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Train your dog to COME to you NO MATTER WHAT

Jun 18, 2024
you do like this and they do no, no, no criteria for coming to you is being grabbed, you have to start understanding that, write it down, I'm going to teach you how to



dog to


to you, 95 of you. I need this behavior. You don't remember


dog perfectly. No fences and playing with dogs. You don't remember perfectly. 99 of you don't. I'm going to show you exactly how to do it right now. I suggest you understand. a paper and a pencil because it's not just about giving them treats every time they


just use a long leash just do the fetch method those are all big things but that's not all there are little things that are very important for this behavior.
train your dog to come to you no matter what
Why you probably don't have a perfect memory? Because you are not doing these little things right, so first of all you have to identify it. Leave it alone. What does the word Cooper mean to your dog? So this is


you're in your house your dog is 10 feet away from you and you go I'm going to use prince because I don't want to say com while he's here I'm going to say you say prince come on and the prince is there and The prince goes here, I am. I'm here like,


does it really mean for your dog?
train your dog to come to you no matter what

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train your dog to come to you no matter what...

He's here because usually you're in your living room and you're like, Prince, come and the dog comes and pokes his head around the corner and you're like, "Oh, cool." He saw you but he didn't come towards you, but you allowed that to be the behavior, you allowed him to stick his head around the corner and be 10 feet away from you to be the retreat, when in reality what the retreat is is being here, right? OK? some things you have to have some pop in the pickup write that now you have to have some pop in the tail so press the k prince come make poppy make it play a high note they hear it when they smell and they are playing as soon as you listen if you don't have some pop that's number one write it some pop on the cup part of come good the other is you have to give them a place to go what does that mean? it means it means your hand signal can't just be standing here bored saying this and that come eventually it may be but not now let it be it has to be with the hand right here prince come so pop along with the place to go now does it?
train your dog to come to you no matter what
I have a tree in my hand? No, but to


