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GE2024: Nigel Farage destroys GMB presenter questions (18Jun24)

Jun 26, 2024
Nigel Farage yesterday set out the reform The UK Manifesto does not call it a contract, including eye-catching proposals such as raising the income tax threshold to 20,000 a year, but experts have warned the sums do not add up and Nigel Farage joined to us now, Mr Farage your contract yesterday um tax cuts big spending cuts action on immigration For me, it's unusual to see such a universal view of the Institute of Physical Studies from left-wing commentators like Dan Needle from um Andrew Neil in the email today, everyone saying sums don't add up, it's full of holes, it can't be implemented, it would generate higher interest rates than what happened with Liz, trust.
ge2024 nigel farage destroys gmb presenter questions 18jun24
I have the feeling that you don't mind that at all, I mean it doesn't bother you, is that right? It's quite funny, I mean, Dan Needle, who you just mentioned, said our black hole was smaller than the Labor Party's black hole. It seems like the common ters will always tear up the manifestos or, in our case, our contract with the people, but I tell you what Ed. I have thought that you, as a former labor worker, would completely approve of what we are trying to do. We're trying to get people who are stuck on benefits on benefits, but if they work more than 16 hours a week, they're done. we are worse off by raising that tax threshold to £20,000 we make work pay, we get people on benefits, we help the lowest paid keep more money in their pockets and we reduce the need for unskilled migration so look It's ambitious, yes, but I think it's absolutely the right thing to strive for and we can make big savings.
ge2024 nigel farage destroys gmb presenter questions 18jun24

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ge2024 nigel farage destroys gmb presenter questions 18jun24...

I mean, the government's Net Zero program is the most expensive thing this country has ever embarked on, certainly in peacetime. There are many other ways we propose to save money, but this idea is we help the underdog I think a quick, factual question is vital who would make more from your personal tax proposal someone on minimum wage someone with average income or someone with £95,000 a year uh people on benefits would earn more because actually their whole life would be transformed by making working people on benefits wouldn't benefit at all from personal tax relief because they wouldn't pay any tax which would benefit more someone with the minimum wage, someone with a middle income or someone on 95,000, the poorest in society, would benefit the most and when it comes to raising taxes, I am the lord.
ge2024 nigel farage destroys gmb presenter questions 18jun24
The facts are important here. The person who would benefit the most from filing his personal tax proposal is someone on 95,000 who had earned much more than someone with average income who had earned much more than someone on the minimum wage didn't you know that not in percentage terms no in percentage terms no , that's not true in real terms yes, the more you earn, the more you earn even if you pay taxes, but in percentage terms those at the bottom would do better and when it comes to tax, the staff nurse B, a staff nurse now pays 40p staff tax, why should a staff nurse pay what for decades was the highest tax, the minimum wage? earn less absolutely and proportionally than someone with an average income of 95,000 your tax proposals help people who are richer than poor not in percentage terms just true not in percentage terms more absolutely someone 95,000 would earn more you admit that 7 95,000 in cash terms benefiting the most is okay in percentage terms not in cash terms in cash terms someone on £95,000 would earn more than someone on average income or the minimum wage of your cash proposal ter percentage terms no I know but I'm asking you a direct question.
ge2024 nigel farage destroys gmb presenter questions 18jun24
The thing about your anger is that you speak frankly, you don't play all these physical games like work and the conservatives ask directly, directly ask, does anyone in terms of cash make more with 95,000? Well just answer the question yes or no the more you earn the more you take home yeah what do you mean by this it's so typical that they ask you


and ask you to answer them well well what's going on here? What's going on here? We are coming in as the third largest party, maybe even the second largest party. over the weekend in terms of the total number of people who want to vote for us and want to have an open debate about the things we stand for, we are getting stuck here in a very narrow spot.
I argue in real terms why we don't talk about our energy policy, the only party that proposes freezing immigration. Oh, I'll ask about the inheritance tax right now. A couple with a house worth less than a million pounds will not pay any inheritance tax, so his proposal to raise the threshold from a million to two million is a big tax giveaway only if their house is worth more than a million. million pounds, that's really your first priority if you make money, you paid taxes and you bought a house, you shouldn't pay taxes again, your children, your successors shouldn't. you get taxed again after you die, but that's true for everyone, unless your house is worth over a million pounds, why are you prioritizing people whose houses are worth over a million pounds?
You could spend the money on low income people, middle income people, instead you got a massive tax cut only if your house is worth more than a million pounds. What is fair about that? I don't believe I don't believe in double taxation people have paid that tax during their working lives their children shouldn't have to pay taxes again and you know something, we have one of the most complicated tax systems in the world, the tax code is 21,000 pages long. We are looking for massive simplification. Can I ask about your candidates? NAA Farage, you have defended, 41 turned out to be social. media friends of a fascist leader a former British national party organizer who founded the new British Union in the image of Oswal Mosley's British Union of Fascists, how can you defend 41 candidates?
His party's candidates turned out to be social media friends. It surprises me. Yeah, do you know what this guy's name is? I didn't even know the guy's name until last Thursday and people put things on Facebook and they like a comment and they have no idea who he is, they didn't like a comment. They are real social media friends on Facebook, which says you want to be connected with someone. Look, most of our candidates are not sophisticated politicians right now. Having said that, like the Green Party, like other parties, we have had one or two slip-ups.
Across the web, that shouldn't have done it, there will be a story coming out today at lunchtime where you will hear that we paid a large sum of money to a reputable background check company that didn't do the job, so Yeah. I have one or two problems with people like others. I just don't take it seriously, you just don't need a research company to check who's who's friend on Facebook, what are you going to do, what are you going to do with the 41 candidates, right? I'm happy for them to stand up and represent UK reform as I say people like each other on Facebook without knowing who they like.
Well, I think knowing who your friends are is a pretty important test of your character. friends of any fascist leader on Facebook, I can absolutely assure you that they are not, and you are not, when you are a highly paid sophisticated London politician, many of our people don't see a comment on Facebook, they like it, they have no idea. where it's not a faraj comment it's making a connection with someone who is a fascist leader, okay, so you're not going to do anything with those 41 can and what about pressing a button, no, it's pressing a button, okay, a reform.
The UK candidate apologized for claiming the country would be much better off if he had accepted Hitler's offer of neutrality rather than fighting the Nazis in World War II. He said that in Britain we must exorcise the cult of Churchill and recognize it in politics as well as politics. The military strategy was abysmal. Do you want to teach a patriotic curriculum in secondary and elementary schools? Is he the person you would like to teach? Interestingly, Winston Churchill's great-nephew, the current Duke of Malra, has backed reform overnight, so we have support. From within the church or family there are some very eccentric people who think that we should not have fought in either World War I or World War II because of the cost in human and financial terms.
I think they're playing badly, okay, but he this. The chat will continue to present itself as a candidate for you and him and the other four 41 who have linked to this. His name. Are you proud of all your candidates? By the way, by the way, people are allowed. You know, you know, in a free society people are allowed to have different opinions. I don't totally disagree that we shouldn't have participated in World War II, but once your name is on the ballot it can't be removed, are you proud of that? someone like that represents your party just told you twice I don't agree at all, yes, but I'm asking you if you're proud of your candidates for the third time, for the third time asking I don't agree at all with his comments, okay, niga


, thanks for joining us this morning and

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