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How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History

May 30, 2021
The bitter struggle between Arabs and Jews for control of the Holy Land has caused untold suffering in the Middle East for generations. It is often claimed that the crisis originated with Jewish immigration to Palestine and the founding of the State of Israel, but the roots of the


s lie much earlier in British double-dealing during the First World War. This is a story of intrigue between rival empires, misguided strategies, and how contradictory promises to Arabs and Jews created a legacy of bloodshed that has determined the fate of the Middle East. During World War I, the British, French, and Russians had secret plans to divide the Ottoman Empire because they believed it would balance their imperial ambitions, but it was certainly unlucky for the Turks, Arabs, and anyone else who stood in the way. . all the seeds were planted there then in the sense that it was the British who promised the Arabs independence on the one hand and a Jewish homeland on the other and you couldn't simply reconcile one with the other, the British spread promises to anyone who could be. of any use to them without thinking about the consequences, so British duplicity British double dealing contributed greatly to perpetuating the


in Palestine.
how britain started the arab israeli conflict free documentary history
At the end of the day, when you're fighting a war you're very liberal in what you offer. terms of a post-war agreement, when you sit at the conference table, when the war is over and you have to start fulfilling your agreements, then you have to decide what is good for you or not and what views the Middle East as a western flank for its power in India and that powerful nation in general, the story of Britain's involvement in the Middle East and the ensuing struggle between Arabs and Jews begins with its colonial past in the early 20th century.
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King Edward II ruled a vast empire with interests in Everywhere in the world, India became increasingly important because it was the second pillar of British power in the world. Moving the Indian Army was extremely important to extend British interests and British influence around the world and the Sewi canal was of course the fast way. To do that, it is very important to the British geopolitical position to ensure that the SE Channel remains secure. With this goal in mind, Britain had become the only European power to establish a major foothold in the Middle East in the principalities around the Persian Gulf at Aiden. and in Egypt Britain had annexed Egypt to the Ottoman Empire of Turkey in 1882 and when it became a protectorate in 1914 Cairo had become the center of British power in the Middle East, the presence of imperial troops in the region was vital.
how britain started the arab israeli conflict free documentary history
Strategic importance to the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Muhammad I was an alliance with Britain's feared rival, Germany, along with the Hungarian Empire of Ostroh. These countries formed the Central Powers and confronted them with the three allies Great Britain, France and Russia from the Ottoman capital Constantinople in Turkey. the sultan ruled the last of the great Islamic empires; for decades there was an almost terminal decline; However, the fate of the Ottoman Empire was sealed with the outbreak of World War I in August 1914 in Europe. Germany's rapid advance was stopped by Britain and France along the Western Front in the East Russian War against Germany and Austria Hungary also reached a stalemate the powerful weapons of the industrial age were killing thousands of men in the trenches of each army all the leading powers expected the war to be over in a matter of a matter of months, so in that sense everyone is surprised at the end of 1914 when not only the war continues but shows every sign that it will probably continue for a long time. time, at that moment they began to think in new ways.
how britain started the arab israeli conflict free documentary history
In order to win the war, the British Prime Minister also felt that, given the stalemate in Europe, it was essential to expand the conflict, together with the Foreign Secretary, Lord Gray, the War Secretary, Lord Kitchener, and the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill, they devised a complex strategy to undermine the Central Powers, this was a global war and the British saw the Middle East very much in a global context, the traditional British preference for sideshows, like people, um unfavorably, He calls it the indirect strategy, the way to attack the weak point, as the church will call it, of the enemy. and the most vulnerable point was considered to be Türkiye.
Britain's secret plan involved, on the one hand, military diversion and, on the other, a devious use of diplomacy through bribery, subversion and double-dealing. All of these devices focused on Turkey's weakest link, the Ottoman Empire's diplomacy in The General has always had a secret dimension: whether discretion ends and conspiracy begins is an open question, but during the period before the First War World Cup and during it there were a series of particularly intense negotiations and discussions between the main imperial powers between the two countries. The French, the Russians and the British in particular also intervened with the Italians about what they would do when the war was over and when the Ottoman Empire dissolved, the British government hoped that by reaching an agreement on the spoils of war it would strengthen the alliance.
