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Can Reform UK decide the general election? With Richard Tice | SpectatorTV

May 25, 2024
hello and welcome to a special edition of spectated TV and the reason we bring you a special edition of spectated TV is that after Rishi Sunak announced yesterday that there would be an


, many people speculated that he was filming the


of Fox, which is He wanted to say that he was mocking the


and his growing position in the polls and that the reform was going to be somewhat ruined by his electoral movement. A lot of people say this on the right, so we figured who best to ask. about this that Reform leader Richard TI, thank you for inviting me to listen, is exactly the opposite, actually let me ask a question first.
can reform uk decide the general election with richard tice spectatortv
Have yesterday's


s ruined you? The truth is that he stood there soaked in the rain, he was confused. by Steve Bray Ramona in Chief with her boogie Blaster looked ridiculous highlighted the incompetence of the Conservative government and I have been saying for months not to underestimate the prospect of a summer election. What really happened is that he and his colleagues are so petrified by what they are hearing in their safe seats from the MPS saying that many reformers are worried that we are going up in the polls, they have been sinking in the polls and they are thinking well if we don't In the summer they suddenly, God forbid, they could match us in the polls if we hold it long, so we thought it was eminently a possibility and inevitably everyone thought a little after May when it was going to be long, but.
can reform uk decide the general election with richard tice spectatortv

