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Trading The NEW BALLOON UNICORNS In Adopt Me! Roblox

Jun 29, 2024
This is a unicorn with


s. I'm going to go buy it and trade it in, then I'll make it neon. The


unicorn is a 1000 robu pet. The good news is that I'm giving some away to people who like this. video and comment your Roblox username, so if you want to go and get a balloon unicorn completely free, just enter the giveaway, we will try to exchange a normal version of the balloon unicorn and then create the neon version and exchange. the neon version, the first offer is a monkey that is already grown up and to be honest it is a very good offer, it has a lot of value.
trading the new balloon unicorns in adopt me roblox
I know the value of this pet has dropped a bit recently, but it's still a pretty decent deal. I mean, again, we're talking about a th000 Robux, but to go get one of these monkeys, it's really old, a Mega Neon Sprout Snail that's actually such a random Mega Neon that it came out of an egg from the Innocents, very interesting. to be honest I feel like it's probably worth it in terms of value, it's mega neon, it has transportation and it's a pretty fun pet. Now they are also


a neon mega koala, which is pretty decent and they have added a neon Guardian line, but it seems like the trade is actually like Frozen.
trading the new balloon unicorns in adopt me roblox

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trading the new balloon unicorns in adopt me roblox...

Well, a Guardian line with a neon fly ride and a mega koala, which is actually a pretty interesting offering. I don't know if I have one of those, so let me Google it. yeah, I don't actually have a koala, but the question is do I want a neon mega koala? I mean, getting a neon Guardian line is pretty cool, so I'm going to say cool deal. I'll look at it first, okay? the pet literally just came out. I want to see what other deals we can get for this mascot, so unicorn balloon. Hopefully we can go and get a good pet.
trading the new balloon unicorns in adopt me roblox
This came out literally within seconds of filming this video. I try to get the pets instantly. I can post these videos ASAP so we can go and see what kind of deals we get, which means we could go and get overpaid since the mascot literally just came out seconds ago, a neon fly kangaroo. that's pretty decent, I mean, we're talking about a thousand Robux, but a neon fly rides a kangaroo. Wow, that's like a pretty decent offer, to be honest, they said they're fans, shall we accept this? I mean, that's 1,000 Robux we're getting. neon fly kangaroo is a good deal guys let me know in the comments section if it's worth it, you know what I'm going to do, accept and see if you go and move on.
trading the new balloon unicorns in adopt me roblox
I'm not sure they're really going to accept this, I mean to be honest this is a pretty high level legendary level and yes they did decline. I thought that would probably happen, it's a pretty high level legendary level, but again, we're


