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Podcast #48 - What We Hate About Our Dogs

May 23, 2024
I know, and uh, so he runs up the stairs, he basically likes jumping and he tries to shoulder charge open the door because he knows I'm there. like behind him and he's like Bam Bam, the door won't open, so I don't even go upstairs, I just let him do his weird little nervous stick thing and he starts scratching at the door, you know, and then he stops and then I say okay,


ever it is, he'll figure it out, you know he'll deal with the situation however he needs to, so I lay on the couch, I'm with Peach doing a couple things on my phone and 10 or 15 minutes go by and I'm like where is Kermit like he's not in the bedroom the door is closed where did he go and I'm like Kermit and I look up like the mezzanine like the little balcony in our living room and uh he just walks up and he just likes me look he just looks at me like i took it in a snapshot because he just looks at me and it's like i'm like kmit did you just wait up there are you waiting?
podcast 48   what we hate about our dogs
Sorry, I'm rambling, but um, yeah, he's incredibly. nervous and it gets him and everyone involved in situations where it's like why are we dealing with these very nervous nerves? Why can't we just say that everything is going to be okay? everything always doesn't know how we also always talk about the fact that Kermit doesn't even like me, he just needs me because Kermit, for those of you who have seen it, you know my Vlogs or videos where we are. I'm interacting with Kermit regularly since I've had him since day one. like he needs me to hold him and feed him and pay attention to him, but then he's a very rude dog, like he'll bite me when he's had enough with me, he's a rude dog we talked about last night, that's the best way about him, he walks all over me and I know it, which you know, go ahead and let all your comments about raising bad


out in the comments, let them out and you can ask me if I care because no, he's my dog. um, but I like to take care of him, I choose to take care of him and when we leave the house, Kermit is the best behaved dog, he listens to me, he's the only dog ​​that I can fully trust Kermit to always do. listen to me and understand


the commands are to save lives when he needs to pay attention AB.
podcast 48   what we hate about our dogs

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podcast 48 what we hate about our dogs...

I have seen it in person. He is a wonderful dog when we are not in the house. When we are at home, he is the one. The worst dog in the house, he just doesn't care about you or what you want, he only wants what Kerit wants. He is aath, he is very rude, yes he is a breath and also he is very dramatic so it is like when he is not there. like bad, bullying Jenna, it's like he's stressing everyone out by being so stressed for no reason, but I mean, most of the time he just sits around and does Kermit stuff, he's very relaxed, you know what the most of the time. because we do it on Vlog and we talk about it all the time, but you can't, yeah, you can't say, hey, I'm going to pick up Kermit, now he'll run away from you like it's so embarrassing when people come and Look, Kermit and I go and pick him up and he walks away from you as if he doesn't want to be touched, if I hug him, he will bite me, he will wait until I put him down, as if there isn't much to punish. he can do to Kermit because he will stop after a while, but that will never stop him from wanting to do it like he is a rude dog in the house, yes, but outside the house he is wonderful and sweet and chill.
podcast 48   what we hate about our dogs
Like he's a really good guy when we're not in his domain, yeah, you know what I mean? Mhm, but I mean, yeah, he's a weird guy, he's a very needy guy and he's a weird dog, but he follows me everywhere, everywhere. You can't make any moves without him trying to follow you. I know I'll go to the bathroom. He comes with me to the bathroom every time and Julian always makes fun of me for it, but if he tries, I pet him. as long as we are there he will run away from me, he needs you but he doesn't want you, yes he follows me then runs away from me, but when I stay up late, like editing videos, or he will refuse. go to bed with Julian he refuses to go up the stairs he needs to sit with me he needs to sit on my shirt yes, but since I don't even think he wants to be close to me he just needs to be comforted he's very interesting boy, I'll say something I don't like by Peach.
podcast 48   what we hate about our dogs
I think Peach has destroyed more belongings than my two