Against the Central Powers among the Allies, Russia had long sought access to the Mediterranean in a secret treaty of March 1915. Britain and France offered what was for the Tsar a prize of vital geopolitical importance. Constantinople is that key exit to the rest of the world and to the rest of the world. Mediterranean and it's the one thing that, of course, the British and the French have been trying to prevent the Russians from achieving, so this is a complete failure, this is the British, the French and the Russians reaching an agreement on something that was at stake.
This point is almost inconceivable. King Victoria Emanuel of Italy was another target of bribery. Britain. France and Russia attempted to tempt Italy, a pro-German state, to join the Allies in April 1915. A secret treaty offered Italy a substantial portion of Ottoman real estate in Anatolia again. Italy joined the Allies and declared war on the Central Powers in August 1915, but Britain's strategy to undermine the enemy through the Ottoman Empire also required subversion. By using internal opposition to weaken and even destroy it, Britain exploited a new movement sweeping the Empire. Nationalism Nationalism in the sense of believing that there are peoples with a clear cultural identity and that these people should live independently.
That idea spread to the Middle East as well as other parts of the world in the latter part of the 19th century, so we had the beginnings in the Ottoman Empire of a Turkish nationalism that came to a head when the Young Turks collectively took power. in 1908 and began to impose their language and culture. on the Arabs of the Empire, but this only reawakened interest among the Arabs in their own heritage a thousand years before the Arabs had brought technology and literature from the East to the West and their religion, Islam, had encompassed much of Asia, North Africa and Southwestern Europe.
The idea of ​​recovering that historical greatness had remained in the consciousness of Arab intellectuals at the beginning of the First World War. The antagonism between Arabs and Turks had increased. The very fact that the Turks said we want to have a unified empire meant that the Arabs said, "Wait." At one point we were not part of this, so this whole literary and nationalist revival took a much more political form and therefore Arab nationalism emerged. They had come to the conclusion that remaining in the Ottoman Empire was becoming impossible. In reality, they could not share power with the Turks and began to think about having their own state in the summer of 1915.
British intelligence confirmed that the Arab nationalist movement was the breakthrough the government was looking for. Britain and its French ally sent officers to probe. The Arab leaders, both French and British, began to seduce various local Arab leaders that if they take our side we will give them their independence, so why don't they leave the Ottomans? And, as a result, many people were tempted if they did. They thought they could actually gain independence. Why not side with the Europeans against the Ottomans? The idea was to tempt the Arabs into rebellion against their Ottoman overlords and create a distraction that would bind the Central Powers in the Middle East.
Ironically, the impetus for such deviation had come not from London but from the Arab world in the hijaz in Western Arabia. Sheriff Hussein, its ruler, was determined to expand his political and geographical domain and believed he could do so with the help of the British, a In turn the British were impressed by the credentials of Sheriff Hussein's family as custodians of the holy places of Islam. They call themselves Hashimites. They call the family Hashimites because that is the family or tribe of the Prophet Muhammad. They were the Bani Hashim. Hashim's sons then he was Sharif Hussein was the leader of the Hashimites, he was responsible for Mecca and Medina and, although he had worked with the Ottomans before the first world war, once the first world war broke out, he saw that This was their chance, an opportunity also for the British who saw support for Sheriff Hussein. as a way to threaten the sultan's control over the caliphate, the political leadership of the Islamic world, the British, because they were fighting the Ottomans and the Ottomans claimed to be the true representative of Islam, they wanted a counterforce and the counterforce was represented by Sharif Hussein. being a descendant of the Prophet, but Sharif Hussein spoke of liberating Arab lands and building a new national state, he wanted to be king of the Arabs, not simply of the Arabs, and in July 1915 Sheriff Hussein smuggled a message to the British High Commissioner in Cairo, says Henry McMah.
