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7 Times Rhod Gilbert Was A Countdown Hero | 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown | Channel 4

May 30, 2024
You know, when a horse really likes the big nationalism when a horse runs and then the jockey falls and then the horse keeps going and gets there first and then everyone leaves and the stew says to that horse, I'm sorry, do That your jockey is fair, that moment when the horse thinks about a sake, that he is agile,


not count, do you have pets today? wearing my lucky underpants, yes I've had them since the 1980s and I've worn them to school exams, college exams, my wedding night, I'd say the fact that your landing gear hasn't grown since you're at school it's pretty unfortunate, oh don Don't get me wrong, they're incredibly tight.
7 times rhod gilbert was a countdown hero 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
Can we see said lucky pants? I can show them to you if you want, but yeah, I'm sure there's nothing to see, they're just a normal pair of a normal pair of rods, you're in luck. Out of, are you out of the Jeremy Dodgers? I thought you'd be a Jeremy Dodger man. No, yes, I like it quite a bit, but I mean, I usually do to it what birds do. What do birds do? Can you feed it to me? I'll chew it. You pick it up and spit it into your mouth. Okay, that sounds like a good idea.
7 times rhod gilbert was a countdown hero 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4

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7 times rhod gilbert was a countdown hero 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4...

I'm definitely going to throw up. I mean, I don't want to bother you by saying this, but you're a pretty angry man most of the time. Is there any word that riley There is only one thing that is common when I am angry every time I am on this show and that is you, but is there any word that makes you angry? I get angry at the things that words represent. I discovered that there is no point in getting angry at the words themselves, it is just shooting the messenger. I got mad when they wouldn't let him get dumped, he wouldn't let it, I know, I thought you should have let me do it, that it was hard and I could let you know right now tonight if there's any problem like that.
7 times rhod gilbert was a countdown hero 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
I'm here to solve it better. Resolve it in my favor. I wrote a ukip. He knew that immediately after the program he would be deported. Lord, have you become a pet? Yes. However, I was a little wrong because I brought a pet that I thought would make John angry and throw him off and upset him and completely mess with his head and put him off for the entire game, right? Yeah, and then it backfired on me because I put on their outfit we have to see the mascot well no, we don't, it's part of the show part, I know it's part of the show, but take a good look at it, but he's going to ruin it and he's on my team, oh he'll be fine, he'd mess his head up really bad, it's just a very messy, messy cutlery drawer, well we need you guys to have given me something to do in there, I'm already so excited of what this will look like. like in the end, are you still sorting the cutlery well?
7 times rhod gilbert was a countdown hero 8 out of 10 cats does countdown channel 4
I've done my best, Jimmy, but I have serious questions about your diet bar, if this is your cutlery tray, I mean, who has six dessert forks and two regular forks and I've parted ways with you, I know that I can do that, you go crazy, watch me go crazy, just quit for real, no, you won't like it all again, uh, rod, you're surprisingly good at


, uh, I think you look. when you say surprisingly what do you mean to me? I was surprised how good you were. Why were you surprised by how good it was? Because of how you talk.
How do you work? Do you think you're going to win against these two? The only chance. we're going to lose I'm pretty good with letters I'm fine but numbers are my I'm much better with words than with numbers I'll show you jimmy think of a number between one and ten don't tell me think about it well okay and reveal it now seven I don't see very good with numbers but with words and letters well let's make this interesting think of a number between one and a thousand any number you like if you want change your mind, he's in my head okay johnny in my underwear take a little route there inside your pants, yes, I thought it was in your anus, we found it, that's why you smell like that Johnny, they told me I smell better from behind. that me from the front so in the middle what are you swimming?
I wonder what you do. He said he smells better from the back than his head


from the front. No lover has told me that. If he came into the room backwards, it helps. To keep the mood going, okay, what's written on the paper, remember it's a number between one and a thousand, you chose, Jimmy, yeah, keep it in your head, let's take a look, what was it? uh 999 999 better with words and letters and I'm big numbers. you hit uh rod in the back of the head nine a nine letter word okay, I have a nine letter word although I think what you're going to say is that a lot of the letters don't need to be there.
I have a definite seven, it's possible, eight, okay, now how do I play this Jimmy? Definitely, how do you play this? Yeah, you have to give us a seven because you take seven. I'm going to go for seven, the definitive one. pee, I'd say a possible eight is if you said who is that pee over there, why are you dressed like that? create rumors it's too hot this is the same temperature it's something that burns because it's too hot permanent tan I lived in the pink palace it's a real apartment it's real people of color they should drive heavy vehicles through canals without introducing them yeah I don't know Yes, you could have the milk on your tongue, your reaction would be that you are in it, no, I would vomit, I can barely stand here, if they shoot you, they need to take you out there, you don't like to talk absolute nonsense, you always It seems like an account that is so ironic.

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