combined in her entire life. Do you know if. Peach is a uh, her. I think he has more energy than both of us. If she had been very destructive with her energy, although for a while she is starting to tone it down, but for a while it was like anything she could physically carry with her mouth was torn apart, like things you didn't think dogs could pick up. would be ruined, I think the worst thing was that every time we left the house or she still does it, she chewed the pillows on the couch, it's getting better, although yes, it is, but I told you my trick of how I leave those Square Brown type pillows with They open up so they can rip out the stuffing, which was how my dog ​​trick kit did it because they could rip out the stuffing and then when you get home you put it back in there, it's a never-ending toy so it's a endless toy It satisfies her need to chew pillows, but they don't destroy any of your new pillows.
Well, Peach didn't have any of that, she did it a little bit and then moved on to the pillows on the couch, so those are the ones that you kind of sit with your back against the big thing, so little by little they have been filling each time less like I feel so bad like she really likes taking a girl, she's a spoiled girl, um, she's over a year old now, so I hope she stops. chewing but she loves the job no, I'm not going to say that was the worst, it's the second worst underwear, it's the worst, she destroys my underwear, which is really frustrating, but because she for a while we were trying to figure out how he was. taking my underwear and then shenana caught it opening me from the fully closed position, she was opening it little jul it was like well she stop leaving your clothes in places.
I'm like Julian, I'm telling you, I'm not leaving her anywhere. I don't know how she's getting them, I know I didn't believe you and then I saw it. Houdini needs to open my drawer, but now we have to dress her in your closet, so that problem is solved, um no, but the other one is worse. It was that she had left a box of tampons somewhere where she could jump up and grab them because we remembered we caught her doing that to my vest in the hallway. I have this furry vest and it's hanging high up and I thought there was fur on the floor where does this come from she we caught her she was jumping as high as she could grabbing a little bit each time and Peach can jump into our arms like onto our chest she she has jumps she was jumping up there and that's how she ate corn, my llama from Australia, yes, alpaca, alpaca, my stuffed alpaca from Australia, but um, I had left a box of tampons somewhere where she could jump up and get it thinking which was out of reach and uh, we went up to the bedroom and there's like so many tampons in different states, open and unopened, and the plastic applicators and tampons like completely smashed everywhere and it was the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. life, yeah, like she really, really, just wanted those, well, she is too. one of the similar things about her is that she can't help it, no, so she used tampons, by the way, it's new, um, she knows that most of the time what she does is really very naughty like it's her .
She knows that she will actively do something, while I know for a fact that she knows that she shouldn't do it, whether it's eating after eating or chewing on a pillow, w


ver it is. She knows 100% that it's bad, but she can't. resist like I knew a moment ago, although in Peach's defense this hasn't happened since she was a baby. She was upstairs, she was trying to turn on the lights and there's a puddle of urine at the end of the bed, like she just did it inside. 30 seconds where I turn my back on her, that's not normal, but she, I don't know, she's very, very weird, yeah, and our dogs don't pee on our bed, so don't think they just pee everywhere, no.
We are animals, but um. she likes you know I'll catch her chewing on like some headphones or some wires or something she knows or taking food like I've vlogged her several times taking food because I set up the camera because I know if the food is there and we're not, she can't resist like Kermit will resist, the marble will resist because they know that at some point they will get it, um, but Peachy can't and it's like no, the funniest thing about Peach and knowing what she can and can't have is that When she has something she is playing with something she can't have, she brings it to you and plays with it like the day she had my caterpillars and when they were still babies like I had them that day they were on the kitchen table, she left them there up, he caught the caterpillars.
I was sitting outside in the lawn chair. She came out and dropped them on me while she played with them. I'm like Peach, those are my caterpillars, are you kidding me? me, but she, that's what she does, she'll try to come play with w


