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Having a NINJA FAMILY in Minecraft!

Jun 17, 2024
phase, one, complete, phase two, moving, what are you waiting for, what are you waiting for, what does that mean, wait a minute, I don't know if I like that, oh, right? oh no, she's locked in us oh no, no, no, no, no, now that you're trained, we can leave the nest Oh Aaron, what is this? Well, you know the dragon was in the way, so I built a nice little place for her back here. This is so cute that the dragon does it in a big space when they grow up, well, this is it. the wood she had, so this is all she gets right now, okay, I'll get some more, okay, let's find, let's find something, let me see, I have to get out of the secret and no one will ever do it. kthy My God, what are you doing here?
having a ninja family in minecraft
Kim, uh, I'm definitely not eavesdropping right, it seems like you're eavesdropping. Kim Kim spies. She must die, guys, guys. I still have a secret face. I can't believe you and your big one will wait for you. secret where is this your secret bait? How long have you been keeping this a secret? let's look at the Roy


First, what the hell was that about starting to think that we're the ones that need to be rescued and I'm starting to think that the old man is evil oh oh, there's a royal


down there, water down there that we have to drop? on that blue t Speck that's easy to do Bo no no not I'm just going to use my grappling hook it probably won't deactivate say okay I guess we just have to do it actually this may take a few times but let's go, let's go, let's go.
having a ninja family in minecraft

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having a ninja family in minecraft...

Lu guys, bye, I made it, it's all good, so it's okay Queen, come on oh oh, okay, we got the queen, uh, uh, here we go, thank you, oh, they know we better get more babies , oh, we have a roar reward. I'm not saying that, what happened to you? Wait, I have golden armor, oh that's cool, wait, why do I have something? Wait, wait, wait, you've got a fan, ooh, watch out everyone, she might hit us with a soft breee, oh, so much. for a gentle breeze, I think that would happen if the queen gave you that or then Co two, get my house my house wait what's our baby the baby oh yeah, that's also the rise of the baby oh who waits what's going on oh the Meditating babies usually explode no the baby has reached for the gun to share what's going on with the floating baby oh I actually don't know what's going on what the baby is actually doing baby be careful wait what's going on the baby ssj three 4 lo which I think is the power level is over 9,000 What are we supposed to do about it?
having a ninja family in minecraft
I don't know Ching, check on your baby, oh, okay, uh, oh, okay guys, check on your baby, okay, baby. Hey guys, oh my gosh, okay guys, gentle parenting is nice, but I'm going to do it. try something different um maybe I can talk to your baby but I'm going to try to give the baby some food maybe the baby is hungry wait are you going to give him the barberry no that's the bar oh it didn't work your baby was ? hungry ladies oh it worked there you go you were hungry I can't believe I'm Marberry that's not what she likes okay it works oh look it's okay come on go brush your teeth excuse us oh my gosh add more CH if necessary.
having a ninja family in minecraft
Some there you go, okay, they almost fixed your roof, yeah, thanks, I hope we don't have any more tantrums, yeah, maybe if you just feed her, you know, do you have any other snacks? I have more cherries, no thanks, okay, okay. let's see huh ooh it looks like the Master is back guys guys Santa wait it's not Santa it's not who the


master is G OB right oo we decided oh me me me me me me choose me um oh what oh oh hey we're doing this again No, no, not the monkey again, oh man, more explosions, seriously, well it may not happen this time.
We've learned a lot so alive guys guys can't run we gotta show our way monkey oh my gosh oh good job Zane guys anything. There you go, take that Mony, watch out, you stupid snake, best I can do here, mantis, get on my nerves, you dumb snake, come on, you got this C, that was me, come on Kim, you got it, oh, thanks for kill the monkey We did it. wait, so who is the


master here? Well clearly I'm going to be master ninja now any time you died huh I thought awesome I should be master nja guys what F guys I have a ton of powers wait wait what. congratulations, I got a tire, a parrot, a punch, oh you got all the stuff, wait, you got even more powers, hey, don't hog them all, I mean, I got rid of them, so dude, you died in the middle of that and also F killed.
All creatures wait, what happens to us? Shouldn't we also get powers? Oh, yeah, I mean, yeah, but we might as well take them away from you. I mean, no, don't look at me like that, ladies and gentlemen, please don't. I can't leave it, it doesn't really let me. I'd give it to you if I could, well, you know what I'm saying, guys, we get it. Hey, I said, come on.

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