Offering to raise a substantial Arab force against the Ottomans in exchange for British support for Arab independence, in subsequent secret correspondence between the two men Sheriff Hussein was given to understand that he could count on British support to achieve some of his ambitions in case of an Ottoman defeat this letter of October 26, 1915 outlined the main points of the agreement the document itself is absolutely riven by ambiguity there is no doubt about it the question is whether Hussein recognizes that my sense of Hussein is that he does recognizes in other words that he is not blindfolded because he is perfectly aware that if he wants to create a modern Arab Empire he will need a certain logistical economic development and that can only come from the outside world taking to the letter the guarantees of support from Great Britain.
Britain to Hussein. With his sons Fisel and Abdullah amassing a considerable force, the new army was commanded by the young and charismatic Fisel who had captured the imagination of the Arab masses in the quest for Arab independence; However, even as Husin and Fisel mobilized their troops, the British were preparing to short them in London in the spring of 1916. Britain was negotiating with France over the future shape of the Middle East behind closed doors. A Mark Sykes of the British Foreign Office had been meeting his French counterpart, Francois George Pico. Britain knew it was vital. Offering the French a share in the spoils of the Ottoman Empire should they win the war, the British side was aware that they had made such enormous sacrifices that one could not simply ignore French ambitions and the French were determined to have their piece.


of the Levant spilled onto a map of the Levant syes and Pico personally drew in the areas they wish to see under their control their secret agreement amounted to the virtual division of the Middle East into area A for the French and area B for the British, the Imperialists intended to exercise power indirectly, they would appoint advisors and take charge of finances in their respective spheres of influence.
Then there was the blue colored area that was to be controlled directly by France, this included what was then known as greater Assyria. where the French traditionally had commercial and religious interests, as for the pink area known as Iraq with its strategic ports, railways and oil, this area would be under British rule, the yellow area represented Palestine and was conceived as a zone international, except Hyer, where What the British wanted was Iraq's oil and they concentrated on conquering Iraq and moving away from Iraq towards the Mediterranean so they could transport this oil, so they reached the Palestinian coast and took most of Iraq.
The Sy P agreement was a rather embarrassing document. and I wouldn't try to defend it, but it was written by people whoThey operated under the old type of balance of considerations in an imperial mood, unaware of these secret dealings behind their backs. Hussein and Fisel proclaimed Independence and in June 1916 attacked the Turkish troops, the Arab revolt against the Ottomans had begun, the Turkish garrison in Mecca was soon overrun and the seaport of Jida was taken in 1917. Hussein's forces and Fil had advanced north and confronted the Ottoman Turks along the Hejaz Railway, the British. saw the Arab Revolt as part of his strategy to create a military distraction against the Central Powers in a pinsa movement.
Britain had launched a campaign from the southwest to secure control of the Sez Canal and the Levant and from the southeast was fighting to secure Iraq's oil wells, all to attack the Central Powers at their weakest point, the Empire. Ottoman Arabs joined their fortunes with the British, they considered themselves fighting with the allies, but at the same time they did not merge with the British army, which continued to act as an independent army called the Northern Army while the Arab army advanced north. . The British General Aleni had crossed the Sez Canal and in the spring of 1917 his forces had reached the border of Palestine, the war in Europe, however, was still not going well for Britain, the attempt to break through the German lines in the Som had produced little territorial gain and the cost in lives was colossal, in London there had been a change of leadership.
The new Prime Minister, Lord George, felt that the Allied war effort needed a new boost, although until now the United States had been neutral in the war. Lloyd George was convinced that it could be changed. He believed there was a powerful group that could influence the American government. Lloyd George believed that the American decision whether to join or not to critically defend public opinion and Jewish support could tip the balance in one direction or another. You must remember that the British Foreign Office greatly overestimates the political power of international Jewry, particularly the wealthy Jewish financial and business elites, the extraordinary thing about this situation is that here we have particularly the British viewing the Jewish world as an entity monolithic collective and in that sense they begin to consider the role of the Jews in the war as something that could be important and from the point of view of the allies something else quite remarkable this monolithic collective entity is pro-German many Jews at the levels Superiors of German society had close connections with the Kaiser's foreign ministry a new Jewish nationalist movement Zionism had also been able to establish its headquarters in Berlin.
