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Trump "Nearly Escaped Death" In Mar-a-Lago Raid | Biden Seeks Meme Maker | "Queer Planet"

May 26, 2024
welcome, welcome one and all to The Late Show. I'm your host Steven Coar and ladies and gentlemen, we've been talking about Donald Trump's hush money trial for five weeks now and I for one am delighted that he's not in court today so I can talk about anything else , like Donald Trump's classified documents trial, that baby is really heating up, remember, remember, remember the case of classified documents with the nuclear codes offered as one of the toppings at the marago waffle bar, well, it turns out that Scandal is exactly much worse than we could have thought because we just learned that his lawyers found classified documents in Donald Trump's room four months after the FBI search in Mara Lago.
trump nearly escaped death in mar a lago raid biden seeks meme maker queer planet
Oh my goodness, the only thing more shocking to find in Donald Trump's room would be his current wife. in doing so, these documents these documents spent up to four months right next to Donald Trump's bed, explain why the seal changed classification to kill me this new information is from a disclosure of an opinion, right, it was a disclosure of an opinion written last year by US District Judge Barl how who was furious that Trump inexplicably still had more written documents no, in particular, no excuse is provided for how the former president could lose the marked classified documents that were found in his own room in Maral Lago now, to be fair, Trump rarely goes in his room, as we recently learned that he sleeps most of the time in court, now the new lockdown also reveals that once Trump realized that security cameras at Mara Lago could capture his employees moving classified government information, he allegedly made sure they would avoid the cameras. when boxes are moved, that is never a good sign, no one is saying to take these toy donations to the orphanage and avoid the security cameras.
trump nearly escaped death in mar a lago raid biden seeks meme maker queer planet

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trump nearly escaped death in mar a lago raid biden seeks meme maker queer planet...

One footnote in the opinion was particularly surprising: Jud claims that a Trump adviser acknowledged scanning the contents of the box inside. classified materials and store them on a personal laptop could it be Hunter Biden's laptop? No, this is much worse. There was one detail that the conservatives took advantage of just to try to change the subject. The search warrant for the second


in Mar Lago had language. authorizing the use of deadly force in appropriate circumstances, which is boilerplate procedural text used by the FBI, which I obviously know because I work at CBS, FBI Headquarters, FBI Most Wanted, FBI International, and FBI Tracker, you'll find four more programs from the FBI. tracker even though this is perfectly normal Republicans claim the FBI was ready to assassinate Donald Trump, in fact Trump already sent his fundraising email to members of his cult, they were authorized to shoot me.
trump nearly escaped death in mar a lago raid biden seeks meme maker queer planet
I almost



. Sorry, I almost



, which means you didn't, that's right, I almost made it out alive now I'm fundraising from heaven, which for some reason it's really hot and there's no one around except my dear old friend. Jeffrey Epstein, hey, Jeff Trump attended. Trump did it. Jeffrey epin all his friends are here Trump was in court yesterday and once again he complained very loudly about the prosecutor that Biden came from and I don't know if it's Biden because I don't think Biden has any idea what the hell is going on but it's the fascists circulating in the Oval Office surround the Resolute desk a beautiful Resolute desk that is stinking moving words reminds me of that sign on Harry Truman's desk the stinking start here the former president also complained about the Colombian junta judge Juan merchan the judge hates Donald Trump just check him out check him out check him out where he comes from they are not good judges in Colombia Colombia should stick to what they are known for affordable flight jackets and raincoats.
trump nearly escaped death in mar a lago raid biden seeks meme maker queer planet
I deserve it. a judge from one of the good countries like patagon is North Face earlier this week Trump's social media account posted some slightly disturbing content it was a campaign video with a headline about a unified Reich now, before you worry too much, there is a simple explanation Donald Trump wants to rule a unified Reich now Trump finally deleted the video but the Biden campaign pounced on him what's next for the United States this on his official account wow, a unified Reich that's Sitler's language that it's not the one in America that cares about holding on to power, I care about you, wow, wow, geez, Moses, they're putting videos on phones now, that's crazy, also unified, come on, Jack boot Jack, that's it Hitler's language.
I can't understand a word of all fle and Debon schnitzel strudel, it's Del, but it's not American. I'm Joe Brighton and I don't understand this message. What's going on? Marco Marco, that response from Biden got a lot of clicks on the video, so the Biden campaign wants to take advantage of the new viral trend of giving grandpa the phone because they're reportedly looking for a


page manager, so expect new and fresh content from Biden social content like irer


ers hurler I can have votes from the youth and of course for the online skibby Biden Biden Biden Biden GE bid The language of Hitler Trump Trump is using The language of Hitler Hitler's language Trump is using Hitler's language come on now if you don't understand that video your grandchildren will explain it to you and you still won't understand it oh here's something that's not at all surprising it's been nine years since the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationally and in Obel Obel now here is the thing according to a new historical study at that time same-sex weddings have not harmed heterosexual marriage well, everyone knew that at that time it is like announcing that a new study finds that making love to your wife doesn't get a neighbor pregnant now, but 10 years ago, in 2015, before the ruling, before it became the law of the land, stupid people made all kinds of arguments stupid things against same-sex marriage, including saying that legalization would inevitably lead to people marrying animals, of course. marriages between humans and animals did not happen although I know of a beautiful lifelong union between a man and a worm not only why are you going to feel bad for the worm oh no that worm has gone down with Bobby Kennedy not only does marriage homosexual has not been harmful?
The study actually says that by extending marriage rights to a greater number of couples, interest in marriage increased for the general population. I mean, that makes sense, once gay people get into something, it always becomes a trend like RuPaul's Drag Race. Lady Gaga music or dressing like you have an ounce of self-respect, the report also found that after gay marriage was legalized, same-sex households adopted more children and there was a drop in syphilis rates, sure, because once you have kids. At home there's just no more time for anything fun like movies or restaurants or syphilis and it's almost Pride Month, so to celebrate NBC's streaming service, Peacock is premiering a new LGBTQ Plus nature documentary called Queer Planet, Let's take a look at the trailer, it's clear that No matter where you look on our


, nature is full of strange surprises.
Oh, we're going to have to update the birds and the bees, kids, when two bighorn sheep love each other very much and give each other a very special nut-punch. This is fun and light-hearted, so of course conservatives are having a complete meltdown over this, with one right-wing Twitter user calling it ISM scientific revision for a satanic gay agenda and another greedy, if animals were really gay, no there would be more animals, yes. It's just as true that since some people are gay, there aren't any more people, so that's the



on Peacock starting June 6, but not to be left behind, Netflix just announced


beagle for the straight Eagle , we have a great show for you tonight, my guests are.
Anna Taylor Jo Bo and the second gentleman of the United States, Doug Mhof, and when we return to the mysteries of pregnancy, you might learn something.

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