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Playing Minecraft as a PROTECTIVE Winter Direwolf!

Mar 18, 2024
oh come on, okay, clearly I can't touch the floor, what if I do something like this couch? They're not going to hit me on the ground and, okay? Okay, we have to change the camera, guys, find something. No, I don't like this place. I like this place. We have to get out of here. I don't want to go back down the stairs, let's take the highway. I go down the balcony. They just jumped over the balcony so what do you say? We did it in a living room, let's do it hello, it's about time, well, okay, now that you know we're here, we found your secret face and we're here to defeat you, yeah, anyone.
playing minecraft as a protective winter direwolf
What is that good? I bought my armor. Very good work. I'm not afraid of you. There you go. It's time to chill you. Stay away from the big hole. Oh, where are you going? I have an idea, hey, hey, try to catch me, okay, run. over here I love this now stay here uhhuh up turn up you locked yourself in a coma in a dead end room this is too easy oh no what will I do I don't know what you'll do oh play with me wait. I don't think you see how this works. I'm going to make you come here, good job, yeah, just be careful on the way out, yeah, I can say I still like ice, although who's there, I've had enough.
playing minecraft as a protective winter direwolf

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playing minecraft as a protective winter direwolf...

I can take care of this for you two, oh really, so let's try it, are you ready to do this somehow? I did, but yeah I'm ready, show me what you're made of, wait where's the other one? another blue one, what do you mean he, he, he, he wasn't with you, no, no, what, so you all fell right into my trap, I mean, it's Aaron's trap because I found your remote and one time to discover all the secrets of this base, will I? use it to rule the server, no I don't think that's going to work Ian that's clear, listen you've been ahead of us this whole time and you little wolf are barking without biting once I expand this space. and I will learn all the secrets from him.
playing minecraft as a protective winter direwolf
I'll make everything mine, the server will be mine, the treasure will be mine, the snow, I can probably get rid of it and you will be mine, you know, I don't think that's going to work, oh, why? What do you think you can escape from this lava you, you, you escaped from love, um, you built it Ian, there are more traps in this, right, I don't think you know how that remote control works, wait, uhoh um oh, it seems like you're too much slow. had a second remote it's so cold do the honors mercy of course do it oh brutal cute there we go you know it was actually fun teaming up with you that was awesome and I'm glad we could work together but um We should probably get out of here yeah , maybe we could use some better traps, like a guard dog, a guard dog, I don't know, like a wolf, something like that, I mean, they're pretty good, but you know, I wouldn't mind having someone like you.
playing minecraft as a protective winter direwolf
Great, can you put these bars down and we can start improving this place? Oh yes, that's a decoy. We should go this way.

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