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Watch the unique method that has changed so many people's lives.

May 25, 2024
Yeah, oh Joe, why don't you give him a bunch of treats? Because I don't want to give him a ton of treats because that's not the way I live life. I don't sit there and give my kids m m's when they do something good, that's not the way I act or anyone else in any other aspect of their life, oh but you give your employees a paycheck. ,


give their employees a paycheck, yeah, every two weeks, we don't sit there and reinforce every little behavior that any organism ever does us just why do we do that with dogs he just came in ten minutes ago He's eight months old he dragged me down this road almost as hard as I've ever been pulled that's okay, like he carried me about five feet probably until I got my bearings he's a polar you guys are always asking about the craziest polars.
watch the unique method that has changed so many people s lives
Sometimes I show you dogs being good, it's being good because of the input


I do and you say we want a worse dog. He's fine, he's not a bad dog, he's just a puller, he jumps too, so I'll show you the stick, hopefully, so you can see. Oh yeah, he's a shooter, so let's do the


, go for a walk, I have a gentle. leader, they've used it before, they say he just puts it on and just goes to bed. I also have candy. He's fine, he looks when he gets into something or when he pulls, he basically pulls hard.
watch the unique method that has changed so many people s lives

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watch the unique method that has changed so many people s lives...

You can see that this is not terrible, but he looks. Look at him, he looks at his body like he's inside something and then you try to push him away and his whole body doesn't react terribly, but now we're going into the house. You can see that he is not well trained to walk on a loose leash, okay? Right now we're going to come in here and we're going to do the process. I'll get it, Carly, let's do the process. You know, the entry process. Let's set the tone I have. the friendly leader jumps well so let's deal with it I want you to see him do the behavior so you can see how the behaviors are fixed quickly and my method to fix them I'm not saying that if I do my method to jump, jump, it will disappear for always, that's not the case, but you have to see these things, okay, come to the door, you know the method, sit down, see if you know, sit down, stay, don't get treats, the treat is getting out the door. reinforcements let's walk stay well correction come back in leave me again correction I need to go to the door no he left me here this is what you guys don't do enough I say it all the time you don't I don't do enough of this go to the door, he comes out and just a little correction, it's not a normal color, it has two colors, it has a martingale type color and it has a normal one, I'm in the normal one, okay, oh, Joel. you released him you released him and then you corrected him no he didn't he left a release on a leash is not doing whatever you want he is on a leash the leash means you can leave me about three feet and then you have to check in with Yo, that's what the leash means, you guys want to do these things, you want to be a great dog trainer or you want to be an average dog trainer, this is what matters, okay, sit down, I didn't say sit two feet away from me. height.
watch the unique method that has changed so many people s lives
I said sit here sit there let's go I'm not going to ask it a lot of times I asked it twice stay we are conditioning that the strap means something I want to say something that arrived five minutes ago okay, okay, it's that within more or less criteria, but we have to go ahead with this video okay let's go for a walk now this dog is eight months old and he will wander constantly when you have a stray or a young dog that you don't want to be constantly giving corrections so I'm going to become a reinforcement place for Luke, so I hope this guy says, Okay, I'm going to look at that guy from time to time for treats.
watch the unique method that has changed so many people s lives
Now this is the professional. This may be the problem with treats. They go, sit in front of you and ask you for treats, let's take this slow, this is the first walk, okay, we can let it smell a little and good boy, Luke, that's one of the keys, there I said, good boy. Luke took a step, he said I'm going and I stopped, that's what you guys have to do, it's not just about the dog leaving you and stopping, it's these subtle little things, is that within the criteria? Yeah, oh, what a good boy, how about him?
I looked away, I was going to give him a treat, oh, and he looked away, so he looks at me for like three seconds and then looks away, I won't give him a treat once he looks away, I was going for the treats. . He looks, looks at his body when he pulls, looks at his whole tense body and looks the other way, good boy, oh joe, why don't you give him a bunch of treats? because I don't want to give him a lot of treats. because that's not the way I live life, I don't sit there and give m m ms to my kids when they do something good, it's not the way I or anyone else operates in any other aspect of their life, oh but you give your employees a paycheck


give their employees a paycheck yeah every two weeks we don't sit there and reinforce every little behavior that any organism does we just why do we do that with dogs constant reinforcement look look see and go, okay, that's the answer we want now a little more on my page and a little less on my page a little flip ok well every time he leaves we're going to stop until he realizes that he has to pay attention to me thing who has never realized in his life that he actually has to look back at the person holding the leash, maybe he has noticed that I look back, occasionally I get gifts that are different than looking back because this crazy guy stops all the time.
Would he be more effective with a kind and patient leader? possibly that's not what this video is about maybe at home you just want to wear a normal collar okay, there's constant permission this is the first session he brought me here five minutes ago he's never been here why am I not giving


signals? because he doesn't care about signs, I could say his name, I want this dog and all dogs to act right without being told to act right, I don't want to talk to him, I want to go for a walk, sit there and