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I was far from convinced, so look, I'm not at all surprised, in fact the truth is that the people who have been against it are all the Tory MPs who were told it was going to be November. who are now furious because they're not going to get their extra wages and they're all going to lose their jobs and there was some kind of incredible conversation that they might try to destabilize them and get rid of them, I mean, what? What a disaster, well I could see that point, but can you explain Richard Ties day yesterday? I think the first room came to me between 10 and 10:30 and it was pretty clear, I think the post I took more importance from Tim Shipman, yeah, and I thought this is clearly, so we basically knew late in the morning that this was a certainty and that's okay onwards and upwards, so we're, we're, we're full steam ahead.
can reform uk decide the general election with richard tice spectatortv
Go ahead and we did our press conference this morning which went extremely well, we stood out and we knew why we were preparing for these disastrous immigration numbers that we knew would be disastrous this morning and contrary to James's astutely ridiculous suggestion that this is good news, I mean, the man is just a liar. Sorry, net 685,000, it's a much bigger city than the city of Manchester, gross net, it's a city the size of Birmingham that has settled in just a year. in the UK and the pressure that this mass immigration is putting on the UK is unsustainable.
can reform uk decide the general election with richard tice spectatortv
Here's an incredible statistic: more people settle in the UK under mass immigration and the Tories completely betray what they promised in the last 2 years than in 950 years. to 2010, of 66, that is the level of extraordinary numbers and what it is doing is mass immigration, it depresses the wages of British workers, it undermines wages and it is unfair, especially for young people, it is putting enormous pressure on the housing again, really unfair for young people, house rents in the In recent years, house prices have risen on average more than 20% and are unaffordable for most people and are also putting incredible pressure on our healthcare system again, everyone loses, it's just not fair, but Richard, I can see that you have a very compelling message in particular. on immigration is going to be a success the immigration election the immigration election but what everyone says is the reform we are not prepared are your candidates ready have all the candidates approved and assigned all the nomination papers are coming out we have all the DATs, in If they are, are you any less prepared than to say that the Labor Party cannot send them?
You can't send them out until you know the days of the nomination dates correctly, so literally they're all ready, all the names of the electors. They're all ready, so everything is coming together. I have 500 approved and assigned. I have like every party. You are filling in the last spaces of the puzzle. Just as we are. I think we probably are. frankly, more prepared than the conservative party and better vetted. Well, look, everyone has their research problems. I mean, you know you have all kinds of research problems from the Green Party to working with their anti-Semites, but they all have their problems.
The background investigation is like something else. It is only valid on the day you do it and if someone does or writes something D, what I am really proud of is that when someone finds out that because they wrote, said or wrote something DED, we report it and we deal with it. faster than any other party and that's because we're not going to take this nonsense while some of the others try and oh, sweep it under the rug, suspend them for a year and let's hope everyone forgets that that's not our style at all Well, let me tell you. about the rumor I'm hearing in Westminster, which is that the Tores heard that Reform might be announcing that Nigel Farage will return to Reform, he was going to run for Reform next week, which will be yes, Thursday next week and One of the reasons they announced the elections was because they were nervous.
You just proved my point. They are petrified. Obviously, there would be an announcement. Of course, we are analyzing all kinds of options. And you know, Nigel wanted to come back and In a campaign, you look at all the different ways of doing it and when you look at any kind of suitable plan and project and plan, you look at the variety of options, and yeah, but you've made my point, which is that It terrifies them. We are petrified by the poll results, they fear that Nigel and Nigel will come to campaign and we will cause them serious problems and they rightly say that they have ruined this country, they betrayed all their promises, they have impoverished the people.
They have worsened the quality of life and deserve a good punishment and, frankly, in the medium term our aim is to say, look folks, you're not up to the job, you're like the Labor Party, you're socialist. you want high taxes, big state, mass immigration, that's not what your voters want, we need to present a serious and credible alternative. You may have made your point, but you haven't answered my question, which is whether Nigel Verage was going to announce that he was running. reform next week we were looking at all the options, so it was in the cards that that would happen.
Everything was being analyzed and you look and you look at all the options, saying what happens if he runs in the summer elections, what happens if they are prolonged, what happens. the right thing, so yes, of course, we look at options, that's what's expected, that's what smart, well-run entities and organizations do, but this morning Barage publishes this letter saying that he will focus on the US elections, That's not what he said, I mean. Co, things changed a little bit regarding "I'm not out", but the thing with the Westminster rumors is that they weren't very smart because no one in Westminster predicted what would happen yesterday, no one which shows that actually Westminster isn't so clever. as he thinks and sometimes does things very badly and what Nigel actually said in his letter this morning is that he is going to campaign on reforms over the next few weeks, he will not be broadcasting with GB News to allow himself full flexibility to do so, there is a real advantage of not standing in a seat is that it is much easier to campaign everywhere, whereas if you try to do both much harder, as he experienced in the past and was wearing down that experience, then it also has the other advantage. which then gives the opportunity to work in the states later in the year, but he mentioned the states and I think that's a fair criticism and it's not just people in Westminster Village who are saying this about Nigel Farage being supposed to be a politician . who cares about Britain and so on, and yet here he is, at this crucial moment in British politics, and he's talking about the American election, maybe he's not saying the reason why I'm not going to stand, because I won't focus on the US election, but he's certainly talking about that and that seems to be his approach, that doesn't slightly undermine this idea of ​​him as this great patriotic Brit, complete nonsense, honestly, um, I've rarely heard such nonsense for a long time, uh, the reality is that he is going to help in this campaign that is now for the next six weeks, so he will have the opportunity to help in the states after that and you know, the most patriotic thing is to make sure that the fortress of the relationship with the likely next president of the United States, particularly if there is a union government that everyone says there will be, then you actually need someone who is close to Donald Trump, who is patriotic to the United Kingdom and ensure that our interests are protected and well served, America is our greatest and most strategically important asset.
