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This Rude Girl Challenged Me To A Flex Battle In Adopt Me! *SHOCKING*

May 13, 2024
This closer, as you can see, you can barely see me. Kelsey has a neon shadow dragon which is cool and Emily is smiling, oh why is she laughing? What's so funny about


, she waits, why is she like up in the air, is she failing or something? um hello, I don't know, that's a little strange. um, did he just leave or something or did he just teleport somewhere? to her best friend, she doesn't scam her, or at least she wouldn't scam her? right, oh my god, she looks in the chat. ABC is a




and Emily likes Kelsey, what are you doing?
this rude girl challenged me to a flex battle in adopt me shocking
Oh my god, why do I think Kelsey might have scammed her friends? I'm going to teleport to the presents because I don't really know where. They're oh, they're here Kelsey, where's your rich friend that you also wanted to show the shadow dragon? I don't see her anywhere. What are you doing? Yes, what are you doing? Kelsey, a




, how is she going to flex better when she just? she took Emily's best pet, no, I'd say that too, then move on, oh my god, she changed so fast, you're poor, now she definitely ripped the guys off of her.
this rude girl challenged me to a flex battle in adopt me shocking

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this rude girl challenged me to a flex battle in adopt me shocking...

I'm going to put my baby suit back on, I mean the suit I was wearing. before her name is Baby for some reason I don't know why and I'm going to pretend I don't know what's going on Kelsey just scammed her best friend Emily you and you guys know what I do to scammers right yeah random , obviously. and then I give it back to its owners, so I'll scam Kelsey for the neon shadow dragon and then give it back to her best friend Emily LOL, it's you again, yeah, and


time it won't be Flex fighting us.
this rude girl challenged me to a flex battle in adopt me shocking
I'm going to scam you for the new one and Shadow Dragon to give back to your friends Emily just left and she says my best friends scammed me. I told him to come with me so I could show him what other pets I have. It won't be as good as mine, that's okay, just follow me. I guess I'm in the auto shop since it's nice and quiet here but basically the way I'm going to rip her off is that I have this right Tombstone and this is from 2018. so people don't really know what it is look she It's literally like where did you go now?
this rude girl challenged me to a flex battle in adopt me shocking
Keep in mind that most people know what the tombstone is and that's why I thought, oh, should I do this to him or not? She's calling me a hacker now um, but it seems like she definitely doesn't know what the tombstone is, which is good because this also means that she doesn't know what it will look like in the exchange. I told her this is what I used to spy on her, that's not funny, I mean I want to try it please, okay this is good because it means she really wants the tombstone. I'm going to have to make sure that this tombstone is actually very valuable, so I'm going to say oh no.
I'm not treating this because of the way I gave like an evil unicorn for this Tombstone, so it's not that weird, but it's not that weird. I'll give you a Neon Shadow, you mean the new Shadow you scammed your friend with. I'm really done, yes it is, but it's good because our plan is working. I'm going to say, "um, you?" Maybe she thinks this Tombstone is really, really weird and she thinks even a neon shadow dragon is involved. I don't. I don't know, maybe that's why, because I don't think she would do it if it was really over, well guys, obviously I'm not going to add the tombstone because I don't really want to, although I could do that and it would still be a win for me and I definitely would, but I only have one Tombstone and no more on any of my accounts, so I'm just going to put this friend RGB.
I mean, it looks like the tombstone is a copy of a tombstone. I guess I don't know if she questioned, I'll just take it out and say, oh wow, sorry, wrong item and put it on the tombstone, but if she doesn't, I'll leave this here, just do it. that means she didn't recognize that this is in Tombstone hmm no, how about we both accept this exchange and in the last exchange neither of us accept? Okay, I'm just going to say yes, I mean, I don't mind accepting and I'll accept it, but We're not going to tell her that she said she won't accept, so I'm going to accept and she accepted too.
Oh my god it worked and guys look if I scroll down she even she said I won't accept when we accept. it literally backfired on her, she's like hahaha, she actually she thinks she scammed us or something, oh, and now she's teleporting. I just checked that Emily is still in this sad bar, why is she back? What is this? I'm going to make her look stupid and be like hahaha, I can't see where you are and now she's going to think that she's actually invisible. This is just a clip that I sped up while she was playing hide and seek and then I had to guess where she was because she thought she was invisible. but I can literally see it, but anyway the point is that she fell into the trap and she still thinks she's invisible and she's embarrassing herself, you know what I mean?
I don't know because that's what newbies always do and she just leaves, but guys, I'm going to text her friend Emily and ask her where is she, why am I at the presents, okay, let's teleport to the gifts, guys, and let's look at the blue and Shadow we have in our inventory, okay, I found her, let's exchange her and surprise her. I'm sure she's very excited to have gotten the neon shadow dragon back from her. Scammer, why does she call me a scammer? He keeps calling me a scammer and should I use him? scamsby I don't know how she thinks I scammed her, but I had to explain to her that I scammed her friend for her neon shadow dragon.
Oh my goodness, thank you, yes, let's go ahead and accept, thank you, no problem, I just handed over some. good advice and I told her not to be friends with her again otherwise she would get scammed again oh my god she's here she's right in Emily's face and she's calling her a scammer she's trying to find me poor Noob uh oh I'm sorry she's going to like Find out the truth very, very soon, so before she does, let's finish the video and I'll see you in my next video. If you liked her, be sure to like and subscribe and I'll see you in my next video. bye thank you

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