ver she's not supposed to play on top of you, like food is the best thing, but also if you eat something and it's on the table at the table. kitchen or somewhere where she can get up, she will bring you the bag or she will drop it on top of you, like where is she what is her thought process, so what thought process is she, she is a baby, she is naughty, she is naughty , but it's going to be good. although eventually yes, she has to become good, well she's the smartest dog we have and in terms of marbles no, but I mean, it happens little by little, we'll get to Marvel in a second, but like for the first time.
It was the energy that began to decrease, well, first it was urinating. She stopped urinating in the house. You know, that was the first thing she needed to achieve because, for the first few months, she developed this paternal instinct. I felt any movement in the bed and I went out and picked her up and took her outside because she was peeing on the bed while we were sleeping like a puppy does, but first it was the energy and now it's starting to get into the chewing thing. she's starting off slowly but surely, she's getting used to it, like you can't really do that, but that's it, I mean, everything else is totally fine, she's a really good dog, she's a good dog, she's really good , I am very lucky for more.
More than one reason to get Peach, you know she is beautiful and sweet, she has the most energy, but she is also very smart and listens around the house like Kermit, yes, and you know she is improving outside the house too . I have accompanied her and taken her to places where I know that peaches are the perfect mix of Kermit and marbles. Kermit is, you know, she'll never listen to you in the house unless you tell her he wants a gift. He will never come unless you are like we are going to bed or you are doing something and Mar will listen to marble house he will always listen to you in the marble house it is a love in the house he will hug you he will love you you leave the house that mother is a demon girl, yes , you can't control Marvel outside of Kermit is wonderful outside the house and Peach is relatively good around the house.
Peach is good both inside and outside the house, yes, but marbles are not. I can't get him to do it. Listen, no, he is very animalistic outside the house, yes, he is primitive. I hate when people say you can train any dog ​​to do anything. I'm like you haven't met marbles or other equally hot chihuahuas or small dogs. No, him when he goes out. house is literally like he has no family, he doesn't know who Jenna is, he doesn't know anything other than whatever he's obsessed with, like he's fine at dog parks, but if he sees another dog or something, is going through a difficult time. with you remember I had to pick him up on his leash like swing him, that wasn't his fault or your fault pulling pulling pulling pulling him and he doesn't listen to you and there was a dog coming at him, yeah that was It's someone else's fault he left having his husky walk for you, that man, this is one of my pet peeves when he says "don't walk your dog off leash" and people say "oh sure, whatever" but then I'm fine with the people. who have their dogs super well trained and they don't, their dog doesn't even look good, right?
And you probably have some certification that says you can have your dog wherever you want. These people have no respect and then your dogs. They are unleashed their dogs are not their dogs go near your dogs that's not right no, that's not right at all they need to stay with their owners this dog turned a corner on a walk it was a husky no, it wasn't it was like a chow chow, It was kind of crazy, it looked like a huge, bloated wolf, it actually looked like a wolf because we were in the mountains, we were in the mountains and I was like, well, we were about to reach this corner about 25 meters away. and I see this giant dog come around the corner.
I'm like, wait, wait for J, like, what's going on? let's wait and she's like no, it's okay, I'm sure whoever is walking is in control, we keep walking, she stopped looking at us, that's how you know the shit is gonna get real go ahead well we keep walking and then the dog just walks up to us so Kermit and the marble or Kermit and Peach are like freaking out retreating into the woods so I picked them up and the marbles are like freaking out but also go crazy attacked like fighting scared and Jenna because the dog kept walkingtowards the marbles like that Jenna picked up the leash and grabbed Marbles and we thought the lady came and said, oh hey, we eat cool dogs and we thought, what are you doing?
