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Mike Portnoy Learns Impossible Danny Carey Drum Part

Jun 01, 2024
What more would we give you? You can touch everything. I don't know if I should thank you or kill you. This is not a song. This is a mathematical equation. You, Danny Carrey, lose my number, I don't want this gig, will you? Take a first try, no, I'm talking out loud. I'm fucking confused. This makes Dream Theater sound like Weezer Mike. I've waited a long time to make this video. You know it's strange. I'm not nervous about this. I should be scared because now I'm expected to get something we'd possibly give to Mike Pornoy, who can play the Dance of Eternity, but before you jump, if you look at the iPad to your left and swipe left, there's a video for You must see it before you start.
mike portnoy learns impossible danny carey drum part
Oh boy, oh, hello, Mike Jordan. I know everyone at Dro has a cool challenge for you, but I also know that you, my best


mer friend in Prague, can do it. Your musicality will shine. Breathe. your bottle of Advil ready everything is going to happen you're going to have fun and I'll see you soon this this song he knows what it is he knows what it is he said it was a great choice I'm a 56 year old man, here, I have, I have my limitations , you may have heard, uh, Jordan had to learn the web woven by animals as leaders, please, we won't give you that, according to the Internet, in 2019 you were. on the record it says that this album that the song comes from was one of their best albums of 2019, so it may help you what I listened to in 2019.
mike portnoy learns impossible danny carey drum part

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mike portnoy learns impossible danny carey drum part...

I mean, this is this is the tool, right, this is What would the tool be like? How can you give me a tool song? Come on just for you Mike, I'm not Dennis Chambers, you know, okay, I have a problem with this. I mean, for the record, Danny Cary is one of the most creative


mers I've ever heard. whatever it is, this is going to be


, I mean do I have to play all that? I don't have any kind of power to make your own creative decisions, well whatever you want to do, here we go, let me find the one I already have.
mike portnoy learns impossible danny carey drum part
I can't find the Danny oh there's a click okay we gotta get the triple f time it's the vocals help oh man please tell me this is only 4 minutes long not eight or nine or ten or twelve minutes . You're a legend Mike, okay, this


I have those verses that are Killers, can I just say Danny? It probably took how many years writing this like 10 years, what do I get? 10 minutes, no, it's going to be a long night, guys, you better put that pot of coffee on, it's going to be a long night, oh, this is a versus play, I think well, I'll find out when it comes, it's so good , okay guys, finish, finish, move on, idiots.
mike portnoy learns impossible danny carey drum part
Well, first I have to start by saying that it is incredible, so phenomenal. I mean, Danny is so tasty, so creative, but what else would we give you? You can touch everything. It's one thing to write like that. It's one thing to write like me. I've written with Dream Theater but being put in the SP like this is just cruel on the record, this is definitely the wildest song learning video Dromeo has ever done oh thank you so welcome here this It's going to take a little time. I'm probably going to need a round to get just the arrangement before I start tackling the time signatures and then there's the basic introduction to the drum