Zionism had originated in the 1880s, after Theodore Herzel published a book in which he defended the virtues of a Jewish state. This caused a sensation among Jewish intellectuals in Germany, Austria and Russia, who shared Herzl's indignation at the escalation of the anti-Israel struggle. -Jewish feelings at the end of the 19th century there was an increase in anti-Semitism throughout Europe, in Austria, in Germany, in France, but especially in Eastern Europe, in Poland and in Russia, and the program against the Jews in Russia gave rise to the establishment of the Jewish religion. Lovers of Zion societies in several Russian cities who began to promote, finance and sponsor settler immigration to Palestine, Herzel concluded that the Jews were not safe anywhere in Europe and that the only solution was for the Jews had a state of their own over which they could exercise sovereignty and where they would not be a minority, what had also given Zionism its appeal was the way it fit with historical Jewish aspirations spread throughout the world since the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. in the XIX century.
In the first century AD, many Jews had entertained the idea of ​​someday returning to what their scriptures had told them was the promised land. In fact, there had already been a small community of indigenous Jews in Palestine, but even as some European Jews established settlements in the late 19th century. century the entire Jewish community in 1914 constituted barely 8% of the population the Zionist leader in Britain Heim Vitman had been pressuring the government for guarantees that, in the event of an Ottoman defeat, it would support Jewish immigration to Palestine in the early 1917 Lord George's view of Jews as globally influential convinced him that Zionism was another nationalist movement that should be incorporated into the Allied cause in March.
Mark Sykes began negotiations with Vitman. There's an idea that people like Mark Sykes actually, ultimately, Jews look at each other. others and look out for their own interests and if that interest, as vit man tells them, is what we really want is Palestine, they are prepared to believe it, they are prepared to accept it while the negotiations with vitman continued during the following months during the war deteriorated rapidly for the Allies, the German U-boat campaign was seriously weakening the British merchant fleet, and although the United States had entered the war on the Allied side, President Woodro Wilson was still unwilling to supply significant numbers of troops.
Britain's last attempt to keep up The pressure on the Western Front soon bogged down in the muddy trenches of the Passion, as thousands of young lives were wasted in another fruitless campaign. Morale among soldiers plummeted, but the most serious threat to the Allied War Machine came from the East. Russia was on the horizon. on the verge of collapse after massive defeats at the hands of the Germans, the war-weary country was disintegrating with food shortages, strikes and demonstrations when the Tsar was deposed in a revolution, Britain and France became very alarmed, the point is that once Russia and their war effort begins essentially the Germans have won World War I unless they bring in the Americans there is no way the British and French alone are going to defeat Germany in October the British government received an intelligence report suggesting that Jews were a major influence in the leadership of the Bolshevik party the new revolutionary movement emerging as the dominant force in Russia L George feared that these communists would pull Russia out of the war with the Americans still refusing to Committing sufficient forces, he knew it was time to act, he instructed his Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balour, to commit to capturing the hearts and minds of the Jewish people.
Her Majesty's Government welcomes the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people and will do everything possible to facilitate the achievement of this objective. The Balour Declaration was issued on November 2, 1917, just as British forces occupied Palestine. I would argue that Statement B should be understood not as an idealistic gesture, but within the framework of British imperial policy and Lloyd George. He was the main instigator of that declaration because he believed it would serve Britain's interests, but it was also the first time that a major European power had given official backing to the Zionist goal of making Palestine a Jewish homeland, but Sheriff Hussein had understood that Palestine had been promised as part of his deal for Arab independence, anticipating Arab outrage at the prospect of a Jewish homeland in a majority Arab province.