Yes, with all types of Xanax and, first of all, I like it. The dog came around the corner, stopped, and as you know, you understand that he sees red like he sees blood and he wants to get a marble, so he stops dead and suddenly he does that like he's crouching down. like running, walking towards the marbles, stalking aggressively, that's why the marbles got scared, but that woman didn't see anything wrong with her dog being off leash, where he is clearly marked everywhere. Please have her dog on a leash and she also knows that place where we like to hike. and we've seen on multiple occasions snakes everywhere and these people that are on their stupid little high horses oh, he's a good dog, it doesn't really matter, it's not just for your safety, other dogs, your dog's safety, like You the dog could be killed by a snake because you're a piece of yeah, you know what I mean, yeah, like you, oh, and then they're those people that say, yeah, my dog ​​totally ate someone else's dog. person, but it was his dog's fault. for being a little chihuahua like the guy, Mrs.
Julian blinks slowly and hard at this moment God, oh yeah, my dog ​​completely died, he got bitten by a rattlesnake, but like he was a good dog, oh well, You're a great dog owner because that's what happens to good dogs and good dog owners, they die, oh don't say that, I mean tragedies happen, no, but I'm just saying that kind of thing, well, It's something that can be prevented, you know what I mean? It can be prevented when people are just responsible dog owners, but Anyway, we didn't want to go into this rant, yes that's a rant, we were more with our own dogs and not other people's dogs, although there are several off leash dog places we've gone with the dogs and uh. like they're good in Big Bear during the day, you can't do that and they need to be around because of the coyotes and bears, and even though they're good outside, they hear that Marble can't always be trusted, he's that small and cunning.
He'll go wherever he wants and then you won't be able to see him because he's hidden in Tall Grass um but we were in Run Canyon or whatever when my friends were in town remember and we were walking with just Kermit and marbles this was before Peach and Kermit really. I just wanted to walk like in other people's packs. This is very funny. So he would walk like you knew a couple steps in front of us towards whoever was in front of us and he would walk so close between other people's legs that they would turn around.
CU, they could feel Kermit's wet nose on their calves, like he just completely followed people, they just wanted to walk in his way, he's so funny, he's so weird, so wow, he's such a weird dog. . I would say the only thing that really makes the marbles unnecessary is him. aggression in the house and barking not barking but also unnecessary aggression in the house towards people when they come in and towards me in the morning when he forgets who you are tell them what he does in the morning in the morning I will wake up upstairs I tend to wake up before Jenna, whether it's 5 minutes or a couple of hours, anyway every time I wake up I see him take a position on top of her body like he's going to attack it, so he suddenly sees me sometimes.
You'll hug me in the morning and say, Hello, good morning, but other times I wake up, I go to the bathroom, I come back and he's stuck with his butt against Jenna, looking at me like that, he looks at me like I'm okay, buddy, but if he tries to touch me, he will try to kill me but at night he completely messes with me he wants nothing more than to hang out with me at night so he is a little confused but he is very cute and I would just say the barking. and the morning aggression that I could do without, yeah, I mean, he likes to go out and he likes to use his little voice and he and Kermit are little brothers and they love to chase squirrels and bark at birds and they like it, you know.
If kids walk through the neighborhood, they bark, but honestly, I'll put up with that all the time because, in part, for me, especially when I've had them at different times in my life, when you're alone. you are in a house alone like when you are not here like for me it is invaluable to have like other living beings who will always let you know at the slightest noise what is happening means that means I have to put up with years of meaningless barking, yes, but it can be a happy medium, because it's not like they're up at night barking or whatever, they like to bark outside and they bark when people are at the door or when things happen whenever.
Sometimes the marbles are like a loud day, but mostly at night, if you hear them barking, you need to pay attention, you know what I mean, although they don't, um, sorry, I'm trying to form words. good words, um, the first times they felt an earthquake here they didn't even wake up, they didn't feel it the whole time when we lived in the old place, they woke up and started barking, they barked at the earthquake for like 30 seconds, but it was intense, it was like the weak epicenter, um, but they don't really bark like earth earthquakes. I have noticed it because we feel some and they have not seen that one.
