes that we sat there and watched what happened that day. Attack on police, ransacking of the Capitol, a mob literally chasing the House. Speaker Nancy Pelosi erects a gallows to hang Vice President Mike Pence. I think it's fair to say it's one of the darkest days in American history. Now, the man who sent that mob to the US Capitol faces possible criminal conviction. What happened that day? The American people deserve to have an answer in


before the next election.
biden reacts to supreme court s presidential immunity ruling
The public has a right to know the answer to what happened on January 6 before being asked to vote again this year. Now, because of today's decision, that is very, very unlikely. It is a terrible disservice to the people of this nation. So now the American people have to do what the court should have been willing to do, but didn't. The American people have to pass judgment on Donald Trump's behavior. The American people must decide whether Donald Trump's attack on our democracy on January 6 makes him unfit to hold public office. In the highest position in the country.
biden reacts to supreme court s presidential immunity ruling
The American people must decide whether Trump's embrace of violence to preserve his power is acceptable. Perhaps most importantly, the American people must decide that they want to entrust the president once again with the presidency, Donald Trump. Now, knowing that he will have more courage to do what he wants, when he wants. You know, at the beginning of our nation, it was the character of George Washington, our first president, who became president. He believed that power was limited, not absolute. And that power always resides in the people, always. Now, more than 200 years later, today's decision by the Supreme Court will depend once again on the character of the men and women who occupy that presidency and who will define the limits of the power of the presidency.
Because the law won't do it anymore. I know that I will respect the limits of the


powers that I have had for three and a half years. But any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law. I agree with Justice Sotomayor's dissent today. She this is what she said. She said. And all use of official power. The president is now a king above the law and he fears for our democracy. I disagree. End of quote. So should the American people dissent? I disagree. And God bless you all. And may God help preserve our democracy.
Thank you. May God protect her to listen. Drown out the phrase. That's why we are Trump. President Biden speaking there. You heard some questions shouted at the end that weren't answered. I want to bring back my colleagues, M.J. Lee, Jeff Zeleny, Van Jones. Also with me, M.J., there is a short but powerful speech, talking about how today no one was above the law, not even the president of the United States. However, the president goes on to say today that fundamentally changing the only limits on the office will now be self-imposed. And M.J. He said that he agreed with the dissent, the very strong and forceful defense of Justice Sotomayor, who said that the president is now a king above the law.
Just guide us. As you pointed out, M.J., we had an idea of ​​what he might say. But what really drives this home is its impact, M.J., on democracy. That's how it is. And it's very remarkable coming from the president, given the events of the last few days, as we expected. He used this


to take Americans back in time to four years ago. He said former President Donald Trump sat and watched as a violent mob attacked the Capitol. And then he talked about the


in particular, saying that this means that now there are virtually no limits to what a president can do, although he said that this is a country where no person can rule as king.
He said in truly remarkable statements that, in his opinion, this is a dangerous precedent for the country. He said today's decision continues the court's attacks on a wide range of principles that are fundamental to this nation. And he said it undermines the rule of law. He said the public has a right to know what exactly happened on January 6 and he truly regretted the fact that as a result of this decision, the public may not get the full answer. And that's when he pivoted to say it's now up to the American people to make a judgment. Basically, it's up to them to vote against Donald Trump and make sure that he doesn't take office or be in office again, I would say.
And in one of the most notable moments of this speech, the president said that the American people should dissent. I disagree. I just want to emphasize here, you know, this is a president and a White House that have been very careful every time we talk about legal decisions and rulings to make sure that we make clear, he says he very much respects the judicial system. . And this is the closest we've ever heard it, I think, to the line of saying, I just don't agree. Evidently, the president made it clear that he is resigned to the fact that there is nothing he can do about this ruling, but that he vehemently opposes and does not agree with this decision.
And again, use this as a rallying cry for American voters to use their power to vote in November. And again, incredibly interesting given the kind of political trouble he's in now after his very poor debate performance last week. He also began to bring out character. Good. And he talked about how being president will test his judgment and his character, that he needs courage in his decisions, but also wisdom to respect the limits of the office and he talked about how George Washington is right. He had found the presidency defined by character, knowing that power was not limited, it was limited, rather it was not absolute, and he believed that power resides in the people.
And then, Jeff, he went on to say: But the law, because the law won't do it anymore, it's up to the people now. When he then made the compelling argument, as M.J. just pointed out, are you at all surprised, Jeff, that he went as far as he did tonight? You are welcome. I mean, certainly the context of this, of course, is that his campaign and, in fact, his White House are in political crisis. So he's trying to turn the page, refocus this conversation on the campaign at hand and stand in the cross hallway of the White House, a place that has been used so many times and places in recent and long history to reframe this conversation.
What the president did not do, of course, was answer questions. What he did not do was talk about himself, but rather try to redirect this campaign conversation and the American people towards what he considers to be what is at stake in the election. This is the first step in what will have to be a series of steps to bring attention back to this campaign and show Democrats, first and foremost, that he is up to the task. This has been a very dark moment for the campaign, in the words of Democrats alone. So the president is clearly using this Supreme Court ruling today to make this not about him, but to try to make this about Donald Trump, which he failed to do in Thursday's debate.
But this, I'm told, is what his advisors hope will be the beginning of several appearances that will attempt to reframe that argument. Van, how was the first step? Well, if last week I was weak and insecure, this week it's the complete opposite. That was strong. That was clear. This was decisive and, in its own way, made history. It is very unusual for a president to be so direct. I don't agree with a Supreme Court decision, but I think it's pointing out the fear and alarm that exists in this country right now, because it seems like the Supreme Court just gave a license to commit anarchy to whoever is found. in the Oval Office.
And if Donald Trump, who once ignored every norm, every rule, every tradition, when he thought he might face consequences, what would he do now? Therefore, this is not a tangential issue for the president, for the presidential campaign. The Supreme Court just threw down the gauntlet and said that a president can be as illegal as he wants. And that makes this election that much starker. I think that this Joe Biden that we just saw talking about character, judgment, American tradition, George Washington, is the Joe Biden who deserves to win.

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