a new pet that cost you 1,000 Robux, so that's pretty high too. level a neon mega fish a neon snow owl a garg oh a golden gift what's a golden gift I don't know okay that's definitely interesting uh what's the gift? Actually, I don't know what you can get inside a golden gift. That's a very old Christmas thing.
I don't really know, to be honest, quite an interesting exchange here. I already have a mega neon gargoyle. uh, I have some difference for the gargoyle. I already have it, yes, so I have a neon mega gargoyle. I don't really want to double as pets, I have a mega neon fish, it's interesting also a dotted egg, uh, they said no, okay, I'm just going to hit it, no thanks, I mean, it's probably like a huge W, but they . They're just pets that I already have okay, I don't really want tons of the same thing. I would rather have something I don't have yet.
I feel like that's pretty decent. I mean, it was probably like a. a huge overpayment and realistically I should have accepted that just for the gift. I think it was probably worth it. They are offering me an Australian egg, a Kiton, which although it is a Robux pet, is actually not that valuable. The blue fish. A mushroom front. Something interesting. selection of new legendaries and old pets um but we're hoping for something a little better since this cost you like $10 in Robux to be honest a pretty decent deal but I'm just going to oh and the ninja monkey is okay , term.
I closed the deal with a nice legendary, but I'm still going to say no thanks and uh, H turned down that offer. Honestly, I don't know what good market value I can get for this pet, okay, turtle, uh. a golden macki a gorilla I mean, the title is decent, right, it's probably decent, huh, but guys, I'll be honest with you. I have several Mega neon titles. I don't really want any more titles, that's probably a win. Sorry guys. but I don't need it um, they're going to tell me to offer them um, bro, I don't need tics, uh, hi, I'm a, I'm a concert fan, come on, he's a concert fan, woo, what are they ?
I'm going to offer for my unicorn balloon, let's take a look, uh, you're recording, yeah, what do you have to offer for the new pet that makes the neon balloon deactivate and trade it? So yeah, offer, do you have an offer? Probably not. I don't. I actually don't know they're actually offering this, it's definitely a troll. I'm going to press accept. I don't think they're pushing to accept this. Yeah, there's no way this person is giving me a neon flyo actic BR. I'm going to go to the movies any minute, but just out of curiosity I'm going to press OK and, uh, we'll see this exchange go and get the client in probably a minute.
This person will simply wait for the exchange part to finish. to look at things, so yes, a ride with a neon fly on an arctic reindeer has a lot of value. Realistically, they would pay a lot if they went and took this trade, but I just don't think they're going to do it and yeah. unfortunately they came to decline they have a mega fly ride Phoenix obviously this is a troll um do you have an offer? offer me I want I want you to offer for my pet um because we're trying to exchange the unicorn balloons guys, but that's a Mega cool to be honest.
Well, we just got an offer for a neon jousting horse. What did they say? Can I give you a free item? I will accept this. A neon jousting horse. I think it's pretty decent. In terms of value, especially for a balloon unicorn, they might be a bit above, honestly we don't really know the value of this pet yet, let's see if they'll go and press accept on a neon jousting horse. This is an old legend that came to light in a Halloween Update and it was quite difficult to go and get it, not many people actually went and bought this and it seems to have a pretty high value now.
I'm not sure if this person is really going to follow through with this exchange. It always happens that someone accepts on the first part and then changes their mind and decides not to go and change it, but let's figure it out, there you have it and you accept the offer. It's taking them a long time. They are definitely considering it. are taking so long to hit, accept that they will most likely just go and hit the Kleine. I can honestly guarantee that this person will hit the Kleine in probably 20 seconds. I guess we'll wait patiently to see.
If they do something and hit Clin honestly I thought that was the most likely trade to be honest this person is offering me a ton of tukens. I don't know why they have so many tukens, but they do and uh, I. To be honest, I'm not really looking for tukens and that's definitely not worth a thousand Robux. I kind of regret not taking those trades sooner, to be honest, uh, glacia kitun, I mean, it cost Robux and came out recently, but it's not like that. It really is a pet that I am looking for. I can definitely see the value of the balloon unicorn going up a lot since it's a unicorn and it's a style themed mascot and there we go, we have a troll, a bunch of neon queen bees, which is very strange.
Be honest, are they going to press accept on this? I don't know, they actually pressed accept. I mean, there are two of them, so I'm going to press accept to see if they follow through on this deal. Pretty decent pets to fetch. I'm going to press confirm. I think this might be a troll. If I wait and then press confirm, they may press accept to find out if this person is going to move forward with this exchange. I mean, there are no values. of this pet still on any website, so people are probably trying to google what the pet is worth and they just can't find anything because it doesn't exist yet, although it would be a pretty decent deal, to be fair, to buy a neon fly.