That's the key I have to unlock that beat of a song like This, you need to listen to it 20, 30 times up to 100 times to get these nuances. We believe in you Mike. I have yet to crack the code of time signatures and verses. Yes, we can repeat it as many times as you want. Yes Yes. Yeah, that would be good, ah, oh, it's almost like a nine, not the time before the tag. I think once you crack the code, everything else will fall into place assuming you stick to those time signatures because a lot of times we like what we do.
What I'll do in the dream is we'll have this weird code and once you crack it, we'll use it a little bit more later, well that doesn't help, it sounds like it's going into the upbeat groove or both. I'm talking out loud here, I'm so fucking confused it doesn't help if you're playing a poly beat over it, I'm going to add fills for the second half of the second chorus, then the half beat tag, okay, let's move on. I'm going to have to go back to Crack the Code, I still have to make some drum notes for this breakdown and the bomb count bars are fine, so here comes bomb two three, these poor cameramen.
I feel really bad for you, I mean. It's building every time, every four bars, something else is coming in, oh, where was I? Okay, so four rounds of double counter base come in, that's two rounds that land in the four guitar four setup, now we go back to the code every time it comes in, it's so There are huge pitfalls in adding Phils back in the second half. of the course, then the tag, what song, yes, it is an amazing song to listen to. It's a nightmare to learn, I will understand this, it will just take some time. pee break and coffee break you guys are okay with being patient right oh yeah as much time as you need okay enjoy us what were some of the other ones that other people yeah couldn't give me a type foo fighter or a god who would have?
I loved a Foo Fighter song. You want to make a first try. No, let me ask you something. You mentioned Danny Car's tour. Would it be cheating for me to watch it? I think that could be cool. Look, I already have the visual aids and this is him. I'm not even playing the rhythm yet, but just when I have to learn a song. A lot of times I go to YouTube and watching it somehow helps me consolidate it a little better. Now it's not easier, so to start I'll say. This, when I was listening, I only heard the drums, but now I see what he's performing, that he's doing a lot more.
I still don't know how many full listens that is right now, maybe five or you. I'm not feeling this, so I have to crack the code. We are fine and I wonder about you. I wish I already knew how to play this song. Yeah, he just pulled it out and it seemed perfect to me. Do you want to listen to it? to the verse section once again, yeah, I'm still trying to crack that code. Seeing it definitely helped. The other thing would be to look for the transcripts. We have that lever, but we are not going to give that. one for you, yeah, okay, if it gets to that point, that's it, we got it, okay, move on.
I think I'm getting somewhere. I'm counting a lot of elens there six and five 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Have you figured out what the cycle is at this point? Well, the beginning of each sentence is a 66 and a five, thank you for your patience, but yes. This is a challenge, uh, if you don't mind, keep repeating that 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5, so that's 1 2 3 and 1 2 3 4 five, I think 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4, okay. Okay, it's three 3 3 43, you're sure you don't want to have a food fight, so how many hours have we been at this right now? Mike, we have uploaded uh Dro songs with Numa transcription, yes, they are all six and five. and three, I mean, again, all music is yeah, wow, okay, this helps.
I'm not even going to look at the actual drum notation. I'm just going to look at the numbers 3 5 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 okay, wait, it has bars of five, five and three, think of those beats as six and two, but maybe not, right? Are you noticing a repeating beat or cycle pattern in the verse? I'm still trying to figure it out, you know? The accents are all weird, but there's like a cycle of three numbers, so six 65 65 65 is all 65 is pretty much all 11 6565 665 the Beast's neighbor I've always thought of. this is like a cycle 12 1110 or broken, I mean six and five throughout, but this makes Dream Theater sound like Weezer with all due respect to Weezer.
I love Weezer, but yeah, I mean, this is crazy to even watch. It's hard to even crack the code, so when you're learning for any of your other bands or anything you can stop at right there, anything I've done to learn for any of my bands is completely useless for this exercise or for any another person. If you ever need to learn something, who's going to need to learn this, you might get the call and you'll thank us later. No, Danny Cary, lose my number. I don't want this concert on that note. Here's H. Here's the top of the song.
Okay, can you take it from the guitar setup? Okay, it's not the same, it's not right, wait a second when the settings are on the same riff and then they decide to change it, yeah, what do we do? What we're going to do in Dream Theater is we're going to have this code and once you crack it, we're going to use it a little bit more later on. This is not a song. It's a mathematical equation. Okay, come on, we're going to have to loop. This last part, do I have to get this in one shot?
I would say that even if we like some sections of this and finish the video, there's no way the song can be perfected in one session. No, there is no way, I think. It would be more advantageous if we took it section by section. I mean, this is like giving someone like Frank Zappa the black page. Comprehension. The learning. He listens to her. Not even talking about playing. Playing is just one of many aspects of this. That makes this a ridiculous experiment, so at this point do you want to just skip to the first verse? I say let's start at the top, play along with that and see where we end up.
Do you have a lectern? I could wear this, yeah, we can bet you one, okay. May the force be with you, you are Spirit, I am bound to this flesh, we go out there, we look, we stab you, and we reach beyond this flesh, we are, we will wonder, no. you remember are a breath a word I a dot Sun child W up child Wake up now child wake up child light wake up child about you of this flesh these guys this m this dream wake up remember are BN exhaled a breath a word I all a SP Sun King a n n a he let Reach Out wake up remember we are a breath a word a whole place Me for a wonder oh that's the one I mean that was the end I hope everyone who watches this video realizes what you just did , you just played one of the most difficult songs ever recorded, you're not kidding, that's actually legit.
I mean, I knew this song because I heard it as a fan and casual listener, but I heard that I loved it, it was ruined. Far from it, but I never in a million years thought I'd learn it, there's no way on Earth I could have learned it for all of Danny's kids. I mean, I'm sure Danny spent days, weeks, months, years building this masterpiece and it's a masterpiece, it really is, but there's no way, even though I know my weird time signatures and all, I'm a guy. field and this was a challenge and a half.
I don't know if I should thank you or kill you. We'll let the Internet decide. thank me or maybe they'll thank you, well, Danny and the tulle, it's beautiful work, but now, Danny, you have to come do the frat dance, now, okay, fair is fair, so I just took a pee break and coffee break and my my son Max texted me, he said, So what song did they throw at you? Here is the text. I'm in hell. We will have to watch the video and I want to write to you, it is not


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