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‘Nobody from Bronx cosigns’: Trump brings out rappers accused of murder at Bronx rally

May 27, 2024
but we start tonight with Donald Trump's concern about crowd size, which continued at a crazy


in the Bronx where he boasted of huge crowds of over 25,000 people, so take a look at what you see here, 25,000 people, according to the police department and the laws. From physics and the existence of eyeballs you can see that Trump is once again lying, it is the lie that launched a thousand memes with people comparing this poultry scene to what actually constitutes a crowd of 25,000 people like Andrea Belli's crowd Drew at the Clay Center bar or this


, but for Barack Obama in Iowa, that has to hurt because if anything triggers Donald Trump it is the Obama Factor, remember in 2017, on that terrible day in American history, when Trump took office as president, he predicted large crowds for his ceremony, larger than Obama's, but Then, these famous photos showed a view of the crowd on the National Mall at the inauguration with Obama on the left and Trump on the right.
nobody from bronx cosigns trump brings out rappers accused of murder at bronx rally
Both images were taken shortly before noon from the top of the Washington Monument. The lies continue to this day, just a couple. A few weeks ago, a rally called Rockus Beachfront in New Jersey drew between 80 and 100,000 people, according to Wildwood officials, but those same Republican officials later said the number didn't really reflect how many people were at the rally itself, but more. well several people quote in our city make it make sense or rather, don't we know that absurdity is the point? This is one thing with Donald Trump, an overinflated sense of self and an orchestrated lie to make him seem bigger, better, more popular, admired and well received than he really is, you know who else makes those dictators knowing that the people will you just believe whatever narrative they are told and we know this about Donald Trump but is it also about the media taking the bait with reports about the size of Trump's crowd taking it all? headlines this is a call for some good old fashioned shoe leather reporting.
nobody from bronx cosigns trump brings out rappers accused of murder at bronx rally

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nobody from bronx cosigns trump brings out rappers accused of murder at bronx rally...

Was anyone at this rally asked if they're actually from the Bronx because remember the Bronx borough of New York City has a majority of black and blue Latino voters, but that crowd, I'm just saying, looked awfully white. , the strategy is to convince America that black and brown people are the Americans who are really interested in Trump, but as Trump lay on the stage, this is what real New Yorkers were saying on the ground, no one who is authentically from the Bronx and is willing to sign hate and xenophobia and misogyny and all the things that this guy stands for let Donald Trump know that he is not welcome in the Q.
nobody from bronx cosigns trump brings out rappers accused of murder at bronx rally
Do you think there are people you know in the Bronx who are Friends who would consider it? vote for him, no, I don't know anyone who considers that voting for him doesn't quite fit the Trump narrative, do you do that and think about it? If Trump has so many supporters in New York, why don't they show up in droves to support him at his trial, where the courthouse is literally just a subway ride away, this is Tuesday, a supporter, usually there isn't one, Trust me. I've been there, and to top it all off, Tom Foolery Trump introduced Florida Congressman Byron Donalds as a possible vice presidential candidate.
nobody from bronx cosigns trump brings out rappers accused of murder at bronx rally
Trump's lie that Biden authorized the feds to remove him from that guy, the only black that Republicans love to present as false proof that black people, black people, are just Maga, they are Maga, is a joke and so believable like when they pretended they were we were going to make that guy speaker of the house because they weren't going to do that either. Joining me now is Michael Steel, former chairman of the Republican National Committee and weekend co-host on MSNBC. Michael Tomaski, editor of the New Republic and Klay Kane, host of the Klay Kane show on sirusxm and author of the New York Times bestselling book the grift we were on the list at the same time we were we were um, let's talk about this because it seems like This particularly bothered me because my godmother, my Jamaican godmother, lived in the Bronx um, that's where I lived after college, you know I'm an orphan, so after that I went and lived with my godmother, so I lived in the south from the Bronx.
I know what the South Bronx is like. I know what people in the South Bronx are like. Isn't that what they were trying to show? They're trying to use this location and this small crowd that they inflated to try to make it look like they're black and brown people based on Donald Trump. Does it irritate you that much? as it happens to me, I have been in the New York City area for almost 25 years and I talk about complacency and lies, to quote TOA Franklin lies, lies and more lies, I mean, it's in the South Bronx, but the BX is not there with him, you are there.
There were local news reports talking about people traveling there from Pennsylvania, Tennessee, etc., and it's bullshit, and then I think uh, to show us how much he cares about black and brown voters, he brought out two


