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'How has Sunak got it so wrong?' | LBC debate

May 27, 2024
uh it was only 5 years ago, which I find quite strange, I find it quite encouraging, great analysis, well a couple of cookies to open the fan is at 7 or, what would you like? Regards James um, I think it's a great conversation you're having here, but I think it's also a very British thing to complain about the government of the day. Well, I think most countries do it too, right? I'm allowed, yes I don't support the Conservatives and yes I'm not very interested in the Labor Party either, but one thing I know for sure is that for 9 days afterwards we ran at this guy and he's only been attacking since Time and Time.
how has sunak got it so wrong lbc debate
Time and time again your handlers asked me questions about what you have done well. I agree that it has many


policies in place, many things that I would not support, for example the Rwanda Saga. I'll call it that. It's not great, also having to get specialized help and then choosing not to bring your dependency into the country because you know that doesn't make any sense, but when I look at the arguments I just feel like You know he has inherited a government that obviously hasn't done well. . I know he's conservative, but at the same time I mean what he's done, what he can do and what he's doing now, so I don't.
how has sunak got it so wrong lbc debate

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how has sunak got it so wrong lbc debate...

I don't expect you to know that he is the best candidate for everyone, but yes, he has done things that have helped you know well as prime minister, not as chancellor, what he has done as prime minister. I mean also the things he did like Chancellor didn't help, we became, I mean, Furlow did with most people, but going out to eat to help was an absolute disaster biologically, you said often, you said often, why Why don't you give him credit for how you know? he did it twice, so what he did as prime minister is always biased.
how has sunak got it so wrong lbc debate
I just said he was brilliant, well, as a prime minister, he is, he is. I mean, we've been talking about ships and obviously there have been a lot of distractions over the last few months, yeah. I mean, James, listen. I'm not on Vish's side. I know I'll let you talk, but at the end of what you're saying now, I'll ask you again what he's done as Prime Minister. That's good. well, there's inflation, that's Haring right now, that has nothing to do with him, well, it's getting better, that has nothing to do with him, unless of course it's under his government, right, no , because he went up, so it was entirely his fault. when was it, are you saying that everyone who has had to sell their house because they can't pay their mortgages that were at risk was that under rishy


or was it like a list of trust that he was prime minister when when when when the tide ? came When the tide went out, inflation partner, you can't claim, he said you can't claim that he lowered his inflation 49 days later, I'm not or I'll let you talk and then I'll let you talk and then I'll point out how stupid you you are with these things, but you inherited these things, you put them in place and you gave them the responsibility of running the government.
how has sunak got it so wrong lbc debate
Richy Sunak claimed there was nothing


with soaring inflation. what to do with it everything was about international factors that we are going to have don't change the subject don't change don't change the subject don't change don't you dare change the subject we're going round and round in circles it's going to happen we can't stand it we're not going to give Round and round in circles you're throwing a ski into the sky and I'm throwing it at Smither with my 12 ball we go on and on and on and on but what do you want me to do?
I want you to tell me. I want you to stop talking and let me interrupt. For the love of God, I want you to tell me what he has done as Prime Minister, that it is impressive and that you can. I don't have inflation because he literally said he has no control over inflation when it skyrocketed, so what else is there left for him? No, no, but I'm just asking if that has improved under his administration. No, I'm asking what he's doing. Since you're not celebrating what happened, you might as well talk about the weather, although obviously that hasn't worked out very well for you this week either, so hold on, hold on a second, I'll just give you a quick explanation of how it affects you.
I personally won't, you won't, you'll tell me what he's done as Prime Minister and that we should all be celebrating, but that's what I'm trying to explain, right? You're not doing very well. I'll give it to you. One more chance. I'm late for recess. Look at the support for Ukraine, for example, that happened. It's a look at the fact that I'm personally getting more money because of the Ni reduction that happened there. go there, you have one, we have there at the end a reduction in National Insurance, why didn't you just say that in the first place we could have saved us all all that trouble and thrown in a reduction in National Insurance? vote


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