Riding Queen B is quite difficult and of course we were turned away. Amazing, okay, this is an interesting offer. They are offering me a turtle and a neon fly. Riding a golden unicorn in terms of value. Actually, I don't know if I'm going to do it. Google search for a trading value website, apparently this is a win, honestly I don't know, they might not accept this trade because it's a turtle, everyone loves turtles and they are very valuable, so go and trade a title It's definitely a difficult trade-off. like a really preppy pet and people always love it and there we go, we finally got a successful trade, we got a golden unicorn with neon fly ride and a turtle ride that was after the team, which is actually pretty decent, now We're going to make a neon balloon unicorn and hopefully go and get some pretty decent deals.
I'm definitely excited to find out what this will look like as a neon, so we head into the neon cave and find out what this PIR looks like, just look at this animation, it kind of follows you around in a really satisfying way, which is cool, it's like floating, which is really fun, it looks like this little floating animation that I can't recreate because I'm not a balloon, so balloon unicorn number two. I wonder if there is. There will be more balloon mascots, maybe a number three balloon dragon and are you ready for number four? Guys, unicorn with balloons number four, a unicorn with neon balloons inside Adopt Me, what color will it be?
I don't know, I predict it will be blue and it looks, oh. okay yeah that makes sense it makes sense he glows pink he's a cute neon pet to be honest this is really fun so his tail starts glowing his unicorn horn his ears and his small helmet, before it was blue and now. He glows pink, which literally makes the most logical sense possible because he's a unicorn. Personally, I really really like the choice of neon. It's so cool that I wonder what we can change for this now. It will definitely be worth it. It is very valuable to know what deals we will get for a neon balloon unicorn, starting with a mega Neon Dragon.
This is pretty decent, but I have like 10 of them so it's not that bad. I mean, it's basically trading one for a Neon Dragon, which Honestly, that's not the best thing I'm going to write, they said I can add it, so let's see what announcements we'll get. This is literally 4000 Robux and I wouldn't trade like 1000 Robux for a Neon Dragon because that's basically what we're paying for and then we get a ninja monkey which is a neon fly ride very good good selection of pets um I'm going to say no thanks, but cool, I mean they're definitely some nice pets, but I already have three Mega Neons.
Red dragons aren't really a pet I'm looking for, we're definitely looking for some kind of old legendary, some kind of slightly overpaying trade that we can go and get. Someone has already offered me, like Mega Neon legendaries that are out of the game. Majestic Pony. I didn't realize these pets were rare. I just gave one away the other day thinking it's easy to become legendary. I didn't realize how rare this pet was, so I gave it away, so I wait. the new owner will be happy. I guess I'll just say no, thanks. This is a group of legendaries, not really the ones I'm looking for, so I'm wondering what the best deal we can get is.
This will be the balloon unicorn that is reborn. They are offering me a delauris um and some hamsters. I'm going to reject that one. Say no, thank you. It's always polite to click the no thanks button because you never know that this person has Unicorn Queen Pink in their username, which could be perfect. this is a unicorn, it glows pink when it's neon and, um, yeah, this wouldn't be worth it as a normal one let alone a neon, so I'm going to hit decline and see what other offers we can get. I think he is someone who does. adult me ​​build uh yeah this is the adult me ​​pro builder so that's cool uh neon Flo to ice I'm going to say this cost me 4K Robux um please add please add yes uh would this be a good deal?
No, the ne floa ice is an event pet that you can pick up for free, we're talking about 4,000 Roo here, this is worth $40 on a pet, that's why this is an expense guys, so it's not the cheapest pet , they're offering a box of hermit crab a couple boxes um I'm going to turn this down and uh actually I'm going to go and turn it on let me find it oh you sent me a trade I'll turn it on in a minute balloon unicorn come on. Someone has to offer me something really cool, something exotic, somethingMega neon which I don't have yet, ideally what we are looking for here, they offer us a cow, which is nice, a mini ghost pig and a bunch of random things.
I know the cow is valuable, but we're definitely still way ahead in terms of value, so I'm going to say no thanks. I know the cow is rare but this is a really cool pet we are trying to trade we traded 4,000 Roo hopefully we go and get something similar in value to be honest I just hope someone has something of value okay a ninja monkey with a neon fly ride, a neon king, a golden griffin with a neon fly ride, we will get a nice random. To be honest, there's a selection of neon fly walking legends here, so it's definitely interesting and a corn doggo, okay, so the ninja monkey, oh, they accepted this and the gold, right?
I mean, these are interesting pets, so I'm trading one, so this. It's like 1,000 Robux each, so we're valuing Ninja Monkey at 1,000 Robux, King B at 1,000, Golden Gryphon at 1,000, and Golden R at 1,000 and if we go by those stats, are these pets worth 1,000 Robux? every um they said it's great, although I don't know if you're done yet because it's new. I'm going to say no, thank you. I feel like it's probably a fair trade, but these aren't really the pets I want, so it's pretty decent. I can go and get some good trades, but since this pet just came out, hopefully we're trying to get some pets I don't have.