Security ally Defense ally and indeed Commercial ally and the idea that there are people like David Lamy and Sadique Khan bitching and complaining about Donald Trump, actually what is in British patriotic interest is for Nigel to be very close to Donald Trump, that's working. Britain, well, what's very interesting about David Lamy is the complete reversal of him against Donald Trump, isn't he now making huge strides towards Trump? The world, well, we're seeing all sorts of reverse fraternities in the Labor Party, that's what you see. from Cur Arma down, but look, I'm delighted to have Nigel help me.
I've always said that the more help he can provide, the better and it's going to create a significant boost for Nigel's face on all the billboards and posters, and yes Le, that's great and I think Westminster. I was completely wrong, not for the first time, and we know that we are fighting an immigration election because it is the core reason why people feel poorer, why the quality of life is going down. I want smart immigration right where you, you, welcome an equivalent number of people who enter the country to those who leave, it will take 45,500,000 a year highly qualified, highly qualified, we are not going to abuse the system, the Visa system, like international students, and that's how you know, that's the right thing to do.
What is our reform going to say about Rwanda now that it seems not to? We have always said the same thing, that it is a ridiculous farce, a total waste of taxpayers' money, hundreds of millions. I mean, this government is just, they are so willy-nilly wasting our money and I'm furious about it, it's been a complete distraction, all they've sent home is three, £300 million and one migrant for whom they paid three big to go. I mean, it's pathetic, it really is. Seriously, the only way to stop the ships and this is the other important thing is that you have to pick them up and recover them safely.
The Bulls don't have the guts to do it. Kama wants more people to cross on boats. Notes. less these people don't care that 15 people have already died this year 15 that we know of we are the only party with a kind and compassionate policy that will stop the boats and by the way that is what EU leaders should do in the Mediterranean, but don't buy this argument that eventually the EU leaders will catch up with the same idea, which is that in the event that we are going to have to find countries in the developing world, we know that it is not a deterrent because more 20% uh migrant people have crossed the channel this year with full knowledge, yes, that technically they are not treated as asylum seekers and that they could technically be sent back and forth, so clearly it is not a deterrent .
What do we do? We have up to 10,000, and 15 people have already done it. died it's not a deterrent they see it as a joke and an embarrassment and there's another reason he left early is just imagine how embarrassing that would be so he takes the first few flights there are some immigrants on it and guess what that the boats keep coming and keep coming and keep coming in tens of thousands and then it looks even more ridiculous than it did yesterday in the rain soaked with Steve Bray's Boogie explosion, do you know what a lot of Brits think?
I think you will strongly disagree with this point, but what many people think is that the reform will reach some type of agreement during the electoral cycle with the T Party and I know that this is going to be a reaction, but perhaps the electoral realities things will change a lot in the next six weeks and maybe the election will start working, it's another crazy Westminster rumor about West. I don't hear this from Westminster. I hear it from people who have nothing to do with Westminster. Think who expects who doesn't want a Labor government and thinks I don't want aLabor government but I don't want a Conservative government either because they betrayed us, they can't be trusted, they say all this nonsense just the other week Sunak and cleverly said they were going to reduce the number of immigrants, reduce the number of international students, all of a sudden, Wishy Sunet gets a little tap on the shoulder from Big Dave Cameron said no, no, no, dear boy, you're not going to do it. do that so the numbers keep coming yes sir very good sir yes my sir yes ridiculous so just to be clear there will be no Alliance or coordination, they deserve to be punished and they will be punished.Okay, I'm going to go back to Farage on the last point and I know it's boring for you to be asked a lot about this, but a lot of people talk about this.
Your relationship with him has been strained in the last 24 hours. Have you had a difficult conversation with absolutely many? Look, we're very good friends, we think along very similar lines, almost identical lines and probably what we discuss the most is whether or not to have a glass of red or a glass of white to be honest um but uh no so these rumors that he's calling you hairdresser and stuff that's all that's rubbish well, I mean, he, no, maybe he's jealous, you know, I don't have gray hair, I'm really kidding, you have better hair, that's true, uh, but no, it's all rubbish, Look, um, right, I'm very grateful that I have, uh, I'm lucky to have some hair.
Any rumor that the hairdresser has been coloring me. It's also complete nonsense if you could monitor Nigel Farage's output for the last 24 hours would you have stopped him from that letter this morning? Nobody said it wasn't completely the opposite. I appreciated that because obviously what he did was make it clear before the press conference that he was going to help during the campaign, he was brilliantly excited, so I could tell he was excited and excited at the press conference that he's getting stuck in a wonderful place, do you have a target for the number of seats you want to win, obviously, about 325, okay, okay, but I mean, it's real, you have to be optimistic in politics, sure, sure, but you don't have any kind set number that you think will be a good result.
I'm not saying that what I want is for millions of people to have the courage of their convictions to vote for what they believe, not what they fear, to ignore the nonsense of conservatives they can trust. okay this time, we promise we've all been there before we've been let down, lied to, and millions of voters who agree with the true conservative philosophy of higher wages, high growth, small states, smart immigration, not mass immigration and zero tolerance for law and order, that's what we stand for if you believe in that, if you believe the country is in a bad state, if you want change, you have to vote for it and I understand that you are depressed and I'm sorry, I I feel.
Sorry, I understand that you are angry at the conservative party. I think it's fair to say you're angry at the Conservative party and I think a lot of voters feel the same way and that's a big part of your appeal. What I want to know is over the next how many six weeks will it be, will you attack Labor and the Conservatives, yes absolutely, they are identical, there is no difference between the two, um, so absolutely we are attacking Starmageddon and they want what they want tourists. Which means higher taxes, bigger states, mass immigration, they don't care about the ships that come across, they have no plans to stop that and they have no plans to grow the economy and by the way, they are both completely obsessed with the industry they destroys jobs. killing Net Zero, which is a disaster for the steel industry, a disaster for the auto industry, it's killing communities, it's actually killing old people who can't afford to hate when we have all this fantastic energy treasure under our belts. feet that would create enormous amounts of economic growth and yet these two major parties are totally negligent in not trying to use our energy treasure under our feet, our Shell gas, our oil gas, it's incredible, they are obsessed with Net Zero, it's a disaster, it's killing our economy, it's killing jobs, so we're going to present a serious alternative and you know what the real winning democracy is, let's hope, so Richard, thank you very much for the viewer, uh, we are very grateful.
I know it's been a busy day for you, so we are very grateful. you for entering

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