The Balur Declaration had also declared that nothing will be done that may prejudice the civil and religious rights of non-existent peoples. Jewish communities in Palestine, the Declaration nevertheless seemed to indicate British support for Jewish immigration; there were only 80,000 of some 700,000 people in Palestine who were Jews; the indigenous inhabitants of Palestine were considered non-Jewish inhabitants and that Palestine was being identified even at that stage as a Jewish land and everyone else had no definite identification, they were simply not Jews, Declaration B was what a declaration says, not It was a treaty, it was not a signed agreement, it was a declaration in support of the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, in fact the only treaty Britain had signed regarding Palestine was with the French the secret agreement Sykes Peak on November 7, a few days after the Balour Declaration.
The Bolsheviks took power in Russia. George hoped this would have the desired effect of appeasing the Jews in the Communist leadership. What do they supposedly want so much as Jews in Palestine? Now the whole argument is totally illogical. It's a pointless argument because these particular people. If one were to think about people like Trosky, Zenov or Yaff, some of the key Jewish leaders in the Russian Revolution, the November Revolution, these people, of course, are internationalists, there were between 15 and 20 Jews at the highest levels of the Party Bolic, most of them. they were anti-Zionists and after coming to power, um, shortly after coming to power, they issued a statement to say that Zionism is a capitalist ploy, a capitalist idea, the wildly inaccurate intelligence report that Lord George based his strategy on was to have important implications.
For Britain, in a matter of weeks, Russia's new leaders did exactly the opposite of what he expected: not only did they exit the war, they opened the archives of Zaris's Foreign Office and published The Secret Treaties, the same treaties which Britain had designed with its allies to sign. the Ottoman Empire and which Russia had been aware of, that of course is a huge shame for the Western Allies because the Allies have been making all kinds of deals behind the scenes where they have carved up large sections of the world among themselves. Meanwhile, openly preach that they are waging war in defense of democracy and, of course, also tell, among others, to the Arabs that they are supporters of the self-determination of the peoples of the Ottoman Empire, the publication of secret treaties by of the Bolsheviks certainly created enormous suspicion. in the Arab world and this meant that Sharif Hussein and the others said: wait a minute, what is happening?
Why don't you give us independence and secondly, why are you dividing us into Zone A and the Zone B and at that point, of course? The Arabs realized that not only had they achieved their own particular interests with the British, for example in the ports of Palestine or Iraq, but they had also promised other things to the French air. Arab confusion and suspicion. General Aleny entered Jerusalem on foot along with Sykes. Pico and several other notable allies, his British forces had captured the holy city in December 1917. However, the leaders of the Arab revolt were nowhere to be found for fear that Hussein and Fisel might become discouraged.
The British government sent them a message reiterating that the British are committed to Arab independence, the Arab race will have full opportunity to once again form a nation in the world. This can only be achieved if the Arabs themselves unite and Britain and her allies will pursue a policy with this ultimate unity in mind. Hsein remained loyal. to the Allied cause he was still willing to take Britain's word on Arab independence, although he spoke of settling scores after the war from Alam's point of view, he continued to depend on Arab support in the war against the Ottomans, but now that Jerusalem had been occupied by the British. one party took the initiative in April 1918.
Haim Vitman and the international Zionist commission traveled to Palestine to lay the foundations for a Hebrew University. Their hope was that it would become the intellectual center of Zionism. However, Vman's visit caused widespread alarm and outrage among the Arab population. and when he and the chief rabbi of Jerusalem met with General Aleny, it seemed that Britain was preparing to honor the Bal for the declaration. Six months later, Alam's forces entered Damascus with the northern army of his ally Fil, having pushed the Ottoman troops north through Palestine into Syria. The Arab revolt contributed to the Allied victory, firstly it protected the British flank in Palestine, secondly it kept a number of Turkish and German troops preoccupied and thirdly, the British could never have legitimized what they were doing unless that they had the blessing of A particular Arab force on October 3, the people of Damascus flocked to the Phil Victory Parade.