I definitely have them. Did this person witness the previous exchange? I was like, eh, yeah, I'll do it. offer you some dogs um maybe I should have accepted the previous trade um okay balloon dog uh not a balloon dog everyone was thinking they should make a balloon dog but they made a unicorn maybe in the future they will make a balloon dog just in a normal Ox like Mega Neon we were able to get a turtle for a normal one, so it's not really what we're looking for for a Neon, a Mahi Mahi like a pretty fun mega pet, but it's not really one I'm looking for, so I'm going to say: uh, oops, are you real?
If I am real. I can say no thanks for this and hit the customers. The only real people who have the little gold star. Okay, if you don't see the star, then you know what it is. fake you will know it's fake so that's the only way if someone else doesn't have a star when you trade them it's a scam and run immediately avoid it at all costs ok add more let's see what we get and they wanted it for free. oh to get it for free you have to enter my giveaway by liking this video, subscribing and commenting on your username and you will have a chance to go and get it.
This is a pretty interesting deal, but in terms of value, it's really not worth it. It's definitely nice huh but I probably wouldn't change it for a normal one let alone a neon one, maybe I need to go and change servers since I feel like I've changed most of the people on the server. I think we have to go. and join as a rich server at this point to be honest, a mega flying dragon and a neon flying golden griffin, a neon flying golden rat, definitely some interesting offers, but as I mentioned before, a mega flying dragon, we already have this , I don't know if it's worth it in terms of value, but I definitely already have a lot of these pets, so I'm going to say no thanks, it's a good deal, cool pets, but to be honest, I don't really want tons of the same pet.
We'll see what other types of offers we can get. This one is interesting. A flamingo. You don't see flamingos. There is often a random selection of pets. I'm going to decline, although I mean, apparently a flamingo has the same value. like the Legendary Pony you get from the pony pass. I just joined a super rich server so I'm really hoping that the server is filled with tons of Mega Neon Shadow Frosts and some crazy stuff that hopefully we can go and get a nice decent deal and change the service is definitely the best way to get a decent deal for what it's worth, so if we can go and join this rich server, hopefully we can get something with a good trade-in. a faithful neon Frost Fury, although it is like 1,000 Robux, is the same equivalent.
I really don't think it is such a valuable pet, the Halloween white ghost dragon. I mean, this is what 8,000 Robux is for 4,000, but these pets just aren't like Honestly, it's valuable, I don't know why there's actually no demand for the white ghost dragon or the frost fury, believe it or not, which It's a shame since they are both roox pets, but they simply won't be worth the value as the same. like the balloon unicorn so I'm just going to say uh no thanks uh good deal though um so yeah let's move on. I could have accepted that it would have been a pretty decent trade in terms of Robux value, but it really isn't.
It's worth it to me, um, a tree type kangaroo. Not only did I take two neon legendaries, um, so I doubt I'm going to take a bunch of random legendaries to be honest, but then like neon legendaries or megas, um, so I hope. that we go and get like a legendary mega neon that I don't have I mean we're talking 4,000 Robux this is literally worth $40 worth of a pet which is kind of crazy this person offered me a monkey I mean I could I swapped it for a regular one earlier, which probably should have been enough, and then a pretty interesting offer of turtle, but we managed to go get it before, so I'm going to say no thanks for this and press decline, they offer me the corn . doggo is obviously a cool neon legendary, but this one costs 4000 Robux.
This is an event pet where you can go and pick up a Mega Meow Mecha for free. If I didn't already have that many of these, I'd accept it, but I have like 1 2 3 4 uh I'm just going to say no thanks. I have tons of these pets. Honestly, I don't know what to do with them. So I'm not going to offer those that don't. I don't know if they have increased in value or not, to be honest, an owl I don't think they are going to accept an owl, let's see if they want an offer for this, I don't think so.
They do to be honest, they are saying a lot of things and everything is labeled. This is an adult owl, albeit with a fly and a travel potion. I'm going to press accept on this. I think he's probably a troll. To be honest, I can't imagine they're going to move forward with this trade. This is an adult fly ride owl. Will they accept? Honestly, I have no idea. This is a really rare P to get your hands on. I'm probably a troll, I'm going to go and press confirm. I can't imagine this person is going to follow through with this exchange so many times he's just a troll who they want to like appear in a YouTube video they go and offer. you say something and then you never press accept like I'm going to sit here waiting for 10 minutes just so they can come and waste my time because they don't know if they're going to press accept or not and of course yeah it was. a hit of rejection accept on a Frost Dragon I mean, I can guarantee you there's no way that, oh God, what did they give me a Frost Dragon, holy cow, what is that real?
I just got a Frost Dragon, what's crazy, that's what's cool, the video is over. It's the best trade I think I could have literally gotten for that sacred cow. Now I have a Frost Dragon. I didn't have one before because I literally gave them away in a giveaway and I didn't have any. Frost dragons, that's crazy, let me know if it was a win or a loss in the comments section, that's definitely a win, but the pet just came out, it's such a crazy trade, these pets definitely have great value , that's crazy, okay? If you want to go watch another adult video of me, then you should go and click here.
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