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May 23, 2024
Guys I have 10


that I think are very useful that



use including yourselves, as you check this app it is called local delivery and you can download it on any device you have through Google Play Store, App Store or directly on your computer and then once. You've downloaded it, let's say you have some photos that you want to send to a friend, no matter what device they have, whether it's an iPhone, an Android, a Mac tablet, Windows or any other using this local sending app, you can open it. On both devices, tap the Send tab, then choose the images you want to send and once done, simply select your friend's device name, like Angry Potato and Bam, your friend clicks OK and the file is sent instantly to your phone so you can quickly.
10 apps   everyone should use
Share files from an iPhone to a Samsung, a Samsung to an iPad, an iPad to a Pixel, a Pixel, to a Mac and so on, no limited airdrop, no limited Quick Share, only local, send it to anyone and the best Part of it is that it's actually very fast. I also love that it's free and there are no ads. I literally use this every day. Well now you guys really have to try the next app, it's called space touch, just download it and once you open it, you just need to. to give it permission to use your camera and you'll see why in a few seconds, then give it access to your notifications as well as accessibility and within the accessibility settings just make sure that space touch is also on, it's a bit of setup, but it goes fast and it's worth it so once it's all done you can start following the air gestures tutorial and once you're done with the tutorial open Instagram Tik Tok or I did YouTube for example and if bring lift your finger this way, space touch app


see it with your phone selfie camera and now check this out, if you just do one touch with your finger, you can control your phone without touching it, so a single touch will advance to the Then, or by tapping with two fingers, you can go back; then if you hold down with one finger you can decrease the volume by moving your hand down or go in the opposite direction to increase the volume; then if you hold down with two fingers.
10 apps   everyone should use

More Interesting Facts About,

10 apps everyone should use...

You can move left to like the video or if you move right you can pause or play the video. You can also monitor longer videos like this and I was very surprised at how well it worked from such a far distance. About how to get an app as powerful as gbt chat but right on your keyboard, there is actually an app that can do this and it is called smart keyboard again. You can find it on the Play Store and this is what the app looks like once you have downloaded it. If you go into your settings, then General management, then keyboard list and by default here just select the default keyboard and change it to smart type.
10 apps   everyone should use
Now this is cool because inside a message with your best friend like James Blonde, for example, if you write. In "Hey, let's go watch a movie", you might notice this star icon and if you tap on it, this keyboard will rewrite your message, but as you can see in many different styles, like this poetic style. Hey, should we embark on a movie? Journey, what if we wanted something a little more sarcastic like, hey, how about we waste time watching a movie or maybe Jen Z is your style and you want something like sup dance to watch a movie?
10 apps   everyone should use
I mean, this is literally the perfect app for rewriting messages or emails. and you know how samsung recently launched their own AI keyboard in the s24 range, according to my tests the smart type keyboard is actually better than the samsung keyboard and you can use it on any android, that's what I call my type, okay. Now, at some point or another, we've all heard a song and said, I need a little more of that, and if that's ever happened to you, then you need to download this app called groovify because this will make your Spotify grow 100 times.
Better yet, once you've opened the app it will ask you to connect to your Spotify account where it will then show your recently played songs, your top 20 songs or you can even search for a song, so let's say you played it. a track on Spotify that you really like if you open groovify and under the last played song you tap that song and then click apply what groovify will do is analyze your mood and some other options to make a song playlist similar, but what is that? The cool thing is that you can adjust these mood sliders, so if you want something a little more electronic or folky, it will instantly update that playlist and within this other tab you can also adjust if you want the song to be more instrumental or have more voices and even select what type of genre you would like the songs to be, like disco for example, and again it instantly updates the playlist, then once you're done tweaking everything you can simply select save playlist playback, choose play on Spotify and Spotify will do it. open the BAM just like that, you have a killer new playlist in just a few seconds, crazy, okay, now you know I love tips, tricks and hacks, and this next app is all about that, it's called life hack tips and once you Open it and you will see a lot of different categories that you can choose from to get different life hacks and hacks for example this technology section which has so many different useful tech tricks like if you use a different color earphone tip, you can notice it. the difference between the left and the right is very clever or this one if you go to you can get alerts when prices go down on Amazon and I actually already use this or if you ever find a locked iPhone you can just ask Siri whose it is the phone.
I think this iPhone belongs to hailstones and even this health and fitness trick where if you get hiccups you have to hold your breath and swallow three times and they will apparently go away. In total, there are around 3,800 different tips. tips, tricks and facts in this app which is pretty crazy but not as crazy as this one so this app will really blow your mind some of you may have already heard about it it's called copilot and it's actually owned by Microsoft, but what is it? Really cool is that once you open it you can turn on gp4 chat and use all of its features, but for free, and that's not even the best part because if you tap on this hamburger menu here you'll see a few different models of gbt chat specifically. this designer model that, if you look at it, you can paint an image of what you would like it to be, like an angry potato taking over the world, and then it will write you a whole story about that potato and generate some different images as well. for you, that not only does it look so epic but you can go even further with style, but that's not even the best part yet because if you tap on these three little dots and select add-ons, then scroll to the bottom here, activate this sunno.
Plug it in and just check out how crazy this is in the description box, just type in a song you would like to hear, like an electro pop song about loving potatoes, then hit send and the co-pilot will create some lyrics for your song and the will use. Theo plugin to make the song for you, I'm always on my mind, you're a tasty potato, so chat with GPT 4 generated images and make songs with AI, it's crazy what you can do with this, so now let me show you how. You can turn your phone into a little toolbox using this app called Tulie.
It has a ton of different tools that are categorized by what they do or you can also tap this search icon and see all the tools you can. Go on here like there are literally over 100 tools, some of my favorites are definitely the text tools like this one right at the bottom called fancy answer. Here you can write some text whether it's a message or a note or whatever and then choose the style you like the most and just tap on it to copy it and then if you go anywhere on your phone like WhatsApp you can just paste it and send it, a fun way to style your chats.
It also has a ton of different unit converters, so if you're like me and live in a country that uses every type of measurement known to man, then this app has you covered, it also has these cool randomization tools like Lucky Spin Wheel , flip a coin and say yes or no generator and even rock, paper, scissors. I mean, I'm just scratching the surface with this app. It is packed with a lot of features that are very useful to have on your phone. Well, literally