If he wanted to take power, he knew that it was of great importance to make his presence felt and be seen by the Arab people as their liberator later. However, on the day Fisel met with General Aleny at the Victoria Hotel in Damascus, Alab warned him that his rule in Syria would be limited. At that time, the British knew that they were going to hand over Syria to the French, so they didn't reallyThey could accept Fel as a legitimate ruler. The only thing they could do was pay him his salary and the expenses of his army and his administration.
Undeterred by Alen's warnings, Fisel assumed the title of governor of Damascus with the support of his father, Sheriff Hussein, and set out to create power. basis for their goal of an independent Arab State on October 31 the Ottomans were finally defeated and at 11:00 a.m. on November 11, 1918 the guns fell silent in Europe as the war with the Central Powers came to an end and peace La Versailles conference began in January 1919. Representatives of the notorious defeated allies, such as French Prime Minister Clo and American President Woodro Wilson, met to decide what should be done with the former territories of the defeated empires, now in liberal use of the promises of The British government had to be given priority.
In fact, they made promises to the Arabs, but also to the Jews and also to the French, to the Russians and to everyone else, and these people saw the world as an imperial world, not only did they want to divide the Middle East, they wanted to divide Russia, they thought. that this was the last great moment when the imperial powers could sit back and take what was happening, particularly as there was no one to stop them except Britain and its former ally, France, was facing the vision of American President Woodro Wilson , of a new world order that promoted national self-determination.
Once independence occurred, it seemed possible that this principle of self-determination, supported by the Americans, would be offered to all those who were to be liberated from former empires such as the Habsburgs and the Ottomans; what the Palestinians wanted was an independent state. In fact, Fisel had come from Damascus to defend the Arab cause, but the future of his friends in the Middle East was part of Britain's commitment. to France at Sykes Pico would be distributed in the event that Woodro Wilson's principles of self-determination with regard to the peoples of the Middle East were forgotten. Britain and France were


to press ahead with their agreement, but what about the promises Britain had made to the Jews regarding Palestine, Foreign Secretary Arthur Baler said in a confidential memo during the talks Versa peace with the United States, France and Italy wrote that the four great powers are committed to Zionism and Zionism, whether right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in current traditions in current needs. future hopes of much deeper importance than the desires and prejudices of the 700,000 Arabs who now inhabit that area. ancient land that might sound like a warm endorsement of Zionism even more so in the postwar Balur memorandum hints at a much more cynical agenda in what With regard to Palestine, the powers have not made any policy declarations that, at least in letter, have not always been intended to violate the Versa peace conference concluded on June 28, 19919 with the creation of the League of Nations, the first Global Institution. for peace and security, their Pact provided that the Arab territories and other territories laid by the defeated Ottoman Empire should be administered by mandates which meant in effect that Britain and France were given the authority to impose their rule over the Arab territories on the 21st After the imposition of the French mandate for Syria and Lebanon, the British forces that had occupied the region since who defeated the Ottoman Turks during the last months of the war were handing power to the French, thus fulfilling their wartime promise.
Fisel, who had now been governor of Damascus for 16 months, had been consolidating his position when he was proclaimed king by the Syrian National Congress. The French were outraged and General Guro sent his troops on August 7, 1920. Fisel had been deposed and had to fleeing to Palestine the promises to Sharif Hussein and The construction of a single independent state was now a distant memory for Europeans, the whole question of spheres of influence meant that what at first appeared to be a willingness to accept a single Arab state became seriously diluted and, furthermore, Of course, the very fact that there was a French area and a British area meant that, in effect, this was the seed of partition, so the independence of both was denied, but it was also denied the unity of this area, the borders and governments of the Middle Eastern states. that emerged bore the unmistakable imprint of the Sykes agreement Peak the French half of the formerly Ottoman province of greater Assyria became the Mandate for Lebanon and Syria the other half became the British mandate for TransJordan and Palestine in the East the Ottoman area of ​​Mesopotamia which Include the Mul oil fields was given to Britain as a Mandate for Iraq, so this was basically the importance of the sypo agreement to divide what is called the Fertile Crescent between Iraq and Syria and allow Great Britain had access to the area's oil and could not exploit it in the future, but the British government was initially rejected by the Iraqi people until Fisel was installed as king in July 1921.