who have been




, that's what he thinks of us and this year marks 25, sorry, 35 years since he


five black men of being rapists in Central Park and called for their execution. This marks 35 years since he took out that ad in the New York Times, yes and yes, and Yousef Salam, who is now a city councilman, represents a district not far from there, so he thought those kids were trash and He wanted them dead, that's the guy that even anyone black like Byron avoids, who by the way is from Brooklyn he is from East Flatbush Brooklyn like me his family is Caribbean like mine he knows more than this I grew up in the time of Central Park 5 I know what Donald Trump is that's why I don't even watch The Apprentice The black guy who knows anything about Donald Trump thinks the same thing I do about him, which is why he got 10% in New York or 20% when he ran here.
New Yorkers don't like him at all and we've told them when he was him. running for office we were saying trust the New Yorkers tell the New Yorkers come on we tried to tell you and Byron Donald why this brother in DC is not working why is he not in Florida in his current district go back to your district and you're not going to be vice president Byron the same way he intended they were going to be, they were going to make me a speaker he was on our show trying to convince us of that they rubbed his head never let people rub your head Byron that is my advice to you Chef G uh uh Michael Ste because I know you're a hip-hop fan like I am Chef G and Sleepy Hallow.
I had never heard of them the only way I know them. Michael is I'm now aware that they were both charged with


in a 140 cent indictment, so Donald Trump's speech to us is gold slippers and two


who were charged with murder, that's what he thinks of black people as someone, Michael Steel, who tried to expand the ranks of black support in the Republican Party, what do you think of that? Well, it's a shameful affront, um, to all the work and effort that African Americans are trying to create within their community and trying to get people to pay attention to the young African American boys and girls who are making their way into the schools that they're trying to graduate from h BCU this year uh and major institutions to set a course for themselves towards the American dream so that as a presidential candidate, do you want to remind us that we're nothing more than rappers with 140 felony charges on their against, including murder?
Oh, by the way, we are going to save you on your cigarettes because we know that you like to smoke those cigarettes and and wear those sneakers, everything has been a lie, everything has been portrayed one way and this is the part that I find most offensive when members of our own community promote this garbage, come on and don't talk to him honestly, uh, Byron, uh. that's a problem, so you know you might as well stand on that stage instead of throwing the Maga hats, just throw a pair of gold L sneakers because that's essentially what it is, yeah, and if that's all you can bring us stay home hello we need it come on he literally threw paper towels at Puerto Ricans that was his speech to Hispanics and you have Latinos like Marco Rubio who knows better who used to be a uh commentator on UD Vision who knows better than that.
He says that's fine with him, now he's okay with them locking up people like him and putting them in camps. You can always find someone in the community who is willing to take out Clarence Thomas and turn on his own people. Clarence Thomas, who thinks the Brown V board was apparently decided too much and went too far with that guy, so you have a baby version of him in Byron Donald. He's very embarrassing, but I want to talk real quick about Joy, how does Clarence Thomas think she gets an education as brown as the V Board of Education? place, a good white billionaire will help him.
I mean, I think he really believes in a good rich white person's wife and that will always save him, so he thinks he's fine as long as there's a good white billionaire he doesn't care about. Anybody else, I mean, I have to bring Michael Tomaski here because you wrote a really good series, there's a great series on the new Republic, and I hope everyone watches it because the other part of this Michael is the media, the media. has to stand in the way of fascism here I know you guys don't want to take sides but here's a clip from your series you're serious this is what American fascism would be like talk about media responsibility here Michael in terms of the way we talk about these things in terms of the way we talk about things like he got a record crowd of black and brown people in the Bronx, yeah, you know, the time has passed, Joy, where we can do the that this. side and that side of journalism when it relates to Donald Trump or what kind of journalism that says well this side says this and that side says that and who knows the truth is probably somewhere in between that's a traditional approach to objective journalism not We can allow that now.
I'm not saying the media should support Joe Biden or apologize for Joe Biden or try to make sure Joe Biden wins the election, not at all, however, the media has to stand firm. for the values ​​of democracy and the values ​​of the Republic that we live by and that we have been trying to perfect for 250 years and against the values ​​that would attack that. Donald Trump clearly wants to attack those values, he tells us that one way or another every week, you know we were preparing that issue of the new Republic and you know, I was wondering if you know, maybe this is going a little far, but then he comes out with that interview for Time magazine and I said Well, no.
This interview for Time magazine that he did a month ago validates every word we wrote in this package of stories and yes, the media needs to be more direct and say, uh, look, this man says he's going to do this, he says he. he's going to put, you know, try to deport and round up millions and millions of people, what would that look like in the long-running Joy investigative series about what that would look like, what effect that would have on families, as Jamal Buie wrote in his excellent today's column in the times families who are you know the people who pay taxes um you know, it's sad

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