should start using this app. Is called. Digi card on the app store or digital business card on play store and basically when you open it all you need to do is tap create QR code then this is where you need to enter all the details you want. share with other people like your name, your phone number, emails, work company and even any website if you want to include them too, in the QR code Style, keep it Modern and if you scroll down you can also choose the color you want. like for your little QR code frame and once done just tap Save now your QR code is ready go ahead and take a screenshot and use the photo widget on your iPhone or the gallery widget on a Samsung, set your QR code. as a widget on your home screen, so now whenever someone asks for your details you can show them your contact card, they will just need to scan it with their camera and in a few seconds all the information you have put inside your contact card contact is instantly shared with them where they can then save it to their phone and I know Samsung has something similar built into their phones but now you can literally use this app on any phone for another really cool and super useful app this one is called video summary now you might think you know what this app does but let's say you're busy watching a very long youtube video and you really don't have much time to watch the whole thing within the youtube video if you tap share and copy the video link , then go ahead and open the video summary.
You'll actually notice this little icon at the bottom right and as soon as you tap on it, you'll instantly want to paste that video link and start summarizing the video from start to finish. and depending on whether the video is long or short, it will give you a nice long breakdown of it or just a short description, but what's even better about this app is that once you've summarized a video, you can move on. in a chat and ask questions about that video, so this is what the chat icon looks like and I offered something very specific to that video.
I was very impressed with the response and honestly this is very helpful. I mean, you should try to summarize this video. Put the app to the test now, this next app is really useful but definitely more for people who often lose their phone and clap is called to find their phone, so once you have downloaded it all you have to do is touch this activation button and press it. permission to use your microphone and send you notifications and once it's all done, you guessed it as soon as you clap your hands your phone will make a super loud sound and make you much easier to find so let's say you can.
I don't remember where you last left your phone. Now just clap your hands and if it's dark, also blink to help you find it. There are also a few other sounds to choose from, but what I like to do is turn the volume all the way down. and just use the notification sound on the phone. The good thing is that you can also choose how long you want the notification, even up to a minute, and I'm not going to lie, they are annoying ads, but the good thing is that once you have set it up and completely close the app, it will still work and you won't have to touch it again.
Well, anyway, that was it. I'll see you in the next doodles.

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