them you have a treat in your hand when they're young or early in the process, but eventually the cue is just this or this or this, whatever, it's just this, it's something you give them. oh yeah, visually fine, remembering is hard, there are a lot of distractions out there that they would rather do, so you need to help them. Still with my dog ​​I point my hand at the ground. It's just something else to help them. Prince, come, why not do it? Why stop? Everyone there is boring and they say come on, okay, this is a difficult behavior to train perfectly, you have to give them a place to go, so your dog is their age 11 months, your dog is six months, heck, your dog is a year and a half. be using treats and the hand signal you are in your house your new backyard so and so come they come boom you give them a gift so and so come they give them a gift so you establish which word means something they get something when they come to you and they use look at this big piece of chicken use a big piece of chicken okay use whatever so you've already set it up then come out and now we'll do it with it.
train your dog to come to you no matter what
I don't. I don't know if he will or not. It's okay, Cooper, you're free, buddy, it's okay, Cruz, do what you want. Oh, you're just going to stay by my side, look, don't worry about it, go play, it's okay, Cooper has walked away from me. I'm going to give him the signal that I told you about the hand signal, the verbal signal, he's going to make a decision, or he's going to come to me, at which point I'm going to grab the caller and give him a treat, right? why am I going? to grab the caller it's called grab the money and run, they come towards you, you give them a treat and they run away and you can't grab them, you have to be able to grab them, don't say you're going to leave, but you have to be able to grab them , many dogs do this and they do no, no, no, there is no criterion for coming to you is that they catch you, you have to start understanding that, write that, they have to be caught, very good. so when he comes, if he comes, I'm going to lure him with a treat, tell him, come, I'm going to have a treat, I'm going to grab it and then I'm going to give him the treat, I'm not going to give one. try and grab take the money and run and you didn't get them oh they are, they are ready here is Cooper, over here, sure, Cooper ready, he is smelling something, this guy smells a lot, let's see if this works, Cooper, come, I'll give it to you .
He another shot okay, this is the first session with this Cooper, come on, good boy, what a good boy, look at my signal, Cooper is coming, so okay, let's discuss this, he was there smelling, I said, Cooper, come, He said no, I said, listen, I'm not doing it. We're just now training this, I said it again, it's okay to give two signals when you're training a behavior for the first time, we're not super tough, then he wandered off, I was like good boy, good boy, then he stopped here, I'm like, Alright. The first session I gave him another sign and I think he started to cum and then he said no and I'm going to smell this so I walked up to him and grabbed him and didn't grab him like he was excited. he never came to me he came halfway he didn't come to me your dog does this all the time don't go up to him and give him a treat don't go up to them but go up to them you're ending up above where i asked you to come, so now we're bringing them back because I talked to the camera, the time lapse, this doesn't make an impression anymore, sit down, sit down, stay, okay, go play, people think, I think there is this. there's this notion that if you say come and you have to go get the dog or the dog even comes towards you a little bit and you catch them and you're not happy with them then they won't come to you anymore, that's not true my fetch method, which is a big part of this video and you just watched it, you're going to end up here, I learned that helplessness has to be activated, that's a bad word for some people and you shouldn't learn helplessness when it comes to remembering and Possibly walking on a loose leash has to have an effect, it's okay, you don't want it with everything in life because dogs don't have options in life if everything is learned, helplessness, remembering, running away and being hit by cars, you need listen. that and just leaving, maybe, as you've ever seen, prince, I might as well go with this guy, no, you want him to come to you happy, sure, but we need the retreat, I don't care how we get it, you don't care. how do we get it and if you're not going to train it, you're going to spend years training it where they just run to you because they have a gift, it's going to take years, you need faster results, learned helplessness sets in, okay? look, there's tina, buddy, go play with tina and then, okay, don't mind, go play look, look at this dog, see this dog?
Look at this dog, ready, Cooper, come on, good boy, I'm done asking. I asked it three times last time. I'm done asking, I gave a clear signal, I gave a clear signal with my hand, Cooper said no, sit down, I'm not happy with that, now I'm going to give him a gift, however, since I still want to be a reinforcement place, I want him to know that. he gets treats but it will be after correction or punishment okay, come on, let's go sailing, let's go for a walk, he's going to get away from me, let's see if this works, Cooper, come on, good boy.
Good boy Cooper, hand signal, grab and treat, that was so good, Cooper, that was so good, okay, now I think the recall was based on that grab, not the treat, the treat helps, it was based on that grip. also go to him, he will come to get me anyway, it takes some time to take effect, don't start the fetch method, just do the treats, come to me, get the treat method until they are nine months old, then your brain can start. to really understand the fetch method at least nine months he has 11 months so he can understand the fetch method oh I might as well go to that guy because he will come get me the easy way or the hard way , come find me and get me treats. don't come to me end up here anyway it's your choice dog but young dogs can't understand it you don't do the same thing with your two year old son as you do with your 10 year old son or with your 10 year old son that's what you do with your son 18 year old, okay, go see tina, well you want to see tina, go see tina, by the way, we have to start somewhere, this is a big area, it's a fenced area, it's not a distracting area, but you have to start somewhere, this is where you should start going to a baseball field with your single dog.
I want him to do it at the right time, following me is good, but I want him to do it at the right time, not just following, there are also long leashes. The 20 foot leash goes, it goes to 15 feet, you don't want him to hit the end of the leash, he has it, how can you put the leash on him if he just hits the end of the leash and then comes at you, but when, when? who takes off the leash he doesn't have the stimulus to hit the leash so he doesn't come towards you you have to do it if you use a 20 foot leash krused off he gets to 15 feet cooper comes he says no five more feet hits the end of the leash and goes towards you and finally you say Cooper comes 15 feet away and he goes fine, I'm tied up even though he's not tied up, they don't understand that they're not tied up if I'm like away from you and you do the take off method fake strap.
I talked about Cooper. Holy Mackerel. You're a good boy, but Holy Mackerel. Cooper, come here. My sign. Good Guy. He grabs and tries. Okay, Dustin, will you drop the prince? Now we're going to leave Prince here because he's just being too nice, this is the method, although I tell you my recovery method takes everything into account, it's not just the way of dealing, it's not just the way of fetching, It's not just going to be super. slow, it's slow to teach behavior, but then we have to start living life, you have to start going places, okay, and you need your dog to come to you, now there's your friend, let's see if he can get away from the prince at the door. go see your friend, he's not coming, that's fine too, Cooper, come, good boy, Cooper, what a good boy, give him that good boy encouraging, by the way, right on the bend and trot, good boy, that one stimulus from 20 feet away it's like bridge it's like a clicker in a way, but it's verbal encouragement, come on, prince, okay, this is going to be hard for Cooper, play with Prince, right now, to the dog park , go play with a friend, let's give them a minute so we want to print here. come on cooper come on prince let it go cooper come see how that hand down was super important if you got it if you saw that okay go play with your friend he was crossing over here and I was like here you got You have to lower that hand, you can't give it. the signal like this and you can't give the signal like this Cooper comes everything is flat they listen they hear high tones that's how their brains work and how their ears work they don't hear the rumble of a truck they hear the jingle of a door they hear the jingle you hear high tones it's important this is important these are little things cooper come on cooper come he made a decision right there that dog made a decision the prince walked past him he looked at the prince as if he wanted to go with the prince and then he just said: I'm going to you, okay buddy, good job, okay, let's recap, so you're your tone, your signal is going to hit a high note, you're the second, uh, uh, your q's going to be. here is not going to be here and it is going to start with treats in your house, in your backyard, environments without distractions and you have to continue with this signal even when you do not have a treat, at least this, something different than this, at least there is something here.
Okay, it's called a fade, by the way, fading out treats and hand signals is one of the keys to training that I don't talk to you guys enough about how you train a downhill and then make it just downhill, well. fade the hand signal from this to this to this to this then potentially down but you have to fade it you don't go from here drawing down it's a totally different signal the dog doesn't even understand what you're asking okay, fade the hand signal with the hand so you gotta fade away from the puppy come come okay high pitch signal learned helplessness needs to be turned on google if you want learned helplessness let it go guys um you need to print print print stop and then go to more distractions.
The environments keep giving treats when they come to you so they can't take the money and run, that's your ultimate withdrawal or the next video, like subscribe and comment, hit the bell.

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