Britain hoped that the Limited Pate it had been given granted would serve to appease frustrated Arab demands for independence, but Sheriff Hussein expected more. of the British he never gave up the idea that the British had promised him independence not only in Arabia but also in Syria and Iraq and he wanted the British to fulfill his promises. Sheriff Hussein's dream of an Arab kingdom ruled by Hashemites had only partially been fulfilled. Although his other son, Abdullah, became king of Trans-Jordan, his former rival, Ibin Saud, wiped out the Hashemites of the Hejaz when he conquered the entire Arabian peninsula at Jerusalem.
The British established an administration in the spring of 1920. There were no plans to transfer power in Palestine. Palestine was a sacred land for three religions. The Jews were a small minority that had lived in harmony with the Christians and the much larger community of Muslims for hundreds of years, but the Bal had been incorporated for the declaration that promised the Jews a homeland in Palestine. In the British mandate at Versailles, Palestine was to be opened to new European Jewish immigration with celebrations and parades in support of Zionist activities. It seemed as if the British were going to honor their promises to the Jews and ignore the Arabs' Palestinian hopes for independence. a solid case but very poor defenders.
The Zionists had a case, it was not as strong as that of the local Arabs but they had brilliant defenders. Zionism is one of the greatest public relations success stories of the 20th century and K. Vitman exemplified these traditional ones. Jewish skills of advocacy and persuasion: Some of these skills were clearly in evidence when the Vitmen and various Zionist groups helped finance the purchase of land and the construction of settlements for Jewish immigrants, while at the same time creating political and security organizations for support the emerging Jewish homeland. The Arab community in Palestine was outraged because the Palestinians could not conceive of their country being divided or handed over to another community that had nothing to do with the Middle East in the first place and was almost holy European at the time, so it seemed to them.
It is absurd that between 600 and 700,000 people give up their lands, their homes, their villages, their cities and hand them over to a minority that was scattered throughout Palestine and, after all, Palestine is named after its people, who were the Palestinians in 1925, Arthur Balur Tor, the new Jew. settlements in Palestine, although he was destined to be a hero of the Zionist cause, the immigration of European Jews was to have unforeseen consequences for British rule in Palestine. I believe that the Balo Declaration was one of the gravest mistakes Britain made in British imperial


. to support for Jewish nationalism in Palestine after the war and produced no immediate benefit for Britain, without the Border Declaration there could have been no genuine development of a Jewish national home and its follow-up in 1948, where the creation was obtained .
The creation of a State of Israel simply would not have happened. The umbrella of the British is required to be there to militarily support the emerging Jewish national home. The very fact that there are British troops and British police there to protect the Jewish communities. Ultimately, it is fundamental to the situation: it could not have been done any other way during the 1930s and 1940s, the years of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust. Jewish immigration to Palestine increased rapidly, but what the Arabs saw as an alien incursion and the Jews as the fulfillment of historical rights led to polarization and violence in response to terrorist acts by the Arabs.
Britain restricted immigration, but the policy only encouraged Jewish terrorism. In this context, Great Britain renounced its mandate and the State of Israel was born in 1948, when the first of several wars began. between the new state and its Arab neighbors thousands of Palestinian Arabs fled their homeland, so the strategies used by Great Britain to win the First World War inadvertently left a deep division between Arabs and Jews. The most serious consequences of British policy during the war were the stimulus. of Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism and after the First World War, Britain was left with this legacy of double dealing and betrayal that would haunt it for a long time, it clearly played a role in the division of the Arab world into different United States by allowing the establishment of the State of Israel and thwarting Arab desires, but if what happened at Syes Pico and everything else that happened in the First World War is now used as an excuse for the problems of the Middle East, I think that would be a mistake, but yes, the roots of what we see today certainly arose from the double dealing of the first world war and the frustrated expectations of that time.

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