I think so. It has to be something significant for them to actually block it. Remember there was one like we were outside and you hear you feel like they give you a big squeeze. You know what I mean? And everyone is like lying on the couch, as they think. that someone had just hit the couch, yes, they get, that makes me nervous. I think I don't know if I can trust your alert system, guys, we can, you'll know the delivery guys are here when you park your car, so, oh. Yes, they are good, they are good, but what else don't you like about them?
I don't know, I think we rant to them enough, honestly, Julian just had it today with Kermit and Peach peeing the bed, really who? Well, Julian has also had it with me sometimes because he really likes taking care of them. Well, I think some of your care with Kermit at least and also with marbles, but you know, in this moment, Kermit is amplified. The problem is that he is very nervous, scared, nervous and weird with me and with anyone except Jenna, in the way that sometimes you pick her, you pick him, she pick him and she says it's okay, he's okay, well, so on Sometimes I act like I'm scared of everything.
At that point I'll call attention and say, well, maybe that won't help, no, I mean, well, let me not even 30 seconds after Peach peed the bed, no, I'm a couple of minutes because you had come down. Kermit, you had closed the door to the upstairs patio and locked Kermit out, why was he wandering around there? I thought he was in the bathroom with you. He is closed off to places a lot or locked in places a lot, oh my God, he is the middle child and he is strange. weird and he crawls around and then he can't see it anyway he's kind of sneaky so you left him out in the yard by accident and you closed the door and I was in the bathroom like brushing my hair and I just listen like it's very patient, sometimes he gets scared once they locked him in the garage and he was like screaming, crying there and when they locked him in your closet and he just had diarrhea everywhere, he was very nervous, but this time when he was in the yard he is very sweet and patient like he was just scratching and then when I let him in he was fine whatever, sometimes he gets scared, sometimes he doesn't, I don't always think so, I think honestly mostly.
Partly, our dogs are great and they're not bad and they're good and they have good energy and they're manageable, but sometimes they're not manageable at all. You know what bothers me with marble sometimes, like every time he. drinks, he needs to vomit a little, he can never drink water without choking, well, it's not vomiting to clarify, he will drink and even if you want to slow it down, you prepare what he needs to go and he likes it. Spit a and IG sometimes forget how to breathe through their mouth so they say random nothing happens they just forgot they can breathe through their nose yeah and also what I know I feel it and they do too when we leave the house .
They try to make it so you can't leave like Kermit grabbed my leg Yeah, like he did the little grab on our legs on my leg oh man, but yeah, I'm glad you got some Yeah, thank you all for letting us vent. about our animals and a little about other people's animals, but mostly ours, ma'am, if you guys have certain things that your dogs do, let us know in the comments please, because I love reading that. that kind of stuff and it also makes me feel telling us about your weird animals, it also makes me feel like a better person for hating Peach sometimes because I know other people feel the same way and anyone who wants to leave a holier place.
What you say about how to treat your dogs like dogs. I mean, you could probably just write it down and then pet mail it to yourself. Hiring pets. I think you know how I feel. I feel like there is a middle ground between treating your dog the way you do. You are supposed to quote, treat your JG and know to love them like they are one of your family members. Also, there's another thing called being really critical, so maybe you would do something different than other people. That doesn't mean you should impart your critic. I know I love people who say, "OMG, your carpet is a mess, like it only takes 5 minutes to vacuum your carpet." I say, yes, but it takes a lot more than 5 minutes to vacuum your entire house every day when you have a puppy that will chew anything and also if we want to keep our car carpet unvacuumed for a couple of days, we will do it, It will be fine and we won't care what you think, mhm, but thank you all.
So much for hanging out with us this week, if you made it to the end, high five because that was a lot of ranting, yeah, so this was a bit of a rany


, we'll be back with another probably less rany


, possibly. with a guest possibly without a guest yeah, next time on Jen Angelan's podcast, make sure you do it if you don't want to sit on YouTube and watch us, we're on Southcloud and iTunes too weird, free, free. I love you guys, give me some FES waffle and a Dr Pepper oh, you had chicken and waffles for the first time, huh, oh, so good, so good, all good.
It's a joke. I'm just Kidd. I'm just kidding. I love you guys. I'll see. You next week, bye, good, bye.

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