In heaven I don't want to sit there and tell my dog ​​saying his name telling him sit telling him to go on I want to continue with my walk in my life and think about what I want to think and not give my dog ​​constant signals, how do you do that? You don't give them a lot of cues from the beginning, you don't give them a lot of treats or in line, you train general leash rules, general leash rules, so taking two steps forward has been their cue. just leave and not know, so I'm conditioning the dog to now do 15 stops in the first session.
Can you make 15 stops? Surely you can do it. You have the patience to make 15 stops. I don't know if you will. Should you be your dog? is your dog for the rest of your this is your dog for the next 12 years of your life but you are not patient enough to make 15 stops to get to this point with a dog that pulled me well with a dog that there is your sniff release, don't do a sniff release from the beginning until you have your dog on your page. There is a dog that often runs at us right here and we'll see if that happens.
Do not know where. It's just that it's always out, it's okay, Luke, come on, go back to your left and let's see what I say, 15 stops, ah, boy, look at it, pull, oh, that was pretty good, it actually gave way a little now as we go down the road. walk and I don't make a lot of stops, he will start to go away more and forget, we just have to remind him to look alone, it's okay, alone, it's okay, look at me, these are not difficult corrections, they don't hurt the dog, they do get the ones from the dog. attention three stops now we're here now I can start relaxing oh man just the first session let's just add some treats reinforce them okay someone asked the other day and they told me why didn't you flag the behavior right ? just give treats for fun, so I'm not going to go into what that means to match or mark a behavior.
I'm not going to go into the nuances of it. Basically she was asking why didn't I say give a clicker or click or Say yes or something like that and then reinforce because that's not what I'm doing here I'm just being a place of reinforcement for the dog to communicate with me and so the dog only gets the reinforcement here, so I have a track record of success. reinforcement here, I'm not interested in marking behavior, that's not what I'm using the treats for, it's okay, it's the first time I've done it and he really paid attention, we are on our way to having a good walker dog without signs. a normal collar because of all those stops, the tester stops leaving, he is a homeless man, he has no ID, he barely has any idea where I am.
Okay, let's go back this way, let's leave him, okay, bring him back to my left, being in his own way is unacceptable, okay? dog who doesn't know where I am and just leaves me and goes about his business is unacceptable ok and that's what this dog does leave him ok it's unacceptable for me I want quick results no pain no harsh methods and that's what we get, that's what you can get on your walks, okay, these are normal collars, no prongs, no e-collar, no, nothing, these are corrections that don't hurt the dog, but are synchronized in the moment the dog decides to leave you, make sure you get the The dog here is too careful, they are timed at the moment the dog decides to leave you, it's to the side and you lean over, you let the dog leave you and then you give it a correction, you add about two inches, the dog does 90. of the correction you add the last couple of little pops, okay, when you do that, then you have a dog that is at least paying attention to you, which most of you want and They need a dog that occasionally looks at mom.
I want the dog to always do it. Pay attention to me, but you guys wouldn't be okay with most of your dogs going for a walk, you don't even care where they are, you just pull them or walk alongside them and don't do it, but don't look at them. You, they don't know where you are, you will never be able to let go of the leash. A gentle leader would work a hundred times better. We're in the middle of the road, but let's make a gentle leader real quick. I mean, this will end the behavior. perfectly now this guy is going to be perfect I didn't want perfection for you because now it's a little bit more of a head turn which you don't like it doesn't hurt you you just don't like it now he's a perfect walker very close but I didn't want to show you that, leave it good, I added a little bit, leave it now, he doesn't want to get to the end and turn his head, so it's almost perfect, sit down, here we go, I'll reinforce it.
It took me a long time, that was my second sit with him, one at the door, one here, so I'll reinforce him, good boy, okay, come on, now the dog is actually with me, so that's what a gentle leader does if you don't want to. fight the nice leaders, help guys, so walk on a loose leash, sit with a dog, that's a big lever, let you, we have good results, but you have to keep going, you have to make those stops, you have to make the stops. right, you're correcting a choice, I correct the choices, okay and you reinforce the choices that you're correcting when you know they're basically in front of you and they're leaving you, you stop and give them a little correction and then you continue doing it. keep doing it keep doing it add the gentle leader if your dog is tough this guy was relatively tough it took a lot of good to throw in some treats to be a place of reinforcement so add a little more like where is this guy? where is this guy? in and you will get it subscribe like and comment on the video

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